From PhilPapers forum Philosophy of Social Science:

Contemporary Debates and Marx's Method
TL;DR: Does anyone know of a resource where I can gain an understanding of what the current debates in the philosophy of social science are?


I am a soon-to-be PhD student at Notre Dame in Western Australia.
My intended area of research is Marx's dialectical method. I am very interested in what has been described as Marx's critique of 'immediacy' in mainstream social science. Immediacy is when a particular study or social scientific theory takes empirical data at face value, and does not investigate whether or not that data has been distorted by previously-constructed systems of reasoning and thought. Perhaps even more simply, ideology (here meant in its technical Marxian sense) distorts the interpretation of empirical data.

I was wondering whether anyone knew of a resource where I might be able to find out what the current debates or issues in the philosophy of social science are, so I might be able to link this interest with a current debate that is going on, so my early synopsis of my intended research project might be looked upon favourably.

Further, would anyone know of what debate that is currently going on might bear directly on my interest?

Thank you for your time,

Blair Hurley.