From PhilPapers forum Philosophy of Mind:

The 'Explanatory Gap'
Reply to Arnold Trehub
SH: "Or at least explain how and why there could not be a Darwinian survival machine with a 'transparent representation of the world from a privileged egocentric perspective' unless the 'transparent representation of the world from a privileged egocentric perspective' was felt."
AT: "My answer is that since its ['transparent representation of the world from a privileged egocentric perspective'] is its feeling..., it already has feeling and has no need to feel its feeling... [I]f it didn't have feeling... it wouldn't have ['transparent representation of the world from a privileged egocentric perspective']... [and] I do deny that worms and slugs feel... The reason is that worms and slugs don't have ['transparent representation of the world from a privileged egocentric perspective']."
I guess that settles it then... Your theory is right by definition. No need to explain any further...

-- SH