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  1.  68
    What is Kant’s Transcendental Reflection?Valentin Balanovskiy - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 75:17-27.
    The concept of ‘transcendental reflection’ has been under-studied despite its crucial significance for Kant’s philosophical system. Kant’s transcendental reflection is an instrument inherent in our consciousness. Without this instrument, one would be unable to distinguish between representations/ fantasies and the reality; to have self-consciousness; to identify the functions of the human soul; to distinguish between the effects of the senses, the understanding, and reason within these functions, including identifying the a priori forms of the senses, the understanding, and reason; and (...)
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    Dual-Process Theory and Epistemic Intuition.Murray Clarke - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 75:63-68.
    In this paper, I seek an account of the nature of epistemic intuition. Given the resources of Dual-Process Theory in Psychology, I argue that the intuitions of elite epistemologists, such as Fred Dretske, are not a priori, pre-theoretic, insights. Instead, they are a posteriori insights into the phenomena of knowledge, not the concept of knowledge. Dretske intuitions are technical, modal intuitions about hypothetical counterfactual cases using System II reflections. Such intuitions depended on thinking about the implications of laws of nature (...)
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  3. Gettier Vindicated Against All His Blemishes.Priyedarshi Jetli - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 75:115-119.
    First, ‘Is Justified True Belief Knowledge’ is imprecise but Gettier is explicit that ‘know’ is analysed as the definiendum is ‘S knows that P’. Second, Gettier does not misrepresent as Plato’s definition as the expressions used are ‘Plato considers’ and ‘seems to accept’. Third, Gettier is not mistaken to apply Plato’s definition to propositions since propositional knowledge is a species of Plato’s definition. Fourth, for Plato true belief temporally precedes an account. ‘Jones owns a Ford’ is never a true opinion, (...)
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    Schopenhauer’s Uncertainty.Michael Yuen - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 75:257-262.
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    Development of Concept of Science in the Context of Activity.Zhabaikhan Abdildin - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 75:7-12.
    Three major phases can be distinguished in the history of the development of science. During the first phase, science had almost no link with production, craft, existed within philosophy and was considered to be elite activity. The radical change in the development of science occurs in the new time, when science having separated from philosophy becomes an independent area of knowledge. Science of new time not only discovers the laws of nature, it exists in close relation with production, and to (...)
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    De l’induction.Nikolaos Angelis - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 75:271-275.
    Le mot induction a deux sens différents. L’induction est: a) une méthode d’acquisition de nouvelles connaissances; et b) une espèce de raisonnement/syllogisme. En tant que méthode de connaissance, l’induction se fonde sur le recours à l’observation et l’expérimentation. Cette propriété érige l’induction en la méthode par excellence de la découverte scientifique et de la vérité. En effet, c’est grâce à l’observation ou l’expérimentation, que nous acquérons De nouvelles connaissances et nous pouvons soumettre ces connaissances au contrôle de la vérité. Comme (...)
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    Experiential Reason: Beyond Critical-analytic-discursive Reason.José Barrientos Rastrojo - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 75:29-36.
    Experiential reason is a kind of reason born on experiences. It includes reasons that subjects discover in its crucial experiences like giving birth to a child, to attend a relative’s death or to recover from a serious illness. Those experiences create a specific knowledge, for instance people understand the essence of the miracle of life or the mystery of our finitude. So, that specific knowledge is not just a theoretical and/or cognitive one. It embraces theoretical information but we can see (...)
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    Socio-cultural Conditionality of Knowledge as Specifics of Cognitive Culture.Mustafa I. Bilalov - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 75:37-41.
    In modern spiritual, educational and scientific life the subjective character of cognitive activity and its cultural conditionality become more and more obvious. Remarkable is, that cognitive culture cannot be reduced to purely cognitive aspects of knowledge, but includes representations of social factors of collective life. Philosophical components of this culture are the general methods, principles and other basic grounds of science and knowledge. Religious and ethnic in cognitive culture also concerns ways and receptions, levels and steps, purposes and ideals of (...)
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    A Problem of Some Reductionist Arguments Concerning Testimony.Siraprapa Chavanayarn - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 75:43-48.
    Most epistemologists agree that testimony is an important source of knowledge. However, they fundamentally disagree whether it is a basic source as perception or not. The reductionist standpoint concerning testimony holds that, testimony is not a basic source of knowledge, so hearers cannot justify about what they are told simply on the basis of the testimony of speakers. The justification of testimony comes from other basic sources such as perception, reason and consciousness. However, in this article, I will propose a (...)
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    Beyond Selfhood and Otherness: On Comergences.Simone Cheli - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 75:49-54.
    The aim of this study is to propose an integration of the epistemological traditions of constructivism and systemics, and of the contemporary theorizations of physics and complex system models. All these theoretical viewpoints subsume a revolutionary construction of truth and reality, that supports and expands the concept of emergence. I hypothesise they issue three main challenges we must face with: a radical construct of the observed reality as the autopoietic space of an observer; a systemic integration of any observer and (...)
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  11.  12
    The Justification of Testimony and Intellectual Virtues.Ruery-Lin Chen - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 75:55-61.
    There are two levels in the problem about the justification of testimony. The first level is about justification of testimony in general: Is testimony as a source or type of knowledge reliable and independent? Two opposite positions have been proposed in philosophical literature: reductionism and non-reductionism. For to this level, I propose a communitarian non-reductionism in contrast to traditional or individualist non-reductionism. It is also a restricted non-reductionism. The second level is about the justification of testimony in particular: How do (...)
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  12.  15
    Hegel’s Critique of Kant’s Theory of Knowledge.A. Kadir Çüçen - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 75:69-74.
    Kant and previous philosophers in the modern philosophy have inquired into the limit of human knowledge, so the limitation of knowledge is the result of a basic view of the Critical philosophy. According to most of the modern philosophers, before one wants to attempt to know God, the essence of being, etc., he or she must first investigate the capacity of knowledge itself in order to see whether it is able to accomplish such an attempt. Hegel criticizes this view in (...)
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    Virtual Reality and Its Relations with ‘Life’ and Human Knowledge.Mustafa M. Dagli - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 75:75-80.
    Socrates, Plato and Aristotle are still important for thinking humans; but computers, TV, telephones or automobiles were not existing in their age. For the sake of elasticity in my tripartite subject, a pseudo-philosopher E.G. and his friends supplied presentation assistance. Mosaic of facts can transpire in their conversation, I think. In a nutshell, a search towards roots and nature of ‘virtual reality’ is conducted first. Then, the role of imagination on knowledge is discussed somehow. Connections and interactions among life, mind (...)
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    Relations Internal and External.John Economides - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 75:81-86.
    Interaction and motion produce change. Change produces time relation. Changes and interchanges develop differences. Changes and differences unite and divide the two frames of time the past and the future, in the present. The relational effect of change in time is expressed in motion and in the information it produces. The time relation develops in patterns which are alternations and repetitions. Alternations produce external conditions. Replications produce internal conditions. The alternating and recurring patterns of change, the respective external and internal (...)
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  15.  40
    La inducción científica, de David Hume a Jean Nicod.Alex Espinoza Verdejo - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 75:301-309.
    Las ciencias naturales han sido llamadas, con razón, ciencias inductivas, y por eso el estudio del problema de la inducción es central a nuestro conocimiento de la naturaleza. En el presente trabajo queremos determinar las complementariedades e influencias de las ideas de David Hume en la filosofía de Jean Nicod, filósofo que podría haber dejado muchas ideas interesantes y originales respecto al problema de la inducción, pero su corta estadía en este mundo impidió esta tarea. Así lo afirma Bertrand Russell (...)
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    Faith, Hope and Love as Meaning-of-Life Frames of the Dialectic Nature of the Conceptual Principle of All Encompassing Unity.Vladimir S. Funtusov - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 75:87-91.
    This paper analyzes the conceptual principle of all-encompassing unity in the context of global trends of the modern civilization and scientific cognition, with special emphasis placed on the axiological character of the nature of this principle. Structural elements of this principle are identified and their profound connection with the axiological world of the man is described. It is demonstrated that the conceptual principle of all-encompassing unity representatively accumulates in itself both super-complex natural composition of the Universum in the unity of (...)
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    Contexts of Assertion and Degrees of Justification.Carlos A. Garzón - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 75:93-97.
    In the paper, I present the basis for a pragmatic, contextualist and inferentialist strategy for understanding the concept of degrees of justification. I argue that each context has certain inferential criteria in order to do correct assertions, and that there are different standards of justification for an assertion to be regarded as highly, moderately or poorly justified in that context. What is a high, medium or low standard of justification is relative to the community in which certain inferential practices take (...)
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  18.  18
    Why do Individual Pure Possibilities Necessarily Exist?Amihud Gilead - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 75:99-108.
    This paper defends the view that the primary necessary ontological conditions for any existents and for their knowledge are individual pure possibilities. As being such conditions, pure possibilities exist absolutely independently of actualities, possible worlds, or minds. Pure possibilities are exempt from spatiotemporal and causal restrictions or conditions, whereas any actuality is inescapably subject to them. Each actuality is an actualization of an individual pure possibility, which also serves as its identity. The existence of individual pure possibilities is necessary because (...)
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    Virtue Epistemology and the Value of Knowledge.Steven Hales - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 75:109-113.
    Virtue epistemologists like Ernest Sosa and John Greco have attempted to explain why knowledge is more valuable than mere true belief. In this talk I demonstrate that both of their accounts fail so profoundly that it is difficult to see how virtue epistemology alone contains the resources to explain the value of knowledge. According to the virtue theoretic approach, knowledge is a kind of success from ability. Knowledge constitutes a competent epistemic performance, and some performances are better than others; not (...)
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    La posibilidad de la ‘unidad libre de la razón’.Laura Herrero Olivera - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 75:289-294.
    La necesidad propuesta por Kant de encontrar la unidad necesaria de la razón será el tema que tomo como punto de partida para desarrollar un estudio de la ‘Doctrina del Método’ de la KrV; la razón que se ha quebrado desde la primera página crítica de los textos kantianos, y desde la primera página se lucha por remediar esta disgregación. Con el título de ‘libre unidad de la razón’ quiero apostar por una solución que pasa por la consideración de la (...)
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  21.  14
    Underdetermination of Knowledge by Context.Ilya Kasavin - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 75:121-125.
    Social epistemology presents now a multiplicity of approaches, more or less closely connected with philosophical analysis of knowledge. Taken as primarily philosophical approach, it seeks at least general definition. I suppose that socio-epistemological analysis essentially consists in contextualizing problems and problematizing contexts. No other manifestations of cognition but problems deserve philosophical attention. And it is context that endows a problem with meaning. At the same time different context theories in the social sciences and humanities demonstrate two polar trends – an (...)
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  22.  6
    Rorty’s Historicist and Pragmatic Conception of “Epistemology”.Inês Lacerda Araújo - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 75:13-15.
    With “epistemology” between quotation marks I intend in this paper to show that Rorty’s conception is a critical one. His claims in favor of a culture where epistemology is not central are justified in a historicist and pragmatic point of view. There is no sense in looking for permanent criteria of knowledge. In a culture of freedom and solidarity epistemology would give place to hermeneutics, to practices of understanding. There are specific roles for proofs and experimentation in certain contexts like (...)
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    Knowledge with Luck.HsinMei Lin - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 75:127-131.
    What is the kind of relation between knowledge and luck? In the past decades or so, many philosophers have been discussing the Gettier-style counterexamples in order to search for the nature of knowledge. But, they have always faced the problem of epistemic luck. What do we need to avoid the luck problem? Let knowledge be certainly true. If we do, what is the value of knowledge? In the contrary, if we couldn’t avoid the “lucky truth” in our beliefs or propositions, (...)
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    The Relevance of Phenomenology in the Current Epistemological Edifice.Stathis Livadas - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 75:133-140.
    This article tries to establish the relevance of phenomenological analysis within the current epistemological edifice, in particular, with regard to certain key issues of the epistemology of our time, this last one meant as a philosophy of science. In doing so, it is primarily based, on the one hand, on certain Husserlian texts mainly those published in Logical Investigations, Formal and Transcendental Logic and the Phenomenology of Time Consciousness and, on the other, on certain developments, essentially running from the beginning (...)
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    Virtuously Avoiding the Truth Goal.Michael Lockhart - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 75:151-155.
    Epistemic value monists hold the view that virtuous agents only have one goal qua intellectual being, the truth goal: to acquire true beliefs and avoiding false ones. Monism has recently come under attack by those who think there is a plurality of intellectual values and goals. I welcome value pluralism in part because it opens up the possibility of identifying values and goals that cannot otherwise be identified in real-world virtuous agents. I go even further than some pluralists by arguing (...)
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    The Traditional Theory of Perception Comes Back to Life.D. L. C. MacLachlan - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 75:157-161.
    The causal representative theory of perception dominated theory of knowledge for hundreds of years after it was put on the map by Descartes and Locke. It is now almost extinct. How could this happen? The theory collapsed because it could not explain how we acquire knowledge of the external world, since it presupposes a causally organized system of external objects producing sensations in us. This presupposition, however, is generally recognized as true, so that the pattern of causal inference at the (...)
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    The Dialogue Between Rationalism and Mathematics.Luis Mazzei - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 75:163-168.
    This work presents both types of rationality proposed by Marcelo Dascal and analyses how they interact and complement each other. What is traditionally understood as scientific rationality is what Dascal refers to as hard rationality. Argumentation based on this form of rationality seeks the certainty, the conclusive proof. However, the philosopher broadens the concept of rationality, allowing the existence of a soft rationality, which deals in the area of opinions. Arguments built from this form of rationality seek the persuasion. Usually, (...)
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    Philosophical Concepts in Consciousness.Julia Morkina - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 75:169-173.
    In this paper the autopoietic model of consciousness is employed to analyze dynamic being of philosophic concepts. It will be demonstrated that this being consists in permanent transformation within human mind. The autopoietic model of consciousness presupposes that consciousness builds itself anew in each moment of its duration, durée. It doesn’t rest in immobility, but persists in becoming, and so maintains permanent assimilation and production of new meanings. Autopoiesis is viewed as a process of simultaneous loss and acquiring by creative (...)
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    Interweaving Between Rationalism, Empiricism and Phenomenology.Ana Marcela Mungaray-Lagarda & Herminio Nuñez-Villavicencio - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 75:175-179.
    This text presents a brief reflection on the knowing construction of the body. Displaying three key moments: The modern Cartesian proposal of rationality where the body provides knowledge against a sensitive world; the idea of ‘tabula rasa’ posed by Locke recognizing experience as the basic framework that forms the possibility of representation of the reality by man, and the phenomenological experience posed by Merleau-Ponty by incorporating perception from reality and the possibility of truth. The discussion is about the questioning that (...)
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    An Epistemological and Semiotic Approach of Ontological Argument.Ionel Narita - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 75:181-185.
    The medieval thinker Anselm of Canterbury developed an argument, called ontological argument, through which he aimed to persuade that God exists in reality. The inference that founded this argument is logically valid and its premises are true. Therefore, the thesis that “God exists” is necessarily true. However, the ontological argument proves only that the meaning of the term “God” contains, among its elements, the attribute of existence but, from here, we cannot infer that the class of the term “God” is (...)
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    Le réductionnisme de Popper et de Field et le statut de la théorie sémantique de la vérité.Bertin Nguefack - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 75:277-281.
    Répondant au besoin pour la philosophie et les sciences sociales de proposer à l’homme une image concordante de la vérité susceptible d’impacter sur l’existence humaine, Tarski a souhaité construire une théorie sémantique de la vérité. La célébrité de cette théorie dont les enjeux méthodologique et épistémologique sont révélés dans la volonté de proposer une image autre de la vérité que celle en vigueur dans les conceptions courantes sont pourtant aussi à l’image des interprétations qui en ont suivies, notamment celles de (...)
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    Le statut épistémologique de la métaphysique dans l’ «arbre de la connaissance» chez Descartes et Popper.Marcel Nguimbi - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 75:283-287.
    L'article vise à montrer la démarcation entre René Descartes et Karl Raimund Popper sur le statut épistémologique de la métaphysique dans l'«arbre de la connaissance». En effet, pendant que l'arbre cartésien du développement de la connaissance part d'une «métaphysique constituée» au sein de laquelle il enfonce ses racines, pour culminer sur les «3 M», l'arbre poppérien du progrès de la connaissance procède à l'inverse en enfonçant ses racines dans une «métaphysique à construire» comme ouverture à la science et à l'épistémologie (...)
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    How Groups Know How.Rafal Palczewski - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 75:187-190.
    The paper is devoted to the analysis of the ascriptions of practical knowledge to the groups of agents. The analysis is based on two very general theses: 1) the intellectualist thesis that practical knowledge is a kind of propositional knowledge or objectual knowledge, and 2) the thesis which links an individual knowledge attributions to a group knowledge attributions: If ‘s knows that p’ has the property P, then ‘G knows that p’ has the property P. Subsequently, the three kinds of (...)
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    El papel de la discriminabilidad en el conocimiento.Manuel Pérez Otero - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 75:295-299.
    Diverse epistemologists have proposed this Discriminability Postulate : If S knows that p, then S can discriminate between the case that p and other relevant alternatives. I propose that DP derives from other, more basic postulate, that sees knowledge as providing some Warrant Against the Risk of Error : If S knows that p, then this knowledge confers on S’s belief that p a warrant against the risk of error. The kind of error mentioned in WARE is the error consisting (...)
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    Edification a Way to Liberation.Manashi Roy - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 75:197-202.
    We know that Hans. George Gadamer, in his book Truth and Method substitutes the word ‘Bildung’ for ‘knowledge’. Our attempt to edify ourselves or to edify other persons may refer to the hermeneutic activity or to the inverse of hermeneutic activity, or, it may refer to activity of self-formation. The basic formulation of the question may be expressed in this way: whether there is one way or many ways in which we might be edified. Broadly speaking, different approaches to this (...)
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    Природа истины – в исходной множественности смыслов.Zaynab Saidova - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 75:317-320.
    New interpretations of the truth as an attempt to achieve a more efficient test of true knowledge constantly emerge in the philosophy. But postmodernism, is giving up this trend; it does not recognize even the very notion of “truth”, considering it an attribute of the dominant ideology. Truth in postmodernism is, if it exists at all, completely situational. It derives from the given particular conditions and creates man as a reaction to these conditions, whereas the reaction is not necessarily appropriate (...)
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    Interrelation and Interdependence of Classic and Non-classic Epistemology.Nigina A. Shermuhamedova - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 75:203-207.
    Epistemological problem has been one of the central in philosophy in the post-Soviet area for the last forty years. This sphere of philosophy had less ideological pressure and there were opportunities for a research work. Here, interesting philosophers appeared with their original conceptions who created their own schools. Live discussions were conducted and fruitful links were established with some special sciences such as psychology, history of science, and linguistics. The situation has changed at present. New disciplines have appeared the existence (...)
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    Naturalistic Challenge to Contemporary Epistemology.Natalia Smirnova - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 75:209-214.
    The subject matter of the paper is supposed to be the challenge to the transcendentalist theory of knowledge from the background of the “epistemology naturalized”. The heuristic power and cognitive limits of the naturalistically oriented theory of knowledge will be thoroughly scrutinized. A “strong” and more reasonable “moderate” attitude to eliminative epistemology will be considered. It is argued that the non-intentional re-description of the basic concepts of traditional epistemology in terms of impersonal and non-intentional “information”, “prediction”, “control” paves the way (...)
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    (1 other version)Advance to a New Theory of Cognition.Emiliya Taysina - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 75:215-219.
    This theory is revealed in terms of existential materialism finding its source in Aristotle’s maxim that philosophy is a study of essential unity of the grounds of being and consciousness. Let me coin a word for this remarkable situation from which the process of cognition starts: “Dabewuβtsein”. New theory still makes use of the old principle of reflection postulating the subject/object dyad. Its metamessage is anti-new-Kantianism, indifferent to the unity mentioned, splitting essence and phenomenon, be it epistemology or its postmodern (...)
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    On Doubt and Suspicion.Silvia Pimenta Velloso Rocha - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 75:191-195.
    Nietzsche’s conception of knowledge, usually known as perspectivism, bears such a resemblance to and has so many points of convergence with the skeptical doctrines that some of his commentators take Nietzsche’s “skepticism” for granted. But Nietzsche was frequently critical to skepticism and aimed to demarcate his own uniqueness towards the skeptical position. We propose to investigate here the similarities as well as the radical differences that separate both doctrines. We sustain that perspectivism is not a reflection on the limits of (...)
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    Aristotle and Dascal: Rationalities in Science.Rúbia Liz Vogt de Oliveira - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 75:227-231.
    The tradition of philosophy relies on the hard rationality, which has the standard logic as and its application as its fundamental model. Knowledge and reason are relegated to only two options: hard rationality or irrationality. By attentively studying the history of science and its debates, Dascal comes out with his types of polemics theory. There are two types of polemics that are related to that dichotomized view of rationality: The discussion, guided by hard rationality, and the dispute, the “pathological” debate (...)
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    The Paradox of Self-knowledge.Penelope Voutsina - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 75:233-241.
    In this paper I explore the conflict of philosophical intuitions that makes it hard to get a grip on the nature and scope of first-person knowledge. First, I shall sketch the shape of this disagreement, applying it to a debate between philosophical accounts of self-knowledge and psychological ones. Secondly, I shall argue that philosopher’s current work on self-knowledge opens up an entirely new way of thinking about many of our first-person claims. But while, this new way of thinking is inspired (...)
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    Two Notions of Belief.Monika Walczak - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 75:243-247.
    This paper is a contribution to the comparison of – on the one hand – the understanding of knowledge and belief by Bernard J.F. Lonergan, whose philosophy is a version of transcendental philosophy, with – on the other hand – notions of knowledge and belief held by contemporary analytical philosophers. A crucial problem of contemporary analytical epistemology is the question: what is knowledge? Although in epistemology we find different conceptions of knowledge, the basic conception to which discussions appeal is the (...)
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    An Investigation on the Descriptive Origin of Paradox.Tianen Wang - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 75:249-255.
    Any description must take some corresponding stipulation as its premise. All stipulations are formed in the tension between objective basis and subjective needs. This means that description has clear anthropological characteristics and therefore the nature of standard. Description will reach its edge and lose its meaning while it describes the stipulation as the premise of itself. But it will turn into the basic way of development of human description when the description is made on the foundation of a higher level (...)
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    The Chinese Interpretation of Marx’s Concept of Ideologie in the1920s.Xiuqin Zhang - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 75:263-269.
    Marx’s concept of ideology first appeared in the Chinese context as the term “ideal ”; and Marx’s “form of consciousness” was expressed as “ideology” in Chinese. All this come from the initial use of the term in the Japanese version and later the Chinese version of ‘1859 Preface to the Critique of Political Economics’. But interestingly, though Cheng Fangwu was the first to make the German Ideologie correspond directly to the Chinese “ideology” in 1927, during the first half of the (...)
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  46.  4
    Διδασκαλία του είναι.Σταμάτης Γιακουμής - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 75:345-350.
    Αναπτύσσεται η διδασκαλία του είναι, το πρώτο μέρος της εγελιανής λογικής. Οντολογικά η βασική διαφοροποίηση σε ‘Κάτι και σε Άλλο’ οδηγεί στην ανάπτυξη σύμφυτων τάσεων εντός του αντικειμένου, στην αναδίπλωση και αυτοαναφορά του, με αποτέλεσμα το αντικείμενο να μην είναι όπως φαίνεται έξωθεν, αλλά να αναπτύσσει δυναμική για τον εαυτό του. Έτσι διενεργείται η μετάβαση από την ποσότητα στην ποιότητα αλλά και αντιστρόφως. Επιστημολογικά, επειδή δεν μπορεί να γίνει διείσδυση στο αντικείμενο και η ποιότητα, καθώς και η ποσότητα, φαίνεται κάτι (...)
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    Για μια ολιστική θεώρηση της ανθρώπινης πραγματικότητας.Νασούλα Μπαρμπαρήγου - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 75:329-344.
    Η ανακοίνωση είναι μία απόπειρα αποσαφήνισης των συνθηκών κατανοησιμότητος των αξιακών μας όρων δια της σύζευξης των διακρινομένων καταστάσεων, δηλαδή του είναι και του δέοντος, στη βάση του πλατωνικού προτύπου που σχηματικά περιγράφεται στον Τίμαιο του Πλάτωνα. Πρόκειται για ένα διαχρονικό, μαθηματικό πρότυπο για την ανθρώπινη πραγματικότητα, την μόνη μέχρι στιγμής τουλάχιστον γνωστή στην οποία συγκλίνουν, συνυπάρχουν και συλλειτουργούν και δη ταυτοχρόνως, οι τρεις κόσμοι, ήτοι ο μικρόκοσμος, ο μακρόκοσμος και το «οπτικά» γνωστό μας ευκλείδειο σύμπαν. Η ανακοίνωση επιδιώκει να (...)
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    Физика идеального мира бытия.Владимир И Долженко - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 75:311-315.
    Как из идеального мира рождает Бытие? Идеальный мир это единый мир пространств идей, программы – смыслы которых есть проекты событий, создаваемых ноосферой, происходящих в материальный мир. Человек воспринимает, осознаёт и определяет материю, изменяющуюся во времени и пространстве, как существующий трёхмерный материальный мир. Единицами измерения сущего мира являются: объём для пространства, время для энергии и вещество для материи. В упанишадах сказано «Идее, чтобы обнаружить себя, требуется форма». Информация это проекция новой формы идеи. Такое определение слова «информация» вытекает при сложении смыслов нескольких (...)
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    Учение о математическом методе философии.Владислав Григорьевич Заволотный - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 75:321-327.
    We examine Plato’s arguments about the essence of two types of mathematics – mathematics of natural science and mathematics of philosophy –, about the subject-matter of two types of mathematics, the laws of their rise and development during the Modern Times. We also consider the question of essence of the mathematical method of philosophy, its objectives, problems, research tools – Plato’s ideal numbers and the objects of sacral geometry. Further, it is also considered the mathematical method of Pythagorean philosophy and (...)
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    The Narrative of Philosophy.Kenneth L. Anderson - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 74:5-9.
    A narrative approach to the teaching of philosophy at the introductory level offers to traditional aged college students, eighteen to twenty one years old, an accessible entrée to philosophical ideas. For many students in the introductory course, this single philosophy course will be their only exposure to philosophy. Through specific reference to three Platonic dialogs and Descartes Meditations it is argued that the presentation of philosophical discipline by way of personal narrative allows an approach that is true to the spirit (...)
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    (1 other version)Enseigner la philosophie?Alain Billecoq - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 74:79-84.
    Le professeur Kant affirme que la philosophie ne peut être apprise. Comment comprendre ce paradoxe qui sonne comme un défi à tout enseignement de la philosophie? On croit souvent y répondre au moyen de la distinction entre apprendre la philosophie et apprendre à philosopher mise en oeuvre par Kant lui-même mais doit-elle être comprise comme une opposition disjonctive? Et sur quoi au juste porte la réfutation qu’en donne Hegel? Faut-il l’entendre comme un entier refus de l’affirmation kantienne ou comme une (...)
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    L’expérience de l’étonnement dans l’apprentissage du philosopher chez les élèves du cours de philosophie au pré-universitaire.Chiara Cavalli - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 74:85-89.
    L’intention qui anime cette recherche est de comprendre la nature et les conditions d’apparition de l’étonnement philosophique vécu par les élèves des cours de philosophie au pré-universitaire. Ce travail vise à approfondir une réflexion sur les fondements de l’enseignement de la philosophie au pré-universitaire. L’intuition accompagnant cette intention avance qu’à l’origine de l’apprentissage du philosopher se trouve l’expérience de l’étonnement.
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    Teaching Philosophy in Prison: An Experience of Freedom.María Liliana Delgado - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 74:11-15.
    The frame of reference of this paper is, university teaching in prisons and the question of this paper is what teaching philosophy there really means. In my experience, it consists of transmitting philosophy as an exercise of thought between the participants of which –teacher and student- occurs an experience of freedom. It is about the paradoxical encounter between these two subjects, who are polarized by unavoidable tensions: political, epistemological, esthetic, existential. If this paradoxical dimension of philosophy is not perceived and (...)
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    The Role of Moral Psychology in Professional Ethics Classes.Scott D. Gelfand & Steve Harrist - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 74:17-22.
    We are currently developing a short, online ethics course that attempts to teach students why well-intentioned people act unethically and what students can do to decrease the likelihood that they will find themselves in the middle of an ethical crisis in the future. Most of the well-known case studies in professional ethics textbooks concern ethical failures that do not involve difficult ethical choices. When our students read these case studies, it is not difficult for them to determine what went wrong (...)
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    Philosophical Method PRINCONSER.Fidel Gutierrez Vivanco - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 74:67-71.
    The PRINCONSER method has been developed based on the need for conservation of human beings and human society as a whole. It is a philosophical method that seeks to integrate both philosophy and science. Both philosophy and science are human knowledge. The PRINCONSER method has ontological, epistemological, axiological and philosophical anthropology foundations. Applications of this method are related to its foundations: The ontological foundation has application in philosophy. The epistemological foundation has application in science. The axiological foundation has application in (...)
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    Enseñanza de la filosofía y aprendizaje del filosofar.Efren Emilio Jimenez Merino - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 74:91-96.
    El tema de la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de la filosofía se plantea a tenor de las siguientes preguntas: ¿es necesaria la enseñanza de la filosofía?, ¿hacen falta herramientas de análisis, crítica y reflexión para la configuración de las sociedades democráticas de hoy? Estudios actuales de la UNESCO dan una idea acerca del estado de la enseñanza de la filosofía en el mundo, al tiempo que permiten analizar las posibilidades educativas de la filosofía como instancia indispensable para la configuración de (...)
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    Teaching Business Philosophy.Christian Lystbaek - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 74:23-27.
    This paper describes and discusses the philosophical underpinnings of teaching business philosophy. Management textbooks and curricula are dominated by a “managerialistic” logic or ideology according to which rational planning, prediction and control is the basis of managerial power and legitimacy. Critics have made clear that this conception of rationality is reductionist. But the critique often dismisses rationality altogether as the failed project of the Enlightenment. My paper will argue that rationality should be seriously engaged with in management education, but that (...)
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    Education of Multi-dimensional Man and Creatively Oriented Curriculum.Vaidas Matonis - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 74:29-36.
    Inasmuch as the mind of modern man is affected by a lot of factors which in their own turn are connected with new tendencies of the world development, the system of factors could be used to impersonate some constructs of modern way of thinking of growing generation. The transitions to new ideals of man is contemporaneous with the formation of new paradigms of thinking, so the development of contemporary life, respectively, is followed by man’s changing identity. It seems that education (...)
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    Crazy Love: Teaching Love of Others as a Continually Transcending Ideal.C. Robert Mesle - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 74:37-41.
    John Stuart Mill argued that we should treat every person’s happiness as of equal importance, being strictly impartial. My students react negatively to this, understandable insisting that they rightly love their own family and friends more than others. It is one reason they resist Mill’s utilitarianism. In this paper I explore how to teach the idea of loving your neighbor as yourself as a continually transcending ideal, citing sacred texts from world religions as well as Mill and Kant.
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    The Method of Thought Experiments.Gabriele Münnix - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 74:43-50.
    Beginning with Plato’s cave and Aristotle’s tower thought experiments represent a very old and often intriguing genre of philosophical writing. On the other side, neurophysiologic research on brain learning theories shows clearly that learning processes are more intense and more sustainable, if they engage the individual in autonomous activities. In this contribution the author who was member of a commission to plan, introduce and organize a school subject called “Practical Philosophy” in all types of secondary schools in NRW, suggests thought (...)
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    La memoria de la palabra.Francisco Santander Piñerez Ballesteros - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 74:97-102.
    The understanding and reflection about the theory of the Critique of the Pure Reason generated intellectual tensions in regard to the rigor and precision of the structure of the theory. The effort was in depth and of conceptual precision. The knowledge of the experience or empirical knowledge, is also called, a posteriori knowledge. This concept was deepened in the sense that the experience doesn’t originate all knowledge. The kind of knowledge that is absolutely independent of all experience is called a (...)
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    Learning to Philosophize – What does that Mean?Gisela Raupach-Strey - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 74:51-57.
    Starting from Kant’s well-known dictum which has become a topos in the professional didactic of teaching philosophy the author presents on the one hand the underlying approach to philosophy which is not limited to one particular philosophical school or to school in general, but, inspired by everyday life, focuses on the conditio humana. On the other hand, she delineates the underlying concept of teaching and learning as having dialogue character, as a process guided by reason and argument, which is related (...)
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    Teaching Critical Reasoning.M. E. S. van den Berg - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 74:59-65.
    This article argues that a social constructivist approach to teaching critical reasoning is reductionist because it sees knowledge construction predominantly as a rational process of critical reflection. Research in adult education and theories of learning indicates that social constructivism fails educational practices. These studies suggest that this is the result of focusing too narrowly on cognitive knowledge. However, I argue that, while the impact of socio-cultural realities and political power structures on epistemological paradigms and educational practices cannot be ignored, social (...)
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    Teaching Philosophy in Modern Liberal Democracy.Ewa Wyrebska - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 74:73-77.
    The aim of this paper is to investigate the arguments in favor of philosophical education in the dimension of the political, namely, the significance of teaching philosophy for the sake of modern liberal and democratic state. The main reference points are the ideas of Jurgen Habermas and Martha Nussbaum, as representatives of different philosophical traditions and attentive observers of modern societies, who discussed these issues. Firstly, the concern expressed by Habermas with regard to the processes observed in western societies causing (...)
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    Η αβάσταχτη βαρύτητα της διδασκαλίας της φιλοσοφίας.Ζωή Αντωνοπούλου-Τρεχλή - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 74:109-114.
    Με δεδομένη τη δύσκολη κατάσταση του μαθήματος της φιλοσοφίας στη δευτεροβάθμια εκπαίδευση, παρουσιάζεται μια πρόταση διδασκαλίας φιλοσοφικά αποδεκτή και παιδαγωγικά νόμιμη, εφόσον, αφενός, δεν προδίδει την ουσία της φιλοσοφίας ως «δημιουργικής ελευθερίας του φιλοσοφείν» και, αφετέρου, εμπνέεται από τα σύγχρονα δεδομένα της παιδαγωγικής επιστήμης. Διάλογος και πολυφωνία, στο πλαίσιο διερευνητικών και συνεργατικών διαδικασιών μάθησης, με την υιοθέτηση ενός νέου τύπου γραμματισμού και τη χρήση των δυνατοτήτων που παρέχει η τεχνολογία, σε συνδυασμό με την ερμηνευτική προσέγγιση φιλοσοφικών κειμένων, μπορούν να υπηρετήσουν (...)
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    Ψηφιακές τεχνολογίες και διδακτική της φιλοσοφίας.Μαρκούλα Βιντζηλαίου - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 74:115-120.
    Στην παρούσα ανακοίνωση θα επικεντρωθούμε στο θέμα της χρήσης ψηφιακών εργαλείων στη διδακτική πρακτική της φιλοσοφίας στη Δευτεροβάθμια Εκπαίδευση στη θεωρητική θεμελίωσή της. Η φιλοσοφία και η διδασκαλία της με τη χρήση ψηφιακών εργαλείων σε πολλές περιπτώσεις θεωρούνταν ασύμβατες. Ωστόσο, όπως συμβαίνει και σε κάθε άλλο γνωστικό αντικείμενο, η διδασκαλία της φιλοσοφίας μπορεί να συνδυαστεί με τις τεχνολογίες της πληροφορίας και της επικοινωνίας1. Άλλωστε η διδακτική προσέγγιση των μαθημάτων στη σημερινή εκπαιδευτική πραγματικότητα έχει τροποποιηθεί, ακολουθώντας τις εξελίξεις μίας εποχής αδιαμφισβήτητα (...)
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    Классическая логика в системе современного образовательного процесса.Оксана Ю Нестерова - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 74:103-108.
    Практика преподавания логики позволяет выделить комплекс проблем, связанных с определением ее возможностей и границ в рамках развития науки в целом. Вопрос обоснования логики - это вопрос о природе логического. Какой наукой она является теоретической или эмпирической, имеет ли она собственный базис? Можно ли оценивать законы мышления как абсолютно объективные или необходимо включение субъекта познавательной деятельности в обоснование логических систем? Классическое понимание проблемы правильности и истинности сегодня также является недостаточным. Современная познавательная ситуация требует разработки и преподавания логики не только как теории (...)
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    Harmony: The Tao in the Life of Lao Tzu.Juntao Li - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 73:3-7.
    Harmony is one of the most important philosophical categories in Chinese Taoism and the practice of Tao in the life of Lao Tzu. It emphasizes the unity of Heaven and Earth, humans, all creatures, society, physical and mental substance. By the demonstration and exposition of many Taoist scholars, Harmony has been greatly extended to the social field, and has been very useful in the development of effective programs to manage conflicts among persons, organizations and states. According to Lao Tzu, Harmony (...)
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    Hsi-Kang and the Rise of Chuang-Tzu School in Wei-Chin Period.Hui-Ling Wu - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 73:9-12.
    Most scholars accept the proposition that the doctrine of the “Seven Worthies of the Bamboo Grove” was inherited from Chuang-Tzu school. However, most of them believe that Hsiang-Hsiu and Kso-Hsiang’s commentary on Chuang-Tzu flourished Chuang-Tzu’s doctrine in Wei-Chin period. This paper argues that Hsi-Kang’s thought was of great significance, when we make use of “realistic sentiments” connect the thought of Hsi-Kang and Chuang-Tzu together. This paper highlights the significance of Hsi-Kang for the rise of Chuang-Tzu school in Wei-Chin period. Firstly, (...)
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    Dao: Daoism’s Quest for the Ultimate Meaning of Life.Haichun Zhou - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 73:13-15.
    According to Daoism, the Dao offers a macro-perspective of observing life, illustrates the whole life from the beginning to the end, and answers the question about the ultimate meaning of life. At the same time, it presents methods for achieving the ultimate value, the core of which is to use the living system of light and sound and, gradually, to integrate with the Dao.
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    Solidarity as a Human Right.Sally Scholz - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 72:135-138.
    I argue that the right to solidarity may be understood as the negative right not to be hindered by social vulnerabilities in the exercise of citizen rights. I define social vulnerabilities as those vulnerabilities that result from structures of society. As a negative right, the right to solidarity shifts attention away from what is necessary for basic flourishing, and toward what is social structures that hinder full participation in other civic or political obligations and rights.
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    The Cultural Tradition and Social Metamorphosis of Post-Soviet Societies.Victoria Anohina - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 72:179-184.
    In her paper the author analyzes the role of cultural traditions in social transformation of post-Soviet societies. On example of post-socialist transformation of Belarus, she demonstrates the factors that have been dampening and obstruct the post-industrial reforms. Among them specifies the following: the destruction of traditional values through the introduction of modernist political ideology inconsistent with the national culture, political repression against the social groups supporting national religion and cultural traditions, a large-scale urbanization in an agrarian country by totalitarian political (...)
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    Anerkennen als Erfahrungsprozess.Sebastian Bandelin - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 72:171-178.
    Die Theorie der Anerkennung gilt gegenwärtig als einer der zentralen Ansätze für die Weiterentwicklung und normative Grundlegung kritischer Gesellschaftstheorie. In dem vorliegenden Beitrag will ich in Auseinandersetzung mit zentralen Schwierigkeiten der Konzeption Honneths zeigen, inwiefern ein an der Sozialphilosophie des Pragmatismus orientierter Begründungsweg weiterführend sein kann, um die damit verbundenen Ansprüche auch tatsächlich einlösen zu können. Weil in Honneths Theorie das positive Selbstverhältnis, das über Formen wechselseitiger Anerkennung gesichert und stabilisiert werden soll, allein selbstbezüglich gefasst ist, droht gleichgültig zu werden, (...)
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    Wasted Wisdom?Ana Bazac - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 72:7-12.
    The aim of my presentation is to show that the impact of knowl­edge on the present society is less than one believes. The means is the focus on a special form of knowledge-wisdom. First, I circumscribe the concept of wisdom from the standpoint of opposite as well as close notions. The fact of two levels on which the concept has been conceived is especially highlighted: that of a fragmented and separated cognisance and manners to manage one’s own existence whether this (...)
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    (1 other version)The Frankfurt School, Science and Technology Studies, and the “Entrepreneurial University”.Finn Collin - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 72:13-17.
    Since World War II social theory has generated two major critical analyses of science as a social phenomenon: that of the Frankfurt School, and of Science and Technology Studies. These academic efforts grew out of a broader movement in Western societies in the decades following the war to reach a better accommodation between science and society, motivated by deep-seated popular anxieties about the challenges posed by the advance of science and technology. In this paper, I first examine the overlooked parallels (...)
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    Типы темпограмм исторических эпох.Марина Cолодкая - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 72:233-238.
    The transition from one historical epoch to another is governed by the certain “turning point” in progressive development of the society. It implies necessarily a change of the concept of time – the author defines it as “tempogramma” – as a way of arrangement of different events in the individual’s life activity and in the life activity of social groups. In accordance with tempogramma an individual and social groups are “included” into the era’s “new time” which should be “their time”. (...)
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    Rational Decisions in the Conditions of Risk.Vladimir S. Diev - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 72:19-22.
    Any human activity can be easily presented as a chain of preparing, making and implementing decisions. The importance of decision-making for social philosophy is due to their role in the life of society and the single individual. The decision is an event which is socially conditioned; it integrates knowledge, interests and the world-view of the person. In the modern world, risk is a feature of everyday life and affects everyone. The choice of a decision in the conditions of risk is (...)
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    The Concept of Need in Fichte.Yuan Fumin - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 72:23-26.
    Since Hegel, Fichte’s theory is called subjective idealism. The theory is divided into a theoretical part and a practical part. The concept of need is very important. It functions as the bridge between the two parts of the overall theory, which literally builds on the concept. The concept of need is different from the concept of drive in Fichte. Since the drive is found in the ‘pure I’, it can’t be fulfilled. Through experience, need which derive from the drive can (...)
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    Up-to-date Communicative Situation and Compensatory Intercourse.Vladimir Gladyshev & Alena Kuznetsova - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 72:27-31.
    The authors estimate up-to-date communicative situation as a crisis one and it is revealed in this article. The problem of intercourse in the sphere of total communication is dramatic. The progressing growth of the world of It happens simultaneously with reduction of I-You relations at the expense of it. Loneliness turns into a global problem of a modern man and raises a question how to overcome this condition practically, which are the methods to overcome it, what thing they depend on, (...)
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    Study of the Problem of Life-world of Social Phenomenology of Alfred Schutz.Sergei Golovin - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 72:185-190.
    В нашем докладе мы рассматриваем феноменологический концепт «жизненный мир». Наиболее подробно понятие «жизненный мир» анализируется в творчестве немецкого философа Эдмунда Гуссерля. Для Гуссерля, анализ данного понятия открывает философам пути выхода из кризиса, в котором оказалась наука. Этот кризис заключался в том, что новые полученные знания все больше стали отдаляться от жизненных приоритетов и смыслов обычных людей. Во времена жизни Гуссерля наука сделала большой шаг в своем развитии и негативным аспектом данного процесса стал разрыв между миром науки и жизненным миром человека. (...)
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    The Social, the Spiritual, and the Political.Paul Grosch - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 72:33-39.
    In this paper, I propose to undertake the following four things: first, I want briefly to point up the fractured state of western society which, according to many commentators, has permitted individualism to thrive unchecked and left collective well-being to wither. Second, I wish to rehearse the broad Aristotelian argument that human beings are essentially social animals, and that, therefore, human flourishing is best undertaken in social gatherings or communities. This, then, leads to the third, and main argument that the (...)
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    The Role of Erasmus’ Philosophy in Peace Building.Peter Harteloh - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 72:41-46.
    My paper will deal with the contribution of philosophy to peace building. It provides a review of the peace concept in the works of Erasmus, a positive definition of the peace concept and an introduction of two important tools for peace building: philosophical counselling and Socratic dialogue. In line with Erasmus, I will define peace as a quality of friendship. I will distinguish an individual, social and political aspect of the peace concept and argue that we should integrate these different (...)
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    Knowledge Challenges Posed by Climate Variability.Cecilia Hidalgo - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 72:47-52.
    An emerging approach to research is gaining ground with the aim to produce usable knowledge, able to support adaptation decisions, provide straightforward estimates of uncertainty, and meet the needs of climate sensitive sectors. An approach that implies collaboration among researchers, stakeholders and outreach specialists, gathered to develop not only a scientific contribution, but to offer a renewed appreciation of the relationships between knowledge, nature and society. What are the epistemic features of this new approach to knowledge production? How can Philosophy (...)
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    The Subject of Foucault: Transformation.Fouad Kalouche - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 72:53-57.
    The paper will draw on Foucault’s the last College de France lectures of to present his exploration of Cynic self-transformative practices and self-subjectivizing “ways of living” associated with social and political transfor-mation of ontology - of “life” and not just the “world” - as politics of difference, otherness, and alterity. For Foucault subjectivity is a historical production shaped through discursive practices immersed with social practices, where the transcription of power relations reflects various forms of governmentality as well as different “regimes” (...)
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    The Dialectic of Recognition and Identity.Kurt Dauer Keller - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 72:59-63.
    Social recognition and social identity are closely related phenomena. Today we tend to understand them – with reference to Hegel – as a dialectical coherence, which is prominently the case in critical theory. However, the Hegelian dialectic did not survive after Hegel, and we now have two very different components of it that are both interesting as well as challenging. One is the figure of overall development of the entire society, which is predominant in the kind of dialectic thinking – (...)
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    О некоторых особенностях протестного сознания в современной россии.Lidiya Kirsanova - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 72:191-196.
    Рассматривается содержание протестного сознания в современной России, которое характеризуется как сознание со смещенным объектом: реальные страхи вытесняются и замещаются фантазмами, грезами, бредокомплексами и т.п. Сознание невротизируется как на стороне «верхов», так и «низов» общества. Вводится понятие ипохондрического кордона как социального синдрома, сформированного разного рода социальными фобиями. Сознание без-участности обусловлено, прежде всего, отсутствием в обществе удовлетворительной философии труда. Место фигуры Рабочего заняли фигуры криминалитета, гламура, анархизма, социальной дикости и варварства.
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    Is it Possible to Conduct Science under an Engaged Epistemology?Kelly Koide - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 72:65-69.
    In this paper, I aim to identify the different cognitive, contextual and social values involved in epidemiological research on Chagas disease. As it is considered as a ‘neglected tropical disease’ by the World Health Organization, I will try to unfold the many senses of ‘neglected’ and in which sense different non-cognitive values can be manifested in research on this disease through a pluralism of disciplines and methods. The point of departure of this investigation is a model that explains the dynamics (...)
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    Myth-images in Russian Reality.Alexander Kolomak - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 72:71-76.
    Russian social consciousness contains a number of specific archetype images and priority mythological plots which have both a direct and indirect influence on attitude of Russians. The myth about the Hero is of current importance in times of crisis or in transition period. The “powerful hand” can save miraculously the nation from troubles and “put it on the right track”. Archaic character of Russian social myth is manifested in the forms of political myths which fully correspond to ancient heroic chart (...)
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    Феномен власти в контексте социального управления.Liudmyla Krymets - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 72:203-207.
    В докладе проводиться феноменологический анализ понятия власти с целью определения исследуемого понятия и прогнозирования содержательных линий социального управления на основе проведенного анализа. Согласно авторской концепции, власть - это социальный феномен, проявляемый в процессе социального управления с целью материально, информационного или энергетического воздействия на социальных субъектов, результатом которого является их объективация и полное либо частичное подчинение.
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    Метафизические предпосылки кризисности многонационального социума.Magomed Kuchukov - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 72:209-214.
    Основной тезис выступления в идее существования предпосылок межнациональных коллизий вне сферы национально-этнических отношений, в самой социумной жизни. Они заложены в мире идеального, сознания и образов, раскрывающих смысл личностного и социумного бытия, живут относительно самостоятельной жизнью, воспринимаемые каждым поколением как данность, имеющую метафизическую природу и ценность. Метафизические идеи воспринимаются человеком как объективные качества бытия, придающие смысл жизни и деятельности человека. Таковыми феноменами, ставшими метафизическими предпосылками национально-этнической конфликтности являются идеи Свободы, Равенства и Справедливости. Их превращение в идеальные феномены, стимулирующие конфликтность и в (...)
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    (1 other version)The Open Society and New Enemies.Han Goo Lee - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 72:77-81.
    My theses are the following: 1) Bergson’s open society excessively maximizes the concept of an open society. Contrary to Bergson’s view, Popper’s open society excessively minimized the concept of an open society. Both maximized and minimized models need to be reexamined. 2) It is fanaticism that is the enemy of a 21st century open society, while historicism was the enemy of 21st century open society. Fanaticism has erupted in the appearances of religious fundamentalism, closed nationalism, and political populism. 3) Fanaticism (...)
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    Korean Unification as a Dual Emancipation.Sang-Hoon Lee - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 72:83-87.
    World War II had ended in splitting Korea in half between the Soviet Union and the United States. Thereafter, the Unification of the two countries of Korea reveals a continuing major obsession of Koreans on both sides of the demarcation line. In a philosophical perspective, the Korean Unification will also be a long journey, marching to democratic republicanism. The indigenous blossom of the Korean Democracy started from the Dong-hak Peasant Revolution in 1894, which was an enlightened attempt to it, but (...)
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    The Essence and Particularity of Contemporary Chinese Social Transition.Qingxia Li - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 72:89-91.
    Since the Opium War, China has changed its society from traditional agricultural civilization to a modern industrial society. Compared with other countries’ transition from an agricultural society to an industrial society, China’s modernized reforming has something in common. That is why the powerfully marked agricultural civilization and the constantly changed international environment make China’s social transition having unique features. First, it is a long time for the process of the social transition. Second, the process of social transition is extremely complicated. (...)
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    The History of Czech National Self-identification During the Formation of the Czech State.Zhanna Mamedova - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 72:93-97.
    This article analyses the process of the foundation of the Czech state and its national self-identification throughout history. For this purpose the author mentions the three key periods: the Czech Reformation, Habsburg’s pe-riod and the 20th century in Czech history. These events are closely connected with the past of the Czech lands demonstrating the difficulties of coexistence between the Czechs and the other nations as well as the way the Czech people behaved under the political oppression: they have permanently desired (...)
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    The Development of Social Space and its Structures.Dmitri Mikhalevski - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 72:99-104.
    The paradigm of spatial paradigm is a derivative of the developing mentality structures and universal description of epistemological and ontological aspects of human existence, social space and its structures. It provides internalization of external conditions, of forms of social and cultural life, and externalization of schemes of perception and action, as a series of simple shapes of increasing dimensions: a point, a line, a square, a pyramid. The development of social space and its structures is associated with the emergence of (...)
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    Status of Ethnic Languages on the Face of Globalization.Erbina V. Nikitina - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 72:105-110.
    Languages are not called mirrors, but rather lenses of the world, and for a reason. The world perceived by an individual refracts in the native language according to his ethnic mentality. As an intermediary between individual thinking and social reality, language sets not only cogitative stereotypes and world outlook limits, but also standards of behavior. The language assimilation alters the ethno-cultural identity at social and individual levels. Since the familiar material life conditions, cultural environment, social surroundings do not always correspond (...)
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    Intersubjectivity, Power and Critique.Danielle Petherbridge - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 72:111-118.
    Axel Honneth’s development of a theory of recognition is aimed at an intersubjective reconfiguration of social philosophy grounded on normative and anthropological premises. Honneth attempts to extend Jürgen Habermas’ communicative paradigm beyond its linguistic formulations and challenges the social-theoretical separation of system and lifeworld, whilst offering important insights towards an intersubjective theory of power and analysis of social action. In this sense, Honneth seeks to investigate the normative, intersubjective relations underlying all social spheres, including the market and state bureaucracy. However, (...)
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    Philosophy, Community, and Critique.Andrew Pierce - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 72:119-123.
    In The Apology and elsewhere, Socrates defends a vision of the philosopher as “gadfly”, an interrogator and social critic intimately connected to his or her particular community. In this paper, I examine the relevance of this model of the philosopher for the contemporary world, a world characterized by migration, transience, and dislocation. Specifically, I argue that current trends in professional philosophy, including the twilight of tenure-track employment and the increasing reliance on temporary forms of employment, make it difficult for philosophers (...)
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    Социальный миф и современность.Irina F. Ponizovkina - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 72:223-231.
    Мифология является одним из важнейших социально-культурных явлений, изучение и анализ которого дает ключ к пониманию многих явлений духовной жизни общества на различных этапах его развития. Тем не менее, до сих пор мифология поднимает больше вопросов, чем дает ответов. В исследовательской литературе миф часто рассматривается как феномен первобытной или античной истории, по которому можно реконструировать жизнь и образ мышления древнего человека и архаических обществ. Такое отношение к мифу - как исторически преходящему явлению - неправомерно. Также существует сомнительное толкование мифа как вымысла (...)
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    Matrix Effect in Social-Philosophical Researches.Iryna Predborska - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 72:125-134.
    The paper is devoted to examining the analytic tools for under-standing sociocultural processes. To analyze the influence of the social and cultural environment on some fixed economic, administrative, state building, educational, informational and communicative processes the notion of the matrix effect is introduced in the paper. For this purpose the author addresses the phenomenon of historical pseudomorphoses mentioned by O. Spengler in his 2nd volume of Decline of the West. She considers that this metaphor is very useful for understanding societal (...)
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    Between Secularity and Clericalism.Galina Shirokalova - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 72:139-144.
    The position on all religions should be based on the constitutional regulations about the secular character of the Russian state and the equality of citizens regardless of their attitude to religions. Only the secular state can provide freedom of worship of its citizens. According to the results of the sociological research of different organizations the following conclusion can be done: the public views of the Russians would like to minimize the influence of religion as a social institution. Confabulating the manipulative (...)
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    Populism and Populistic Democracy.Byung-Hoon Suh - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 72:145-152.
    Unlike traditional views on populism, some influential theorists like Margaret Canovan have argued that populism must be regarded as a “shadow” which follows democracy’s inherent weakness or deficit. Benjamin Arditi agrees with Canovan, but he stresses the need to take a closer look at the distance or conflict between democracy and populism. According to him, populism is nothing but a “periphery” located inside democracy and has a good chance to enter into conflict with the latter. This paper attempts to articulate (...)
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    The Notion of Non–violence (ahimsa) in Gandhian Thought.Hari Shankar Upadhyaya - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 72:153-157.
    This paper deals with relevance of non-violence in changing scenario of globalizing society. Gandhiji practiced non-violence in all walks of life, which is specially based on Bhagavadgita. He advocated non-violence qua Anasaktiyoga and conceived that the concepts of Ramarajya, Sarvodaya, Svadeshi, Sarvadharmsambhava, etc. are derived from non-violence. In its culmination, non-violence becomes identical with compassion, love, detachment and self-control. He confined non-violence not only in spiritual sphere but also in socio-political and economic spheres of life. Now as a result of (...)
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    The Problem of Connection between Collective Socio-historical Senses and Individual Meanings of Life.Vasilii Voronov - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 72:159-164.
    Human life should not be perceived out of the context of its everyday-life content. The individual attributes senses to such series of acts and interrelations on the basis of self-identity in certain communities. Going through this process, the individual effects transition from the situation of pure “I – consciousness” to that of being related. Life attains meaning from the identity “I – related to”. These are related to such fundamental characteristics of human existence as “being – among others”. An individual (...)
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    Philosophical Analysis of Socialization of Person.Vera Zhilina - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 72:165-169.
    Socialization remains a serious and urgent issue for present phi-losophy. Present history is a mixture of mentalities and cultures. The significance of the real ratio of the personal and the individual in expanding of social being is constantly increasing. The matter of socialization appears in obtaining experience, drawing into language, the formation of conscious abilities, development of social role, cultural adaptation of a man. At the same time socialization is procedural in the definition of the method of involving the person (...)
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    Καπιταλισμός και πορνεία.Παναγιώτης Γ Δέδες - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 72:253-258.
    Eπιχειρείται η εξέταση της σύγχρονης πορνείας από ηθική σκοπιά, όπως τη διαμόρφωσε ο καπιταλισμός στο πρόσωπο της πόρνης. Σκοπός μας είναι ο προσδιορισμός των φαινομένων αυτών της ηθικής που, εκτός από τη θεωρητική τους διάσταση, αγγίζουν και τις πρακτικές διαστάσεις της ηθικής επιληψιμότητας. Η μεθοδολογική προσέγγιση βασίζεται στη δυ-νατότητα της καπιταλιστικής δυναμικής να παράγει τρόπον τινά “ανθρώπινα απορρίμματα” και στη μη δυνατότητα της πόρνης να αίρει το δεσμό της με το χρήμα, ως τον μαστροπό της υπηρεσίας που προσφέρει. Τα συμπεράσματα (...)
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    Κοινωνικό συμβόλαιο: Λίκνο κόκκινων και μαύρων ιακωβίνων.Γεώργιος Πολίτης - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 72:259-265.
    Το φιλελεύθερο δημοκρατικό υπόδειγμα ακολούθησε την αντίληψη της πολυειδίας των αρχών, η οποία διέπει την αγγλοσαξωνική ηθική φιλοσοφία. Στον αντίποδα, ο κρατικός σοσιαλισμός ακολούθησε την αντίληψη του ενός δρόμου, που εκπηγάζει από τις αρχές της φιλοσοφίας του Ρουσσώ. Στοιχεία αυτών των αρχών εντοπίζονται στην επαναστατική θεωρία του Μαρξ και των Μπολσεβίκων. Ωστόσο στις ίδιες αρχές βρήκε ερείσματα και η μεσοπολεμική ακροδεξιά. Οι κοινές αφετηρίες αυτών των κατευθύνσεων μπορούν να αναζητηθούν τόσο στο αφηρημένο σχήμα της γενικής βούλησης όσο και στην αποσύνδεση (...)
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    H σύζευξη αρνητικής και θετικής ελευθερίας στην αναρχική φιλοσοφία του πιοτρ κροπόκτιν.Παναγιώτα Ψυχογιού & Γεώργιος Πολίτης - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 72:267-273.
    Ο ασφαλέστερος τρόπος προσέγγισης της έννοιας της ελευθερίας στη φιλοσοφία του Κροπότκιν είναι μέσω της ανάλυσης που ακολουθεί τη μεταγενέστερη διάκριση αρνητικής και θετικής ελευθερίας η οποία συνδέεται με τον Aΐζάια Μπερλίν. Ο Ρώσος διανοητής εκκινεί από μία αντίληψη της ελευθερίας ως ηθικού αυτοκαθορισμού, η οποία διέπεται εμφανώς από τις αρχές της θετικής ελευθερίας. Εν τούτοις δεν υποτάσσει την αυτονομία στην ετερονομία, αντίθετα την εκλαμβάνει ως σχέση αλληλεξάρτησης. Στο έργο του συναντάται εμμέσως η “ανθρωπολογική” ή “οντολογική” θεώρηση του τρόπου συγκρότησης (...)
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    Соотношение антропологического и социального в контексте обоснования другого.Коротина Ольга Александровна - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 72:197-201.
    This article studies the problem of the relation of the anthropological and the social in the context of justification of the Other. The Other, in the anthropological subject, is the internal Other. It is the ability to remember what has been experienced and understood; it is what makes the subject self-identical. The social Other appears for the Self in the form of a fact that it is necessity to distinguish, in the form of social group, nation, friend or enemy. The (...)
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    Содержание понятия собственности аристотеля и современность.Вилена Викторовна Воробьева - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 72:239-244.
    Статья посвящена анализу содержания понятия «собственность» в классическом определении Аристотеля, а также динамике его изменения в процессе исторического развития общества от доиндустриального к индустриальному, постиндустриальному и информационному этапам. Рассматриваются качественные изменения хозяйственной деятельности и смысла понятия собственности в информационном обществе.
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    Экологическая культура и социальная безопасность общества.Елена Захарова - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 72:245-252.
    В статье представлен анализ экологической культуры, охватывающей сферу отношений человека и общества к природе, являющейся способом оптимизации деятельности людей, целью которой выступает гармонизация взаимодействия природы и общества, предполагающая в своем целостном виде преобразования всех трех компонентов системы «природа – общество»: 1) совершенствование очеловечено-природного мира, всей системы «производство-потребление» в том направлении, которое бы обеспечило прогрессивное развитие как собственно социального, так и естественного. Решение данной задачи предполагает реализацию отраслевой и пространственно-временной структуры производственного потребления, внедрение безотходной, малоотходной, ресурсо- и энергосберегающей технологии. 2) Реконструкцию (...)
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    Становление новой интегральной философии взаимопонимания.Алматы Нысанбаев - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 72:215-221.
    Доклад посвящен целостному и концептуальному анализу формирования новой интегральной философии взаимопонимания как мировоззренческой и методологической основы духовного согласия и социальной стабильности современного полиэтнического общества. Истоки этой философии коренятся в традиционной казахской мудрости и учении первого учителя Востока аль-Фараби. Его опыт философствования уникален тем, что ему удалось раскрыть смысл и ценность концепта взаимопонимания между греческой и исламской философией. Факт признания того, что в мире существует единое интеллектуальное пространство взаимопонимания и своими истоками оно пребывает в философии – вот что главное. Основываясь на (...)
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    Metaphysics of Personality in Russian Philosophy of the Late 19th–the Early 20th Century.Igor V. Grebeshev - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 71:5-9.
    Metaphysics of personality is seen as a complete and viable process of development of philosophical thought in Russia, intensified by interferences, polemic, and discussions. It is demonstrated that the reception of the major principles of European personalist tradition was accompanied by the development of original Russian concepts and the search for new foundations of the metaphysics of personality within the framework of neo-Kantianism, personalistic philosophy of education, metaphysics of all-unity, G. Fedotov’s philosophy of culture, and N. Berdyaev’s existentialist personalism. It (...)
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    The Way to the Theory of Causality.Aleksey Gromov - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 71:11-15.
    An understanding of the approaches to the problem of causality, as they are represented in Leo Lopatin’s and Vassilii Zenkovsky’s works, is important for the history of philosophy and methodology of science. As we think, L. Lopatin discovered the creative nature of causality and came to a new philosophical outlook based on a variable quantity, whereas traditional philosophical doctrines were based on some different constant quantities. L. Lopatin states that his theory of causality is necessary to prove that both metaphysics (...)
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    The Immediate Self-consciousness as the Basis of Personality in Metaphysics by Leibniz and Dorpat.Andris Hiršs - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 71:17-20.
    Dorpat personalism school starts its metaphysical inquary with the question of existence and analyzes the concept of subject through immediate self-consciousness as the basis of existence. As representatives of a school of critically-oriented thinkers, personalists develop new insights based on critical evaluation of preceding philosophical systems, emphasizing the importance of the history of philosophy. Therefore, to determine what is understood by the immediate self-consciousness as the basis of personality in metaphysics of personalism, this paper will describe personalist criticism of Leibniz’s (...)
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    Философия в эпоху крушения империй.Anna Kostikova - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 71:51-56.
    The problem of philosophical understanding of the status of society and the role of philosophy and intellectuals in it in the era of the empires’ collapses arose with special acuteness. The most vivid interpretations, not having its continuation, criticized by its contemporaries, recur in the history of the similar socio-political situation, having reproduced not only the model of philosophical argumentation, but also of its own social helplessness. An example in the history of philosophy can be Vekhi – Russian intellectual movement (...)
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    Гностицизм и русская культура серебряного века.Alexey Kozyrev - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 71:57-65.
    Le temps de «la Renaissance russe religieuse» ressemble à l’époque de l’Antiquit tardive marquee par le syncrétisme alexandrin, ou le savoir philosophiques se melangeait avec des diverses pratiques religieuses et mystiques. Après Vladimir Soloviev la culture russe est marquée par le rejaillissement de l’intérêt vers au gnosticisme des premiers siècles du christianisme et la gnose néo-européenne, donc les éléments sont largement intégrés aux systèmes philosophiques, ainsi que sont utilisés par des poètes. C’est non seulement la doctrine de la chute du (...)
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    Soloviev et Descartes.Artem Krotov - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 71:33-36.
    Critique des idées de Descartes est un chapitre distinct, assez importante de l’histoire de la philosophie russe. Dans sa thèse «La crise de la philosophie occidentale» Soloviev affirme que le penseur français par son interprétation mathématique de la réalité physique élimine du monde naturel «toute force vivante», réduit le contenu spirituel à «l’activité formelle de la pensée». Dans ses trois articles sur «la philosophie théorique» Soloviev affirme qu`une connaissance directe de la substantialité du sujet n’existe pas, que Descartes se mêle (...)
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    Cultural Constructive Potential of Socio-philosophical Ideas of B. N. Chicherin.Vera Mikhailovna Lobeeva - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 71:21-25.
    In this paper I will single out and analyze the main personalistic and liberal ideas offered in Chicherin’s social philosophy; his findings about the problems of the organizational, economic and political structure of society and some general conclusions related to the range of philosophical and historical problems. My opinion is that there is a cultural constructive potential, significant for modern society, in the ideas related to Chicherin’s version of the phenomena of personality, freedom, property, law, family, civil society, church and (...)
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    Специфика понимания личности русскими философами – консерваторами XIX - начала XX вв.Tatiana Smetanina - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 71:73-79.
    The concept of the individual, as a rule, is examined in connection with the liberal tradition of Russian philosophy. In the conservative model it is rarely studied and frequently even the very presence of a study about the personality is denied, since attention is entirely accentuated on society. But for the Russian conservatives of the end of XIX and the beginning of XX centuries, the search for an alternative to the propagation of the mass person, which is turned havoc against (...)
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    The Philosophy of Cosmic Thinking as Research and as a Life Style.Galina B. Svyatokhina - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 71:27-32.
    The aspiration to understanding cosmos and man in it, has been an important element of philosophical research in different historical epochs, beginning from the times of Ancient East and West, up to the present time. But the problem of revealing the principle underlying Being which gives an opportunity to see the whole of the world as a single, organizing itself integrity as well as man’s place and meaning in it, remains actual. From the angle of cognizing such a principle of (...)
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    Тема мистики и символизма в русском неокантианстве баденской школы.Storcheus Nadezhda Vyacheslavovna - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 71:81-85.
    In conditions of crisis of public life, systems of extra confessional mysticism esoterics, eschatological motives receive wide distribution in para-intellectual circles. But even in philosophy mystical motives are inherent even in especially rational directions. All mystical doctrines express themselves not so much in a language of concepts, as in a language of symbols. The mysticism subject within Russian Baden neo-Kantianism is represented as quite pertinent if we are to take into consideration that the ‘istoriosofiya’ differs from history philosophy in that (...)
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    Ключевые аспекты метафизики николая гоголя.Ilgiz Yanbukhtin - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 71:95-100.
    The author considers the key aspects of Nikolay Gogol’s philosophical attitude, mainly represented in the works of the last period of his life, and basic literary works. The fact that Gogol was a pioneer in many themes of contemporary art such as avant-garde, theatre of the absurd, surrealism, “the dehumanization of art” is well-known as well as his influence on existential philosophy. There is a necessity to overcome an asymmetry between literary and philosophical developing of Gogol’s creative work. The author (...)
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    Первый русский философ» григорий сковорода.Олег Марченко - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 71:67-72.
    Grigory Skovoroda occupies a totally special place in Russian cultural consciousness. Realizing its own specifics, Russian philosophy of XIX-XX centuries was searching for its fundamentals, origin, source, and «seed». Such origin for Russian philosophical consciousness became the personality of wandering thinker Grigory Skovoroda, whose outstanding qualities, like Socrates, were organic unity of inquiry and life. Many generations of Russian intellectuals, from Mikhail Kovalinsky to Alexey Losev, saw this Ukrainian poet, pedagogue and religious thinker as a «first Russian philosopher», forerunner of (...)
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    Коммунитаристский дискурс в русской философско-правовой мысли.Коновалов Валерий Николаевич - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 71:45-50.
    At the turn of the 20th-21st centuries, we observe a communitarian turn in the political and legal consciousness both in Western society and in Russia. From methodological point of view, this turn is characterized as postmodern discourse of philosophy of law. Communitarianism is a kind of expression of justice and the rise of the question not only of freedom, but also of the welfare. The spread of communitarian discourse in Russia is particularly noticeable. Communitarian discourse is explicit in the political (...)
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    Философия космического мышления как исследование и образ жизни.Галина Б Святохина - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 71:87-93.
    Стремление к осмыслению космоса и человека в нем – важный элемент философских исканий в разные исторические эпохи, начиная со времен Древнего Востока и Запада до наших дней. Актуальной здесь остается проблема выявления принципа, лежащего в Основании Бытия, открывающего возможность системно-целостного видения мира как единой самоорганизующейся целостности, а также места и значения человека в ней. С точки зрения осмысления подобного принципа космического мышления и разработки основанной на нем исследовательской методологии, на наш взгляд, представляет значительный интерес целостный подход, лежащий в основе самобытной (...)
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    Проблема христианской цивилизации в философии русской эмиграции хх в.Ермишин Олег Тимофеевич - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 71:37-43.
    The paper studies the philosophy of Russian diaspora of the twentieth century. We consider the works, which attempt to interpret the foundations and cultural unity of the European Christian civilization. V.V. Zenkovsky in an untitled manuscript, written between 1920 and 1925, and published in 2011, analyses the history of European civilization, and searches for ways out of the large-scale European crisis. Zenkovsky assumed that it is possible to overcome the crisis through the construction of a harmonious, integral culture. Thus, he (...)
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    Глобализация как форма исторического процесса и аксиология истории в россии.М.П Яценко - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 71:101-107.
    In the given article we consider peculiarities of historical cognition under the conditions of globalization, of which one of the most important characteristics is a forceful interpretation of history. Here, we prove that it is performed in the interest of the subjects of globalization, i.e. leading western countries on the account of the countries of «the Second and the Third World», and that is why the ideologists of globalization are not interested in objective study of the historical Past. They use (...)
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    (1 other version)Descartes and the Suspension of Judgment – Considerations of Cartesian Skepticism and Epoché.Jan Forsman - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 70:15-20.
    In this paper I will argue how Descartes in the First and Second Meditation of the Meditations uses a very clear suspension of judgments or assent that in many ways resembles the epoché of the ancient skepticism, especially that of pyrrhonistic variant. First I show how the pyrrhonistic epoché works and what purpose it was used. After that I show how this Cartesian epoché both resembles and differs from the ancient epoché. My main argument is that Descartes, when using the (...)
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    (1 other version)Pico della Mirandola and the Pre-Socratics.Georgios Steiris - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 70:27-37.
    Giovanni Pico della Mirandola decided to study all the ancient and medieval schools of philosophy, including the Pre-Socratics, in order to broaden his scope. Pico showed interest in ancient monists. He commented that only Xenophanes’ One is the One simply, while Parmenides’ One is not the absolute One, but the oneness of Being. Melissus’ One is in extreme correspondence to that of Xenophanes. As for Xenophanes, Pico seems to have fallen victim of ancient sources, who referred to Xenophanes and Parmenides (...)
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    La metafísica cartesiana de la continuidad.Francisco de Jesús Angeles Cerón - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 70:75-79.
    El estereotipo de René Descartes como reformador, reforzado por la visión de un agudo y vigoroso pensador como Jacques Maritain, así como por el seductor discurso heideggeriano quienes a su modo ven en Cartesio más que a un Parménides de la modernidad, a un Protágoras moderno, hacen que se construya en torno al Caballero de la Turena, una versión convencional de nuestro tiempo a partir de la cual el autor del Discurso es el responsable de las atrocidades de nuestros días, (...)
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    El hombre inepto como Ícaro.Anna Maria Brigante - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 70:69-73.
    Este escrito pretende abordar la crítica que le hace Vico a la educación de corte cartesiano que se impartía a los jóvenes de la Nápoles de su tiempo. La razón para ello era que formaba ciudadanos ineptos para la vida civil. La propuesta viquiana se encamina a mostrar que además de educar en el método cartesiano, se hace necesario promover entre los jóvenes el estudio de la elocuencia, dado que esta es una poderosa herramienta para que puedan enfrentarse con prudencia (...)
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    Définition et extension du concept de substance dans les Principes de la Philosophie de Descartes.Mariana de Almeida Campos - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 70:55-61.
    L’objectif de cette communication est d’analyser la définition du concept cartésien de substance dans les Principes de la Philosophie. Dans l’article 51 de la première partie des Principes, Descartes propose une définition de la substance, à savoir, comme une chose dont l’existence n’a pas besoin d’aucune chose créée pour exister. D’après cette définition, la notion de substance est liée à une indépendance. Cependant, le terme indépendance dans ce contexte n’est pas clair. On peut penser que Descartes considère l’indépendance comme causale. (...)
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    Kant’s Revolutionary Metaphysics as a New Policy of Reason.Gaetano Chiurazzi - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 70:5-9.
    Kant’s critical project has been understood as a description of the functioning of knowledge. Such an understanding of the first Critique seems however limited, especially if we consider Kant’s frequent use of political analogies. These analogies suggest another reading in which Kant’s critical project emerges as an attempt to overcome a state of nature in reason through the institution of a legal state in and by reason itself. Seen in this perspective, Kant’s critical metaphysics can be considered revolutionary, because it (...)
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    Moral Psychology in Renaissance Philosophy.Amos Edelheit - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 70:11-14.
    In the first part of the paper I shall discuss some difficulties and problems in the historiography of Renaissance philosophy arising from a gap between some assumptions and preconceptions concerning this period on the one hand, and historical and archival evidences on the other. The need for a new historiography arises both from the publication of new sources which have not yet been discussed with sufficient scholarly attention and from a new approach to the Renaissance and its place in the (...)
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    The Schopenhauer’s “Will” or about the Triumph of the “genium malignum”.Jesús Carlos Hernández Moreno - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 70:21-25.
    Arthur Schopenhauer raises the “question of the meaning of existence” and, with this question, philosophy inverts its alienation implied by the discourse which usually has marked it as tradition. However, with this question the philosopher unleashes an “evil genius” far more incisive and deadly than Descartes’ one, since, being a-rational, it affects even the rationalistic mathematical-moral parameters in which Descartes’ one was defined. This genius appears in Schopenhauer’s philosophy as a “will” that manifests itself in a “world” of individuals who (...)
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    La cuestión del lenguaje en Kant: una observación en la Crítica de la razón pura.Daniel Leserre - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 70:81-85.
    A partir de la constatación de que la cuestión del lenguaje en Kant oscila entre un polo, donde se verifica que Kant prácticamente no ha hablado del lenguaje y que en sus obras no se halla una filosofía del lenguaje elaborada y articulada explícitamente, y otro donde se ve su decisiva influencia en la filosofía del lenguaje, el presente trabajo: presenta un caso relevante en la Deducción metafísica de Crítica de la razón pura para un enfoque de dicha cuestión. Con (...)
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    La gracia en el trasfondo spiritual de la duda metódica cartesiana.Juan Carlos Moreno Romo - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 70:87-90.
    La Modernidad es hija, se dice, de esa voluntad cartesiana de refundación radical de la filosofía y la ciencia como tales, que pasa por la prueba decisiva de la duda metódica. El pensamiento existencialista que va de Pascal a Kierkegaard, y de éste a Barth, pasando por Unamuno, cuestiona la radicalidad de esa refundación, que deja intacta a la fe religiosa profesada por Descartes. En la fundación del mundo Moderno, cabría “traducir”: ¿qué es lo que en el fondo pesa más, (...)
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    (1 other version)Bessarion’s Conception of Platonic Psychology.Athanasia Theodoropoulou - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 70:39-47.
    Bessarion’s major philosophical treatise In Calumniatorem Platonis is a systematic approach to Platonic and Aristotelian philosophy written in response to George of Trebizond’s Comparatio Philosophorum Aristotelis et Platonis, which attacked Plato’s authority and proclaimed Aristotle’s superiority. A striking example of this is Bessarion’s attempt to defend Plato against George of Trebizond’s accusation that Plato did not offer sound arguments in favor of the immortality of the soul. In this article, I focus on Plato’s proof of the immortality of the soul (...)
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    Pufendorf and the Foundation of the Modern Concept of Equality.Julieta Vivanco Undurraga - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 70:49-53.
    Despite the constant assertions made in the field of politics and law about the natural equality of all men, currently there are a significant number of claims arguing that human rights do not respect cultural diversity. Any law with a pretension of universality is perceived as a cultural imposition with no regard to the subjective aspects that would determine its legitimacy; consequently moral objectivity is viewed as impossible, extending thus the feeling of relativism. The main aim of this paper is (...)
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    La question de la fondation dans l’idéalisme allemand.Miklos Veto - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 70:63-67.
    La question de la fondation n’a cessé de hanter la métaphysique. Elle a reçu trois formulations majeures dans l’Idéalisme Allemand. Chez Kant la subjectivité a priori est montrée comme la base de la validité de la connaissance humaine. Dans la spéculation hégélienne, les notions mêmes de substrat ou fondement cèdent le pas à l’unité de la forme et de la matière, de l’historique et du conceptuel, c’est-à-dire à la transparence du réel tout entier. Finalement, chez Schelling l’idée de Dieu est (...)
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    Η πρόσληψη της πλατωνικής ψυχολογίας από τον βησσαρίωνα.Αθανασία Θεοδωροπούλου - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 70:91-97.
    Ο καρδινάλιος Βησσαρίων υπήρξε ένας από τους σημαντικότερους Έλληνες λογίους και συνέβαλε στον επαναπροσδιορισμό της πλατωνικής φιλοσοφίας στη δυτική Ευρώπη του 15ου αιώνα. Το In Calumniatorem Platonis είναι το σημαίνον φιλοσοφικό έργο του και αποτελεί μία συστηματική παρουσίαση της πλατωνικής φιλοσοφίας. Πρόκειται για μία συγκροτημένη ανασκευή του Comparatio Philosophorum Platonis et Aristotelis του Γεωργίου Τραπεζούντιου, μιας πραγματείας που εναντιώνεται σθεναρά στον Πλάτωνα αναδεικνύοντας την υπεροχή του Αριστοτέλη. Αντιπροσωπευτικό παράδειγμα είναι η απόπειρα του Βησσαρίωνα να αντικρούσει την κατηγορία που επιρρίπτει ο (...)
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    The Distinction Between Piety and Zealotry.Cem Deveci & Mehmet Ruhi Demiray - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 69:111-115.
    It is a mark of our age that the long-standing relations between politics and religion founded long ago along the axis of liberal-democratic principles have turned out to appear problematical. Recently raised religious demands and movements put on the agenda a common question: to what extent are such demands and movements compatible with the principle of the peaceful co-existence of diverse cultural forms, which is the essential reference point of any democratic imagination? It a cliché that fundamentalism understood as the (...)
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  144. Can Perspective Relativism be Defended in the Face of the Evident Evil That Terrorists Bring About?Vicente Medina - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 69:289-293.
    In this paper, it is argued that terrorism undermines the justification of perspective relativism. The cliché, “one person’s terrorist is another person’s freedom fighter,” is offered as an example of perspective relativism. Perspective relativists argue that moral principles and judgments have no universal moral import. Those who defend the cliché expression presuppose that the evaluation of terrorism is necessarily perspectival. For them, there are no morally objective differences, e.g., between deliberately killing combatants and deliberately killing innocent noncombatants. Yet there are (...)
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    Multitude, Public Opinion and State.Emiliano Acosta - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 69:11-15.
    Despite the ideological differences among the most influential contemporary interpretations of Spinoza’s political philosophy, they all agree in considering Spinoza as a radical, subversive, revolutionary political thinker who defends the sacred inviolability of individual liberties and recognises the multitude as genuine subject of democracy. They relegate or simply ignore, however, polemic and yet central topics of the Tractatus Theologico-Politicus such as Spinoza’s negative considerations on the multitude, his resolutely anti-revolutionary tone and his view of the State as an absolute power (...)
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    Karl Popper’s Critique of Utopia.Oseni Taiwo Afisi - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 69:17-22.
    To identify with confidence some ways in which the politics of Africa could be improved depends not at all upon a vision of a utopia. With Karl Popper, I agree that utopian thinking muddles meaningful political reform rather than assisting it. Liberalism opposes large scale planning, and quite without reference to any utopia supplies terms in which to be aptly critical of the corruption, by which in the present day, African states all are riddled. Liberal reforms in Africa would institute (...)
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    The First Realist in Western Political Thought.Andreas Aktoudianakis - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 69:29-34.
    Although ancient philosophers used to attribute great significance to the heroic actions of statesmen, this element of “greatness of soul” was purged off, if not entirely, then at least to considerable degree with the coming of Christian philosophy. Augustine in particular, related the element of bravery to the original sin of pride, the fundamental of all sins. Aristotle mentions in the Nichomachean Ethics: “In the decisive sense, one is said to be andreios when he fearlessly faces a noble death and (...)
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    A Philosophical Inquiry on Mexican Independence.Virginia Aspe Armella - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 69:479-483.
    The article aims to prove that neither the scholastic philosophical tradition nor the modern European Enlightenment ideas influenced the Independence of Mexico. The author analyzes a third wave of thinkers that emerged at the end of the colonial period of Mexico, authors that proposed a renovation on traditional philosophy incorporating the advances of the scientific European thinkers but rejecting their naturalistic point of view. In counterpart, these authors proposed an inclusive point of view: maintaining Catholic beliefs and the innovations of (...)
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    The Mirror Effects of Political Symbols: Utility and Illusiveness.Andrei Vladimirovich Babaitsev - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 69:41-45.
    Catoptric interpretation of political symbols makes it possible to investigate the “image effects” of political symbolism, which, in the context of catoptrics, can be considered as an identification of image effects. That identification has been made by raising associative structures in rationally ordered political space.symbols are often directed at the catoptric assimilation of politics, actualization of “inventing thought” to influence the political life and assessment of political events and facts. Structural properties of political symbols mean homology of political matters and (...)
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    Democracy as a Way of Life – Philosophical Credo of John Dewey.Pavo Barišić - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 69:47-53.
    John Dewey considered democracy not only procedural and politically technical as a mere form of government under other institutional forms, but as a specific form and way of life of a political community. The substance of democracy as a way of life is firstly its ethical, cultural and spiritual ideal, and then its procedural state and proper technology of political power. The task of a democratic form of government is to make proper social arrangements that include all individuals and that (...)
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    Between Liberal and Radical.Ünsal Doğan Başkir - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 69:55-61.
    Liberal cosmopolitanism, from Kant to Habermas, has been designed as an ethical/political project based on inalienable rights. Accordingly, liberal cosmopolitans offered institutions to protect these rights. While Kant conceptualized a three-layered juridical order to create a League of Nations, Benhabib pointed out the creation of cosmopolitan norms, and Habermas emphasized the need for a constitutionalization of international law within the UN system. This moral and juridical project of liberal cosmopolitanism eliminated the political significance of cosmopolitanism and pushed the democratic elements (...)
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    The Christianity of Deconstruction.Artur Reginald Boelderl - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 69:63-67.
    First, I will briefly sketch the philosophical background of Nancy’s thought by highlighting an important feature of his fellow philosopher and friend Jacques Derrida’s understanding of religion; second, I will discuss Nancy’s own critique of the discourse about both the contemporary so-called ‘return of religion’ and about ‘secularization’ respectively; and third, I will show how in Nancy’s own thinking secularization and ‘mondialisation’, i.e. globalization interrelate within one and the same movement of ‘mondanisation’: mundanisation whose immediate political importance becomes obvious within (...)
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  153.  9
    A Contemporary Law of Peoples.Héctor Bonilla Estévez - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 69:69-73.
    Kant’s idea of Perpetual Peace has set the world in a constant search for peace amongst nations and peoples through the construction of an international relations project whereby these relations are based on an international law that has actually moved towards this goal without obtaining the best results: we are still engaged in conflict. Constructing a contemporary law of peoples implies considerable transformations in international organizations, in the way ordinary citizens ought to be seen, in the establishment of a cosmopolitan (...)
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    Un derecho de gentes contemporáneo.Héctor Bonilla Estévez - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 69:485-489.
    A partir de la propuesta kantiana sobre la Paz Perpetua, en el mundo continuamente se ha procurado la paz entre las naciones y los pueblos, con la construcción de un proyecto de relaciones internacionales basadas en un derecho internacional que ha logrado avances con esas intensiones sin obtener los mejores resultados, los conflictos continúan en el mundo. La construcción de un derecho de gentes contemporáneo implica importantes transformaciones en las organizaciones internacionales, en la manera de ver a los ciudadanos como (...)
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  155.  7
    On Behavioral Logic.Guangyun Cheng & Nianxi Xia - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 69:75-79.
    Political society is essentially a totality of behavior, so behavior is the basic unit of political society. Traditional behavioral theory studies behavior mainly from the perspective of psychology. Modern behavior theory should study behavior from the perspective of logic,and the logic research of behavior should take on the psychological implication of suspension behavior as the prerequisite. Behavioral logic is the first premise of political philosophy. Behaviors are divided into atomic behavior and molecular behavior. There are six models of atomic behavior. (...)
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  156.  10
    Justice as Fairness and the Problem of Reasonableness.Denis Coitinho Silveira - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 69:387-391.
    In this paper I want to show the importance of the concept of reasonableness in John Rawls’s theory of justice as fairness, as well as explain the problem of reasonableness in this theory. The starting point will be to stress the requirement of reasonableness that is made to the moral agent in justice as fairness. Later, I will identify some criticism about these criteria. I will show the criticism made by Estlund about the insularity of the concept of reasonableness and (...)
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  157.  10
    On the Nexus Between Protestantism and Capitalism in the Work of Max Weber.Angulo Cecilia María Coronado - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 69:81-85.
    The Weberian theory of the rationalisation of the world, which has as its cornerstone the idea of “elective affinities” between Protestantism and capitalism, has generated considerable controversy. The aim of this paper is to offer an interpretation of that theory and to study three possible ways of understanding it: the first suggests that Protestantism gave rise to capitalism; the second that capitalism caused Protestantism; and the third asserts that no causal relationship exists between them and that the question must, rather, (...)
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  158.  22
    On What Grounds Should Religious Practices Be Accommodated?Stéphane Courtois - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 69:87-92.
    In this paper, I seek to challenge two prevailing views about religious accommodation. The first maintains that religious practices deserve accommodation only if they are regarded as something unchosen on a par with the involuntary circumstances of life people must face. The other view maintains that religious practices are nothing more than preferences but questions the necessity of their accommodation. Against these views, I argue that religious conducts, even on the assumption that they represent voluntary behaviours, deserve in certain circumstances (...)
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    For a Feasible Justice: the Comparative Approach of Amartya Sen.Fábio Creder - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 69:93-97.
    In this brief lecture I intend to consider some aspects of the theory of justice as proposed by Amartya Sen in his 2009 book, The idea of justice, where, besides summarizing his intellectual journey, Sen broadens the scope of his critique of John Rawls. I would like to focus on this particular feature of Sen’s recent thinking, trying to situate it in its comparative approach of justice. As I show, Sen does not appear committed to propose a theory of justice (...)
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    Pensamiento político del exilio republicano español de 1939.Sánchez Cuervo - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 69:533-537.
    El pensamiento político, en el amplio sentido del término, constituye uno de los ámbitos del exilio intelectual español de 1939 menos explorados y, sin embargo, más ricos, por su diversidad temática, su variedad de contextos y de registros, su proyección crítica y su originalidad de planteamientos. Dicho pensamiento podría ordenarse en torno a dos ejes fundamentales: En primer lugar, la reflexión sobre el liberalismo y el socialismo. Autores como María Zambrano, Joaquín Xirau, Eduardo Nicol, José Ferrater Mora, Francisco Ayala oSalvador (...)
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  161.  14
    Kant and Political Philosophy.Nico De Federicis - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 69:99-104.
    This paper discusses Kant’s dealing with a fundamental of modern politics, that is, the concept of sovereignty, as well as its own capacity to reshape political order. Overcoming failures and fallacies that traditionally such a concept has maintained, Kant’s political philosophy focuses on the way to reach international peace institutionally. Starting from the discussion of contradiction in sovereignty, the paper briefly analyzes the analogy between individuals and states; finally, core elements of Kant’s cosmopolitan thought will be presented. Kant’s project basically (...)
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    A Volatile Couple: Justice and Human Dignity.Gerardo de la Fuente Lora - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 69:105-109.
    In the current political discourse and in the day-by-day public debate, discussions about justice come frequently together with the word “dignity”. In some way, this second term constitutes the aim of the first one. Justice is a worthy public objective precisely because governmental actions seek for the realization of everybody´s dignity. Situations of exclusion are unacceptable because then somebody is treated as being an outsider of the human race. However, in the theoretical approaches to the issue, only a few times (...)
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  163.  4
    La construcción del estado: el pasado, la historia y la política.Corina de Yturbe - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 69:491-495.
    La Historia es uno de los medios privilegiados en el que se apoya la memoria para poder persistir. A través de los relatos históricos de cronistas, maestros, historiadores, novelistas, artistas plásticos, la memoria era preservada, creada o recreada, interpretada o reinterpretada. Estas construcciones — estas memorias —, que pretenden hacernos conocer el pasado, no pueden separarse ni de sus autores, ni del momento o del contexto en el que fueron elaboradas, ni de los grupos que se las han apropiado. A (...)
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    Justicia e identidad - Justice and identity.Elisabetta Di Castro - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 69:497-501.
    This paper nalyzes the relationship between one of the main themes of contemporary political philosophy, that of justice, and one of the main phenomena that characterize our societies today: the diversity of identities. In particular we start from the idea that it is necessary to overcome the vision of the State and its homogenous citizens and break old stereotypes that are the basis of many of the Manichean visions in the contemporary world. Retrieving, among others, Nancy Fraser’s proposal, highlighting the (...)
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  165.  14
    Feminism: Frames of Political and Non-political.Oksana Alekseevna Dubrova - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 69:117-121.
    The author considers the fact that feminism has two ways of development in the political sphere of the society: either formation of an independent political force or marginalization determined by inadequate view about the interpretation of the political realm gender dimension. According to the author, feminism is threatened by erosion and decay in case of its invading the non-political sphere and transference of opposing categorical divisions associated with the idea of “masculine” politics elimination. Since the non-political sphere becomes the field (...)
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  166.  6
    Die Politik als Emanzipation: Ein Kommentar zur Antigone aus der Sicht Rancières.Toros Güneş Esgün - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 69:459-464.
    Die Frage, wie man das Politische definieren kann, ist eine der wesentlichen Fragen der gegenwärtigen politischen Philosophie: Was macht eine Handlung oder eine Idee „politisch“ oder „unpolitisch“? Um diese Frage zu beantworten, muss zunächst bestimmt werden, was das Politische von der Politik unterscheidet. Seit Carl Schmitt gibt es verschiedene Kriterien für diese Unterscheidung. Letztlich hat Jacques Rancière „das Politische“ als Antagonismus zwischen Politik und Polizei definiert und behauptet, ähnlich wie der Ansatz der politischen Anthropologie, dass die Politik außerhalb des Staates (...)
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  167.  10
    Global Warming Demands Global Justice.Ovadia Ezra - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 69:123-128.
    In the paper I want to suggest an environmental argument in favor of global distributive justice. This argument aids in the understanding of the idea of a global share of burdens and benefits which comes from natural resources. A similar argument was raised in the past, together with the demand for the restraint of deforestation in Brazil, for example, even though the rain forests are natural resources located in its territory. The argument I suggest regards the atmosphere as well as (...)
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  168.  9
    From Freedom to Justice.Silvia Gabriel - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 69:503-508.
    La mayoría de los estudios sobre la obra de Paul Ricoeur han enfatizado sus escritos fenomenológico-existenciales y su filosofía hermenéutica. No se trata de impugnar aquí la relevancia central de estos temas en su vasta obra. Tampoco es cuestión de negar que si bien sus escritos políticos constituyen, como él mismo advierte, “la estructura de recepción para la filosofía política. Esta filosofía política queda por hacer.” Lo que se intentará destacar, como él mismo enseña, es que “la humanidad viene al (...)
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    Political Philosophy as Knowledge and Political Action.Nikita Garadzha - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 69:129-131.
    The paper examines the problem of object determination of political philosophy in the context of scientific knowledge of politics and political practice. Political philosophy has special status among the variety of the humanities and social sciences that consider politics as their subject. Political philosophy in its specific is in value-oriented attitude of the researcher to the object of his interest. A possible result is the recognized social practice of such political action that is an action of a political philosopher. Value-oriented (...)
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  170.  7
    Diplobamacy and the Obama Doctrine.Zekeh Gbotokuma - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 69:133-140.
    The 2008 and 2012 presidential elections in the United States of America showed that democracy and demographics are correlated in a microcosmic nation, where the concept of majority ethnic group is becoming an endangered species. President Obama’s reelection victory can be attributed, among other factors, to the Obama Code, or Obama’s “effective way to bring the country together around fundamental American values”. The victory was also due to his domestic ‘Diplobamacy’, i.e., Obama’s cultural understanding of, effective dialogue and communication on (...)
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    Democracy, Liberalism, Torture and Extra-Judicial Assassination.Simon Glynn - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 69:141-147.
    Of the many ideological blind spots that have afflicted political perceptions and analysis, none has been more debilitating than the equation of democracy with liberalism. Thus those who attempt to derive propaganda value from such an equation are vulnerable, as the US government has found, to the rhetorical counter attack that in opposing democratically elected governments, such as that of Hamas or Hugo Chavez, they are not merely being anti-democratic, but are in illiberal opposition to human rights and civil liberties (...)
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    The Collapse of Practice Dependence.Kevin Gray - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 69:149-159.
    In this paper I argue that the attempt to develop practice dependence as a middle path between cosmopolitanism and social liberalism ultimately fails. In particular, I contend that the only type of practice dependence that can coherently be defended collapses into cosmopolitanism. I trace the origin of practice dependence theory from Cohen and Sabel’s work through Sangiovanni and Valentini. After discussing the various different types of practice dependence, I argue that the only type of practice dependence that stands up to (...)
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  173.  6
    Religious Diversity and the Nature of Democracy.Shengda Guo - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 69:161-163.
    Religious dialogue is a trend and characteristics of the contemporary religious development, it has a historic significance. Religious dialogue is based on the existence of religion in a diversified society. This is not a problem of which theoretical possibility needed to be discussed and studied, but a historical fact which can be derived by the religious history of the development of China. Diversification is not only the basis of religious dialogue, but also the logical premise of democracy: without the existence (...)
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    The Politics of Hermeneutical Experience in Gadamer.Ozgur Emrah Gurel - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 69:165-172.
    Experience itself, Gadamer argues, can never be science. It is a non-scientific deliberation. This paper aims to critically analyze the recovery of the concept of “hermeneutical experience” in Gadamer’s philosophical investigations. Focusing mainly on Gadamer’s magnum opus Truth and Method and his later writings on ethics and politics, this examination will allow us to discuss a) the imaginative development of Gadamer’s interpretations on Aristotle’s notion of phronēsis as practical judgment and its political repercussions for modernity, b) a construction of a (...)
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    The Fundamental Concept of Marx and Engel’s Interpretative Ideology.Xiao Hu - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 69:173-180.
    The issue of ideology is a very important proposition in Marxist theory. In the course of their scientific exploration to establish historical materialism and in their critique of the whole of capitalist society and culture, as represented by Germany, Marx and Engels always treated materialist inquiries into ideological issues as the focus of their struggle with idealism. By adhering to the fundamental intellectual principle that man’s social being determines his social consciousness, they defined ideology’s reactive mechanism and social function in (...)
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    The Concept of the Political.Babrak Ibrahimy - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 69:181-185.
    The aim of this paper is to critically evaluate Chantal Mouffe’s adaptation of the concept of the political proposed by Carl Schmitt. It is my claim that her adaptation is contradictory to Schmitt’s assertions on the political. The rigidity of the concept of the political cannot lend to promising adaptations for democratic theory. The primary interest lies not, therefore, in possibility or cogency of her adaptation, but rather with the consistency of basing this view on Schmitt’s concept of the political. (...)
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  177.  9
    On Marx and Justice.Dennis Ejikeme Igwe - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 69:193-198.
    In this work, I explore the question of whether Karl Marx did characterise capitalism as unjust and condemn it as such. I argue that he did not. Proponents of the view that Marx condemned capitalism as unjust contend that his use of terms such as ‘robbery’, ‘theft’, and ‘embezzlement’ against capitalist exploitation necessarily commit him to moral condemnation of capitalism. In addition, his vision of a communist state where the principle, ‘from each according to his ability to each according to (...)
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  178.  13
    Friedrich Nietzsche and Gustav Landauer.Christos Iliopoulos - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 69:187-192.
    Nietzsche’s connection with the Anarchists sounds rather peculiar since he is known for his hostility towards anything socialistic. However, this paper makes use of “elective affinity” – a term deriving mainly from Johann Goethe and Max Weber, which I intend to adopt in the way Michael Lowy did in his essay on Jewish libertarian thought – in order to present various hints of this connection. For Lowy, elective affinity is a kind of dialectical relationship that develops between two social or (...)
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  179.  7
    Inclusive Toleration: Locke vs. Rawls.Joaquín Jareño-Alarcón - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 69:199-203.
    This paper tries to discuss the concept of inclusive toleration, conceived as that toleration which is not based on empirical considerations –more kantiano- nor it needs political justifications, but it is rooted on individuals’ dignity conceived as a metaphysical preconception and not as the result of public recognition. To see the scope of the concept we analyze John Locke’s views in his Letter concerning Toleration, and John Rawls’ ideas on the cooperation of free individuals who voluntarily and rationally interact to (...)
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  180.  24
    Towards a Redefinition of the Public Sphere.Lukas Kaelin - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 69:205-209.
    The public sphere plays a crucial role in the functioning of liberal democracy. As a sphere conceived ideally independent of state control and economic influence, it serves as the sounding board of social and political concerns, where communications take place, ideas are exchanged, and arguments are put forward. The liberal notion of the public sphere relies on values such as inclusivity, transparency, equality, and rationality. This paper explores the limits of the liberal notion of the public sphere by looking into (...)
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    When is the Ruler Responsible?Eero Kaila - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 69:211-216.
    This paper examines Aristotle’s conception of responsibility through three different interpretations present in contemporary ethics and political philosophy. The topics of moral and political responsibility are discussed within Nicomachean Ethics and Politics, which contain an emphasis on human character and its components, the virtues. Discussion on responsibility has been present in one form or another within the history of western philosophy since its very beginning. As there has not been any universally recognized, continuous process of definition, the writings on responsibility (...)
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  182.  8
    Die Öffentlichkeitsfunktion des Chors in der antiken Tragödie.Nazile Kalaycı - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 69:465-472.
    Die Idee einer rationalen Öffentlichkeit, die als Bedingung jeder repräsentativen Demokratie gilt, wird heute einer immer heftiger werdenden Kritik unterzogen, sodass für eine Neu-Organisation des Gesellschaftslebens eine neue Idee der Öffentlichkeit notwendig geworden ist. Statt bzw. neben einem homogenen Öffentlichkeitsbegriff, der auf dem Staatsbürger beruht, sollte durchaus die Möglichkeit einer auf Multitude beruhenden kollektiven Öffentlichkeit untersucht werden, was auch zur Diskussion hinsichtlich einer „absoluten Demokratie“ beitragen könnte. In diesem Beitrag wird, ausgehend von der Antigone des Sophokles, die Funktion des Chors (...)
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  183.  5
    Radical European Politics or New Colonialism?Bogdana Koljević - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 69:217-221.
    This article examines the contemporary political-social crisis of Europe, tracing causes of such crisis in the project of the EU or, more precisely, in fundamental contradictions and intrinsic difficulties of EU theories and practices in relation towards the concept of the political and concept of democracy. Investigating various, principal as well as particular examples of the gap between EU forms and European realities, with special reference to processes of depolitization, the author, in dialogue with both philosophical conceptions of radical left (...)
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    Aristotle’s Political Thought as a “Key” for Current Mind-unlocking.Ilias Konstantinidis - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 69:223-228.
    The paper attempts to briefly examine some basic issues of Aristotle’s political philosophy. The first part presents some perspectives based on the interaction between the concepts of justice and equality. It also presents an example taken from Plato’s Politeia for the importance of justice as a value which can educate good citizens. The second part refers to citizenship and the need for a community to have a prevailing middle class, characterized by the value that Aristotle defines as “civic virtue” [πολιτική (...)
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    Is the Referendum Really Against Legalism?Przemyslaw Krzywoszynski - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 69:229-234.
    The paper presents a discussion of the theory and practice of direct democracy and its relation to a stable legal system and legalism. In contemporary theories of democracy, the most important factor in determining the proper functioning of this system is elections. The referendum is regarded as most popular institution of direct democracy. According many constitutionalists and theorists of democracy, the referendum is not an improvement to democratic rule because it is inherently simplistic and rejects compromise. It represents a danger (...)
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  186.  9
    The Meaning of Political Philosophy Between the Ideal and Non-ideal Theory.Reima Launonen - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 69:235-239.
    My paper will be an inquiry on the meaning and the role of political philosophy. Political philosophy has a different ambition than other fields of academic philosophical doctrines: it should create ideas and theories that go twofold ways; they have to be consistent enough to be considered as a sufficient moral theory of good society, but they also had to be in some ways politically relevant for actual societies. In my paper I claim that if one of these aspects is (...)
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  187.  15
    Modern Democracy and the Politics of Secularism.Luiz Bernardo Leite Araujo - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 69:241-251.
    The article deals with the politics of secularism as an essential component of modern democracy, confronting the contributions of three major contemporary political philosophers about religion and public life. I present, first, Charles Taylor’s characterization of secularist regimes as attempts to secure the basic principles of the modern moral order. Next, I argue that John Rawls’s growing interest in the relation between religion and democracy led him to an even more inclusive view of public reason. Thirdly, I show that Jürgen (...)
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  188.  7
    Radical Democracy as Difference.Joonas Leppänen - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 69:253-257.
    The concept of radical democracy is a concept that is often used in an ambiguous way. There are a lot of theorists that are theorizing radical democracy, either outspokenly or labeled radical democrats by their peers. Regardless, there doesn’t seem to any consensus on what the concept of radical democracy entails and how it differs from any other conception of democracy. This lack of conceptional clarity leads to a situation where the radical in democracy is used only to add rhetorical (...)
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    (1 other version)Cooperation, Competition, and Democracy.Shaomeng Li - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 69:259-269.
    Rawlsian framework is based on a cooperation model, which takes a democratic society as a cooperation system. Such a conception of democracy not only obscures the distinction between democracy and despotism; it also makes it hard to argue for the superiority of democracy over despotism. This article develops a different model, the competition model, to explain the historical development towards democracy and to justify democracy as a social order superior to despotism. I argue that once we adopt the competition model (...)
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  190.  4
    Non-ideal Theory and Religious Freedom.Jan Mahoney - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 69:271-276.
    A central concern for non-ideal theory is how to reconcile what political morality demands with what political reality permits. My view is that a liberal conception of religious freedom should be guided by this concern. In this paper I offer a brief defense of an egalitarian conception of religious freedom that takes non-ideal theory seriously. Many liberal accounts of religious freedom are framed in terms of American or European legal and political traditions and in this way are liable to suffer (...)
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    (2 other versions)Cultural Claims and Deliberative Democracy.Plamen Makariev - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 69:277-281.
    A framework derived from Jürgen Habermas’ Between Facts and Norms is utilized to address the question of how claims for minority rights, that emerge from ethical-political discourses, may receive public recognition. The major difficulty in this regard turns upon discrepancies between the interpretations of minority cultural needs by the members of a given community and interpretations of the same needs on the part of those outside of the community in question. I argue that the best way to assess across cultural (...)
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    The Ancient as Modern: Leo Strauss and the Revival of Classical Political Philosophy.Spiros Makris - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 69:283-288.
    This paper attemps to point out the importance of the approach of Leo Strauss in the 21st century. The Straussian approach to the history of political thought requires the recovery of ancient knowledge of political things. And this is in turn requires the revival of classical political philosophy. Leo Strauss puts Ancient as Modern, approaching Modern as the philosophical foundation of Western decadence. For Leo Strauss, positivism and historicism led western civilization to relativism. The classical political philosophy discredited as anti-democratic (...)
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    The Role of Moral Values in Politics.Naira Mkrtchyan - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 69:295-299.
    The issue on the role of moral values in politics is among those ones which cause hot debates both in academic area and in everyday life. Some contemporary philosophical approaches on it not only enable or deprive politics with moral characteristics, but everyone in its own way carries out ‘the politics of morality’, which provide them with a necessary horizon to initiate the successful ‘import’ or ‘export’ of moral values at the different stages and the levels of politics. Morality and (...)
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  194.  6
    Rethinking the Dichotomy Between Recognition and Redistribution in a Transnational Scenario.Jorge Moraes - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 69:301-306.
    The purpose of the present work is to rethink the dichotomy between recognition and redistribution taking the current scenario of the European crisis as a critical resource. Initially, we will address the theme based on Nancy Fraser’s article titled “Social justice in the knowledge society.” Then we will try to demonstrate how the crisis’ vocabulary leads us to a moral background that breaks the dichotomy between the concepts of recognition and redistribution present in Fraser’s article. After that we will apply (...)
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  195.  8
    Historical Time, Political Time.María Inés Mudrovcic - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 69:307-312.
    This paper attempts to show that in western late modern societies, in the absence of absolute foundations and the lack of a frame of meaning that opens new horizons of expectations, a political self-understanding of the present in terms of past, begins to emerge. This is possible because the major “catastrophes” of the twentieth century have not established a rupture between past and present on the political plane. What I am trying to show here is that the kind of break (...)
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    La sociedad abierta de Henri Bergson como respuesta metafísica al reto del fortalecimiento de las democracias.Helena Nadal Sánchez - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 69:509-514.
    Vivimos situaciones de déficit de nuestras democracias y de debilitamiento del Estado de derecho. Los resultados socio-políticos actuales no son necesariamente los resultados que deberían ser. Cada vez más los propios ciudadanos se implican en el pensar acerca de lo que está mal en el mundo, cómo sería éste si fuera mejor y cómo dar los pasos específicos para mejorarlo. Su creciente tendencia a implicarse en los asuntos públicos es una de las respuestas en auge ante la debilidad de nuestras (...)
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  197.  10
    On Biopolitics and Human Rights.Daniel Arruda Nascimento - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 69:35-40.
    With the intention of considering again the relation between Biopolitics and Human Rights, the following lines are devoted once more to the dialogue that Giorgio Agamben establishes with Hannah Arendt. The origins of totalitarianism, published in 1951, and Homo sacer: Il potere sovrano e la nuda vita and Mezzi senza fine: note sulla politica, published respectively in 1995 and 1996, shall be our more prominent references. The dialogue will be, however, oriented by the courtship of humanitarian help. We should take (...)
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  198.  7
    Hacia una ética de la convivencia en clave arendtiano–gadameriana.Karina Navarro Jiménez - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 69:515-520.
    Las líneas que ocuparán nuestra atención han sido escritas para evidenciar un engranaje de similitudes detectadas en las ideas de los importantes teóricos del siglo veinte: Hannah Arendt y Hans Gadamer. Arendt autodefinida teórica de la política, filósofa, discípula de Heidegger y por ende heredera de la tradición fenomenológica. Gadamer, figura clave en el campo de la hermenéutica, discípulo de Husserl al igual que de Heidegger. El punto de partida se encuentra en las ideas alusivas a los fundamentos de la (...)
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    Four Theses on the Interrelation Between Morality and Politics.Sergey A. Nizhnikov - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 69:313-319.
    In this research, possible variants of the correlation between violence and non-violence in politics are revealed through the prism of N. Machiavelli’s works, especially Machiavelli’s idea, Machiavellianism, humanistic, and pacifist concepts. The basic difference between the specified variants of understanding the correlation between morality and politics is established. It is stressed that Machiavellianism cannot be named a policy at all, for such an activity is an extremely criminal offence. Machiavelli’s limited humanism can be relatively justified only at the stage of (...)
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  200.  9
    Un análisis filosófico político en torno a los conceptos foucaulteanos de “población” y “público”.Beatriz Podestá - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 69:521-526.
    En esta oportunidad analizaremos el tratamiento de los conceptos de “población” y “público” realizado por M. Foucault y la apropiación de ellos efectuada por M. Lazzarato a partir de la noción deleuzeana de “sociedad de control”. M. Foucault aborda la categoría de “población” como un dominio específico de intervención gubernamental, visibilizada como arraigo biológico de la especie y como superficie de sujetamiento en el “público”. Retomando esta idea, M. Lazzarato afirma que el despliegue de los procesos de subjetivación y de (...)
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    Justicia global y fraternidad.Ángel Puyol - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 69:527-532.
    En mi texto, defiendo la tesis de que la igualdad y la libertad no son suficientes para entender en qué consiste la justicia global: necesitan complementarse con la idea de fraternidad. El debate filosófico actual sobre la justicia global enfrenta a cosmopolitas y estatalistas y gira en torno a la igualdad y la libertad. Pero ambos enfoques tienen problemas. La igualdad, en su versión cosmopolita, tiende a proponer una justicia distributiva mundial y una igualdad global de oportunidades difíciles de justificar (...)
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    Basic Procedural Justice: Tool of Transition Toward Minimally Decent Societies.Alejandra Ríos Ramírez - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 69:321-327.
    From the reconstruction of the approaches of Rodrigo Uprimny and Rajeev Bhargava on transitional justice models, it will be posed that the minimally decent society concept, coined by the second author, sheds new light on the discussions about better models to be implemented in societies with humanitarian crises. Intertwining the arguments of these authors could allow us to extend the scope of application of transitional justice to diverse contexts, say from dictatorship to democracy, from war to peace, or from a (...)
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    Transformations of War: Philosophical Challenges in Contemporary Times.Bassam Romaya - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 69:329-333.
    Throughout the past decade, philosophers have grappled with the idea that armed conflict in contemporary times has ushered in a new, transformative era of warfare, maintaining that the new phase introduces crucial differences that undermine existing frameworks for the ethical analysis of war. I argue that such differences are strikingly different from one in which older wars of the modern period took place. In this paper, I maintain that emergent properties of new wars frequently include the rise of intrastate identity-based (...)
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    Deliberative Democracy, Different Voices and a Just Society.Debika Saha - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 69:335-338.
    The idea of deliberative democracy is as old as democracy itself. Like democracy, it has its origin in Greece, in the fifth century B.C. To think democracy in terms of the deliberative ideal brings certain internal tensions in the ideal: tensions between procedural justification and the need for independent standards of judgment and reason; tensions between freedom and equality; and the tensions between its ideal and the actual conditions of pluralism and complexity in contemporary globalized societies. Resolving such tensions is (...)
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  205.  14 2.0: a Link to Participative Democracy.Jorge Aguirre Sala - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 69:23-27.
    The alleged legitimacy of democracy is founded on the legislative and executive representative power. But, the voters sometimes are ignored by their representatives. However, with the instrumental possibility of the new media, democracy can evolve into participative citizenship and can overcome the limitations of centralized democracy. While the traditional mass media were kept in the hands of interest groups and suppose that ordinary citizens possessed democracy and seek to find information, the new media grant information and seek democracy. With it, (...)
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    An Undesirable Intrusion of Capitalism in Democracy.Jitendra Nath Sarker - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 69:339-343.
    The aim of this paper is to justify the view that the intrusion of capitalism in democracy is not only undesirable; it is repugnant to the idea of self-government as well. I shall also bring to light in this context the historical background that has made the intrusion possible. Democracy as a social ideal based on moral values and its aim is to ensure the right to equality of all men. Capitalism on the other hand, is an economic view that (...)
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    Political Sophistry Ancient and Contemporary.Paul Schollmeier - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 69:345-349.
    Sophistry is alive and thrives. I argue that this less than venerable tradition modern and contemporary political philosophers continue to this day. I take Protagoras as the archetype sophist, and I show that John Stuart Mill, as does Protagoras, advocates happiness not in an ancient, rational, sense but in a sophistical, passional, sense. Despite their protestations, John Rawls and Robert Nozick continue to advocate a utilitarian happiness of a similar passional sort. The upshot of their sophistry is all too obvious (...)
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    The Origin and Meaning of the Term “Fundamental Laws” In Theodore Beza’s Political Thought of Resistance and Constitutionalism.Silvio Gabriel Serrano Nunes - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 69:351-355.
    This paper aims to analyse the political thought of Theodore Beza, focusing on his construction of a right of resistance to be exercised by the Huguenot party, that had him as one of the most prominent leaders of its cause. This right of resistance was based on an empowerment of the “lesser magistrates” and the “Estates-General” of France to offer resistance against a tyrannical government. In his most important political written published in 1574 “On the Right of Magistrates over their (...)
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    Medea’s Wounds: Euripides on Justice and Compassion.Devrim Sezer - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 69:357-367.
    This paper explores the moral and political implications of Euripides’s Medea. Drawing critically on Aristotle’s and Nietzsche’s readings of Euripidean tragedy, I will show that in his Medea, Euripides brings to the attention of his Athenian audience that the Greek democratic ideal of persuasion can also be used by a foreigner/woman in her demand for justice. In doing so, Euripides at once advocates the civilizing power of Athenian political life and its civic ideals, and demonstrates its limitations and injustices, in (...)
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    Taking Religious Voices in Public Sphere Seriously.Omid Payrow Shabani - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 69:369-374.
    Over the past decade or so, the liberal principle of legitimacy, which requires the justification of coercive law based on public reason, has come under severe attack from all sides. Some have criticized what they see as the exclusion of religious reason from the public sphere. Still others argue that the liberal proviso assumes a too-narrowly secularist definition of public reason, which, in fact, is more restrictive than what the principle of separation of church and state demands. Critics argue that (...)
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    On Confucian Social Political Theory.Ming Shao - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 69:375-379.
    Confucianism designed a kind of social political theory quite different from those in the west. It was rooted in their realistic understandings on man, society, and the natural world. Generally, Confucians held that humankind has a specific meaning owing to mind though man came from the natural world and connected with all things. Human nature had to be defined in terms of mind whatever it was looked like. The potential ability of mind would be formed and perfected in a long (...)
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    Les dimensions pratiques de la déconstruction.Hung Shih-Chian - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 69:455-458.
    Face à la fragilité du monde, nous assistons à une forte sensibilisation, à l’émergence d’une nouvelle sollicitude et d’un souci de l’autre. En voyant les mauvaises conséquences de la mondialisation, comment doit-on considérer les étrangers qui vivent ensemble avec nous? Dans cet article, nous allons discuter la relation entre nous et les autres, selon le concept de la politique proposé par Jacques Derrida, tout en mettant l’accent sur l’hospitalité et la « démocratie à venir », afin de pouvoir répondre aux (...)
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    Lockean Toleration: an Interweaving Strategy of Argumentation.Yekutiel Shoham - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 69:381-386.
    While assessing the validity of the arguments in John Locke’s A Letter concerning Toleration, the scholarship on the English philosopher tends to overlook the distinction that he is making between three sources of religious intolerance, namely state, religious establishments and individuals, and concentrate mainly on the persecution by the state. The reason for this tendency in Locke’s scholarship is that nowadays toleration either by an established religion or by individuals is not an open question in the Western world. Consequently, Locke’s (...)
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    Persona Civitatis and Thomas Hobbes’s Definition of a Commonwealth.Marko Simendić - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 69:393-397.
    Contra Quentin Skinner’s and David Runciman’s influential accounts that aim to prove what kind of person the Hobbesian state is, in Leviathan Thomas Hobbes compares a commonwealth to an artificial man or an artificial God, but never to an artificial person, nor to a fictitious person. The commonwealth, therefore, should never be constrained to its persona civitatis since, besides its group personality, it also comprises “the multitude”, i.e. flesh and blood people disposed to act in a certain way. The analysis (...)
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    Проективная рационализация как альтернатива радикализации политического взаимодействия.Valery Solodky - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 69:571-576.
    The most important causes of radicalisation of the political interactions are the alienation of power and political influence, the marginalization of the political subjects, aggravation of the problems of the legitimacy of power through the use of inadequate mechanisms of legitimisation, a certain irrationalization of policy. A significant part of people is eliminated from the political processes. Political parties do not give possibilities to influence the policy to any potential out-of-power political entities and they do not serve as the means (...)
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  216.  17
    A Challenge for Republicanism.Robert B. Talisse - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 69:399-403.
    Republicans hold that freedom is non-domination rather than non-interference. This entails that any instance of interference that does not involve domination is not freedom-lessening. The case for thinking of freedom as non-domination proceeds mostly by way of a handful of highly compelling cases in which it seems intuitive to say of some person that he or she is unfree despite being in fact free from interference. In this essay, I call attention to a kind of case which directs attention to (...)
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  217.  16
    The Concept of Promise and Contract Theory.Magdalini Tsevreni - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 69:405-409.
    The concept of promise has lately returned to the philosophical arena. As a result, we can observe through a new perspective the relationship between the individual and society, action and justice. Furthermore, it addresses the crucial question on the connection between ethical and political theory. In this paper we will examine the genealogy of promise and its relation to contract theories, the transition from the early modern tradition of natural law to modern political theory. The central themes in the tradition (...)
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  218.  4
    The Mathematical Law of the Athenian Participatory Democracy.Constantinos N. Tsiantis - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 69:411-416.
    The representation of a population is not a conventional subjective choice, neither does it depend upon ideal and non-ascertained statistical conditions. The mathematic law that we present solves this problem and can become a foundation for the political-social sciences: If a population of size N is constituted by m groups of citizens and each group possesses percentage wi of the entire population, then the minimum number of citizens n that have to be selected from all the population groups for the (...)
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    Liberalism, Neutrality and the Politics of Virtue.Koray Tutuncu - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 69:417-423.
    The relationship between politics and virtue has been a controversial issue. While some significant scholars of politics make a sharp distinction between what is political and what is not, others underline the impossibility of separating politics from the virtues despite the fact that the unity of political and virtuous lives had been more apparent in Ancient and Medieval times. This paper aims to re-consider the problem of virtue in terms of liberal politics in general and the liberal principle of neutrality (...)
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    The Quality of Democracy.Evert van der Zweerde - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 69:425-429.
    This paper elaborates a conception of democracy as a possible quality of all social situations in which political power is executed by some over others. Critical of proceduralist, substantivist, and ethical conceptions of democracy, exemplified by Van Parijs, Rancière and Dewey respectively, it does not propose a synthesis of those three, but aims to move beyond them, arguing in favour of an understanding of democracy as a mixing regime, consisting of a plurality of repertoires that, in each and every situation, (...)
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  221.  14
    Knowledge Networks in Public Policy as a Factor of the State’s Development.Liudmila Vedmetskaya - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 69:431-436.
    We can hardly deny the fact that nowadays the sphere of public administration of any state is experiencing the effects of an extremely unstable and unpredictable world in the most concentrated form. Challenges of both endogenous and exogenous origins threaten the political and administrative systems, so modern government has to change its preferences and is called upon to play a more dynamic, more complex, and less certain role, to develop itself. The extent of development of the modern state substantially depends (...)
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    (1 other version)Exploitation, Domination and Marxism.Nicholas Vrousalis - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 69:437-442.
    This paper argues that there is a conceptual connection between economic exploitation and domination. If I am right, then exploitation is a form of domination, rather than a form of distributive injustice. It follows that the contemporary infatuation of many analytical Marxists with distributive injustice is misguided, and their attention is better spent studying relations of power, in particular the possibility of abstract forms of domination.
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    Discursive Consensus: Post-metaphysical Criterion of Substantive Justice.Hong Xia - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 69:443-447.
    Basic justice is needed everywhere, but the traditional criteria of substantive justice, such as liberty, equality, efficiency, or‘justice as fairness’etc., is challenged in contemporary society because of the ruin of the traditional metaphysics and religions. Habermas’s theory of discourse perhaps provides us a way to set a criterion for the post-metaphysical time. Justice is the union of the content and form. However, what his viewpoint on justice emphasizes is only the form of justice; he fails to consider the substance of (...)
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    Good Governance: Another Kind of Legitimacy?Dazhi Yao - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 69:449-453.
    There are two resources for the legitimacy of a government: agreement and good governance. People’s agreement is eminent via democracy and regular elections. In this sense, agreement is a procedural legitimacy. While good governance is reflected by a government’s execution of its responsibility and favorable performances. In this sense, good governance is a substantial legitimacy. Agreement and good governance are two consisting parts of legitimacy: agreement as procedural legitimacy originates from democracy and governance as substantial legitimacy originates from exceptional execution (...)
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  225.  5
    Ο φιλόσοφος υπέρ και εναντίον της φιλοσοφίας.Σωτήρης Βανδώρος - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 69:661-669.
    Ο Ζαν-Ζακ Ρουσσώ αναγνωρίζεται ως ένας από τους πλέον σημαντικούς και ρηξικέλευθους στοχαστές της νεώτερης εποχής. Ωστόσο παρουσιάζει τον εαυτό του ως σφοδρό πολέμιο της φιλοσοφίας και των «φιλοσόφων», δηλαδή των φιλοσόφων, των επιστημόνων και των δημόσιων διανοουμένων. Αμφιβάλλει εάν η καλλιέργεια της επιστήμης και η ανάπτυξη της γνώσης προσφέρουν ο,τιδήποτε άλλο εκτός από ηθική διαφθορά και κοινωνική παρακμή. Δίδοντας έμφαση στις αλλοτριωτικές, στις κοινωνικές και στις πολιτικές συνθήκες που ευνοούν την εξέλιξή τους, υποστηρίζει ότι βλάπτονται κατεξοχήν από την «πρόοδό» (...)
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  226.  13
    Κυριαρχία και δικαιοσύνη στην πλατωνική Πολιτεία και στην πρυτανική ομιλία του Heidegger.Χριστόφορος Ευθυμίου - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 69:577-584.
    Στόχος της ανακοίνωσης είναι η διερεύνηση των εννοιών της κυριαρχίας και της δικαιοσύνης στην πλατωνική Πολιτεία και στην πρυτανική ομιλία του Heidegger, η οποία εκφωνήθηκε το 1933. Δικαιοσύνη για τον Πλάτωνα σημαίνει ότι κάθε πολίτης αλλά και κάθε κοινωνική βαθμίδα πράττουν όσα αρμόζουν στη θέση τους. Οι ρόλοι στη ιδανική πολιτεία διανέμονται αναλόγως προς τη γνώση που διαθέτει κάθε βαθμίδα κατά το εξωπολιτικό θεμέλιο των όντων αλλά και της ανθρώπινης συμβίωσης σε σχέση προς την ιδέα του αγαθού. Άρα δικαιοσύνη σημαίνει (...)
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    O συσχετισμός και η ισορροπία της ισχύος μεταξύ των κυριαρχουσών δυνάμεων στην θουκυδίδου ξυγγραφή.Νικολέττα Ζάγκα - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 69:671-679.
    Στην ιστοριογραφία του Θουκυδίδη η διατήρηση της ισχύος των κυριαρχουσών δυνάμεων προβάλλεται ως αναγκαιότητα στον κόσμο των διεθνών σχέσεων, προκειμένου να διασφαλίζεται το κύρος και το συμφέρον κάθε κρατικής υπόστασης. Ως αδιαμφισβήτητο γεγονός επισημαίνεται ότι το μέγεθος της δύναμης καλλιεργεί την υπέρμετρη φιλοδοξία της, ενώ ταυτοχρόνως η δύναμη αυτή πυροδοτεί τα εγγενή πάθη του ανθρώπου που μπορεί να οδηγήσουν σε ολέθρια αποτελέσματα. Η κατάσταση αυτή δημιουργεί αίσθημα φόβου και ανασφάλειας στις άλλες κρατικές οντότητες και τούτο είναι κάτι που προκαλεί ανισορροπία (...)
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    Αναρχία δεν είναι αταξία.Ζαχαρούλα Θεοδώρου - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 69:647-654.
    Στο παρακάτω κείμενο αναλύεται η έννοια της αναρχίας και το πώς από έννοια ταυτόσημη του χάους και της αταξίας μπορεί να αποτελέσει πολιτική ιδεολογία που εμπεριέχει την οργάνωση. Η αναρχία, έτσι όπως ορίζεται από τον Μαλατέστα, σημαίνει απουσία αρχής. Στη συνέχεια, ερμηνεύοντας τη σκέψη του Προυντόν και άλλων φιλοσόφων, παρατηρούμε πως η απουσία αρχής δεν σημαίνει και απουσία τάξης. Ο φόβος για την απουσία τάξης σε μια αναρχική κοινωνία οφείλεται στην προκατάληψη των ανθρώπων ότι η κυβέρνηση είναι αναγκαία για την (...)
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    Πολιτική φιλοσοφία με επίκεντρο το έργο Δεύτερη πραγματεία περί κυβερνήσεως του John Locke.Σταύρος Καπνάς - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 69:585-594.
    Η παρούσα ανακοίνωση επικεντρώνεται στο έργο Δεύτερη πραγματεία περί κυβερνήσεως του John Locke και ερευνά τους δύο θεμελιακούς άξονες της Δεύτερης πραγματείας, οι οποίοι εκφράζουν το σύνολο της πολιτικής θεωρίας του Locke. Αρχικά γίνεται αναφορά στη θεωρία περί καταπιστεύματος που αποτελεί και τη βάση της πολιτικής θεωρίας του Lοcke. Οι άνθρωποι προκειμένου να διαφυλάξουν τα δικαιώματά τους με κορυφαίο εκείνο της ζωής, προχωρούν από την πρότερη φυσική κατάσταση στην ενοποιημένη ανθρώπινη κατάσταση, η οποία ονομάζεται κοινότητα. Κατά τη φάση της συγκροτήσεως (...)
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    Αυτονομία και πολιτική πραγματικότητα.Σταύρος Π Κάρτσωνας - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 69:595-599.
    Γιατί ένα μεγάλο μέρος των Ελλήνων πολιτών επιλέγει να μην υπακούει τους νόμους του κράτους; Η έλλειψη νομιμότητας, η νομιμοφάνεια και η πολιτική ανυπακοή αποτελούν προβλήματα μείζονος σημασίας για το σύγχρονο ελληνικό κράτος. Στη σύντομη αυτή ανακοίνωση υποστηρίζεται ότι αυτά τα προβλήματα αποτελούν όχι μόνο συνέπειες της οικονομικής κρίσης, αλλά τον αναπόδραστο απότοκο της έλλειψης πολιτικής αυτονομίας που διέπει την κοινωνία μας, γέννημα-θρέμμα μιας βαθύτατης κοινωνικοπολιτικής νωθρότητας, που επιτρέπει τη χειραγώγηση των πολιτών της. Θα προβληθεί το παράδειγμα του ελεύθερου πολίτη (...)
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    Η έννοια της αλλοτρίωσης στην Μεταμόρφωση του F. Kafka.Χρήστος Μαράντος - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 69:601-605.
    Με αφορμή το έργο του Franz Kafka «Η Μεταμόρφωση», το οποίο γράφηκε το 1912, προσεγγίζω την έννοια της αλλοτρίωσης, όπως αυτή εκδηλώνεται στις ανεπτυγμένες βιομηχανικές χώρες την ίδια εποχή. Η μεταμόρφωση ενός υπαλλήλου σε ζωύφιο σηματοδοτεί την έναρξη της ασημαντότητας που αισθάνεται ο μέσος άνθρωπος μπροστά στη γιγάντωση των γραφειοκρατικών μηχανισμών. Ταυτόχρονα, καθώς η εργασία μηχανοποιείται ή γραφειοκρατικοποιείται, γίνεται ανιαρή και ξένη προς τις αυθεντικές επιθυμίες των ανθρώπων. Κάπου εκεί εμφανίζεται η διάρρηξη του εαυτού, που για να επιβιώσει μετατρέπεται σε (...)
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  232.  14
    Φιλοσοφικές και αισθητικές προεκτάσεις της γενιάς Βeat και η νέα αριστερά υπό την επιρροή του έργου Ο μονοδιάστατος άνθρωπος του Μαρκούζε.Χρήστος Νεδελκόπουλος - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 69:607-612.
    Στην ανακοίνωση αυτή αναλύεται η συμβολή του έργου Ο Μονοδιάστατος άνθρωπος του Χέρμπερτ Μαρκούζε στο πολιτικό κίνημα της δεκαετίας του 1960, έχοντας ως κύρια αναφορά τη γενιά Βeat και την άνθιση της νέας αριστεράς στην Αμερική. Αφενός αναφέρομαι στην πολιτιστική αλλαγή που επετεύχθη με τη γενιά Beat και αφετέρου στην κοινωνική δράση του κινήματος διαμαρτυρίας SDS. Έμφαση δίδεται στην πολιτισμική κριτική, στις πολιτικές εντάσεις και στις κοινωνικές συνθήκες που οδηγούν στον σχηματισμό του κινήματος της νέας αριστεράς καθώς και στην αντιμετώπιση (...)
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  233.  12
    Η έννοια της υπόσχεσης και της συγχώρεσης στην πολιτική φιλοσοφία.Παναγιώτης Παππάς - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 69:613-618.
    Η έννοια της υπόσχεσης και της συγχώρεσης στην πολιτική φιλοσοφία. Ο σκοπός της παρούσας εισήγησης είναι να ιχνηλατηθεί η σχέση και η σύνδεση των εννοιών της υπόσχεσης και της συγχώρεσης με την πολιτική φιλοσοφία και τις ανθρώπινες σχέσεις. Για το σκοπό αυτό έγινε μια παρουσίαση και ανάλυση της έννοιας της υπόσχεσης στη φιλοσοφία του Νικολό Μακιαβέλλι, μελετήθηκε η άποψη του Φρίντριχ Νίτσε στο ζήτημα της υπόσχεσης με τη σύμπραξη της λήθης και η διασύνδεσή της με τον άνθρωπο, ενώ παρουσιάστηκε και (...)
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  234.  4
    Η δικαιολόγηση της πολιτικής ανυπακοής.Γεώργιος Πούλιος - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 69:619-623.
    Με την παρούσα ανακοίνωση επιχειρείται να δικαιολογηθεί η άσκηση της πολιτικής ανυπακοής εντός του πλαισίου του καθήκοντος για συμμόρφωση στο νόμο ως καθαρά πολιτικό μέσο αντίδρασης μίας μειοψηφίας, η οποία φέρει κατ’ ανάγκη την πλειοψηφία αντιμέτωπη με το δίλημμα είτε να αποδεχθεί αυτήν την ερμηνεία των ενεργειών της είτε να αναγνωρίσει εν όψει του κοινού αισθήματος περί της δικαιοσύνης τη νομιμότητα των αιτημάτων της μειοψηφίας, έχοντας ως τελικό στόχο να προκαλέσει μια αλλαγή στην πολιτική διά της δημόσιας αντιπαράθεσης. Παράλληλα αναδεικνύει (...)
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    Το ένστικτο της αυτοσυντήρησης ως θεμελίωση της εξουσίας στην πολιτική φιλοσοφία του Thomas Hobbes.Ανδρόνικος Δ Σαρλάκης - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 69:625-631.
    Στην παρούσα ανακοίνωση θα μελετήσουμε την έννοια της αυτοσυντήρησης και τον τρόπο με τον οποίο επηρεάζει το πολιτειακό σύστημα, κατά τον Thomas Hobbes. Οι άνθρωποι χαρακτηρίζονται από πρωτόγονα πάθη. Προκειμένου να εξασφαλίσουν την επιβίωσή τους, εκχωρούν το σύνολο των δικαιωμάτων τους σε ένα μονάρχη και οργανώνονται σε κοινωνίες. Ο μονάρχης είναι υπεύθυνος για τη θέσπιση νόμων, τη συμπεριφορά των υπηκόων του και γενικότερα τη λειτουργία της κοινωνίας. Η εξουσία του είναι αδιαπέραστη, αλλά δικαιολογείται υπό το πρίσμα ενός αρμονικού κοινωνικού βίου (...)
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  236.  13
    Κορνήλιος καστοριάδης.Γιώτα Σεχίδου - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 69:633-646.
    Θεώρησα σκόπιμο στην παρούσα συγκυρία και στο πλαίσιο του Παγκόσμιου Συνεδρίου Φιλοσοφίας να αναφερθώ στο ζήτημα της ελληνικής κρίσης, από τη σκοπιά του «φιλοσόφου της αυτονομίας», Κορνήλιου Καστοριάδη. Στο κείμενο αυτό θα μιλήσουμε τόσο για την πολιτική κριτική ικανότητα όσο και για το φαινόμενο της οικονομικής κρίσης των δυτικών κοινωνιών. Κι αυτό, γιατί της οικονομικής κρίσης προηγήθηκε η πολιτική κρίση, και δεν είναι τυχαίο ότι εδώ και είκοσι πέντε χρόνια φιλελεύθεροι πολιτειολόγοι και πολιτικοί επιστήμονες αναφέρονται στις δυτικές αναπτυγμένες δημοκρατίες μιλώντας (...)
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  237.  6
    H επαναθεμελίωση της δημοκρατίας.Κώστας Τσιαντής - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 69:655-659.
    Η παρούσα ανακοίνωση σημειώνει το ρόλο των τραπεζών και τη σχέση τους με το δημόσιο χρέος και το πολιτικό σύστημα. Αυτό δείχνει τη διαρκή προσπάθεια των τραπεζιτών να επιβληθούν στο πολιτικό σύστημα και να αποσπάσουν από αυτό τη βασική λειτουργία του κράτους, την έκδοση νομίσματος. Γίνεται αναφορά στους Προέδρους των ΗΠΑ που αντιστάθηκαν σ’ αυτήν την εξέλιξη και δολοφονήθηκαν, όπως και στο πολιτικό πρόβλημα που κατήγγειλε ο Πρόεδρος Κέννεντυ, αλλά και στην ανάγκη μνείας της Αθηναϊκής δημοκρατίας. Επισημαίνεται το αναπόσπαστο κομμάτι (...)
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  238.  4
    Место политической философии в современном политическом процессе.Матвиенко Ирина Геннадьевна - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 69:545-550.
    We discuss the place and role of political philosophy in the development of political sphere and the detection of points of interaction between analytical knowledge and political practice. This discussion is important because of the widespread growth of conflicts in the world, the increase of protests and the expansion of the ranks of opposition against authorities. All this demonstrates a conflict between values and the society, lack of correlation between different views on the definition of objectives as basis for political (...)
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  239.  6
    Космосреда и геокосмополитика.Александр Григорьевич Пырин - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 69:551-555.
    The author introduces the concepts “cosmoenvironment” and “geocosmopolitics” to describe the current stage of development of the society. He summarizes the object and subject-matter of geocosmopolitics.The object of politics is not just territories, as it is commonly considered, but other spatial forms, including outer space. We observe today a stiff competition for resources of outer space. This shows that cosmoenvironment became object of policy. Space environment is part of the natural environment outside our planet, which, on the one hand, is (...)
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  240.  3
    Гуманизм и политическая идеология: Проблема пропорции.Аяжан Сагикызы - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 69:557-562.
    The traditional types of political theories, in their absolute form, lead to the reduction of human measure of politics, serving thus as a ground to ideologically totalitarian and authoritarian regimes. That is why the problem of the humanistic content of political ideology should be resolved in the context of analysis of complicated interrelations and inversions of the political discourse of the above paradigms. Politics should be defined as a way of collective self-determination of people in the process of their free (...)
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  241.  9
    Необходимость сокращения социального неравенства и возможность модернизации мировой экономической архитектуры.Ганина Нина Сергеевна - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 69:539-544.
    In this paper, we examine ways out of the global socio-economic crisis in order to achieve sustainable social development. The growth of the index of human development, including the freedom of choice of lifestyle, is considered to be a necessary condition for social progress. We study the contribution of international organizations in overcoming social inequalities inside the states and between the states. We investigate the financial possibilities of solving social and political problems. It is necessary to modernize the international financial (...)
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  242.  6
    Гендерные аспекты современной левой политики.Вероника Шарова - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 69:563-569.
    Данный доклад посвящен проблематике прав женщин и меньшинств в представлении так называемых левых политических сил – партий и движений коммунистической, социалистической и социал-демократической направленности в современной России. В докладе приведен краткий исторический экскурс, касающийся эволюции взглядов на указанную проблему в европейском политическом контексте, и сделан акцент на её состоянии в политической теории и практике современных российских левых. Нами сделан вывод, что на сегодняшний день можно говорить о формировании в России двух практически не пересекающихся левых дискурсов: официозного, по большей части игнорирующего (...)
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  243.  30
    Integrity: A Philosophical Exploration.Michael Picard - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 68:95-98.
    This paper explores the virtue of integrity and certain paradoxes and problems with its assertion. It examines the social and pragmatic dimensions of integrity, especially as regards the norms of self-ascription. These generate a dangerous dialectic of perception and reality, and set up an illusory half-way house between inner possession and social attribution. The temptations to self-deception and impression management are inherent in any attempt at self-evaluation. This essay attempts to negotiate these conflicting tensions by advocating silence regarding one’s own (...)
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  244.  9
    Value Aspects of the Philosophy of Culture.Gulzhan Abdigalieva - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 68:135-140.
    A cultural and philosophical approach in understanding human history involves identifying its personal aspects. Looking at the history of philosophy, it is not a clearly defined monologue, in pursuit of a common goal, but a complex dialogical process that includes and mutual influence and mutual repulsion, the process is an alternative to its core, and contains unrealized opportunities in history, re-creating the diversity of the movement of philosophical thought, pluralism of ideas and theories. One of the main ways to implement (...)
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    Personal and Common Values in Actuality.Marin Aiftincă - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 68:5-10.
    The present paper aims to approach the problem of relationship between personal values and common values, in connection to an ideal of humanity. We start from the thesis that the human being, essentially determined by spirit, identifies itself through a set of values freely appropriated on the ground of its own cultural tradition, cognition and aspirations. Personal and common values permanently diversify as a result of the development of knowledge and increasing spreading of information, as well as under the pressure (...)
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  246.  20
    Creativity through Lateral Thinking Techniques.Konstantine Alexopoulos & Theodore Scaltsas - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 68:11-17.
    Creativity is an emerging field of research for philosophy. A diachronic cultural value and fundamental human ability, creativity poses a host of questions that challenge us both on a theoretical and practical level. In this paper we explore creativity through the use of problem-solving lateral thinking techniques, as part of the C2Learn European Community research program. Lateral thinking is defined and then classified into three distinct kinds: conceptual, diagrammatic and emotive. Each kind is then explicated and its basic principles examined, (...)
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  247.  5
    (2 other versions)Аксиологические мотивы в поэмах гомера.Sergey Avanesov - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 68:149-157.
    Axiology as a sphere of value orientation and preferences is a base of every culture. The analysis of poems of Homer gives an opportuni-ty to explicate the value base of archaic Mediterranean culture. Values such as honor, glory, devotion, self-sacrifice, friendship, mutual help, hospitality, justice-equality and justice-retribution are on the positive pole of this culture. Anger, insult, deception, greed, cowardice, audacity, desecration of the ene-my’s body are on the negative pole. Positive values are fixed in the sanctioned “standards” of social (...)
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  248.  8
    Attitudes of the Family toward the Values of the Curricular Project in the Educational Institution.Aymé Barreda Parra & Ananí Gutiérrez Aguilar - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 68:19-22.
    The aim of the present interdisciplinary paper is to study the attitudes that the parents and/or guardians of the family have towards the values that are shared in the educational institutions where their children study. A questionnaire was administered about values, which can be found at htppt://, to 100 parents and family representatives of both sexes, from a parish school of secondary education that gives our Christian values. The results show a favorable attitude toward the values that are seen supported (...)
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  249.  52
    Are Moral and Intellectual Virtues Distinct?Heather Battaly - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 68:23-27.
    One branch of virtue epistemology, Virtue-Responsibilism, has argued that the intellectual virtues are analogous in structure to Aristotelian moral virtues. Like Aristotelian moral virtues, intellectual virtues are acquired dispositions of motivation, emotion, action, and perception. Responsibilists argue that intellectual virtues, e.g., open-mindedness, intellectual courage, and intellectual autonomy, are praiseworthy character traits, over which we have some control and for which we are responsible. If Responsibilism is correct, is there a distinction between moral virtues and intellectual virtues? I address two different (...)
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  250.  28
    G. E. M. Anscombe and Pacifism.Bill Bolin - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 68:29-34.
    The number of wars in which modern countries, primarily the United States and Great Britain, have been involved in the past one hundred years might leave the impression that peace movements there are ineffectual. Virtually every war in recent US and UK history has had its corresponding anti-war protests, and there is no record of a peace movement actively stopping an impending significant military action at inception, although evidence exists that peace movements have affected martial policy after the initial stages (...)
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  251.  5
    Mutual Promotion Between Virtue and Wisdom.Jiang Chang - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 68:35-38.
    Virtue and wisdom has the relation of mutual promotion which can be illustrated from following three aspects. Firstly, the wish of virtue promotes the person to cultivate wisdom, and the wish of wisdom can also promote the person to possess virtue. Secondly, in order to cultivate virtue, the formation of wisdom requires the person who intends to utilize wisdom to be virtuous. Thirdly, the elevation of virtue requires the elevation of wisdom and vice versa.
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  252.  4
    On the Study Method of Negative Unity of Value and Fact.Qiusuo Cui - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 68:39-43.
    “Hume’s Problem” is one of those great theoretical problems in modern ethics and axiology studies, the essence of which is the logical relationship between value and fact. The legal ground and rational route from “fact” to “value” lie in the revealing of the relationship of negative unity between value and fact. The basis and medium of this relationship are the “factual contradiction” and “actual dilemma” faced by us. The means of negative unity between value and fact in study is one (...)
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  253.  8
    Social Virtue and the Publicity of Morality.Maotang Dai - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 68:45-47.
    The centre of moral construction is the social virtue in the times of universal interaction. Social virtue can be defined as a combination of the morality of the public and the public universal morality. Social virtue, broadly speaking, refers to everyone and it has two aspects: positive and negative one. A positive aspect means that everyone has to accept the moral obligation as a kind of minimal requirement. A negative one shows that no one is permitted to destroy the public (...)
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  254.  7
    Axiology of Knowledge Dynamics: A Study in Diachronic Logic.Katarzyna Gan-Krzywoszynska - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 68:55-59.
    The aim of our paper is to present a project within the dynamics of knowledge as an extension of Roman Suszko’s diachronic logic. A hierarchical system of knowledge can be seen as a toolkit for philosophical study in some aspects of the dynamics of knowledge, especially scientific knowledge. They can also be considered as models of rationality – they help to describe and analyze historical and sociological aspects of the dynamics of knowledge by means of formal methods. The project shares (...)
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  255.  8
    Mode of Thinking in Modern Ethics.Qiuhong Han - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 68:61-63.
    The mode of thinking in ethics has been transformed in modern times. Whitehead’s impact is decisive for this change. First, Whitehead’s philosophy, in later period, expresses a kind of expectation of constructing a kind of metaphysics and cosmological/ideological system rooted in aesthetic values, or in empirical values. Second, in a certain sense, Whitehead’s ‘holistic value metaphysics’ helped in establishing a new ethical discipline: ecological ethics.
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  256.  7
    Civil Identity as Ethical Self-Determination.Anatolij Karas - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 68:65-69.
    Civil identity is a societal construct of consciousness and communicative practices, the construal of public and private levels of social life emerging around the recognition of the values of individual freedom, dignity and uniqueness of man. It is influenced by the involvement of knowledge in the organization of social and economic development and is associated with the generation of cultural and emotional values and norms of everyday life. Civil identity exists as a discursive-ethical activity focused particularly on the person’s moral (...)
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  257.  20
    Intrinsic and Instrumental Values.Glen Koehn - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 68:71-74.
    This paper concerns the distinction between intrinsic and instrumental goodness, and the claim that intrinsic goodness is somehow prior to instrumental goodness. Although the idea is ancient, one version of it going back at least to Aristotle, and although it may initially seem obvious, I suggest that its truth is not obvious at all. In fact, I try to make out a case for thinking that all goodness is fundamentally goal-oriented and contributory. It is goodness for an objective, in the (...)
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  258.  15
    A New Approach to Contemporary Studies in Axiology.Deshun Li - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 68:75-81.
    Value thinking, such as ethics and politics, has always been the main theme of traditional Chinese philosophy. Two major approaches for capturing the gist of value were formed in as early as pre-Qin dynasty: the “attribute view” of the Confucius school, and the “relation view” of the Daoist school. The persistent pursuit and the rich intellectual heritage cultivated throughout the long history has become the ground from which Chinese value philosophy rise two-thousand years later, and it is also the theoretical (...)
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  259.  8
    Three Doubts About the Comparison Between Western and Chinese Views On Harmony from the Axiological Perspective.Jialian Li - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 68:83-86.
    There are some conclusions which are very confusing and needed to be clarified in present comparison on Chinese and western views of harmony. The paper intends to discuss three popular and typical statements, namely, “Only individualism is promoted in western ethics”, “Virtue is promoted only in Chinese ethics” and “China has no law of western style in some sense” and tries to clarify some misguiding conclusions on the comparison between Western and Chinese views of harmony from the perspective of axiology.
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    To the Victor Belong the Spoils.Pascah Mungwini - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 68:87-93.
    The slogan ‘to the victor belong the spoils’ which, at one point, defined government policy under President Jackson of America in the 1800s is a rather unique but significant philosophical framework to inform our reflections on the question of human dignity, ethics and politics in postcolonial Africa. The spoils system also shares a long history in traditional Africa. Having defeated a rival tribe, the victor looted grain, livestock and even women as spoils of war. It was through brutal acts of (...)
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  261.  8
    Graveyard at School.Kate Fabiani Rigo - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 68:49-53.
    The communication is about the space graveyard as an educational tool for humanities classes, since it provides numerous attributes for the study of religion, art, and especially in philosophy classes, on the topic death and history. The communication aims to suggest a methodology that encourages new teaching practices that meet the contemporary teenager that every day is more inserted in virtual reality and real distanced every day. We believe that the study of representations of Death in the graveyard art will (...)
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    Six Arguments against Relativism of Value-Conception.Yasheng Shen - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 68:99-103.
    Nowadays, the process of globalization is speeding up, the interaction and collision of value among people in different areas of the world is getting more and more frequent, and serious. Philosophers are responsible to help people to get scientific and comprehensive understanding of the issue of value. All the theories, conceptions concerning the issue of value could be sorted out as three viewpoints: realism or monism, relativism or pluralism, skepticism or nihilism. Nihilist view is obviously nonsense. The relative view is (...)
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    Ценности и философские традиции.Alexey Sokolov - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 68:159-164.
    1. Philosophy as a part of culture, having its history, also have traditions. The structure of any tradition includes four main elements: a) object of tradition – legacy, b) subject of tradition – its carrier, c) attitude to legacy, inherent in subject an induced by some values, d) function of legacy transmis-sion, performed by subject. 2. Objects of traditions in philosophy are: sets of problems and questions, sets of notions and categories used to think them, interpretation of notions and categories (...)
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    Wisdom, Knowledge and Value.Leonid Stolovich - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 68:105-108.
    According to the teachings of ancient philosophers, a wise person does not always know everything. On the other hand, knowledge by itself does not make a person wise. Wisdom is part of the process of cognition to the extent that the latter determines practical activity of a person and, first of all, his or her moral behaviour. As Aristotle pointed out, wisdom is knowledge of the Good. Ancient thinkers ascribed the property of wisdom to experiential knowledge and perceived wisdom in (...)
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  265.  14
    Перспективы и тупики диалога западного и восточного типов философствования в информационном обществе.Valentina Stryzhko - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 68:165-171.
    Философия ХХI века в новых сложных условиях глобализирующегося мира уже констатировала наметившиеся интер- и кросскультурные тенденции в своем развитии. Суть в том, что как в западной, так в восточной философских традициях, являющихся основаниями соответствующих культур и цивилизаций, а, значит, и соответствующих систем ценностей, типов мировоззрения, существует сложившееся тысячелетия назад концептуальное ядро, имеющее общий универсальный характер. С другой стороны, в жизни как Востока, так и Запада, в социально-культурной и политической практиках существуют и возникают острые проблемы, указывающие на внутренние противоречия, несовершенства и (...)
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  266.  6
    The Ideal of Life and the Limit of Reflection.Litian Sun - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 68:109-112.
    Since Husserl raised the mysterious concept of life world in his later philosophy, there has been a great change in western philosophy in the 20th century. It not only causes the philosophical change in theoretic content and trend which leads to existentialism, neo-pragmatism, but also brings about the radical transformation in understanding on philosophy itself. Hence, the touch between philosophy and life, and the basis of philosophy in life world is getting clear more and more. This change gives us a (...)
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    The Being of Value.Meitang Sun & Chen Yan - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 68:129-133.
    The definition of value is usually focused on “being”, that is, it seeks the predicate of value. In this paper we interpret a value as the product and manifestation and its effects as the dynamic subject-object relationship. A key to understand value, according to our interpretation, needs to be disconnected from the notion of being. Hence, the value philosophy in China – “the relation theory” – needs to be deepened and further concretized.
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  268.  8
    Ethics on the Run from Philosophy of Values to Value Management.Nijole Vasiljeviene - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 68:113-117.
    The paper tackles long-standing problem of human behavior motivation and its dependence on the choice between principles and profit, moral values and economics values. This dispute touches upon the question about the criteria of morality. It is affirmed that the promotion of values and its substantial effect upon economic/social development is impossible without conciliation between utilitarian motives and moral values. Challenges of social life and practical answers to them surpass many ethical theories, and make to comprehend methodological differences between contemporary (...)
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  269.  7
    Breaking Through the Epistemological Way of Thinking on the Research of the Values.Shusheng Wei - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 68:119-122.
    Studying on the values only by the epistemological way of thinking, is a serious problem in the previous research on philosophy of value. The recognition and values are quite different in nature, therefore, we should not research the values by the epistemological way of thinking. Conversely, we ought to establish “the way of relational thinking”, in the studying the whole relationship of human being and different kinds of relationships. In reality, the relationship of human being is social and cultural. Hence, (...)
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  270.  12
    (1 other version)Tolerance or Hospitality?Mengwei Yan - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 68:123-127.
    Facing the development of pluralistic cultures and the conflict of different civilizations, we should examine political theory frameworks, particularly those concerning the construction of world order. In the dilemma “tolerance or hospitality,” tolerance has been targeted. Jacques Derrida deconstructs this concept and supports Immanuel Kant’s notion of hospitality rather than the tolerance. However, Jürgen Habermas advocates for reconstruction of the concept of tolerance, although he does note its limits. We should regard hospitality as the fundamental spirit of international relations and (...)
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  271.  4
    Ценностное измерение права в современном обществе.Вячеслав Михайлович Артемов - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 68:141-147.
    Modern society sees obvious reinforcement of legal component in general mechanism of social regulation of relations between people. Objective significance of law supposes powerful value – subjective securing particularly the moral one. In reality minimization of morality in crisis takes place, which tries to compensate its forces through increase of quantity of laws and development of law – enforcement agencies. Deficit of the spirit and conscience causes their artificial substitutes, which worsen the situation. Daily need of society in improvement of (...)
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  272.  8
    Воспроизводство достоинства как идеализированная норма учительства.Елена Воля - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 68:173-178.
    Воспроизведение человеческого достоинства является основополагающим условием и целью педагогической практики, рассматривается как идеализированная норма учительства. В статье реализуется нормативный подход, предложенный автором к исследованию и интерпретации феномена учительства и его воспроизводства в культуре. Учительство определяется как воспроизводство целостности ценностей знания и личности в другом. Как единицы нормативного анализа выделяются нормы идеальные и реальные, которые делятся на авторитетные, актуальные и предвосхищаемые. Описаны основные идеализированные нормы учительства: воспроизводство человеческого достоинства и воспроизводство жизни в учении. Описан ряд основных особенностей воспроизводства идеальных норм в (...)
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    (1 other version)The Frankfurt School, Science and Technology Studies, and the “Entrepreneurial University”.Collin Finn - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 67:5-9.
    Since World War II, social theory has generated two major critical analyses of science as a social phenomenon: that of the Frankfurt School, and of Science and Technology Studies. These academic efforts grew out of a broader movement in western societies, in the decades following the war, to reach a better accommodation between science and society, motivated by deep-seated popular anxieties about the challenges posed by the advance of science and technology. In this paper, I first examine the overlooked parallels (...)
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  274.  9
    Niels Bohr’ Complementarity Principle and Methodology of Social Science.Irina Frolova - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 67:11-15.
    The principle of complementarity articulated Niels Bohr applied to atomic physics, has general philosophical significance, moreover, it helps to overcome the objectivity/subjectivity in the social sciences. In accordance with principle of complementarity social reality appears more vividly and stereoscopy. The principle of complementarity in social science is valuable, especially if we try to analyze the constant, institutionalized and changing social structure.
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  275.  7
    The Non-incorporation of Innovation.Agnes Katalin Koos - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 67:25-33.
    A specific problem of progress in social science is the failure of certain cognitive achievements to garner substantial support to the detriment of less efficient research practices. The phenomenon can be conceptualized as a failure of diffusion of innovation, but because of the specific context, here the term of non-incorporation is preferred. The analysis of three concrete cases shows that resistance from opposing paradigms cannot fully explain the neglect of these proposals. They rather seem to have fallen victim to an (...)
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  276.  6
    Социокультурные аспекты миграции в полиэтничном обществе.Svetlana Lyausheva & Anzhela Nagoy - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 67:77-82.
    1. Рассмотренная в рамках социокультурного подхода, миграция предстает как инструмент и процесс формирования новой социокультурной реальности, характеризируемой постоянным «столкновением культур». 2. Используемые в современном обществе модели социокультурной интеграции поликультурного иммигрантского общества либо не адекватны демократическому обществу, либо не эффективны, разрушают этнокультурный баланс, способствуют этнокультурному разобщению. 3. Мультикультурализм не является образцовой моделью интеграции для изначально полиэтнического российского общества. 4. Специфика миграционной ситуации южнороссийского региона определяется его изначальной полиэтничностью, локализацией основных перемещений в рамках региона, высоким потенциалом конфликтности. 5. Эмпирические исследования показали усиление (...)
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  277.  4
    Recategorizing the Fundamentals of Social Science.Jordi Mundó - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 67:35-39.
    The significant scientific advances made in recent decades in fields such as cognitive science, neuroscience, developmental psychology and biology oblige us to reconsider some of the basic assumptions of social science. However, the task of recategorization is a particularly difficult one as it calls into question some of the central metaconceptions on which our scientific and cultural tradition is based. Moreover, there are certain powerful metacategories that limit our ability to conceive of more realistic and more precise explanations. The systematic (...)
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    La distinción entre ciencia/tecnología y cultura: una crítica desde Latour.Reina Elizabeth Padilla - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 67:63-67.
    Uno de los mitos bastante difundido en nuestra época es la separación de las ciencias y la tecnología respecto a otras dimensiones de la cultura. Cabe señalar, sin embargo, que dicha presunción podemos rastrearla en muchos testimonios históricos, ya desde la misma antigüedad griega. Ahora bien, ¿cuáles son las razones que apoyarían a cada una de estas afirmaciones? ¿Son los desarrollos científico/tecnológicos los que con el tiempo nos proveerán de los recursos suficientes para subsanar los efectos indeseables del crecimiento desigual (...)
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    El desafío de la articulación entre “agencia y emancipación” en los procesos de construcción del conocimiento social en América Latina.Miriam Laura Pereyra - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 67:69-76.
    El presente trabajo se propone reflexionar acerca del modo en que algunas corrientes de pensamiento latinoamericano, más allá de sus matices y diferencias, se han replanteado tempranamente sus posturas epistemológicas a la luz de la articulación de los aportes de la fenomenología, la hermenéutica y la teoría crítica, desafiando con ello la lógica bipolar que opone “comprensión del sujeto social” a “transformación del mundo social”. En esta alternativa integradora, cuyos antecedentes se remontan a los años 70, ha tenido vital importancia (...)
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  280.  7
    Sustainable Development in Vietnam.Van Duc Pham - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 67:41-46.
    Sustainable development expresses a qualitatively new type of development present both in man’s understanding and action. This is the very type of development that is formed consciously on the basis of the grasp of objective and necessary laws of nature, in which man and human society are inseparable parts. Sustainable development resolves harmonically relationships between man and man.In Vietnam has talked about sustainable development since the 1980s of the last century and sustainable development has become the strategic objective in Vietnam. (...)
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  281.  11
    Sociological Realization of Hermeneutics.Miguel Ángel Ruiz García - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 67:47-51.
    Historical legitimacy of hermeneutics has not exclusively depended on the encouragement made by philosophers. In accordance with its hope of universality, philosophical hermeneutics has spread its influence over other research fields, with which the dialogical principle that characterizes it has realized itself as praxis of comprehension. In a wide sense, with the development of hermeneutics, Human and Social Sciences have rethought their cognitive frameworks and their role in society. An example of this expansion can be found in the sociology developed (...)
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  282.  18
    Methodological Potential of Social Sciences and Humanities.Olga Ruptash - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 67:53-57.
    I would like to examine three approaches to methodological status of the social sciences and humanities. The specificative approach continues a tradition inherent in philosophy of W. Dilthey, W. Windelband, and H. Rickert, who focused attention on the studying of the specific features of the humanities. The unificative, or unificatory, approach was developed under the influence of positivism. It aims at justifying of the humanities methodology due to working out general scientific standards based on the priority of empirical methods. In (...)
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  283.  21
    The Difference and Unity of Humanities and Social Science.Xinyan Wang - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 67:59-62.
    As two important fields of the human academic activities, the humanities and social science are both different and inherently unified. The differences between the humanities and social science mainly include the following three aspects: first, the objectives of the humanities and social science are different. Second, the thinking orientations of humanities and social science are different. Third, humanities and social science are thinking in different ways. For the unity of the humanities and social science, we can understand it from the (...)
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  284.  12
    Yφή των σχέσεων φιλοσοφίας και κοινωνιολογίας και ο κοινωνιολογισμός.Νικήτας Αλιπράντης - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 67:83-91.
    Οι σχέσεις φιλοσοφίας και κοινωνιολογίας συνδέονται με τις διαφορές του αντικειμένου και της μεθόδου, οι οποίες καθορίζονται κατ’ ανάγκην από τις θεωρήσεις των κοινωνιολόγων. Συνεπώς η μόνη οδός για να προσδιορισθούν οι σχέσεις τους είναι η κατάρτιση μιας τυπολογίας με βάση την σχηματική ταξινόμηση των κοινωνιολογικών θεωρήσεων, ατομικών ή συλλογικών. Λόγω της τεράστιας ποικιλίας των τελευταίων, μόνον ως απόπειρα μιας μερικής τυπολογίας μπορεί να νοηθεί η παρούσα εισήγηση. Με αυτό το δεδομένο μπορούν ενδεικτικά να κατηγοριοποιηθούν οι σχέσεις σε πέντε ομάδες: (...)
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  285.  14
    Konrad Lorenz’s Approach to Animal Mind.Elena A. Gorokhovskaya - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 66:3-7.
    Ethology developed as an objectivistic approach presuming that the animal mind should be excluded from scientific consideration. Konrad Lorenz was a proponent of an objectivistic line of research; however, he was deeply interested in the inner subjective world of animals and in the mind-body problem. At the initial stage of elaborating ethological theory, his consideration of subjective phenomena helped him understand the specific character of instinctive animal behavior. Lorenz was interested in some interrelated issues concerning animal mind: the validity of (...)
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    G. B. Vico and J. S. Mill on Etiology and Pathogenesis.Alexander Gungov - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 66:9-13.
    In medicine, a subtle but very significant distinction is made between etiology and pathogenesis. Often, to be aware of this difference is crucial for a correct diagnosis, successful treatment, as well as for a realistic and accurate prognosis. Philosophy can provide some methodological suggestions how to distinguish one from the other and how more successfully to make the transition between them. J.S. Mill’s inductive methods could serve as a model for the etiological approach to causation in medicine, while G. B. (...)
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    Affective Reactions to One’s Whole Life.Ercan Kocayörük - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 66:15-18.
    In line with the perspective provided by the intentional paradigm which claims that the measures of subjective well-being, whether cognitive or affective, should refer to life itself, the Ontological Well-Being Scale has been operationalized. The research reported herein was aimed at developing and validating this psychometric tool in the assessment of individuals’ affective evaluations of their life within a three-time perspective. Five studies were conducted to confirm the factor structure of the OWBS and to assess its construct validity. Four factors (...)
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  288.  10
    Науки о жизни в становлении современной научной картины мира.Igor Liseev - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 66:29-33.
    Формирующаяся ныне, под воздействием биологических идей, современная научная картина мира – это не только синтетическое систематизированное и целостное представление о мире на данном этапе развития научного познания в его логической форме отображения действительности, но и результат синтеза всех фундаментальных составляющих философского знания нашего исторического периода, включающих онтологические, методологические, аксиологические и праксиологические аспекты.
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    L’humanisme biologisant. Pour un autre sens de l’histoire de la vie.Pierre Nzinzi - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 66:25-28.
    Depuis la «fondation du monde», l’humanisme a toujours considéré l’homme comme un «être à part», en tout cas, différent du reste du vivant. Le propos consiste ici à décrire la portée réelle de la révolution darwinienne, qui l’a précipité dans la nature, à partir d’une lecture imprédictible de l’histoire du vivant, encouragée par Gould en particulier, dont les conséquences sont autant logiques qu’éthiques.
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    The Integration of Mechanism in Discovery, Phenomenon Investigation and Experimental Discovery in Biological Practice.Hisao-Fan Yeh - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 66:19-23.
    Two American distinguished philosophers of biology, Lindley Darden and C. Kenneth Waters, respectively proposed a way to emphasize the significance of scientific practice in constructing new biological theories for more than a decade. Darden’s strategy is the mechanism-based one towards discovery of new mechanisms while Waters’ approach is phenomenon-based towards the investigation of new phenomena. Though both of MD and PI pay attention to the heuristic role of new phenomena in the laboratory, they explore it from different approaches. MD pursues (...)
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  291.  16
    Body Without Extension: Bergson’s Conception Revisited.Andrejs Balodis - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 65:5-10.
    By the close of the century the body had become the key site of political, social, economic and cultural intervention. For large part it has happen due to the topicality of the body in philosophical debates in the 20th century. In my paper I deal with Henry Bergson’s conception of body, its origins and its later reception in phenomenology. Bergson occupies dual position in the history of philosophy – on the one hand he revaluates the heritage of modern philosophy, on (...)
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    Le corps excrit.Fernanda Bernardo - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 65:85-89.
    Cet exposé se propose de remarquer, très succinctement, nécessairement, qu’il n’y a plus chez le philosophe Jean-Luc Nancy un corps qui réfléchirait une âme, une spiritualité ou une pensée – en «relevant» singulièrement les dualismes de «l’âme» et du «corps» autant que les monismes de la «chair» et les significations psychanalytiques du corps, les onto-théo-idéologies de l’immédiateté et de l’indivisibilité du toucher charnel ou spirituel autant que les philosophies du «corps-propre», Nancy nous donne à penser «le» corps comme la pensée (...)
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    The Complexity of a Human Embodiment.Irina Beskova - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 65:11-16.
    The paper is devoted to a problem of the human embodiment analysis from a systematic point of view. An understanding of three different levels of a human embodiment organization is proposed. It is shown that each of them has its own needs and capabilities of operating and problem-solving. It is argued that the human embodiment as no equilibrium and opened system generates different types of a complex behavior in the course of its natural development. And it is just the quality (...)
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  294.  12
    The Whole Body: A Philosophical Inquiry.Arturo Rico Bovio - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 65:61-65.
    The author presents eleven theses summarizing his theory of a holistic philosophy of the body. Convinced that “body” is an indispensable category to meet the challenges of our time, explains his new concept that breaks the dualism of body and soul, while beyond the materialistic approach. The body we are is the totality of things visible and invisible. To approach it requires new categories, such as “bodily valences”, the “body coordinates”, besides others. Our body is the measure of the other (...)
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  295.  20
    (1 other version)Archiving Bodies: Kalinga Batek and the Impossibility of an Archive.Mark Joseph Calano - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 65:17-32.
    An archive is an integral part of literate life and is in the custody of political institutions for their historical value. It is a place and a reflection of social and institutional authority. It is first argued that societies who lack the faculty of recording histories contribute to the archive-making process in a different context. To advance this, the work of anthropologists on the Igorots, more specifically the Kalingas, of the Philippine Cordilleras and their tattooing practices are considered. It is (...)
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  296.  10
    Corporal and Linguistic Depths of Cognitive Processes.Helen Chapny & Anna Kucheryavskaya - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 65:33-36.
    Within the frame of complexity paradigm the possibility of the psychophysical mind-body problem reconsideration is regarded, as well as elimination of its duality. The body is considered through the prism of embodied mind theory and the embodied cognition approach as the unity of five interconnected dimensions of a person’s embodiment. Corporal and mental is one and the same thing, appearing in different guises on a perception surface. The careful consideration is also given to the wholism of a body-consciousness, a body-environment, (...)
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    ‘Saving Deficiency’ as Ontology of the Human Body.Olga Gomilko - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 65:37-44.
    This paper is a contribution in discussions about the nature of a human being. The global epoch reveals uncertainty as a fundamental characteristic of human existence. The knowledge of that is a driver to research into the areas, which are still beyond a philosophical consideration. Theoretical legitimization of the ‘prohibited knowledge’ about human nature 1) concerns its ‘the dark side’ defined as ‘inner demons’, 2) shatters illusory nature of own image as a crown of divine or natural creation, 2) gives (...)
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    Awareness of the Body as a Form of Self-consciousness.Ilya Kanaev - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 65:45-48.
    This paper deals with the problem of self-consciousness in connection with awareness of the body. The latter is a necessary component in the activity of perception and execution of action in space. The author considers the simple forms of awareness of the body, as the basis of the self-consciousness. More complex structures of identity, such as a person and Self, are based on it. The main referred authors: American psychologist J. Gibson, Russian physiologist N. A. Bernstein and others. Self-consciousness is (...)
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  299.  5
    Body and the Limit of Human Enhancement.Jin-Woo Lee - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 65:49-53.
    In the heated debate about trans-humanism the main battleground remains, in my view, the human body. If trans-humanism holds that current human nature could be improved through the use of advanced science and technologies, it has become self-evident that human enhancement technology intends to overcome the corporality of human nature. Two questions arise at this point. One is, just what happens to our body? We need to ask first what is going on in or on our body when we apply (...)
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  300.  9
    La inseparabilidad entre conciencia y corporalidad en la psicología pura de Edith Stein.Paulina Monjaraz Fuentes - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 65:91-95.
    Edith Stein realiza su aproximación fenomenológica a lo que es el cuerpo de la persona en la conciencia, lo cual le permite decir que la principal nota o característica del cuerpo es que es un cuerpo propio. Con el rigor fenomenológico que la caracteriza, poniéndose en la conciencia, integra la comprensión del cuerpo como cosa material y como viviente, logrando hacer ver cómo siendo el cuerpo cosa material, no se nos presenta sólo como cosa material, del mismo modo se nos (...)
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  301.  17
    Neoliberal Bodies and Normative Femininity.Johanna Oksala - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 65:55-60.
    The paper discusses the disciplinary production of the normative feminine body and analyses the shift that has taken place in the rationality underpinning our current techniques of gender. I argue that Foucault’s radical intervention in feminist philosophy, and more generally in the philosophy of the body, has been the crucial claim that any analysis of embodiment must recognize how power relations are constitutive of the embodied subjects involved in them. His studies of disciplinary technologies show how bodies are constructed through (...)
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  302.  6
    Merleau-Ponty and the Latent Opacity of Body.Carlos Hugo Sierra - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 65:67-72.
    The main purpose in this paper is to present the philosophical affinities among the French phenomenological philosopher, M. Merleau-Ponty, and certain oriental traditions related to a very sophisticated cognitive hermeneutics as, for instance, the Buddhism doctrine with its different schools, certain epistemic foundations of Chinese ancient cosmology and, of course, the Daoism ontogenesis and alchemical processes of corporeal transformation, insofar as both prospects, in spite of the well-known cultural and historical distances, present an position against the mechanistic or substantialist understanding (...)
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  303.  9
    The Matter of Health: Rethinking the Materiality of Living Bodies.Rachel Tillman - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 65:73-78.
    Concepts of health involve material dimensions that rely heavily on dominant theories of matter. Two approaches to understanding the nature of matter influence attempts to define health: scientific realism and social constructionism. Scientific realism assumes that bodily materiality is real and exists external to and independent of mind. On this view, definitions of health are objective and mind-independent. This view is permeates mainstream Western medical practice and theory. Social constructionism, on the other hand, insists that material configurations and even living (...)
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  304.  9
    Wittgenstein on the Practical Nature of Perception.Daniel Wack - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 65:79-83.
    In introducing his discussion of seeing as in Part II of Philosophical Investigations, Wittgenstein distinguishes between two uses of the verb ‘to see’. On the one hand, there is a use of ‘to see’ in which one succeeds in seeing in the relevant sense if one is able to represent the object seen. On the other, there is a use of ‘to see’ in which one succeeds if one recognizes a resemblance between two objects. In clarifying the relation between these (...)
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  305.  12
    Koennen und Sollen in der Moderne.Suzana Alpsancar - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 64:103-109.
    In der moderne setzen sich eine Reihe von Autoren kritisch mit der technischen Entwicklung auseinander. Häufig verbindet sich daher eine analytische Sicht auf Technik mit einer “diagnostischen” Einschätzung der eigenen Zeit, welche in der Regel über einen historischen Rückblick dargelegt wird. Im Rahmen eines größeren Projektes wird dem Verdacht nachgegangen, dass sich dieser technikkritische Diskurs aus einer Reihe von Argumentationslinien zusammensetzt, die anthropologisch, geschichtsphilosophisch, wissenschaftshistorisch, zeitdiagnostisch und normativ verfahren. An dieser Stelle sollen zentrale Aspekte der Argumentationslinien von Hannah Arendt und (...)
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  306.  6
    Instrumental and Technical Utopias.Susana Raquel Barbosa - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 64:5-9.
    While utopia seems to have low esteem in current philosophical theory, technique, conversely, is increasingly followers. Utopia, as the original creation of the Renaissance, currently taking shape in different configurations to classical. Although the technique on permanent open spaces philosophical discussion, in some interpretations of the original elements remain τέχνη. From two operational definitions of utopia and technical I propose a division of utopias to display the proper place to instrumental uto-pias and, within them, to technical utopias. We describe Bloch’s (...)
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    The Art of Virtual World-Making and the New Vocation for Metaphysics.Mikhail Epstein - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 64:11-15.
    The power of technology is extended to the fundamental properties of existence, metaphysics becomes increasingly active in its ability to change these properties. This paper discusses a new relationship between philosophy and the advanced technologies that I call onto-technologies, because they change the foundations of being, the structure of existence and the way in which we experience it. In the past, technology was preoccupied with material particulars, while taking care of concrete human needs, such as food, shelter and transportation. Philosophy, (...)
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    e-Democracy: Rethinking Democracy Under ICT’s Light.Henry Flantrmsky - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 64:17-21.
    This paper is an effort to remark the importance of re-conceptu-alize what is democracy considering the importance that the new technologies, especially concerning to the information and communication. It is important to redefine the model of political action according to the technological advance of our era, and for that is necessary a discussion in which the philosophical aspect get in touch with technology to re-dimension the scope of democracy nowadays. To prepare the field for this new concept of e-Democrcy, first (...)
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  309.  3
    How is Engineering Design of Operation Possible?Aristides Gogoussis - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 64:23-30.
    The framework of engineering design for operation as a problem that seeks a satisfactory solution calls for a thorough consideration of issues such as the partial ignorance of lawfulness, of interdependence as well as of unmodeled dynamics of subsets of reality. Moreover the consideration should account for the inability of the complete and exhaustive mathematical representation of such subsets. A key element in the resolution of this problem is the possibility of causal unilateralization. This element is not innate in physical (...)
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  310.  10
    Galileo Galilei as Philosopher of Technology and Technology Assessment Expert.Vitaly Gorokhov - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 64:31-35.
    Three main features of engineering thought have formed over the centuries: artistic, practical, and scientific. Galileo chose an approach unusual for scholastic science: technology began to depend on mathematical knowledge and models. At the same time, he criticized the craftsmens’ approach to technical activity, which overlooked scientific knowledge and the laws of nature in building machinery. Galileo’s works paved the way for the formation of engineering thinking and activity in practice as well as theory. He personified a new figure, the (...)
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  311.  9
    From Wisdom to Digital Wisdom as Negotiated Identity.