From PhilPapers forum Asian Philosophy:

Ancient Indian Philosophy
This is a thread to get a discussion started on Ancient Indian Philosophy.

Indian Philosophy has evolved in 2. One which accept the authority of Sruthi "The vedas" the one which does not. 

Sruthi means heard, authority, etc, 

Sruthi is something believed to be permanent in this world and does not need any other source of knowledge to reveal itself, just like sun does not need a torch light's presence to announce its own presence.

Samkhya, Vaiseshika, Mimamsa, Vedanta, Nyaya, Yoga, forms the schools which accept the authority of vedas.

Jainism, Buddhism, and Materialism or Carvaka Philosophy constitute the class of schools which do not accept the authority of vedas.

Tantra forms another greater development of philosophy. This is said to be evolved as a distinct branch independent of vedas but later accepted the authority of vedas and got merged with it. Tantra stands independent and many of its ideas are unique.