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  1. Understanding the Lord’s Prayer.Contzen Pereira - 2015 - Scientific GOD Journal 6 (9).
    Prayer is not a psychoactive chant that may trigger a meditative mood or transfigure us into a mystic. It is a simple set of words that are metaphorically arranged which induces a state of being aware and conscious beyond the mundane. It makes an amendment between us and God and makes us to be aware of God, Its creation and the purpose of our existence. The Lords’ Prayer indeed conditions us to know the reality beyond the personality of the mind.
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    A Metaphysical Understanding of “A Scientific Me” through Psalms.Contzen Pereira - 2015 - Scientific GOD Journal 6 (7):306-310.
    Vibrations produced through singing of psalms elicit multifaceted computational events within the structures of the cell; enhances the flow of consciousness and makes me aware of what I am and why I am here, for all the things that goes on around me - my life & my world. Singing has always comforted my soul. It conducts my soul within the matter that makes my body and amalgamates with the Holy Spirit, connecting my soul with the Creator and the Cosmos. (...)
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  3. Soul & Consciousness.Contzen Pereira - 2015 - Scientific GOD Journal 6 (7):311 - 315.
    It is my view that my soul is my consciousness and my consciousness is my soul. It appears that energy renders my consciousness to surge within me and my soul is a sphere of energy that encases me. Further, it appears that my soul dwell within me until my bodily death and my soul makes me conscious of my existence and all that exist around me. I feel my consciousness for it is my soul. Addressing the ‘how’ of my soul (...)
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    On the Metaphysical Link between Religion & Science.Contzen Pereira - 2015 - Scientific GOD Journal 6 (7):292-298.
    In this article, the author explores the mystery of the soul. “For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul”. The soul by common definition is the spiritual or immaterial part of a living being, regarded as immortal. To find a possible metaphysical link between religion and science, the author suggests that the soul is the immaterial aspect of electromagnetic energy that can transform but cannot be destroyed. According to this (...)
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