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  1. Introduction: Bisexuality and Pornography.Jacob Engelberg - 2024 - Porn Studies 11 (3):197-207.
  2. Bisexual and transgender potentialities in pornographic spectatorship.Jacob Engelberg - 2024 - Porn Studies 12 (3):271-289.
    This article proposes a theoretical account of pornographic spectatorship that attends to the abundance, mutability, and unpredictability of the desirous and identificatory potentialities that constitute pornographic fantasy. In its privileging of multitude over singularity, and transformability over stasis, pornographic spectatorship has meaningful connections to bisexuality and transness, taken to be capacious modes of sexual desiring and gendered identification that refuse notions of sexual immutability. In certain psychoanalytic formulations of spectatorship in film theory, we find an insistence on the spectator’s sexual (...)
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  3. Lesbian and bisexual women's experiences of aversion therapy in England.Helen Spandler & Sarah Carr - 2022 - History of the Human Sciences 35 (3-4):218-236.
    This article presents the findings of a study about the history of aversion therapy as a treatment technique in the English mental health system to convert lesbians and bisexual women into heterosexual women. We explored published psychiatric and psychological literature, as well as lesbian, gay, and bisexual archives and anthologies. We identified 10 examples of young women receiving aversion therapy in England in the 1960s and 1970s. We situate our discussion within the context of post-war British and transnational medical history. (...)
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  4. The Futile Search for 'Physiological Evidence' of Male Bisexuality: A Response to Jabbour et al.Jacob Engelberg, Samuel Lawton & Julia Shaw - 2021 - Psychology of Sexualities Review 12 (2):31-34.
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  5. Bi/A.I.: Life Like (2019).Jacob Engelberg - 2020 - Journal of Bisexuality 21 (1):138-144.
  6. Bisexual Erotics, Bisexual Labor: Knife + Heart (2018).Jacob Engelberg - 2019 - Journal of Bisexuality 19 (4):578-585.
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  7. Difference, contamination, and absence: The Cakemaker (2017).Jacob Engelberg - 2019 - Journal of Bisexuality 19 (1):133-139.
  8. Discovering Oneself: A Philosophical Autobiography of a Boy Named 'Susie'.Tony Summer - 2017 - Createspace Independent Publishing Platform.
    This autobiography addresses philosophical questions concerning the meaning of life, the possibility of knowledge, ethical challenges of the human condition, and how a person discovers who he or she is or ought to be. I wasted large stretches of my life being things, or trying to be things, that were not really me, such as a revolutionary, a drunk, a tough-guy and a heterosexual. I also spent years trying to hide from myself what I really was. I take myself to (...)
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  9. Sexuelle und geschlechtliche Selbstbestimmung als Menschenrecht.Karsten Schubert - 2016 - Bundeszentrale Für Politische Bildung.
    Diskriminierung und Menschenrechtsverletzungen gegenüber LSBTI-Personen werden heute international thematisiert und angeprangert – ein vergleichsweise neues Phänomen. Dennoch tragen die herrschenden Normen von Zweigeschlechtlichkeit und Heterosexualität weiterhin zur Diskriminierung bei: So sind gleichgeschlechtliche Partnerschaften in fast allen Staaten schlechter gestellt als heterosexuelle. Transgeschlechtliche Menschen erfahren Gewalt, weil ihr Verhalten und Äußeres nicht geltenden Normen entsprechen.
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  10. Solidarities and tensions: Feminism and transnational LGBTQ politics in Poland.Christian Klesse & Jon Binnie - 2012 - European Journal of Women's Studies 19 (4):444-459.
    This article explores the significance of feminism in transnational activism around LGBTQ protest events, namely equality marches and associated festivals in Kraków, Poznań and Warsaw in Poland. The arguments advanced in this article are based on a multi-method qualitative research project focusing on transnational cooperation in the planning and realization of LGBTQ protest events in Poland, conducted in the years 2008–2009. The authors highlight the decisively coalitional nature of the activist networks around LGBTQ politics in some of the locations studied. (...)
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  11. What’s My Line? Gender, Performativity, and Bisexual Identity.Melissa Burchard - 2006 - Radical Philosophy Today 3:91-99.
    Although gay and lesbian theory may posit homosexuality as an oppositional challenge to heteronormativity, the author argues that homosexuality and heterosexuality share a common structure of desire that is based upon choosing the gender of one’s partner from only one gender in a binary gender framework. For this reason, the author introduces the term ‘monosexual’ to designate any sexual orientation, whether homosexual or heterosexual, which makes a single gender category into an exclusive criterion for selecting partners. As an alternative to (...)
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  12. Dear Kate Bornstein.Lisa Heldke - 2006 - Radical Philosophy Today 3:101-109.
    In this brief paper, I want to begin to explore the possibility that bi-trans dialogue can challenge those forms of oppression that are grounded in sex, gender, and sexuality. I am particularly interested in pursuing the possibility that bi-trans dialogue might result in additional critiques of the sex-gender-sexuality triad. Despite multiple challenges, and myriad historical transmogri-fications (including, it must be noted, the very late addition of gender), that triad maintains its foundationality and posits deep causal links among its three parts. (...)
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  13. The Androgynous and Bisexuality in Ancient Legal Codes.Eva Cantarella - 2005 - Diogenes 52 (4):5-14.
    The word 'bisexuality', unknown to the ancients, is used here in two senses to indicate an individual with male and female sex organs or who copulates with people of both sexes. The phenomenon of bisexuality is then analysed with reference to the Greek myth of Hermaphrodite, a 'bisexual' being, born of a nymph's love for a young man of divine descent: in the guise of a fable, the myth recounts the birth of a 'monster', who raises a question-mark over the (...)
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  14. Bisexuality in the Mythology of Ancient India.Wendy Doniger - 2005 - Diogenes 52 (4):50-60.
    Hindu texts call into question our own gender conceptions; they tell us that desire for bisexual pleasure and the wish to belong to both sexes at the same time are very real, but unrealizable, except by those with magic gifts. Many myths bear witness to the existential perception of human beings as bisexual and to active bisexual transformations. Some may show the desire to be androgynous and, contrary to the dominant homophobic paradigm, present veiled images of a bisexuality fulfilled in (...)
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  15. Darwinizing sexual ambivalence: A new evolutionary hypothesis of male homosexuality.Andreas De Block & Pieter Adriaens - 2004 - Philosophical Psychology 17 (1):59 – 76.
    At first sight, homosexuality has little to do with reproduction. Nevertheless, many neo-Darwinian theoreticians think that human homosexuality may have had a procreative value, since it enabled the close kin of homosexuals to have more viable offspring than individuals lacking the support of homosexual siblings. In this article, however, we will defend an alternative hypothesis - originally put forward by Freud in "A phylogenetic phantasy" - namely that homosexuality evolved as a means to strengthen social bonds. Consequently, from an evolutionary (...)
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  16. (1 other version)Book review: Mariam Fraser. Identity without selfhood: Bisexuality and Simone de beauvoir. Cambridge: Cambridge university press, 1999. [REVIEW]Barbara S. Andrew - 2001 - Hypatia 16 (3):161-163.
  17. (1 other version)Identity without Selfhood: Bisexuality and Simone de Beauvoir.Barbara S. Andrew - 2001 - Hypatia 16 (3):161-163.
  18. Swear by the Moon.Corrinne Bedecarré - 1997 - Hypatia 12 (3):189 - 197.
    In this article I discuss the argument/criticism/concerns of bisexuality that arise from within progressive communities which already accept gay and lesbian rights. Issues discussed include trust, heterosexuality and the body, the power dynamics of patriarchal oppression and subjective verification. The moon is evoked as a material metaphor for phases and changes. I argue that conditions of the world preclude political attachment to an excessively fixed standard of many things, including sexual orientation.
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  19. Book Review: Mark Simpson (ed.) 'Anti-Gay'. [REVIEW]Frederick Danny - 1997 - Free Life 27:26-27.
    The theme of this book is that the gay community has stereotyped itself and has imposed a conformity upon its members that stifles their development and forces them to suppress aspects of themselves that do not fit the approved model of the gay lifestyle. The review focuses on, and criticises, Peter Tatchell's contribution.
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  20. In Praise of Unreliability.Lisa Heldke - 1997 - Hypatia 12 (3):174 - 182.
    Bisexuality challenges familiar assumptions about love, family, and sexual desire that are shared by both heterosexual and homosexual communities. In particular, it challenges the assumption that a person's desire can and should run in only one direction. Furthermore, bisexuality questions the legitimacy, rigidity, and presumed ontological priority of the categories "heterosexual" and "homosexual." Bisexuals are often assumed to be dishonest and unreliable. I suggest that dishonesty and unreliability can be resources for undermining normative sexualities.
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  21. Warning! Contents under Heterosexual Pressure.Peg O'Connor - 1997 - Hypatia 12 (3):183 - 188.
    This essay examines some stereotypes of bisexuals held by some lesbians. I argue that the decision that a lesbian makes not to become involved with a bisexual woman because she is bisexual can recenter men in lesbian desire, a consequence many lesbians would find deeply problematic. The acceptance of these stereotypes also results in sex becoming the defining characteristic of one's sexual orientation, thus privileging sex over any emotional, affectional, and political commitments to women.
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  22. Bisexuality Eva Cantarella (CORMAC Ó CUILLEANÁIN, tr.): Bisexuality in the Ancient World. Pp. xii+284. New Haven, CT and London: Yale University Press, 1992. Cased, £19.95. [REVIEW]Kenneth Dover - 1994 - The Classical Review 44 (01):140-141.
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  23. Queer Ethics; or, The Challenge of Bisexuality to Lesbian Ethics.Elisabeth D. Däumer - 1992 - Hypatia 7 (4):91-105.
    Due to its problematic political and social position between two opposed sexual cultures, bisexuality has often been ignored by feminist and lesbian theorists both as a concept and a realm of experiences. The essay argues that bisexuality, precisely because it transgresses bipolar notions of fixed gendered and sexed identities, is usefully explored by lesbian and feminist theorists, enhancing our effort to devise an ethics of difference and to develop nonoppressive ways of responding to alterity.
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  24. Bisexuality and the problem of its social acceptance.C. R. Austin - 1978 - Journal of Medical Ethics 4 (3):132-137.
    Professor Austin explores four main areas in this paper. First of all he outlines the physical development of sex differentiation in the embryo. He develops this by describing the clinical manifestations of abnormality which can appear at that stage. Professor Austin points out that there are relatively few people with abnormalities and that those who do show homosexual tendencies are not noticeably different from the norm in terms of their sexual equipment and hormone levels. It is much more likely that (...)
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