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  1.  12
    What is Aesthetic Justice Pedagogy?Randall Everett Allsup & Gustavo Hessmann Dalaqua - 2024 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 32 (2):112-129.
    This submission explores the concept of aesthetic justice pedagogy, and advocates on behalf of it. In contrast to aesthetic injustice, which denotes any harm done to a person’s aesthetic capacities, aesthetic justice pedagogy aims at facilitating the development of students’ imagination, perception, and feelings, wherein narrative and story-making are prime locations to contest coloniality and oppression. We emphasize the practice of this philosophy, refusing to see it as only as metaphor or theory. In our attempt to build a praxis of (...)
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  2.  11
    “Love of all Wisdoms”: Toward A Multi-Philosophical Approach to Music Education.C. Victor Fung & Leonard Tan - 2024 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 32 (2):96-111.
    While music education practice has moved towards greater diversity, the philosophy of music education remains rather Western-centric, with limited scholars drawing on philosophical resources beyond the West. This is problematic, as a truly inclusive approach to music education ought to embrace multiple philosophical voices. In this paper, we examine a quartet of approaches (that is, world philosophy, multiculturalism, internationalization, and decolonization) that scholars in academic philosophy have used to tackle the lack of philosophical diversity and argue that they have limited (...)
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  3.  11
    Modernity and Music Education: Constructing the Child, the Future, and Orff-Schulwerk.Noah Karvelis - 2024 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 32 (2):167-184.
    Orff-Schulwerk has become a foundational element of U.S. music education. Often positioned as an open, exploratory, and approachable form of music teaching and learning, it is associated with developing musicianship and, importantly, creativity. This article, drawing from a curriculum studies approach, considers the epistemologies, histories, and entanglements that produce Orff-Schulwerk and position it in this way. To do so, the article reviews an archive of method books, writing from Orff-Schulwerk pedagogues, and instrument designs. It then places these artifacts alongside the (...)
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  4.  8
    Getting it Right: On The (Im)Possibilities of Play in School Music.Roger Mantie - 2024 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 32 (2):148-166.
    Research suggests that when we treat our non-obligatory activities playfully, we are more likely to engage with them and derive meaningfulness from them. Play is of interest to the field of music education on at least two counts: the perceived relationship between play and music, and the perceived educational aspects of play related to human development and behavior. Using Johan Huizinga’s definition of play in Homo Ludens as a starting point, I interrogate the ways in which school music may militate (...)
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  5.  13
    A Materialist Antiracism: Racial Capitalism and the Case for Reparations for Music Education.Jess Mullen - 2024 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 32 (2):130-147.
    In this essay, I articulate the value of understanding antiracism from a materialist perspective, drawing from the concept of racial capitalism. I critique the lack of accounting for race in class-first paradigms of critical scholarship in music education, arguing that racial hierarchy laid the foundation for capitalist exploitation through colonialism. Employing critical race theory, I discuss the racial nature of class formation in the United States, focusing on the connection between housing, school funding, and so-called high-performing music programs. I then (...)
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  6.  9
    Response to C. Victor Fung and Leonard Tan, “‘Love of All Wisdoms’: Toward A Multiphilosophical Approach To Music Education”.Lauren Kapalka Richerme - 2024 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 32 (2):185-189.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Response to C. Victor Fung and Leonard Tan, “‘Love of All Wisdoms’: Toward A Multiphilosophical Approach To Music Education”Lauren Kapalka RichermeFung and Tan’s arguments regarding the limits of our profession’s longstanding narrow focus on Eurocentric and American philosophical traditions are crucially important, and I think the majority of PMER readers will agree about the need to engage with philosophies written by those from diverse geographic locations and with other (...)
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  7.  19
    Memoria, Contuitus, et Expectatio : Revisiting Augustine of Hippo.Martin Berger - 2024 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 32 (1):34-45.
    Since the Middle Ages, Augustine and the wealth of his writings have had an enormous impact on Western philosophical thinking. His approach to time and memory, which he sets out in his eleventh book of the Confessions, is one of the most important sources for research about the philosophy of time. Augustine describes time as a permanent movement in which the future passes unceasingly through an unrelated present into the past. Only the very present moment exists, but this present moment (...)
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  8.  8
    “Destined to Fail”: Carl Seashore’s World of Eugenics, Psychology, Education, and Music by Julia Eklund Koza (review).June Boyce-Tillman - 2024 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 32 (1):83-88.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:“Destined to Fail”: Carl Seashore’s World of Eugenics, Psychology, Education, and Music by Julia Eklund KozaJune Boyce-TillmanJulia Eklund Koza, “Destined to Fail”: Carl Seashore’s World of Eugenics, Psychology, Education, and Music (Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press, 2021)This is a difficult book to read not only because of its length but also its content. While reading the history of eugenics and how it played out in the (...)
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  9.  14
    Reimagining Inclusive Music Education: Reflections from a Black Music Educator.Suzanne Hall - 2024 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 32 (1):62-82.
    The Eurocentric canon remains the predominant focus of music education often excluding the role of music and experiences of Black individuals and people of color. This singular perspective creates an incomplete and inaccurate understanding of the comprehensive nature of music and the humans who create, perform, and engage with it. In this article, the author shares her experience as a Black music educator and her aspirations for a music profession that incorporates the full range of human music engagement and expression. (...)
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  10.  11
    Mary J. Reichling (March 29, 1941–July 4, 2023).Barbara Kennison - 2024 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 32 (1):89-92.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Mary J. Reichling (March 29, 1941–July 4, 2023)Barbara KennisonIn the early morning hour on July 4, 2023, Mary died from cancer at the age of 82. On July 8, 2023, her family, professional colleagues, former students, and friends gathered in Holy Family Chapel, Nazareth, Michigan to celebrate her life and legacy. In this sacred space, several in attendance offered expressions regarding Mary’s impact on their life professionally and personally. (...)
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  11.  19
    What Kant Really Said: Facts and Fiction in International Music Education Philosophy.Alexandra Kertz-Welzel - 2024 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 32 (1):16-33.
    In international philosophy of music education, there are some philosophers who are important points of reference. One of them is the German Immanuel Kant (1724–1804). While his philosophy is complex, an oversimplified understanding of his ideas turned him into the “bad guy” of international music education philosophy, being in favor for instance of art for its own sake. His assumed ideas are thought to be the foundation of aesthetic education, in opposition to music education concepts promoting praxis and social change. (...)
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  12.  12
    Updating Aristotle: A Blueprint for a New Perspective on Musicality Developed from Nicomachean Ethics.Kai Martin - 2024 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 32 (1):7-15.
    Can Aristotle’s idea of practice be made fruitful for music pedagogical action in schools? That this is the case is repeatedly asserted in the music pedagogical discussion. This article takes up this assertion and develops a proposal for class music making based on Aristotle’s theory of action.
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  13.  13
    “The Whole City Must Never Cease Singing”: Plato and the Community of the Musical Nomos.Christian Vassilev & Emil Devedjiev - 2024 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 32 (1):46-61.
    This paper explores the fundamental tenets of Plato’s philosophy of education, particularly his views on a practice of great educational potential: communal musical participation. According to Plato, music can attune the individual and the community to cosmic harmony and this, in turn, is the only way to form and maintain a community. The paper explores how the concepts of ethos and nomos are utilized to explain music’s role in community cohesion. It argues that Plato’s understanding of the power of immediate (...)
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