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  1. (Re)imagining Our Bonds and Ties.Lee A. Mcbride Iii - manuscript
    Erin McKenna, preeminent pragmatist and ecofeminist, urges us to rethink our relationships, our connections to wild and domesticated animals. In _The Task of Utopia_ (2001), she articulates a process model of utopian thought, evoking utopian literature to distinguish this pragmatist feminist model from other models of utopia. In subsequent books, _Pets, People, and Pragmatism_ (2013) and _Living with Animals_ (2021), McKenna argues that there is a continuity between human beings and other living creatures, and that the careful understanding of the (...)
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  2. (2 other versions)Ecofeminism: Toward Global Justice and Planetary Health.Greta Gaard & Lori Gruen - unknown - Society and Nature 2 (1):1-35.
  3. A contracorriente. La recusación del ecofeminismo en Japón en los años 1980.Montserrat Crespin Perales - forthcoming - In Aitana Merino & Nieves Moreno (eds.), Ecofeminismos en Japón.
    La recusación en el Japón de los años 1980 del ecofeminismo ilustra un caso paradigmático que sirve para conocer y reflexionar sobre los motivos que se esgrimieron para que esta orientación, especialmente desarrollada y proyectada desde el contexto anglosajón, no prendiera. Por motivos filosóficos que conectan con debates que ya se produjeron entre pensadoras feministas de la época Taishō (1912-1926), en aquella década se impugnaron propuestas ecofeministas como la que defendiera Aoki Yayoi (1927-2009) empleando, entre otras nociones, la que ella (...)
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  4. An Ecofeminist Critique of Rural Studio: Toward an Ethically-Sustainable Aesthetics.Joshua M. Hall - forthcoming - The Journal of Aesthetic Education.
    In this article, I apply Australian logician and ecofeminist philosopher Val Plumwood’s Feminism and the Mastery of Nature, specifically its alternative logic of “the dance of interaction,” to a controversial community-engagement program in my home state of Alabama. At Rural Studio, Auburn University students design free housing and public works for one of the poorest regions in the United States, known as the “Black Belt.” Through the lens of Plumwood’s ecofeminist dancing logic, the marginalized source of Rural Studio’s survival is (...)
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  5. The power and the promise of ecofeminism, revisited.Karen Warren - forthcoming - Environmental Philosophy: From Animal Rights to Radical Ecology.
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  6. El ojo del cocodrilo, de Val Plumwood.Fatima Lomelin - 2025 - Revista de Filosofía (México) 57 (158):300-307.
    En 1985, mientras Val Plumwood navegaba sola en su canoa en el Parque Nacional Kakadu (Australia), un cocodrilo gigante de agua salada la atrapó, la ahogó y dio tres giros de la muerte con su cuerpo. Después de sobrevivir a este encuentro, Val empezó a escribir sobre la vida y la muerte en términos ecológicos y la existencia humana pensada como presa y comida para la naturaleza.
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  7. Critical Theory and nature in the 21st century.Mark Jacob Amiradakis, Helen-Mary Cawood, Jean Du Toit, Anusharani Sewchurran & Gregory Morgan Swer - 2024 - Acta Academica 56 (2):1-14.
    From Karl Marx to the early Frankfurt School theorists, into other critical traditions through the twentieth and into the twenty-first century, critical social theorising has both implicitly and explicitly concerned itself with matters pertaining to nature as part of differing critiques of the destructive unfolding of late-industrial capitalism (and beyond). Horkheimer himself notes, in a defining essay that gave shape to Frankfurt School Critical Theory, Traditional and Critical Theory (1937), that “[the subject of critical thinking] is rather a definite individual (...)
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  8. Posthumanism in ecofeminist literature: Transgressions in Kazuo Ishiguro’s Klara and the Sun.Jan Gresil Kahambing & Virgilio Rivas - 2024 - New Techno-Humanities 4 (1):33-40.
    This paper establishes a critical place of conversation between an ecofeminist type of contravening patriarchal and masculine-centered discourse and posthumanist attempts to problematize boundary-setting systems assembled around the conceit of speciesism and human privilege. Kazuo Ishiguro's novel Klara and the Sun (2021) supplies this conversational groundwork centered around the novel's main protagonist, Klara, an Artificial Friend (AF). The literary presence of Klara is designed to infract a conventional social space (dominated by humans), technically eroding the human/non-human and nature/culture duality. Such (...)
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  9. Reimagining citizenship: Exploring the intersection of ecofeminism and republicanism through political care and compulsory care service.Jaeim Park - 2024 - Constellations 31 (4):705-719.
  10. Criticism and Transformation of Ecofeminism -Focusing on materialistic ecofeminism and social reproduction feminism-. 권정임 - 2024 - EPOCH AND PHILOSOPHY 35 (1):7-50.
    이 글은 물질론적 에코페미니즘을 중심으로 에코페미니즘에 대해 비판적으로 고찰한다. 이를 통해 에코페미니즘의 기획, 곧 사회적 지배와 자연적 지배 간의 내적ㆍ구조적 연관을 인식하여 여성을 비롯한 모든 사회적 약자가 해방되는 생태사회를 창출하기 위해서는 무엇보다 에코페미니즘의 문제틀의 해체와 대체라는 의미에서의 ‘과학혁명’이 요청됨을 보인다.이를 위해 먼저 물질론적 에코페미니즘을 그 철학적 기초를 중심으로 비판적으로 재구성한다. 그 결과 물질론적 에코페미니즘이 본질주의, 나아가 자신이 비판하는 근대과학의 문제틀과도 ‘단절’하지 못하고 있음을 보인다. 또한 이로 인해 현실인식 및 대안전망과 관련하여서도 고유한 한계와 난점이 귀결됨을 보인다.이어서 에코페미니즘 내부에서 물질론적 에코페미니즘의 이러한 (...)
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  11. Missing Voices of Ecofeminism in Environmental Governance: Consequences and Future Directions.Jared M. Adams - 2023 - Ethics and the Environment 28 (1):55-74.
    Abstract:Ecofeminism refers to a broad range philosophical and political movements that call attention to the link between social oppression and environmental destruction. Despite their relevance and potential theoretical and practical utility, ecofeminisms are largely absent from extant approaches to environmental governance (E-Governance). In addition to calling attention to the absence of ecofeminist voices in this arena, this paper explores the consequences of said exclusion and assesses the potential for ecofeminism to inform and ultimately improve E-Governance initiatives. I find that E-Governance (...)
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  12. Karen J. Warren: Her Work in The Making of Ecofeminism.Tricia Glazebrook - 2023 - Ethics and the Environment 28 (1):1-11.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Karen J. Warren:Her Work in The Making of EcofeminismTricia Glazebrook (bio)Karen J. Warren was born on Long Island, New York, on September 10, 1947. She received a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Minnesota in 1970, and a Master's degree (1974) and Doctorate (1978) from the University of Massachusetts—Amherst. Her dissertation was one of the first on environmental ethics. In the early years of her career, she (...)
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  13. Mapping Gendered Ecologies: Engaging with and Beyond Ecowomanism and Ecofeminism by K. Melchor Quick Hall and Gwyn Kirk (review).Cecilia Herles - 2023 - Ethics and the Environment 28 (1):97-103.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Mapping Gendered Ecologies: Engaging with and Beyond Ecowomanism and Ecofeminism by K. Melchor Quick Hall and Gwyn KirkCecilia Herles (bio)K. Melchor Quick Hall and Gwyn Kirk, Mapping Gendered Ecologies: Engaging with and Beyond Ecowomanism and Ecofeminism. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2021. ISBN- 978-1-7936-3946-2K. Melchor Quick Hall and Gwyn Kirk are leading feminist authors who have beautifully woven together an inspiring and diverse collection of essays in the (...)
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  14. Breaching the Dialectic with Situated Knowledges: The Case of Postsocialist Naturecultures.Anne Sauka - 2023 - Polish Journal of Aesthetics 68 (1):35-56.
    The article analyzes the significance of situated knowledges for going beyond dominating conceptual dichotomies that a) establish status quo dialectics, b) proliferate homogenization of the Global Northern experienced materialities, and c) conceal and suppress alternate affectual body-environment experiences and materializations. With the example of postsocialist ontogenealogies, the article analyzes the potential blind spots when failing to consider both sides of a status quo dialectic in their interconnectedness. To conclude, the article suggests the potential of situated knowledges as a vehicle for (...)
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  15. The Animals We Eat: Between Attention and Ironic Detachment.S. Caprioglio Panizza - 2022 - Journal of Animal Ethics 12 (1):32-50.
    This article engages with two fundamental attitudes toward animals who are used for human consumption: attention and ironic detachment. Taken as polarities linked with animal consumption and the refusal thereof, I discuss how these two attitudes are shaped and manifested during moments of encounter with the animals in question. Starting from a striking photograph from the Lychee and Dog Meat Festival in China, I explore the embodiment of these attitudes in the “gaze” of human participants during the encounter with animals (...)
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  16. Planetary activism at the end of the world: Feminist and posthumanist imaginaries beyond Man.Sanna Karkulehto, Aino-Kaisa Koistinen & Nóra Ugron - 2022 - European Journal of Women's Studies 29 (4):577-592.
    We are currently experiencing a planetary crisis that will lead, if worst comes to worst, to the end of the entire world as we know it. Several feminist scholars have suggested that if the Earth is to stay livable for humans and nonhumans alike, the ways in which many human beings – particularly in the wealthy parts of the world, infested with Eurocentrism, colonialism, neoliberalism, and capitalism – inhabit this planet requires radical, ethical, and political transformation. In this article, we (...)
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  17. Horizons of Difference.Ruthanne Crapo Kim, Yvette Russell & Brenda Sharp (eds.) - 2022 - Albany, NY, USA: The State University of New York.
    Horizons of Difference offers twelve original essays inspired by Luce Irigaray's complex, nuanced critique of Western philosophy, culture, and metaphysics, and her call to rethink our relationship to ourselves and the world through sexuate difference. Contributors engage urgent topics in a range of fields, including trans feminist theory, feminist legal theory, film studies, critical race theory, social-political theory, philosophy of religion, environmental ethics, philosophical aesthetics, and critical pedagogy. In so doing, they aim to push the scope of Irigaray's work beyond (...)
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  18. Daoist Ecofeminism as a New Democracy: An Analysis of Patriarchy in Contemporary China and a Tentative Solution.Jing Liu - 2022 - Hypatia 37 (2):276-292.
    The pain caused by the patriarchal totalitarianism of different modern political regimes is felt by everyone in our time: poverty, unemployment, high exploitation of both nature and humans, systematic oppression, persecution and domination, and pollution that threatens human existence. This article analyzes the different forms of patriarchy in contemporary China and explores a feminist way out. The first part examines how modern patriarchy unfolds itself through the land-enclosure movement that has caused serious pollution in China. I will show that the (...)
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  19. Critical Ecofeminism: Revisiting Gender, Ecological Justice, and Climate Crisis.Ayom Mratita Purbandani - 2022 - Indonesian Feminist Journal 27 (3):227-239.
    Ecofeminism as an intellectual theory is often criticized for its incoherency in the body of thinking. Thus, ecofeminism is reputed as promising nothing transformative and adequate in answering the challenges of multiple ecological destructions, including climate crisis. However, the trajectories and influences of ecofeminism can’t be denied—from ethical debates to policies. Therefore, this research invites us to think about ecofeminism from a critical perspective without perpetuating patriarchal stereotypes and essentialism. The critical ecofeminism approach is an offer from writers to help (...)
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  20. Ecofeminism in Film Adaptations of Lesia Ukrainka’s Forest Song.Anastassiya Andrianova - 2021 - Kyiv-Mohyla Humanities Journal 8:46-67.
    This article off ers a pioneering ecofeminist study of Viktor Ivchenko’s Lisova pisnia and Yurii Illienko’s Lisova pisnia. Mavka, two Soviet Ukrainian film adaptations of Lesia Ukrainka’s eponymous fairy-drama. It focuses on the interrelated depiction of gender and nature along with the drama’s ideological and material aspects: androcentrism and deforestation. The production of both fi lms coincides with, and arguably refl ects, what Marko Pavlyshyn describes as “the emergence of a conservationist consciousness” in the USSR in the 1960s. The article’s (...)
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  21. Environmental violence and postnatural oceans: Low trophic theory in the registers of feminist posthumanities.Cecilia Åsberg & Marietta Radomska - 2021 - In M. Husso, S. Karkulehto, T. Saresma, A. Laitila, J. Eilola & H. Siltala (eds.), Violence, Gender and Affect: Interpersonal, Institutional and Ideological Practices. pp. 265-285.
    Environmental violence takes form of both ‘spectacular’ events, like ecological disasters usually recognised by the general public, and ‘slow violence’, a type of violence that occurs gradually, out of sight and on a long-term scale. Planetary seas and oceans, loaded with cultural meanings of that which ‘hides’ and ‘allows to forget’, are the spaces where such attritional violence unfolds unseen and ‘out of mind’. Simultaneously, conventional concepts of nature and culture, as dichotomous entities, become obsolete. We all inhabit and embody (...)
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  22. Environmental violence and postnatural oceans: Low trophic theory in the registers of feminist posthumanities.Cecilia Åsberg & Marietta Radomska - 2021 - In M. Husso, S. Karkulehto, T. Saresma, A. Laitila, J. Eilola & H. Siltala (eds.), Violence, Gender and Affect: Interpersonal, Institutional and Ideological Practices. pp. 265-285.
    Environmental violence takes form of both ‘spectacular’ events, like ecological disasters usually recognised by the general public, and ‘slow violence’, a type of violence that occurs gradually, out of sight and on a long-term scale. Planetary seas and oceans, loaded with cultural meanings of that which ‘hides’ and ‘allows to forget’, are the spaces where such attritional violence unfolds unseen and ‘out of mind’. Simultaneously, conventional concepts of nature and culture, as dichotomous entities, become obsolete. We all inhabit and embody (...)
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  23. The Ability System and Decolonial Resistance: The Case of the Victorian Invalid.Rachel Cicoria - 2021 - Journal of World Philosophies 6 (2):45-60.
    Determinations of ability/disability are rooted in coloniality, specifically in categorizations of race, gender, and animality as they bear on social formations. I elucidate this rootedness by weaving the “coloniality of ability” into María Lugones’ accounts of the coloniality of gender and the colonial-modern system as founded on the “human-nonhuman” difference. This enables me to reveal an “ability system” based on the “ability-bestiality” difference and delineate with more specificity liminal sites of oppression and resistance across the heterogeneous socialities of coloniality-modernity. From (...)
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  24. Nancy Fraser, Iris Marion Young, and the Intersections of Justice: Equality, Recognition, Participation, and Third Wave Feminism.Gary Dorrien - 2021 - American Journal of Theology and Philosophy 42 (3):5-34.
    The call to struggle for social justice mobilizes progressive institutions, movements, and traditions that share nothing else. Progressives lacking any other ideological, religious, political, or cultural basis of commonality join together to make gains toward social justice, sometimes registering the historic limitations of this term by renaming it "eco-justice" or eco-social justice. The idea of social justice arose in the socialist and labor union movements of the mid-nineteenth century and was appropriated in Catholic and Protestant social teaching. Essentially it was (...)
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  25. Contesting Extinctions: decolonial and regenerative futures.Suzanne McCullagh, Luis Pradanos, Cathy Wagner & Tabusso Marycan Ilaria (eds.) - 2021 - Lexington Books.
    Contesting Extinctions: Decolonial and Regenerative Futures critically interrogates the discursive framing of extinctions and how they relate to the systems that bring about biocultural loss. The chapters in this multidisciplinary volume examine approaches to ecological and social extinction and resurgence from a variety of fields, including environmental studies, literary studies, political science, and philosophy. Grounding their scholarship in decolonial, Indigenous, and counter-hegemonic frameworks, the contributors advocate for shifting the discursive focus from ruin to regeneration. -/- .
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  26. Choreographing Space.Eva Perez de Vega - 2021 - London: Artifice Press.
    Choreographing Space is a reflection on the collaborative work of e+i studio, a New York City based architecture practice. Founders Eva Perez de Vega and Ian Gordon guide the reader through a dynamic selection of projects, each one opening us up to their relationship with the choreography of human and nonhuman forces at play. -/- Born as a retrospective and future-oriented book, it engages philosophical thought with architectural projects located in Europe, Asia, and the US, as well as speculative scenarios (...)
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  27. Methodologies of Kelp: On Feminist Posthumanities, Transversal Knowledge Production and Multispecies Ethics in an Age of Entanglement.Cecilia Åsberg, Janna Holmstedt & Marietta Radomska - 2020 - In H. Mehti, N. Cahoon & A. Wolfsberger (eds.), The Kelp Congress. pp. 11-23.
    We take kelp as material entities immersed in a multitude of relations with other creatures (for whom kelp serves as both nourishment and shelter) and inorganic elements of the milieu it resides in, on the one hand, and as a figuration: a material-semiotic “map of contestable worlds” that encompasses entangled threads of “knowledge, practice and power” (Haraway 1997, 11) in its local and global sense, on the other. While drawing on our field notes from the congress and feminist posthumanities and (...)
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  28. Methodologies of Kelp: On Feminist Posthumanities, Transversal Knowledge Production and Multispecies Ethics in an Age of Entanglement.Cecilia Åsberg, Janna Holmstedt & Marietta Radomska - 2020 - In H. Mehti, N. Cahoon & A. Wolfsberger (eds.), The Kelp Congress. pp. 11-23.
    We take kelp as material entities immersed in a multitude of relations with other creatures (for whom kelp serves as both nourishment and shelter) and inorganic elements of the milieu it resides in, on the one hand, and as a figuration: a material-semiotic “map of contestable worlds” that encompasses entangled threads of “knowledge, practice and power” (Haraway 1997, 11) in its local and global sense, on the other. While drawing on our field notes from the congress and feminist posthumanities and (...)
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  29. Sympathy for Cecil: gender, trophy hunting, and the western environmental imaginary.Eric S. Godoy - 2020 - Journal of Political Ecology 27 (1):759-774.
    This article draws from political ecology and ecofeminism to examine sympathy, expressed by record-breaking donations from North Americans, for the death of Cecil the Lion. The overlapping normative critique offered by these two perspectives together demonstrates how sympathy is disclosive of power relations. Sympathy reveals, relies upon, and reinforces different forms of gender, racial, and neocolonial domination; especially when western sympathy remains ignorant of the power relations, including their politics and histories, that shape attitudes toward non-human animals and grant them (...)
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  30. Reflecting Back, Looking Forward: Ethics and the Environment at 25.Lori Gruen - 2020 - Ethics and the Environment 25 (1):3.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reflecting Back, Looking Forward:Ethics and the Environment at 25Lori Gruen (bio)Twenty-five years ago, when Ethics and the Environment launched, I remember having engaging conversations with the late founding editor, Victoria Davion, about just how important feminist thinking was to ethical explorations of our vexed relationships with the more than human world. She promised to promote feminist philosophical scholarship in this journal and she kept that promise. Although I'm quite (...)
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  31. Caring for More Than Humans: Ecofeminism and Care Ethics in Conversation.Tove Pettersen - 2020 - In Odin Lysaker (ed.), Between Closeness and Evil: A Festschrift for Arne Johan Vetlesen. pp. 183-213.
    Over the last four decades, both ecofeminism and care ethics have profoundly theorized the link between oppression and what is viewed as Others, such as women, non-human animals and nature. After uncovering and analyzing some important commonalities and differences between these two branches of feminist ethical theories and their critiques of dominant Western philosophy and ethics, Tove Pettersen also identifies some clear thematic and methodological overlaps with Arne Johan Vetlesen’s philosophy. She explores three topics in particular where ecofeminism and care (...)
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  32. Nature, Gender and Technology: The Ontological Foundations of Shiva’s Ecofeminist Philosophy.Gregory Morgan Swer - 2020 - Comparative and Continental Philosophy 12 (2):1-14.
    This paper addresses the generally neglected topic of Vandana Shiva’s ontology. It is argued that there is a significant ontological component to Shiva’s ecofeminist philosophy and that this ontology underpins her ecological and feminist views. Shiva’s ontology provides a standpoint from which she can critique dichotomous ontologies of domination and oppression, and from which she can identify life-sustaining modes of existence. It is argued that this ontology is implicit in most of her works and is best grasped through the analysis (...)
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  33. What’s Love Got to Do with it? An Ecofeminist Approach to Inter-Animal and Intra-Cultural Conflicts of Interest.Karen S. Emmerman - 2019 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 22 (1):77-91.
    Many familial and cultural traditions rely on animals for their fulfillment - think of Christmas ham, Rosh Hashannah chicken soup, Fourth of July barbeques, and so forth. Though philosophers writing in animal ethics often dismiss interests in certain foods as trivial, these food-based traditions pose a significant moral problem for those who take animals’ lives and interests seriously. One must either turn one’s back on one’s community or on the animals. In this paper, I consider the under-theorized area of intra-cultural (...)
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  34. Book Review: Jones, Clint. Ecological Reflections on Post-Capitalist Society (2018). [REVIEW]Tiffany Montoya - 2019 - The North Meridian Review 1.
  35. The Seeds of Violence: Ecofeminism, Technology, and Ecofeminist Philosophy of Technology.Gregory Morgan Swer - 2019 - In Janina Loh & Mark Coeckelbergh (ed.), Feminist Philosophy of Technology (Volume 2 - Techno:Phil - Aktuelle Herausforderungen der Technikphilosophie). pp. 247-264.
    Ecofeminist philosophy is a development of feminist philosophy that addresses the intersection of sexism and environmental issues. Coined by Francoise d’Eaubonne, the term “ecofeminism” refers to a diverse collection of feminist thought that shares the conviction that the present environmental crisis is due not solely to the anthropomorphic nature of dominant conceptualisations of human-nature relations, with their emphasis on notion of mastery and control, but also to their androcentric nature. Technology features frequently in ecofeminist writings, in analyses of technocracy (Birkeland (...)
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  36. Ekofeminisme dalam Antroposen: Relevankah?: Kritik terhadap Gagasan Ekofeminisme.Ni Nyoman Oktaria Asmarani - 2018 - BALAIRUNG: Jurnal Multidisipliner Mahasiswa Indonesia 1 (1):126-143.
    Sikap kritis terhadap krisis ekologi yang berdampak buruk pada perempuan telah dimulai oleh Francoise d’Eaubonne dalam bukunya La Feminsme au la Mort (1974). Inilah awal terminologi ekofeminisme diperkenalkan. d’Eaubonne mengungkapkan adanya keterkaitan yang erat antara penindasan terhadap perempuan dan penindasan terhadap alam yang berakar pada kultur patriarki. Dalam sistem ini, perempuan menempati konstruksi posisi yang sama dengan alam yaitu sebagai objek, bukan subjek. Ekofeminisme kemudian lahir untuk memecahkan masalah kehidupan manusia dengan alam yang berangkat dari pengalaman perempuan dan menjadikannya sebagai (...)
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  37. From Cyborgs to Companion Species: Affinity and Solidarity in Donna Haraway’s Feminist Theory.Tomohiro Inokuchi - 2017 - In Applied Ethics: The Past, Present and Future of Applied Ethics. pp. 50-58.
    The purpose of this paper is to clarify the transition and its meaning of the central figure used by Donna J. Haraway. Along with her achievement in primatology and gender, her prior manifesto about cyborgs, in which she utilized the image of hybrids from science fiction as a tool for analyzing actual women, has received significant attention and has made her an essential researcher in feminist science studies. On the other hand, her recent concern has led her to publish another (...)
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  38. Eros After Nature.Chandler D. Rogers - 2016 - Soundings: An Interdisciplinary Journal 99 (3):223-245.
    On ground shared by environmental hermeneutics, critical social theory, and environmentally minded feminism, this article attempts to conciliate between the nearly antithetical ethical viewpoints of environmental philosophers David Abram and Steven Vogel. It will demonstrate first that Abram’s linguistic arguments for extending ethical considerability to nonhuman nature succumb to two of Vogel’s debilitating critiques, which it labels the social constructivist critique and the discourse ethics critique, and secondly that Abram fails to guard against the problem of human-human oppression. The article (...)
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  39. Gender Justice and Development: Vulnerability and Empowerment.Eric Palmer (ed.) - 2015 - Routledge.
    Vulnerability and empowerment are central concepts of contemporary development theory and ethics. Vulnerability associated with human interdependence is a wellspring of values in care ethics, while vulnerability arising from social problems demands remedy, of which empowerment is frequently the just form. Development planners and aid providers focus upon improving the wellbeing of the most vulnerable – especially women – by empowering them economically, socially and politically. -/- Both vulnerability and empowerment are considered in this volume. Jay Drydyk argues that empowerment (...)
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  40. ‘More Crucial’ Matters: Reclaiming ‘Sustainability’ and Transcending The Rhetoric of ‘Choice’ through Ecofeminist Pedagogy.Karyn Pilgrim & H. Louise Davis - 2015 - Ethics and the Environment 20 (1):123-139.
    I would say very simply that the function of the intellectual is this: to put at the disposal of others, to put in common, this greater set of critical analytical tools, to make those tools freely available, and this naturally demands being rooted in reality that is in movement, a reality in which the researcher herself puts certain choices into practice, in which she can deem some matters to be more crucial than others. And the hope is, depending on the (...)
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  41. Nilai Ekofeminisme dalam Tumpek Wariga sebagai Kearifan Lokal Bali dalam Melestarikan Alam.Ni Nyoman Oktaria Asmarani - 2014 - Jurnal Filsafat 24 (1).
    Tumpek Wariga, yang juga disebut Tumpek Bubuh, Tumpek Uduh, atau Tumpek Pengatag adalah salah satu kearifan lokal berwujud perayaan keagamaan masyarakat Hindu Bali. Upacara ini dilakukan dalam rangka pemujaan Tuhan dalam manifestasinya sebagai Dewa Sangkara sebagai dewa tumbuh-tumbuhan dalam kepercayaan Hindu Bali. Walaupun dalam kebudayaan Bali perempuan dan laki-laki dianggap setara dalam upaya pelestarian alam, perempuan tetap mendapatkan tugas untuk mempersiapkan prosesi upacara agama, seperti Tumpek Wariga ini. Hal ini terjadi sebab perempuan dianggap memiliki karakteristik seperti alam, mereka memiliki kedekatan (...)
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  42. Climate Change, Buen Vivir, and the Dialectic of Enlightenment: Toward a Feminist Critical Philosophy of Climate Justice.Regina Cochrane - 2014 - Hypatia 29 (3):576-598.
    This paper examines the proposal that the indigenous cosmovision of buen vivir (good living)—the “organizing principle” of Ecuador's 2008 and Bolivia's 2009 constitutional reforms—constitutes an appropriate basis for responding to climate change. Advocates of this approach blame climate change on a “civilizational crisis” that is fundamentally a crisis of modern Enlightenment reason. Certain Latin American feminists and indigenous women, however, question the implications, for women, of any proposed “civilizational shift” seeking to reverse the human separation from nonhuman nature wrought via (...)
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  43. Climate Change, Ethics, and Human Security. Edited by Karen O'Brien, Asunción Lera ST. Clair and Berit Kristoffersen. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2010. [REVIEW]Victoria Davion - 2014 - Hypatia 29 (3):707-712.
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  44. Climate Change Science and Responsible Trust: A Situated Approach.Heidi Grasswick - 2014 - Hypatia 29 (3):541-557.
    I adopt a situated approach to the question of what would constitute responsible trust and/or distrust in climate change science, and I identify some of the major challenges for laypersons in their attempts to know well by placing their trust in climate change experts. I examine evidence that white males, as a group of relative privilege, are more likely to distrust the institutions of climate change science than are other demographic groups, and use this example to consider specific challenges facing (...)
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  45. Nature Ethics: An Ecofeminist Perspective. By Marti Kheel. Lanham, Md.: Rowman and Littlefield, 2008.Lori Gruen - 2014 - Hypatia 29 (3):713-715.
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  46. Only Resist: Feminist Ecological Citizenship and the Post‐politics of Climate Change.Sherilyn MacGregor - 2014 - Hypatia 29 (3):617-633.
    European political theorists have argued that contemporary imaginaries of climate change are symptomatic of a post-political condition. My aim in this essay is to consider what this analysis might mean for a feminist green politics and how those who believe in such a project might respond. Whereas much of the gender-focused scholarship on climate change is concerned with questions of differentiated vulnerabilities and gendered divisions of responsibility and risk, I want to interrogate the strategic, epistemological, and normative implications for ecological (...)
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  47. Topographies of Flesh: Women, Nonhuman Animals, and the Embodiment of Connection and Difference.Jennifer McWeeny - 2014 - Hypatia 29 (2):269-286.
    Because of risks of essentialism and homogenization, feminist theorists frequently avoid making precise ontological claims, especially in regard to specifying bodily connections and differences among women. However well-intentioned, this trend may actually run counter to the spirit of intersectionality by shifting feminists' attention away from embodiment, fostering oppressor-centric theories, and obscuring privilege within feminism. What feminism needs is not to turn from ontological specificity altogether, but to engage a new kind of ontological project that can account for the material complexity (...)
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  48. Empowering Women: A Labor Rights-Based Approach: Case Studies from East African Horticultural Farms. [REVIEW]Bénédicte Brahic & Susie Jacobs - 2013 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 26 (3):601-619.
    This article discusses the hitherto little-studied question of women workers’ empowerment through access to labor rights in the east African export horticultural sector. It is based on the work carried out by Women Working Worldwide and its east African partners, drawing on primary research on cut-flower farms in Ethiopia, Tanzania, and Uganda. The focus in discussions of women’s empowerment has tended to be on individual actors rather than collective strategies. We argue that strategies such as action research, education, organization and (...)
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  49. Locating Ecofeminism in Encounters with Food and Place.Chaone Mallory - 2013 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 26 (1):171-189.
    This article explores the relationship between ecofeminism, food, and the philosophy of place. Using as example my own neighborhood in a racially integrated area of Philadelphia with a thriving local foods movement that nonetheless is nearly exclusively white and in which women are the invisible majority of purchasers, farmers, and preparers, the article examines what ecofeminism contributes to the discussion of racial, gendered, classed discrepancies regarding who does and does not participate in practices of locavorism and the local foods movement (...)
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  50. (1 other version)Domination and Consumption: an Examination of Veganism, Anarchism, and Ecofeminism.Ian Werkheiser - 2013 - Journal of Existential and Phenomenological Theory and Culture 8 (2):135-160.
    Anarchism provides a useful set of theoretical tools for understanding and resisting our culture’s treatment of non-human animals. However, some points of disagreement exist in anarchist discourse, such as the question of veganism. In this paper I will use the debate around veganism as a way of exploring the anarchist discourse on non-human animals, how that discourse can benefit more mainstream work on non-human animals, and how work coming out of mainstream environmental discourse, in particular the ecofeminist work of Val (...)
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