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  1. Colloquium 1: Theophrastus on Intellect in Aristotle’s De Anima.Bryan C. Reece - 2024 - Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium of Ancient Philosophy 38 (1):1-27.
    Aristotle’s cryptic De Anima III 5 has precipitated an enormous volume of commentary, especially about the identity of what has come to be known as active intellect and how it relates to potential intellect. Some take active intellect to be the prime mover of Metaphysics Λ, others a hypostatic or cosmic principle (for example, an ideal Intellect, intellect associated with the tenth celestial sphere, etc.), and others a faculty, potentiality, or power of the human soul that is distinct in function, (...)
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  2. Not-Being, Contradiction and Difference. Simplicius vs. Alexander of Aphrodisias on Plato’s Conception of Not-Being.Roberto Granieri - 2023 - Méthexis 35 (1):185-200.
    In explicating a passage from Physics A 3, Simplicius reports a criticism by Alexander of Aphrodisias against Plato’s conception of not-being in the Sophist. Alexander deems this conception contradictory, because it posits that unqualified not-being is. Simplicius defends Plato and gives a diagnosis of what he regards as Alexander’s interpretative mistake in raising his objection. I unpack this debate and bring out ways in which it sheds light on important aspects of Plato’s project in the Sophist and of Simplicius’ own (...)
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  3. Studies on Alexander of Aphrodisias’ On Mixture and Growth.Gweltaz Guyomarc’H. & Frans A. J. De Haas (eds.) - 2023 - Boston: BRILL.
    This collection of essays presents a novel interpretation of a signature work of Alexander of Aphrodisias, and of the Stoic philosophy he seeks to refute. It covers all chapters of the work, challenging existing scholarship in significant ways.
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  4. Alexander of Aphrodisias’ Theory of Action and the Capacity of Doing Otherwise.Orna Harari - 2023 - Apeiron 56 (4):693-721.
    I examine Alexander of Aphrodisias’ theory of action, addressing the question how his view that human actions are determined by reason accounts for the capacity of doing otherwise. Calling into question the standard view that Alexander frees agents from internal determination, I argue that (1) the capacity of doing otherwise is a consequence of determination by reason, since it enables agents to do something different from what they would have done had they followed external circumstances; and (2) this capacity is (...)
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  5. Alexander of Aphrodisias on the Principle of Non-Contradiction: The Argument "from Signification".Inna Kupreeva - 2023 - In M. Mouzala (ed) Ancient Greek Dialectic and Its Reception, W. de Gruyter, 2023. Berlin: W. de Gruyter. pp. 287-330.
  6. De mixtione III–IV: the Stoics on Blending—Arguments, Proofs, Examples.Vladimir Mikes - 2023 - In Gweltaz Guyomarc’H. & Frans A. J. De Haas (eds.), Studies on Alexander of Aphrodisias’ _On Mixture and Growth_. Boston: BRILL. pp. 58-82.
    Chapters III–IV of De mixtione represent a new beginning of the treatise where the Stoics, the main target of Alexander’s critical assessment of preceding theories of blending, are presented in a more systematic manner than in the first chapters. Closer reading reveals that the context of the Stoic theory which Alexander is reporting is most probably the ontological query into the unity of the cosmos on its different levels in which the challenge is to distinguish blendings from other types of (...)
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  7. Alexander of Aphrodisias on How the Sun Heats : Aristotle's Meteorology 1.3 in Context.Inna Kupreeva - 2022 - In E. Coda (ed) Letture medievali di Aristotele: il De caelo e le Meteore, Pisa University Press, 2022. Pisa: Pisa University Press. pp. 47-93.
  8. Categories in Alexander of Aphrodisias.Luca Gili - 2020 - Ancient Philosophy 40 (2):453-468.
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  9. Alexander of Aphrodisias on Simultaneous Perception.Attila Hangai - 2020 - In David Bennett & Juhana Toivanen (eds.), Philosophical Problems in Sense Perception: Testing the Limits of Aristotelianism. Cham: Springer. pp. 91-124.
    Alexander of Aphrodisias picks up Aristotle’s insufficient treatment of simultaneous perception and develops an adequate solution for the problem, thereby offering an account of the unity of perceptual consciousness—the single mental activity of a single subject with complex content. I show the adequacy of the solution by using as criteria the requirements that have been identified by Aristotle and approved (and explained) by Alexander. I analyze Alexander’s solution in two turns. First, with respect to heterogeneous perceptibles, Alexander adopts and reformulates (...)
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  10. Ancient Theories of Freedom and Determinism.Tim O'Keefe - 2020 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy:00-00.
    A fairly long (~15,000 word) overview of ancient theories of freedom and determinism. It covers the supposed threat of causal determinism to "free will," i.e., the sort of control we need to have in order to be rightly held responsible for our actions. But it also discusses fatalistic arguments that proceed from the Principle of Bivalence, what responsibility we have for our own characters, and god and fate. Philosophers discussed include Aristotle, Epicurus, the Stoics, Carneades, Alexander of Aphrodisias, and Plotinus. (...)
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  11. La providencia de los dioses según Alejandro de Afrodisias.David Torrijos-Castrillejo - 2020 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 53:345-365.
    En este artículo se toma en consideración la noción de providencia en Alejandro de Afrodisias, como hito principal de los esfuerzos del aristotelismo para responder a la noción estoica de “destino” o “hado”. Se tienen en cuenta los precedentes aristotélicos sobre este tema, sobre todo el tratado _De mundo_. El aristotelismo siempre ha recalcado la mayor sujeción al poder divino de los cielos respecto del mundo sublunar, pero será Alejandro quien convierta esta providencia primariamente concentrada en el cielo en una (...)
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  12. La causalité humaine: sur le De fato d'Alexandre d'Aphrodise.Isabelle Koch - 2019 - Paris: Classiques Garnier.
    Dans le De fato, Alexandre construit une théorie péripatéticienne du destin et réfute les Stoïciens, partisans dune conception dure du destin. Par là il offre un document majeur sur le déterminisme dans lAntiquité. Louvrage montre comment lexégèse dAristote lui permet de proposer une conception nouvelle de la responsabilité.
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  13. ALEJANDRO DE AFRODISIAS, Comentario a la Metafísica de Aristóteles. Traducción, introducción y notas de José Manuel García Valverde, Antígona, Madrid, 2018, 672 pp. [REVIEW]David Torrijos-Castrillejo - 2019 - Anuario Filosófico 52 (2):421-422.
  14. The Physiology of Vision in Alexander’s Commentary on the De sensu.Alan Towey - 2019 - Ancient Philosophy 39 (1):211-223.
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  15. The Physiology of Vision in Alexander’s Commentary on the De sensu.Jeffrey Alan Towey - 2019 - Ancient Philosophy 39 (2):211-223.
    There is no systematic physiology of the eye within Alexander of Aphrodisias' commentary on Aristotle's De Sensu that would match the work of Galen in this area because Alexander is interested in the principles that (as he sees it) guide the work of medical researchers rather than the messy detail of the work itself. If he was aware of Galen’s work in this area, his criticisms of the coalescence theory of vision as set out in the Timaeus is a sufficient (...)
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  16. (1 other version)Alexander of Aphrodisias on Pleasure and Pain in Aristotle.Wei Cheng - 2018 - In William Harris (ed.), Pleasure and Pain in Classical Times. Brill. pp. 174-200..
  17. Alexander Arabus: studi sulla tradizione araba dell'aristotelismo greco.Silvia Fazzo - 2018 - Pistoia: Petite plaisance.
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  18. 'Der kaiserzeitliche Aristotelismus'.Inna Kupreeva - 2018 - In Christoph Horn & Christoph Riedweg (eds.), Grundriss der Geschichte der Philosophie ("Neuer Ueberweg"), vol.5/1: Die Philosophie der Kaiserzeit und der Spätantike. Schwabe. pp. 255-405.
  19. Aporia and Exegesis: Alexander of Aphrodisias.Inna Kupreeva - 2017 - In George Karamanolis & Vasilis Politis (eds.), The Aporetic Tradition in Ancient Philosophy. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 228-247.
  20. Alexander of Aphrodisias on fate, providence and nature.David Torrijos-Castrillejo - 2017 - Forum. Supplement to Acta Philosophica 3:7-18.
    To study the influence of divinity on cosmos, Alexander uses the notions of ‘fate’ and ‘providence,’ which were common in the philosophy of his time. In this way, he provides an Aristotelian interpretation of the problems related to such concepts. In the context of this discussion, he offers a description of ‘nature’ different from the one that he usually regards as the standard Aristotelian notion of nature, i.e. the intrinsic principle of motion and rest. The new coined concept is a (...)
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  21. Alexander against Galen on Motion: A Mere Logical Debate?Orna Harari - 2016 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 50:291-236.
  22. Alexander of Aphrodisias and the text of Aristotle's Metaphysics.Mirjam Kotwick - 2016 - Berkley, California: University of California Press.
    Alexander of Aphrodisias's commentary (about AD 200) is the earliest extant commentary on Aristotle's Metaphysics, and it is the most valuable indirect witness to the Metaphysics text and its transmission. Mirjam Kotwick's study is a systematic investigation into the version of the Metaphysics that Alexander used when writing his commentary, and into the various ways his text, his commentary, and the texts transmitted through our manuscripts relate to one another. Through a careful analysis of lemmata, quotations, and Alexander's discussion of (...)
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  23. Aristotelianism in the 2nd century AD: Before Alexander of Aphrodisias.Inna Kupreeva - 2016 - In Andrea Falcon (ed.), Brill’s Companion to the Reception of Aristotle in Antiquity. Boston: Brill. pp. 138-159.
  24. Aristotele e Alessandro di Afrodisia (Questioni etiche e Mantissa): metodo e oggetto dell'etica peripatetica.Maddalena Bonelli (ed.) - 2015 - [Naples]: Bibliopolis.
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  25. Categorical µὴ κατὰ χρόνον propositions in Alexander of Aphrodisias’ modal syllogistic.Luca0 Gili - 2015 - Apeiron 48 (4):1-17.
    Journal Name: Apeiron Issue: Ahead of print.
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  26. La Métaphysique de Théophraste: principes et apories.Annick Jaulin & David Lefebvre (eds.) - 2015 - Leuven: Peeters.
    A collection of eight studies on Theophrastus' Metaphysics, presenting an overview of the first reception of Aristotle.
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  27. Aristotle and Alexander on Perceptual Error.Mark A. Johnstone - 2015 - Phronesis 60 (3):310-338.
    Aristotle sometimes claims that the perception of special perceptibles by their proper sense is unerring. This claim is striking, since it might seem that we quite often misperceive things like colours, sounds and smells. Aristotle also claims that the perception of common perceptibles is more prone to error than the perception of special perceptibles. This is puzzling in its own right, and also places constraints on the interpretation of. I argue that reading Alexander of Aphrodisias on perceptual error can help (...)
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  28. Alexander of Aphrodisias on Aristotle's Theory of the Stoic Indemonstrables.Susanne Bobzien - 2014 - In Mi-Kyoung Lee (ed.), Strategies of Argument: Essays in Ancient Ethics, Epistemology, and Logic. NY: Oxford University Press. pp. 199-227.
    ABSTRACT: Alexander of Aphrodisias’ commentaries on Aristotle’s Organon are valuable sources for both Stoic and early Peripatetic logic, and have often been used as such – in particular for early Peripatetic hypothetical syllogistic and Stoic propositional logic. By contrast, this paper explores the role Alexander himself played in the development and transmission of those theories. There are three areas in particular where he seems to have made a difference: First, he drew a connection between certain passages from Aristotle’s Topics and (...)
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  29. Review of "Alexander of Aphrodisias on the Soul, Part I,” Trans. Victor Caston". [REVIEW]Caleb Cohoe - 2014 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 52 (1):163-164.
  30. ALEXANDER OF APHRODISIAS - V. Caston (trans.) Alexander of Aphrodisias: On the Soul. Part I: Soul as Form of the Body, Parts of the Soul, Nourishment, and Perception. Pp. viii + 248. London: Bristol Classical Press, 2012. Cased, £70. ISBN: 978-1-78093-024-4. [REVIEW]Gweltaz Guyomarc'H. - 2013 - The Classical Review 63 (2):400-402.
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  31. (1 other version)Les sources post-hellénistiques du questionnaire de Porphyre.Gweltaz Guyomarc’H. - 2013 - Methodos. Savoirs Et Textes 13 (13).
    At the beginning of his Isagoge, Porphyry establishes a famous set of questions concerning genera and species, which is the origin of the medieval “Quarrel of universals”. But this text gave rise to difficulty for interpreters: does Porphyry, when elaborating this set of questions, refer to historical positions or does he offer these alternatives in a lingua franca, which would be neutral from a doctrinal point of view? This article focusing on the first of the three alternatives raised by Porphyry (...)
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  32. Il lessico dell'astrazione in Alessandro di Afrodisia.Chiara Militello - 2013 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 9 (2):302-321.
    This article is about the terms used in the works traditionally ascribed to Alexander of Aphrodisias to mean the process of abstraction through which intellect separates form and matter. The passages are studied in order to identify what nouns and verbs are used. Since in two works of dubious authorship aphaireô and aphairesis are found, the usage of these terms in the works that can be ascribed with certainty to Alexander is studied. The results obtained are examined in the light (...)
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  33. Neoplatonic Sailors and Peripatetic Ships: Aristotle, Alexander, and Philoponus.Jorge Mittelmann - 2013 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 51 (4):545-566.
    The Opening Chapter of De Anima II, in which Aristotle outlines an extremely general and universally applicable characterization of the soul (κοινότατος λόγος), closes with a perplexing comparison, which seems to contradict the general drift of that definiens1. After carefully arguing that the body-soul relation is a token of the hylomorphic model, which accounts for the substantial unity of every natural compound, Aristotle writes, “[F]urther, it remains unclear [ἄδηλον] whether the soul may not be the actuality of its body in (...)
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  34. Alexander of Aphrodisias and Aristotle's De anima: What's in a Commentary?Inna Kupreeva - 2012 - Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies 55 (1):109-129.
  35. Notas sobre a definição do enunciado asseverativo (logos apophantikos) em Aristóteles.Paulo Ferreira - 2011 - Journal of Ancient Philosophy 5 (1):2.
    In view of Alexander of Aphrodisias’s and Porphyry’s respective positions on the issue, I discuss whether logos apophantikos is to be defined, as DI 4 seems to imply, by its being true or false or rather, as DI 5 seems to imply, by its representing the ontological combination/separation of substrate and attribute through the logical combination/separation of subject and predicate.
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  36. La sillogistica di Alessandro di Afrodisia: sillogistica categorica e sillogistica modale nel commento agli Analitici Primi di Aristotele.Luca Gili - 2011 - New York: Georg Olms Verlag.
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  37. Alexander of Aphrodisias and his Doctrine of the soul: 1400 years of lasting significance.Eckhard Kessler - 2011 - Boston: Brill.
    This piece of work intends to shed light on Alexander of Aphrodisias from the second-century Aristotle commentator through the history of Aristotelian psychology up to the sixteenth century's clandestine prompter of the new philosophy of nature. In the millennium after his death the head of the Peripatetic school in Athens served as the authority on Aristotle in the Neo-Platonic school, survived the Arabic centuries of philosophy as Averroes' exemplary exponent of the mortality of the soul and as such was not (...)
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  38. Alexander of Aphrodisias and his Doctrine of the Soul 1400 Years of Lasting Significance.Eckhard Kessler - 2011 - Early Science and Medicine 16 (1):1-93.
    This piece of work intends to shed light on Alexander of Aphrodisias from the second-century Aristotle commentator through the history of Aristotelian psychology up to the sixteenth century's clandestine prompter of the new philosophy of nature. In the millennium after his death the head of the Peripatetic school in Athens served as the authority on Aristotle in the Neo-Platonic school, survived the Arabic centuries of philosophy as Averroes' exemplary exponent of the mortality of the soul and as such was not (...)
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  39. Alexander of Aphrodisias's Account of Universals and Its Problems.Riin Sirkel - 2011 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 49 (3):297-314.
    The philosophical problem of universals is traditionally framed as the problem about the ontological status of universals. It is often said that the ontological status of universals is a post-Aristotelian problem that was bequeathed to the Middle Ages by a famous sentence in Porphyry's Isagoge. 1 Porphyry raises but then refuses to answer three questions about the ontological status of genera and species, saying that they are too "deep" for the present investigation. 2 Although Porphyry is the first to announce (...)
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  40. (1 other version)Alexander of Aphrodisias on Form: A Discussion of Marwan Rashed, Essentialisme: Alexandre d'Aphrodise entre logique, physique et cosmologie. [REVIEW]Inna Kupreeva - 2010 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 38:211-249.
  41. Alexander of Aphrodisias de Anima - Bergeron, Dufour Alexandre d'Aphrodise: De l''me. Pp. 416. Paris: Librairie Philosophique J. Vrin, 2008. Paper, €45. ISBN: 978-2-7116-1973-3. [REVIEW]Frederic M. Schroeder - 2010 - The Classical Review 60 (1):84-86.
  42. Receptive Reason: Alexander of Aphrodisias on Material Intellect.Miira Tuominen - 2010 - Phronesis 55 (2):170-190.
    According to Alexander of Aphrodisias, our potential intellect is a purely receptive capacity. Alexander also claims that, in order for us to actualise our intellectual potentiality, the intellect needs to abstract what is intelligible from enmattered perceptible objects. Now a problem emerges: How is it possible for a purely receptive capacity to perform such an abstraction? It will be argued that even though Alexander's reaction to this question causes some tension in his theory, the philosophical motivation for it is a (...)
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  43. Alejandro de Afrodisia intérprete del " De Anima" de Aristóteles.Paolo Accattino - 2009 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 40:53-77.
    Este ensayo, dedicado a las doctrinas psicológicas de Alejandro, se divide en tres partes: la primera ilustra, a través de ejemplos tratados por el De anima, la concepción que tenía Alejandro de su actividad filosófica. Dado que Aristóteles ha transmitido las doctrinas más verdaderas, cree Alejandro, lo que hay que hacer es simplemente exponerlas de nuevo del modo más claro y completo, valiéndose de todo lo que dice Aristóteles respecto de las funciones psíquicas, incluso en obras diferentes del tratado principal. (...)
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  44. The Problem of Title of the «Posterior Analytics», and Thoughts from Commentators.Owen Goldin - 2009 - Documenti E Studi Sulla Tradizione Filosofica Medievale 20:127-147.
    The Prior and Posterior Analytics were entitled Ta Analutika by Aristotle himself. But it is not at all clear what Aristotle had in mind in grouping these two works together and in giving them this common title. This question was discussed at length by the ancient Greek commentators on Aristotle. Two main possibilities emerged. The first is that taken by Alexander of Aphrodisias, Ammonius, and Philoponus in his commentary on APr. According to this line of thought, Aristotle has in mind (...)
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  45. (1 other version)La causa de la acción humana según Alejandro de Afrodisia, Mantissa 23 y De Fato 15.Carlos Natali - 2009 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 40:159-181.
    Carlo Natali se ocupa de examinar las bases y detalles del debate de Alejandro con los deterministas, así como sus razones para mostrar el papel decisivo de la deliberación en la explicación de la acción. El punto de partida de Alejandro es el capítulo 9 del De interpretatione, texto que indica de una manera bastante clara que Aristóteles visualizó las consecuencias, absurdas en su opinión, del determinismo. En su discusión Natali examina la influencia de los argumentos de Alejandro en el (...)
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  46. Alexander Aphrodisiensis, "de Anima Libri Mantissa": A New Edition of the Greek Text with Introduction and Commentary.H. G. Alexander Aphrodisiensis - 2008 - De Gruyter.
    R. W. Sharples provides a new edition, with introduction and commentary in English, of the Greek text. The Mantissa is a collection of short discussions, transmitted as a supplement to the treatise On the Soul by the Aristotelian commentator Alexander of Aphrodisias (c.200 AD).The collection includes discussion of a range of topics, among them the nature of soul and intellect, theories of how seeing takes place, issues in ethics, and the nature of fate. The text is based upon a new (...)
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  47. Alexander, De anima libri mantissa.H. G. Alexander Aphrodisiensis - 2008 - In Alexander Aphrodisiensis, "de Anima Libri Mantissa": A New Edition of the Greek Text with Introduction and Commentary. De Gruyter. pp. 35-142.
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  48. Hylémorphisme et causalité des intelligibles.Riccardo Chiaradonna - 2008 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 86 (3):379-397.
    Résumé — En Enn., VI, 3 [44], 5, Plotin fait usage de doctrines péripatéticiennes concernant la substance, l’inhérence et la prédication. Ces doctrines correspondent de manière frappante à l’interprétation anti-extensionaliste de la substance physique développée par Alexandre d’Aphrodise contre les thèses des commentateurs plus anciens . Le parallèle entre Plotin et Alexandre ne doit cependant pas conduire à penser que Plotin se borne à suivre les thèses du commentateur, et que leurs doctrines soient donc identiques. Plotin vise plutôt à transposer (...)
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  49. Le visage du divin : la forme pure selon Alexandre d'Aphrodise.Gweltaz Guyomarc'H. - 2008 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 86 (3):323.
    In his De anima, Alexander of Aphrodisias identifies the active intellect with the first mover and describes this “first cause” as an immaterial and separate form. In this article, we try to explain the differences between Aristotle and Alexander on this point. Aristotle never defines the first mover as a form but claims that its being is actuality. How is it possible for Alexander, well known for being “the Commentator par excellence”, to assert such a thesis which seems dangerously close (...)
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  50. Alexander Aphrodisiensis, de Anima Libri Mantissa : A New Edition of the Greek Text, with Introduction and Commentary.Alexander of Aphrodisias - 2008 - Walter de Gruyter. Edited by Robert W. Sharples.
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