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  1.  17
    The problem of Aristippus at Cicero, De officiis 1.148.Sean McConnell - 2023 - Mnemosyne 76:121–135.
    The manuscripts of De officiis all record something strange at 1.148: Cicero says that the philosophers Socrates and Aristippus had exceptional licence to flout social custom and convention owing to their ‘great and divine good qualities’ (magna et divina bona). There are no worries about Socrates, but the example of Aristippus seems preposterous. This paper makes the following argument: (1) elsewhere Cicero defines divina bona in such a way to exclude hedonists; this should rule out crediting Aristippus with magna et (...)
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  2.  21
    Imitating the Traditional Gods: Moral Virtues and Cult Practice in Plato’s Laws.Vilius Bartninkas - 2023 - Mnemosyne 1 (76):43-64.
    This paper examines moral virtues and cult practice in Plato’s Laws. It explores the symposium and the chorus and their potential to provide a recognisable cultural setting, in which the Magnesian citizens can test their responses to pleasurable and painful experiences and thus train their moral virtues. The challenge to this reading is to explain what additional input to moral habituation is provided by the religious aspect of these institutions. This paper draws attention to the relationship between the people and (...)
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