
Philosophical laws (materiological laws) are inherent to the matter (A philosophical manifesto)
The real materialism states that "all scientific laws are inherent to the matter itself".
It is these laws that, for billions of years (at least 13) determine the causal evolution of the atomOs (atomOs of Democritos&alii), and thus determines the causal evolution of photons, so the agglomerated material, so the causal evolution of living matter and therefore the causal evolution of human society.
So we can say that the laws of biology are inherent in the laws of physics. They are only summaries of these basic laws.
As a result, physics and biology have a common body of scientific laws - they are what we will call "philosophical laws."
These laws obviously add to the laws of knowledge (epistemological laws)
So we will call "materiological laws" these laws that will add to the "epistemological laws" to form the set of "philosophical laws."
The first materiological laws - so a law common to physics and biology - is the law of transformation quantity quality  law.-(LTQQ)
It was discovered by Hegel but conceptualized as philosophical materialism law by Friedrich Engels.
The other 2 laws matériological discoveries are the law of the interpenetration of opposites and the law of contradiction in contradiction.

If we call "Humanology" all materialistic laws governing human society, it follows that the Humanology is, too, a set of laws to comply "matériological laws."
If any branch of human sciences claiming to waive the three laws defined by Engels, it shall, in advance, replacing the material oriented law which it claims to derogate another law, but that would be valid in physics as well as in biology.
errorability criterion will be referred to, being able to test a proposed discovery law. A law is errorable if it satisfies both the experimental criteria and - at the same time - the criteria in accordance with the philosophical scientific laws recognized.

Yanick Toutain

ORIGINAL FRENCH TEXT (in case of wrong (Google) translation)

Le véritable matérialisme énonce que "toutes les lois scientifiques sont inhérentes" à la matière elle-même.
Ce sont ces lois qui, depuis des milliards d'années (au moins 13) déterminent l'évolution causale des atomOs (atomOs de Democritos&alii), et donc détermine l'évolution causale des photons, donc de la matière agglomérée, donc l'évolution causale de la matière vivante et donc l'évolution causale des sociétés humaines.
On peut donc dire que les lois de la biologie sont inhérentes aux lois de la physique. Elles ne sont que des résumés de ces lois de base. 
Il en résulte que physique et biologie ont en commun un corpus de lois scientifiques - ce sont elles que nous appelerons "lois philosophiques".
Ces lois s'additionnent évidemment aux lois de la connaissance (lois gnoséologiques)
On appelera donc "lois matériologiques" ces lois qui s'ajouteront aux "lois gnoséologiques" pour former l'ensemble des "lois philosophiques".
La première de ces lois matériologiques - donc une loi commune à la physique et à la biologie - est la loi de transformation quantité qualité. 
Elle fut découverte par Hegel mais conceptualisée comme loi philosophique du matérialisme par Friedrich Engels.
Les 2 autres lois matériologiques découvertes sont la loi de l'interpénétration des contraires et la loi de la contradiction dans la contradiction.

Si l'on appelle "humanologie" l'ensemble des lois matérialistes régissant les sociétés humaines, il en résulte que l'humanologie est, elle aussi, un ensemble de lois conformes aux "lois matériologiques".
Si une branche quelconque des sciences humaines prétendant déroger aux trois lois définies par Engels, elle devra, en préalable, substituer à la loi matériologique à laquelle elle prétend déroger une autre loi, mais qui serait donc valide aussi bien en physique qu'en biologie.
On appellera critère d'erronabilité, le fait de pouvoir tester une proposition de découverte de loi. Une loi est erronable si elle satisfait à la fois aux critères expérimentaux et - dans le même temps - aux critères de conformité avec les lois scientifiques philosophiques reconnues.

Yanick Toutain (7/7/2016)

Philosophical laws (materiological laws) are inherent to the matter (A philosophical manifesto)
I agree with you that all three dialectic laws of Hegel-Engels conserves their validity in both physics and biolgy, but due to their metaphysic nature ( according to Popper's demarcation criterion) can hardly contribuye to the development of science. Schroedinger in his book " What is life" intented to see the life phenomenon in terms of entropy and traced a line of analogy between the quantic jump and mutation. Although in my personal opinion his idea of life  as negative entropy accumulation is the gratest hit in the explanation of life phenomenon, the second one is not as appropiate, so someone could blame him of reductionism, but I will not, because Schroedinger is too great.
Nonetheless, like physician, not like physicist , I think that laws of biology ( which are few, if any, in the sense that the word  Law has in physics) cannot be reduces to  physical ones. And this is a manifistation of the Law of Quantity to Quality Transformation. Life is another Quality, another level of the organization of the matter, and it need another kind of laws. It was pointed out by Henry Bergson that human mind, by virtue of predominance of the intellect over the instinct, has an inherent dificulty to think the live matter in contraposition to it's facility to think it's inert counterpart. So,  our desire to explain  biology in terms of physics is "pardonable". However, l believe there exist universal laws that pierce all the matter from atomic to social level. It may be  Self organized criticality, maximum entropy producción principale of something else to be discovered.