From PhilPapers forum Continental Philosophy:

Questions on Heidegger and Religion
Cheers, Heunk!

In light of your closing sentiment, I recall the term "seminar."
A time to plant seeds...

Sounds like what this young man needs is a good seminar in Heidegger.

P.S. Identity and Difference is a WONDERFUL little book!  When I left the States (can't stand the wars of ignorance for empire...), I was able to being only a few texts.  That was one of them!  I was given that book years earlier as a gift from my old Heidegger teacher, Alexander Von Schoenborn, one of the old guard who understood the value of a seminar, and the purpose that is the Philosophic life.  Sadly, he suffered great mistreatment at the hands of the new McCarthyism that has long since infected the industry.

P.S.S.  I, for one, feel that the national socialism thing is a non-issue.  There are deep philosophical issues underwriting Heidegger's early motivations, and these are worth inquiring into (roots in Rousseau and Nietszche to start), but otherwise, the issue - as obscure as the history of the era truthfully is - has nothing to do with Heidegger's Philosophy, and people trump interest in Heidegger on these grounds fro 2 reasons: 1) because they want an excuse not to work to understand him, and 2) for political reasons of their own, not unrelated to 1.