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  1. The Prophet Leon Trotsky through Environmental Critics: STS Revisited Debate and Marxist Reply [PREPRINT©, 2024-1].Sergio Chaparro Arenas - manuscript
    At the beginning of the twenty-first century, based on Science and Technology Studies (STS) and the prophet Trotsky’s forecast, critique of his visions of science, technology and environment have emerged. The article revisits four approaches: the green socioliberal of Sandy Irvine, the neo-luddite of Paul R. Josephson, the ecosocialist of Daniel Tanuro, John Foster and Enzo Traverso. Finally, the collapsologist by Miguel Fuentes Muñoz. At the end, a Marxist reply to their prophet's views is made with four hypotheses and a (...)
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  2. Nietzsche and Fanon on the Political Breeding of Race and Class as Caste.Miyasaki Donovan - forthcoming - Estudos Nietzsche.
    Nietzsche’s On the Genealogy of Morality suggests aristocracies inadvertently produce a dangerous “slavish” counter-type of moral agency grounded in resentment and exhibiting a morality of resignation. Throughout the text, he conflates biological and political registers, speaking of human types as “species” (die Spezies) and classes as “races” (die Rassen), thus implying all human kinds are socially constructed and that their primary cause is political organization. It’s in this sense that Nietzsche is a “radical aristocrat.” Against the conservative view that social (...)
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  3. Ecologia sociale e naturalismo dialettico. La prospettiva di Murray Bookchin.Gianmaria Avellino & Antonio Casciano - 2024 - Medicina(È)Ambiente 4:7-15.
    The aim of this paper is that of underlining the actuality and complexity of Murray Bookchin’s production through a brief analysis of the central concepts of his philosophy: social ecology and dialectical naturalism. We argue that, starting from the perspective of a necessary unity of praxis and theory – respectively expressed by the concepts above -, Bookchin fails to take into account the theoretical implication of the interplay of first and second nature, the outcome being a closure of human praxis (...)
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  4. Looping Nature. Recursivity, Epigenesis and Ideology.Florian Endres - 2024 - Technophany 3 (1).
    The following paper attempts to articulate a distinctly materialist notion of emergence and the formation of patterns by way of re-visiting two texts that have been considered oddities, if not embarrassments, by the subsequent developments of their respective disciplines: Freud’s Project for a Scientific Psychology and Engels’s Dialectic of Nature. Both texts are strikingly similar in their speculative engagement with the natural sciences and in their potential to inform a renewed engagement with the question of the relation between technology and (...)
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  5. Althusser's Materialisms: Dialectical, Historical, and Aleatory.William S. Lewis - 2024 - In John Symons & Charles Wolfe (eds.), The History and Philosophy of Materialism. New York, NY: Routledge.
    This chapter explains the “progressive elaboration” of Louis Althusser’s philosophy in relation to materialism. First, it shows the way in which Althusser’s thinking about materialism, Marxism, Marx’s materialism, and the correct materialism for Marxism had its roots in earlier Marxist reflection on the metaphysics of matter and science. Second, it demonstrates how Althusser’s materialism changed over time. In broad terms, this change can be described as the transition from a Marxist materialism that fully endorsed dialectical logic to one that denied (...)
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  6. Figuras de la realización de la filosofía en Karl Korsch y la Teoría Crítica. En el centenario de la publicación de 'Marxismo y filosofía' (1923).Jordi Magnet Colomer - 2024 - Revista Izquierdas 53:1-28.
    En el primer apartado del artículo nos ocupamos de la relación que Karl Korsch mantuvo con el Instituto de Investigación Social y con sus figuras más representativas, desde sus primeros años de funcionamiento en Frankfurt hasta el exilio en los Estados Unidos (1). En la segunda parte se lleva a cabo un contraste entre lo que Korsch y la primera Teoría Crítica entendían por ‘realización de la filosofía’ (2). Se añade un apéndice estructurado en tres temáticas suplementarias: la recepción del (...)
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  7. Ambivalence in the Concept of Libidinal Economy: Jean-François Lyotard against Samo Tomšič.Linartas Tuomas - 2024 - Deeds and Days 80:85–98.
    This article examines the ambivalence in the concept of libidinal economy, which we identify in the philosophies of Jean-François Lyotard and Samo Tomšič; they both offer radically different conceptions of libidinal economy. Although emerging from very contrasting perspectives, both theories consider the relationship between desire, the unconscious, and the capitalist economy. After defining these two approaches, we compare them, while marking differences, similarities, influences, and sociopolitical presumptions. Also, we propose a few indicative concepts, which should help to contextualize the identity (...)
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  8. Dialéctica materialista y materialismo dialéctico: hacia una concepción materialista de la historia.Jhoan Sebastian David Giraldo - 2023 - Sin Fundamento 30:29-53.
    No es la conciencia la que determina la vida, sino la vida la que determina la conciencia; esta es una de las consignas claves con las que se parte para una concepción materialista de la historia. El punto de partida es la producción material de la vida inmediata y el concebir la forma de intercambio correspondiente a este modo de producción, engendrado por él en las diferentes fases de la sociedad y a partir de esto, del proceso de vida real, (...)
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  9. "The Godfather, the Son, and World Spirit" in The Godfather and Philosophy.Landon Frim (ed.) - 2023 - Peru, IL: Carus Books.
    The Godfather movies expertly showcase "dialectics" and "historical materialism.".
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  10. Love, Mourning, and the Speculative Philosophy of Praxis. [REVIEW]Iaan Reynolds - 2023 - Radical Philosophy Review 23 (1):169-173.
  11. Dialektische Phänomenologie und konkrete Philosophie beim frühen Marcuse.Jordi Magnet Colomer - 2021 - Zeitschrift Für Kritische Theorie 27 (52/53):144-169.
    Im besonderen philosophischen Kontext des Zwischenkriegsdeutschlands entwickelte der junge Marcuse eine originelle Rezeption in marxistischer Perspektive der existenziellen Phänomenologie und der Lebensphilosophie (I). In seinen ersten Aufsätzen »Beiträge zu einer Phänomenologie des Historischen Materialismus« (1928) und »Über konkrete Philosophie« (1929) orientierte sich diese Rezeption am Projekt der Erarbeitung einer dialektischen Phänomenologie und in Verbindung damit an dem Versuch, die radikale Tat auf den ontologischen Begriff der Geschichtlichkeit zu gründen, ohne eine materielle Komponente zu vernachlässigen (II, III, IV). In der Auseinandersetzung (...)
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  12. The Philosophical Influences of Mao Zedong.Robert Elliott Allinson - 2019 - London, UK: Bloomsbury Publishing.
    This philosophical Mao is a fresh portrait of the mind of the ruler who changed the face of China in the twentieth century. The book traces the influences of both traditional Chinese and traditional pre-Marxist Western philosophy on the early Mao and how these influences guided the development of his thought. It reveals evidence of the creative dimensions of Mao's thinking and how he wove the yin/yang pattern of change depicted in the Yijing, the Chinese Book of Changes, into the (...)
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  13. Mattering: feminism, science, and materialism.Martha Kenney - 2018 - New Genetics and Society 37 (2):181-185.
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  14. Sujeito, autoria e as materialidades significantes.Guilherme Adorno - 2017 - In A não transparência do discurso. Londrina: Editora e Distribuidora Educacional S.A.. pp. 83-122.
    Teremos como horizonte perguntas feitas por Lagazzi-Rodrigues (2006), ao propor o trabalho mais amplo com a autoria: 1) A textualização com linguagens não verbais requer procedimentos específicos na prática da autoria?; 2) O que significa buscar condições para a prática da autoria em espaços institucionais diferentes da escola? Quais as consequências de se pensar a autoria fora dessas fronteiras já legitimadas? Nas três seções desta unidade, você terá contato com formas de analisar o texto, a constituição de regiões de sentido (...)
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  15. Dialectical Enlightenment.Frim Landon - 2017 - Jacobin Magazine 1.
    A revolt against the Enlightenment’s legacy has marked the academic culture of a generation. Leftists today often criticize the Radical Enlightenment thesis, arguing that those who advance it privilege the force of ideas in history over material forces. They accuse its proponents of elevating philosophy written by elite European men over the sacrifices made by ordinary people in the course of mass struggle.
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  16. Rhetoric is a counterpart of dialectic.Brad McAdon - 2001 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 34 (2):113 - 150.
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  17. Analyzing Karl Marx’s First Thesis on Feuerbach. [REVIEW]Sandara Panelo - unknown
  18. Materialism of Ludwig Feuerbach.Baiju Anthony - manuscript
    In Feuerbach, Marx found a refutation of Hegel and a case for materialism. With one blow it placed materialism on the throne again, and the spell was broken. The Hegelian system was exploded and cast aside, one must have experienced the liberating effect of Feuerbach’s books to get an idea of it. Marx used many of Feuerbach’s principles as foundation stones of his later philosophy. Here we present the materialism of Feuerbach from his critique of religion, from his materialistic epistemological (...)
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  19. Marxism Against Utilitarianism in Beauvoir's Ethics of Ambiguity.Donovan Miyasaki - manuscript
    Beauvoir’s Ethics of Ambiguity appears to defend a distinctly existentialist, deontologically-constrained version of consequentialism. On that interpretation, her belief that freedom consists in the real possibilities provided by our concrete situation leads her to reject Kantian autonomy to allow for some consequentialist decisions, while her belief that our situation derives its meaning from freely-chosen projects leads her to limit such choices to their consequences for situated freedom rather than general happiness. However, I will argue that Beauvoir’s view is better understood (...)
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