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  1.  13
    Teoria prawdy Haima Gaifmana. Wątpliwości i zarzuty.Zbigniew Tworak - 2022 - Studia Semiotyczne 36 (119):146-182.
    W artykule omawiam teorię prawdy zaproponowaną przez Haima Gaifmana z perspektywy radzenia sobie z różnymi problematycznymi zdaniami. Zamierzam pokazać, że koncepcja ta narażona jest na poważne zastrzeżenia, tak samo jak związana z nią teoria Saula Kripkego. Gaifman punktem wyjścia swojej teorii czyni łamigłówkę silnego kłamcy. W celu jej rozwiązania postuluje, by wartości logiczne przypisywać nie zdaniom-typom, lecz ich egzemplarzom. Przyjmuje ponadto, że wartość logiczna danego zdania-egzemplarza zależy nie tylko od leksykalnych i strukturalnych własności odpowiadającego mu zdania-typu, ale także od jego (...)
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  2.  10
    The Pragmatic Theory—Truth Translated Into Action.Giulia Cirillo - 2022 - Studia Semiotyczne 36 (105):117-158.
    Regardless of the form it may take, the process of translation still tends to be viewed as a technical activity, a cumbersome yet necessary operation to be performed in pursuit of higher goals. Yet as a phenomenon, with its profoundness it seems to be calling for closer attention. Thus the following work aims to prove how relevant the notion of translation is for the philosophical debate—specifically, for the enquiry into the nature of truth as considered from the pragmatic perspective. Firstly (...)
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  3.  18
    Zjawisko presupozycji z punktu widzenia teorii aktów mowy.Marek Nowak - 2022 - Studia Semiotyczne 36 (85):103-108.
    Artykuł jest próbą opisu presupozycji w sensie Strawsona przy użyciu aparatury pojęciowej teorii aktów mowy. Porównanie dwóch pojęć, presupozycji propozycjonalnej Strawsona z presupozycją jako warunkiem przygotowawczym mocy illokucyjnej, prowadzi do wniosku, iż są to zupełnie różne pojęcia. Tymczasem w świetle intuicji językowej, dodatkowo opartej na pracy Austina (1962), wydaje się, że istnieje tylko jeden rodzaj presupozycji: warunki przygotowawcze. To oznaczałoby, iż presupozycja propozycjonalna presuponowana przez dane zdanie jest, w pewnym sensie, redukowalna do warunku przygotowawczego czynności illokucyjnej wykonywanej przez wypowiedzenie tego (...)
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  4.  23
    Intention and Responsibility in Demonstrative Reference. A View From the Speech Act Theory.Maciej Witek - 2022 - Studia Semiotyczne 36 (63):84-82.
    Korta and Perry (2011) argue that the object a speaker refers to with a demonstrative expression combined with a pointing gesture is determined by her directing intention rather than by her demonstration. They acknowledge that our use of the ordinary concept of “what is said” is affected by our judgements about the speaker’s responsibility for the results of her careless pointing; however, they claim that the effects are perlocutionary and have no bearing on determining the referential content of the speaker’s (...)
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  5.  37
    Insinuations, Indirect Speech Acts, and Deniability.Antonio Monaco - 2022 - Studia Semiotyczne 36 (47):62-80.
    Insinuations are indirect speech acts done for various reasons: a speaker S may insinuate P (i) because an insinuation is more polite, and S can save face by non-explicitly saying P (Brown, Levinson, 1987; Searle, 1975), (ii) because S can deny having insinuated P and avoid the responsibility of explicitly stating P, or (iii) because S perceives herself to be in a competitive rather than cooperative conversation, and she wants to pursue her interests strategically (Asher, Lascarides, 2013; Camp, 2018; Lee, (...)
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  6. Norms of Speech Acts.Grzegorz Gaszczyk - 2022 - Studia Semiotyczne 36 (11):45-56.
    This paper offers a systematic classification and characterization of speech acts and their norms. Recently, the normative approach has been applied to various speech acts, most notably to constatives. I start by showing how the work on the norms of assertion has influenced various approaches to the norms of other speech acts. I focus on the fact that various norms of assertion have different extensions, i.e., they denote different clusters of illocutions as belonging to an assertion. I argue that this (...)
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  7.  12
    From the Issue Editor.Natalia Karczewska - 2022 - Studia Semiotyczne 36 (2):5-9.
    When J. L. Austin first presented his work on speech acts, it concentrated primarily on explaining how our utterances can change the non-linguistic reality around us. A new fruitful area of study explaining how saying something can constitute doing something else than saying was established, and for a very long time—in fact, until this day—philosophers debate what makes a promise a promise and not just a plan, what distinguishes an assertion from a conjecture, and what kind of mental states are (...)
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  8.  48
    Fictional Characters and Their Names.Hanoch Ben-Yami - 2022 - Studia Semiotyczne 36 (1):9-16.
    Fictional characters do not really exist. Names of fictional characters refer, to fictional characters. We should divorce the idea of reference from that of existence (the picture of the name as a tag has limited applications; the Predicate Calculus, with its existential quantifier, does not adequately reflect the relevant concepts in natural language; and model theory, with its domains, might also have been misleading). Many puzzle-cases are resolved this way (among other things, there is no problem assigning negative existential statements (...)
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    Are Empty Names All the Same?M. Sambrotta - 2022 - Studia Semiotyczne 36 (1):97–118.
    The chief purpose of this paper is to advance a defense of the old-fashioned view that empty names are neither proper names nor any other kind of interpretable expressions. A view of this sort usually makes it easy to account for the meaning of first-order sentences in which they occur in subject position: taken literally, they express no fully-fledged particular propositions, are not truth-evaluable, cannot be used to make assertions, and so on. Yet, semantic issues arise when those very sentences (...)
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  10. Proper Names as Demonstratives in Fiction.Maciej Tarkowski - 2022 - Studia Semiotyczne 36 (1):63-83.
  11.  4
    Against Vacuism.Sam Dickson - 2022 - Studia Semiotyczne 35 (2):11-37.
    This paper discusses the question of whether all counterfactuals with necessarily false antecedents (counterpossibles) are vacuously true. The orthodox view of counterpossibles (vacuism) answers that question in the affirmative. This paper explains vacuism before turning to examples from science that seem to require us to reason non-trivially using counterpossibles, and it seems that the counterpossibles used in such cases can be true or false. This is a threat to vacuism. It is then argued that the same kind of reasoning which (...)
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  12.  38
    Towards Subject Matters for Counterpossibles.Felipe Morales Carbonell - 2022 - Studia Semiotyczne 35 (2):125-152.
    In this paper, I raise the problem of dealing with counterpossible conditionals for theories of subject matter. I argue that existing accounts of subject matter need to be revised and extended to be able to a) provide reasonable (potentially non-degenerate) verdicts about what counterpossibles are about, b) explain the intuition that counterpossibles are in some sense about what would happen if the antecedent were true, and c) explain in what sense counterpossibles can be about individuals. I sketch how one could (...)
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  13. Context-indexed Counterfactuals.Mariusz Popieluch - 2022 - Studia Semiotyczne 35 (2):89-123.
    It is commonly believed that the role of context cannot be ignored in the analysis of conditionals, and counterfactuals in particular. On truth conditional accounts involving possible worlds semantics, conditionals have been analysed as expressions of relative necessity: “If A, then B” is true at some world w if B is true at all the A-worlds deemed relevant to the evaluation of the conditional at w. A drawback of this approach is that for the evaluation of conditionals with the same (...)
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