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  1.  35
    Dealing with the decline of tourism livelihood: The tales of Tricab (tourist cab) drivers amidst COVID-19 pandemic.Jamyca Y. Aballe, Randy A. Tudy & Raymond K. Hastings - 2021 - Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics 31 (5):288-293.
    Tourism creates jobs and helps the economy. A sub-sector of tourism is the transportation industry. In Kapatagan, Digos City, Philippines, which is technically part of the Mt. Apo National Park, tourists love to visit because of several tourist spots, including, of course, the majestic Mt. Apo, the highest mountain in the Philippines. However, tourism was badly hit because of the COVID-19 pandemic. This qualitative study aimed to describe the tales of Tricab drivers in Kapatagan amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. We employed (...)
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  2.  12
    The Roles of Bioethics in the Formation of Professional Competence of Students of Medical Universities in Uzbekistan.Umirzakova Nargiza Akmalovna - 2021 - Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics 31 (5):258-259.
    The knowledge of future doctors about a person is not limited to biomedical natural science, it also presupposes a humanitarian dimension and spiritual fulfillment, therefore ethical issues are inseparable from any type of medical activity. This article points to the relevance of the study of bioethics, which appears as a practical philosophy of life and as a value orientation of future doctors.
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  3.  19
    Learning by teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic: Improving students’ social and technical Skills through peer editing pedagogy.Rosela Antipuesto-Angelo - 2021 - Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics 31 (5):274-278.
    Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, most schools in the Philippines, especially in Mindanao were forced to shift the mode of curriculum instruction from face-to-face, to Radio-Based Instruction and Television-Based Instruction, among others. This mode of delivery posed challenges to teachers who are handling technical subjects which need to have hands on instruction. For students under the Science, Technology, and Engineering Program, academic writing is a skill they need to master. They are required investigatory projects, essays, etc. However, students’ writing deficiencies (...)
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  4.  20
    Barking Up the Wrong Tree: Who Really Limits Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis in Japan?Silvia Croydon - 2021 - Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics 31 (5):250-252.
    Japan possesses a comparable prowess and know-how in medical technology and clinical practice as developed Western nations. Yet, in comparison to these nations, the implementation of the procedure known commonly as Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis in Japan is strikingly limited. This article considers what factors account for this small scale of PGD application. It argues that whilst the Japan Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology serves, as many point out, as the gatekeeper to PGD domestically, their conservative stance on the matter of (...)
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  5.  16
    Ethical issues regarding full disclosure to women with primary amenorrhea associated with disorders of sex development in Japan.Kazuyo Iwam & Tomoko Sumiyoshi - 2021 - Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics 31 (5):260-265.
    In this study, we assessed the age of women with primary amenorrhea associa ted wi th disorders o f sex development at the time of full disclosure, examined the appropriateness of FD based on their subjective views, and investigated inhibitory factors and ethical issues of FD. The corresponding narratives from interview data of 19 women aged 25 years or older were classified. The patients were divided into two groups according to whether they considered the timing of FD to be appropriate (...)
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  6. Water rights: Ethical issues and developmental impact.Christopher Ryan Maboloc - 2021 - Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics 31 (5):284-287.
    Ethical approaches and the right development framework are critical in water use and conservation. Water as a resource is not unlimited. Darryl Macer et al. point to the necessity of understanding the basics of water, uses of water, water resource availability, and conflict. Water is a very precious resource that in the future can be a source of tension due to unabated urbanization. In the Kaliwa Dam Project in the Philippines, the Dumagat Tribe is at the heart of the issue. (...)
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  7.  11
    Editorial: Japan and Reproductive Choices.Darryl Macer - 2021 - Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics 31 (5):249-249.
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  8.  24
    Perspectives of students on teacher’s online instructional competence during the COVID-19 pandemic.Maria Elena C. Morales, Princess Fe C. Deliva, Harry Dave B. Villasor, Lemuel M. Sayao, Jeopril Jane R. Pableo, Rogelio P. Bayod, Anna Liza Cerbo, Erikka June D. Forosuelo & Cristian T. Camañan - 2021 - Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics 31 (5):266-273.
    The sudden shift of the mode of instruction of many schools from the conduct of face-to-face classes to online classes because of Covid-19 pandemic has brought different challenges not only to the students but to the teachers as well. To be able to prepare their teachers for this new trend, Cor Jesu College has provided avenues for the teachers to be oriented on how to manage online learning modalities such as google classroom, zoom and other social media platforms to provide (...)
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  9.  17
    Reflections on the Appropriate Epistemology for an Integrated and Sustainable World including Reference to Ibn ʻArabī.Saeideh Sayari & Darryl R. J. Macer - 2021 - Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics 31 (5):253-257.
    Every civilization has its own worldview that determines its approaches towards subjects such as human beings, nature and God. Most modern humans have tried to control all nature as property. Nature, therefore, was considered as the booty, which should have been used entirely. Now, the modern perspective has revealed problems including emerging and dangerous diseases, resistant bacteria, and extinction of many animals, global warming, climate change; air, sound and light pollution, and so on. The problem is that human beings cannot (...)
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  10. Livelihood in jeopardy: Troubles experienced by sidewalk vendors amidst COVID-19 pandemic.Honeylet A. Via, Randy A. Tudy & Rex B. Buac - 2021 - Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics 31 (5):294-297.
    The COVID-19 pandemic has created a lot of chaos throughout the world. Its devastating indirect and direct consequences spare no one. This paper explores the struggles of sidewalk vendors in the Southern Philippines during the COVID-19 pandemic. It seeks their coping ways and insights about their experiences during the crisis. We employed a descriptive phenomenological research design. Ten sidewalk vendors participated in the semistructured key informant interview. The findings revealed three themes for their struggles. These are incapability of earning, helplessness, (...)
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  11.  44
    Bioethics education beyond the economics of biodiversity: The Dasgupta Review – Time for ecoACE?Alexander R. Waller - 2021 - Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics 31 (5):279-283.
    2010 was the United Nations International Year of Biodiversity, which was followed by the Decade on Biodiversity that ended in 2020. However, the decline in biodiversity continues unabated at genetic, species, taxa and ecosystem levels. In February 2021, The Economics of Biodiversity: The Dasgupta Review was published by the UK Treasury. Like the WWF’s report from more than a decade ago, it urges moving beyond GDP and valuing and managing natural capital as one would for any other portfolio. Further recommendations (...)
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  12.  38
    Unfolding the ethical perspectives of “SOLD” by Patricia McCormick.Farah Wasaya, Sumera Zulfiqar & Anila Rafiq - 2021 - Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics 31 (5):298.
    Abducting children for sexual exploitation and trafficking them to other nations is happening since a long time ago. After being trafficked and experiencing extreme difficult situations of life, these victims are often unacceptable by their families and other society members. The community make them experience stigma, blame, bias, loneliness, shame, loss of identity along with unrecognized socioeconomic and citizen status. The paper will provide a structural debate on the ethical perspectives on whether or not a sexually trafficked person should return (...)
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  13. (1 other version)The evaluation of public health ethics, individual, collective and state with institutional, responsibilities and obligation during COVID-19 pandemics through online media reports in Turkey.Sukran Sevimli - 2021 - Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics 31 (2):124-136.
    Aim: The aim of this study is to reveal the convergence of public health ethics, institutional, collective, and individual ethics obligation during the COVID-19 pandemic and give some explanations with online media reports. Method: The study method is qualitative content analysis; this method was chosen as it would suit best the purpose of the study. The Turkish Medical Association, Turkish Public Health Association, and online newspaper articles and videos have been scanned using keywords. After that, related online reports and interviews (...)
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  14.  54
    COVID-19 and food security: The Eastern Visayas State University experience in the municipality of Burauen.Sheldon Ives G. Agaton - 2021 - Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics 31 (1):51-54.
    The COVID-19 global health crisis has affected numerous lives, jobs, and properties. The virus is infectious and deadly, and the most vulnerable are the poor and the elderly. Due to its contagious nature, businesses were forced to shut down causing tremendous damage to many workers. The municipality of Burauen in Leyte as well as its neighboring towns are not exempt from the virus wrath. People perished and many lost their livelihood, disabling them if not limiting their purchasing capacity for food (...)
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  15.  21
    Transgender Realities in the Context of COVID-19 in Bangladesh.Nazneen Akhter - 2021 - Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics 31 (1):35-37.
    “Transgender” is the historically adopted appellation as “hijra” in Bangladesh. From the ancient period till the 1980s their identity remained a great question mark and they were a forgotten cohort of the society often discriminated and marginalized. Many years of dedicated work, research and advocacy efforts from different actors like NGO, CBOs, Human Rights & Advocacy Networks and other national and international public and private sectors active engagement to fight for the rights of transgender ultimately brought some changes in their (...)
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  16.  12
    Healthy lifestyle is the key for a healthy society.Rogelio P. Bayod & Ryan Arnosa - 2021 - Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics 31 (1):24-28.
    Healthy citizens are important for a healthy society. When people are healthy, they can not only enhance their capability to fight different virus outbreaks but also participate in the building of better and healthier societies. However, different forms of sickness as a result of people’s lifestyle are appearing in many countries. Ironically, in a developing country like the Philippines, policies for healthenhancing activities have gained minimal support. This paper will argue that promoting a healthy lifestyle that involves five essential elements (...)
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  17.  13
    Belief in god vs. worship of a religion.Nader Ghotbi - 2021 - Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics 31 (1):18-20.
    Religions are human interpretations of the meaning of life and the position of the man in the world, and how human actions and relations should be regulated to protect their harmony; they are not direct words of a god. There is some wisdom in them as well as ideas that may need a reconsideration, which is very human, and the only way to find the truth is to critically examine each teaching based on the current knowledge and understanding and attending (...)
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  18.  16
    Changes of health care practice in the field of ophthalmology during the COVID-19 pandemic.Sibel Inan - 2021 - Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics 31 (1):55-60.
    The new coronavirus SARS-Cov-2 has disrupted all aspects of medical care around the world. Ophthalmology practices have also been affected by this pandemic all over the world. Due to this pandemic, new regulations were introduced in ophthalmology for patient examinations and surgical practice. Ophthalmologic procedures requiring close examination and physical contact have been reported to pose a high risk for SARSCoV-2 transmission for ophthalmologists. Guidelines on measures to prevent the risk of contamination related to COVID-19 have been published in this (...)
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  19.  32
    Overcoming death: the state of man in the midst of a.Christopher Ryan Maboloc - 2021 - Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics 31 (1):29-31.
    This paper is a philosophical inquiry about the state of man during the pandemic. By philosophy, I mean a rational investigation of profound and critical questions that seeks to address fundamental issues pertaining to the meaning of life. This study attempts to understand how the sovereign rule of the state is controlling the population in the midst of the coronavirus crisis. It argues that political power, through fear, has isolated human beings away from each other in the name of public (...)
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  20.  26
    Organized religion, spirituality and COVID-19.Darryl Macer - 2021 - Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics 31 (1):13-17.
    There appears to be a significant difference between organized religion and spirituality. In this paper I will compare both and explore some impacts of these differences in terms of the way that people of faith have responded to the COVID-19 pandemic, how people have been exposed to the virus through religious sites and festivals, and how religious institutions have responded to the COVID-19 pandemic.
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  21.  29
    Reflections on the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on life and the world.Ravichandran Moorthy & Gabriel Tyoyila Akwen - 2021 - Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics 31 (1):8-12.
    The COVID-19 pandemic has presented the world with an unprecedented global challenge that has impacted almost everyone. The pandemic has caused major disruptions in systems of work, education, finance and in domestic affairs, affecting nearly every aspect of people’s lives. Besides health and safety, this pandemic also caused havoc in the lives of people, in lockdowns, movement control, school closures, high levels of emotional distress, higher risks of violence and increased food insecurity. Drawing from experiences of some countries around the (...)
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  22.  31
    Banking against all odds: concerns of government bank workers in the Philippines amid the COVID-19 crisis.Geroson Reginio, Randy A. Tudy & Rex B. Buac - 2021 - Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics 31 (1):43-50.
    The COVID-19 crisis has been affecting workers from all walks of life all over the world. While other government agencies in the Philippines made drastic changes in the delivery of services, the government-owned banks continued to provide needed services, for these are very important for the people and the economy. However, the bank employees faced many anxieties and inconveniences, knowing that they had to face clients during the pandemic. The purpose of this phenomenological qualitative study is to understand the concerns (...)
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  23.  30
    COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on the socio-economic context of Bangladesh.Samima Akter Rozy & Muhammad Ali - 2021 - Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics 31 (1):38-42.
    The COVID-19 pandemic is causing a variety of socioeconomic changes around the world. There is a widespread outbreak of coronavirus in Bangladesh. Due to this terrible situation, various changes are taking place in the context of the people of Bangladesh. In this paper, the social changes caused by coronavirus economically and socially such as food habits, communication system, communication rituals, online education activities, online shopping, unemployment, economical threat, and changes of marriage pattern have been highlighted. This commentary also reveals the (...)
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  24.  11
    Spiritual healthcare and mental health issues during the COVID 19 pandemi.Dhastagir Sultan Sheriff - 2021 - Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics 31 (1):21-23.
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  25.  13
    A century with agony or death with comfort.Samreen Siraj, Zainish Hajani & Afsheen Hirani - 2021 - Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics 31 (1):32-34.
    The elderly population is increasing worldwide. Autonomy is an abstract concept and when it comes to the autonomy of an elderly patient, it becomes more complex. Moreover, there are some cultural traits in some communities that influence the provision of autonomy in older patients. The significance of familial clout in decision making usually overrides the geriatric person’s autonomy. Elderly people mostly prefer the quality of life versus prolonging life, so it is essential to give special consideration to the QOL rather (...)
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  26. Would a 'vaccine passport' work in the Philippines?Joefer Maninang - 2021 - Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics 7 (31):341-347.
    A novel coronavirus in 2019 took the life of ‘patient zero’ and then millions of others alerting nation states to protect and secure the lives of their citizens. The coronavirus known as SARS-CoV-2 caused the ‘COVID-19’ disease which had governments impose restrictions on the freedom of movement or the right to travel in the form of ‘community quarantines.’ The serious adverse effects of these on the world and national economies moved the governments to loosen the quarantines and implement versions of (...)
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