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Is There a Right to Have Rights? The Case of the Right of Asylum

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Ethical Theory and Moral Practice Aims and scope Submit manuscript


In dialogue with the political philosophy of Hannah Arendt and Seyla Benhabib the author draws on the idea of a right to have rights and raises the question under which political conditions asylum can be a subjective right for political refugees. He argues that mere spontaneous acts of humanitarianism will not suffice to define the institutional commitments of liberal democracies in refugee policy. At the same time, no duty for any particular state to take up refugees can be derived from a right to have rights. The quest for institutional solutions for a timely migration and asylum policy will rather enhance the discourses on the self-understanding of liberal democracies. With a critical eye on German asylum legislation and legal practice, the author contends that it will be a task of any co-ordinated European right of asylum to define political persecution in relation to the first dimension of human rights in order to differentiate the right of asylum from immigration legislation.

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  1. In German and in some European Continental law, a ‘subjective right’ is a right that entitles a particular subject to demand performance (i.e. actions, things or recognition) in an objective legal order that grants this right.

  2. For a ‘humanitarian approach’ to the right of asylum, see Gibney (2004). Gibney believes that ‘the principle of humanitarianism’ is “that states have an obligation to assist refugees when the costs of doing so are low” (p. 231).

  3. For this distinction see Riedel (1986).

  4. The question of how to interpret the right of asylum can thus be understood as a variation of the general discourse on the relation of justice vis-à-vis the other to proceduralized forms of justice. For explorations along and across the borders of procedural justice, see Honneth (2000a).

  5. For the complex interdependencies of social work for the integration of migrants in Nürnberg with formal legal procedures, see the report of Kühl (2004).

  6. See Charles Taylor (1992) for his description of the interrelationship between solidarity-based social politics and the acceptance of strangers and their life forms.

  7. See Randelzhofer in: Maunz/Dürig, Komm. z. GG, Art. 16, Rdn. 21f. See also Marx (1980).

  8. For the interrelation of an ethics of care and a Kantian ethics see Honneth (2000b).

  9. For the roots and implications of such an interpretation of the right of asylum, see Kimminich (1983).

  10. For a similar interpretation see Reuter (1996, p.199): “Das Asylrecht ist ein Notrecht zum Schutz des Basisrechts auf politische Gemeinschaft.” (italics original) On the state of exception, see Agamben (2005).

  11. For these and all following figures see the website of the “Federal Office for Migration and Refugees”:

  12. For a different opinion see Joseph Carens (1988, 2000).

  13. See Wollenschläger (1994). See also Santel (1995, pp. 78ff and 173ff) and the report by Groß (2005).

  14. For the full text of the convention see the website of the UNHCR:

  15. See the jurisdiction of the German Federal Administrative Court as reported by Randelzhofer (1999, Rdn. 21–23).

  16. It signifies the controversial character of the right of asylum that it is not mentioned in both the 1966 International covenant of civil and political rights and the 1950 European convention on human rights.

  17. For references see Marx (1980, 195–199).

  18. For an overview on the discussion in German jurisdiction and legal publications see von Pollern (1980, pp. 200–217).


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Heuser, S. Is There a Right to Have Rights? The Case of the Right of Asylum. Ethic Theory Moral Prac 11, 3–13 (2008).

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