The Leibniz Review

ISSNs: 1524-1556, 2153-9162

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  1.  11
    Leibniz on the Contingency of the Laws of Motion.Yual Chiek - 2023 - The Leibniz Review 33:7-50.
    In a few key texts Leibniz points to his dynamics project as the origin of contingency in his system. He did not, however, leave us with an explicit account of how the distinction between necessary and contingent truths either arises from, or is explained by his dynamics. This has left an explanatory gap in our understanding of the connection between Leibniz’s physics and his modal metaphysics that scholars have sought to close by arguing that the laws of nature obtain their (...)
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  2.  13
    Leibniz on Substance and Change: Between Aristotle and Locke.Stefano Di Bella - 2023 - The Leibniz Review 33:53-71.
  3.  8
    Review of Stuart Brown, N.J. Fox, and Julia Weckend, Historical Dictionary of Leibniz’s Philosophy, Second Edition, Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield, 2023. [REVIEW]Jeremy Dunham - 2023 - The Leibniz Review 33:97-100.
  4.  10
    On Changes.Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz - 2023 - The Leibniz Review 33:77-80.
  5.  5
    De Mutationibus.Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz - 2023 - The Leibniz Review 33:73-76.
  6.  16
    Review of Gil Morejon, The Unconscious of Thought in Leibniz, Spinoza, and Hume, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2022. [REVIEW]Eve-Lyne Perron - 2023 - The Leibniz Review 33:101-110.
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    In Memoriam Maria Rosa Antognazza (1964-2023).Donald Rutherford - 2023 - The Leibniz Review 33:1-5.
  8.  18
    Review of Katherine Brading and Marius Stan, Philosophical Mechanics in the Age of Reason, New York: Oxford University Press, 2023. [REVIEW]Tzuchien Tho - 2023 - The Leibniz Review 33:85-95.
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