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  1. Protestic Becoming : how knowledge silences.Victor Adelino Ausina Mota - manuscript
    Between medieval sapienza and the duty of silence...because it can be harmfull for other, takes care to transmit and inform in a cultural way.
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  2. How Humor Works - A Clear Proposal For a Classic Question.E. Garrett Ennis - manuscript
    A short, clear and complete theory that explains the origins and properties of the human humor instinct, which has been the subject of incomplete research for thousands of years. The paper's theory uses evolutionary psychology and a basic informal equation, and unites the findings of the previous theories, including explaining the logical basis behind many types of humor as well as the common sayings associated with it.
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  3. How Humor Works, Part II - Status Loss Theory as the Logical Basis of All Forms of Humor.E. Garrett Ennis - manuscript
    This paper takes the Status Loss Theory (introduced and explained in the first "How Humor Works" paper), and applies it to 40 real-world examples, including memes, radio and TV shows, movie and comic book tropes, song parodies, humor sayings, stand-up comedy cliches, known psychological quirks of humor, and more, to demonstrate the theory's potential to function as the first clear, complete, logical, and simple basis for defining, studying, and understanding humor in all of its forms.
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  4. Modifications to Aristotle's Poetics.E. Garrett Ennis - manuscript
    Aristotle's Poetics has been the basis for theories of entertainment for over 2,000 years. But the general approach it uses has led to a number of gaps, contradictions, and difficulties in predicting the success of books, plays, movies, and entertainment as a whole, so much so that sayings like "there are no rules, but you break them at your peril," and "in Hollywood, nobody knows anything" have become widespread and accepted. -/- However, it turns out that a model of entertainment (...)
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  5. "How Humor Works" Introduction - The "Holy Grail" Humor Theory in One Page.E. Garrett Ennis - manuscript
    This paper introduces the "Status Loss Theory of Humor," as detailed in "How Humor Works" and "How Humor Works, Part II" , in a single page. This theory has the potential to fully, clearly, and naturally explain the human humor instinct, and has made predictions that are being confirmed by other studies.
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  6. Solaris, Andrei Tarkovsky – Filosofia.Nicolae Sfetcu - manuscript
    Filmul Solaris (1972) al lui Andrei Tarkovski poate fi abordat prin prisma filosofiei minții, a întrebărilor esențiale în acest domeniu. Aceste întrebări se referă la personalitate și suferință, care acoperă cel puțin perioada de la Rene Descartes la filosofii moderni, precum Derek Parfit și Hilary Putnam. Solaris apare ca un vehicul adecvat pentru a explora provocările filosofice. De altfel, filmul Solaris al lui Tarkovsky permite multiple interpretări semantice. În același timp, Solaris prezintă un exemplu excelent despre modul în care spațiile (...)
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  7. Heterotopia of the film Solaris directed by Andrei Tarkovski.Nicolae Sfetcu - manuscript
    In Solaris, within the limits of heterotopic experience, several theoretical and ontological questions are examined through approaches on each character. Berton declares one of the main philosophical themes of the movie when he tells Kelvin: "You want to destroy that which we are presently incapable of understanding? Forgive me, but I am not an advocate of knowledge at any price. Knowledge is only valid when it's based on morality." The ocean does not mean anything as an object, it simply exists. (...)
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  8. La technique cinématographique d'Andreï Tarkovsky dans Solaris.Nicolae Sfetcu - manuscript
    Tarkovsky s’est opposé au montage et a considéré que la base de l’art cinématographique (l’art du film) est le rythme interne des images. Il a considèré le cinéma comme une représentation des courants distinctifs ou des ondes de temps, transmis dans le film par son rythme interne. Le rythme est au cœur du « film poétique ». Un rythme comme un mouvement dans le cadre (« la sculpture dans le temps »), pas comme une séquence d'images dans le temps. Le (...)
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  9. The Browsing Subject: Phenomenology and the Internet on Pandemic Time.Hannibal Travis - manuscript
    Does browsing the world through a screen change a person, especially in the context of COVID-19? Recent studies indicate that self-care, psychological well-being, and empathy may suffer. The “Californian ideology” privileges expression of the self even as digital technology tends to interrupt the modern trend towards elaborating distinct selves via texts that convey knowledge. Meanwhile, digital browsing may be fracturing attention and empathy. -/- As these changes proceed, legislators react to a medical and social crisis. Relaxation of business, community center, (...)
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  10. The Journal.Mota Victor - manuscript
    the journal of everyday life, between success and resiliation, shine and shadow, clarity and sadness.
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  11. Linguistic Turn.Mota Victor - manuscript
    semiology of social and global transformations on public relations and, by consequence, of human intimacy.
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  12. A Violência Simbólica (Symbolic Violence).Mota Victor - manuscript
    Symbolic violence from TV, due to false regulation on content, in Spain, Portugal, Canada, France and US.
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  13. Trouble (À Rasca).Mota Victor - manuscript
  14. Baixar o Céu (Autonomy as Desonesty).Mota Victor - manuscript
    Autonomy as a desonesty, i.e., exogamic behaviour does not betray family values.
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  15. Por uma Literatura Fatal e Complacente.Mota Victor - manuscript
  16. The Source.Mota Victor - manuscript
    from sensation to imposition of media tought.
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  17. "It was the Wine".Mota Victor - manuscript
    wine and wisdom, a path to self realization and fulfillment.
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  18. God of Me (Deus de Mim).Mota Victor - manuscript
    God in me, God of Me, do I need a Lord, cannot be myself a Lord, a God?
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  19. Swiming (Nadando se Nada).Mota Victor - manuscript
  20. Going to the South (Rumo ao Sul).Mota Victor - manuscript
    goin to the south, of the mind, of the southern of Europe, not Algarve, but to a place in my mind.
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  21. Anemia.Mota Victor - manuscript
  22. Th Event (Ante o Acontecimento).Mota Victor - manuscript
    the event, on the evening of time, should be a place in our society for optimism?
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  23. Hemingway: literary crapp?Mota Victor - manuscript
    is literature a kind of redemption from ourselves?
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  24. A Tenaz (Tena-city).Mota Victor - manuscript
  25. Nihilism and Reality in Akira Kurosawa's Rashomon (1949 movie).Marcos Wagner Da Cunha - manuscript
    This essay is part of a doctoral dissertation presented to the Department of Philosophy, University of São Paulo, in 1993, named 'Genealogy of the Real' . Its core idea is a Nietzschean approach to a masterpiece among philosophical inspired movies, namely, Akira Kurosawa's Rashomon, which surely touches deep groundings of the concept of truth and reality.
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  26. Time to be saved? Parousia, Purgation, and Psychological Time Dilation.Aaron Brian Davis - forthcoming - Agatheos: European Journal for Philosophy of Religion.
    James Turner has argued that views of purgatorial post-mortem salvation face a dilemma on the basis of their motivating intuitions vis-à-vis the second coming of Jesus (i.e., the parousia). Namely, they can accept that some persons experience “abrupt purgation” (undermining a key reason for affirming purgation), they can posit all who are not already saved at the second coming are damned (a view which is highly distasteful to purgatory advocates), or they can deny the parousia (a position which is unorthodox). (...)
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  27. A Critical Companion to David Lynch.Andrew M. Winters (ed.) - forthcoming - Lexington Books.
    A Critical Companion to David Lynch builds on the vast debate of one of the most discussed and researched directors of the present era, with commercial and critical success across multiple mediums and genres. This edited volume provides a wide-ranging exploration of Lynch’s films, practices, and collaborations, with nineteen original chapters examining themes including narrativity, aesthetics, artistry, sound, experimentation, metafiction, and patriarchy from the disciplinary perspectives of film studies, art studies, gender studies, literary studies, and philosophy. Lynch’s entire thought-provoking oeuvre, (...)
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  28. A Holy Dullness: Tarkovsky, Suture, and the Numinous.Ryan Wittingslow - forthcoming - In Venetia Laura Delano Robertson & Carole M. Cusack (eds.), Handbook of Contemporary Religion, Film and Television. Brill.
    In this chapter, I argue that the films of Andrei Tarkovsky are particularly suitable for inducing feelings of the numinous. This suitability is a formal rather than semantic feature of his films, and is tied indelibly to what film scholars call ‘suture’. I with a summary of what film theorists mean by ‘suture’, before providing a principled defence of the Merleau-Pontian suture theory outlined by George Butte. Second, I will demonstrate that, in spite of the strength of Butte’s formulation, the (...)
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  29. (UN)FOLDING TIME A PHILOSOPHICAL ANALYSIS OF “CLOUD ATLAS” (2012).Gustavo Ruiz da Silva & Eberval Gadelha Figueiredo Jr - 2024 - Paralaxe 9 (1):18-33.
    This paper examines the film "Cloud Atlas" (2012), directed by Lana Wachowski, Tom Tykwer, and Lilly Wachowski, through a philosophical lens. It explores the narrative structure and creative choices of the film, comparing it to the original book by David Mitchell. The analysis focuses on the film's editing and its impact on the portrayal of time, while drawing on Gilles Deleuze's concept of “the fold” and Pierre Klossowski's notion of “vicious circle”. By investigating these philosophical ideas, the paper offers a (...)
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  30. The Time of a Missing People: Elliptically Uncovering the Workday of the “Extra” in Bruno Varela’s Papeles Secundarios (2004) and Cuerpos Complementarios (2022).Byron Davies - 2024 - Philosophies 9 (5):154.
    This article examines some work by the Oaxaca-based Mexican experimental filmmaker and video artist Bruno Varela in order to explore the sense of Gilles Deleuze’s view that modern political cinema is characterized by a “missing” people, to which the adequate response is the people-sustaining or people-generating trance. I argue that the element missing from Deleuze’s discussion is how the typical way for a people to go “missing” under capitalism involves the obfuscation of their labor, an idea that sustains the materially (...)
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  31. Mitopoiesis de Tenochtitlán: ¡Aoquic iez in Mexico! / ¡Ya México no existirá más!Byron Davies - 2024 - Los Experimentos.
    Spanish version of essay on the film ¡Aoquic iez in Mexico! / ¡Ya México no existirá más! (Annalisa D. Quagliata Blanco, 2024).
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  32. Mythopoesis from Tenochtitlán: Annalisa D. Quagliata Blanco’s ¡Aoquic iez in Mexico! / ¡Ya México no existirá más!Byron Davies - 2024 - Millenium Film Journal 80:52-63.
    Analysis in English of Annalisa D. Quagliata Blanco’s experimental feature film ¡Aoquic iez in Mexico! /¡Ya México no existirá más! (2024).
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  33. The Metamodern Slasher Film.Steve Jones - 2024 - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
    It is commonly proposed that since the mid-2000s, the slasher subgenre has been dominated by unoriginal remakes of "classics". Consequently, most original slasher films have been ignored by academics (and critics), leaving the field with a limited understanding of this highly popular subgenre. This book corrects that mischaracterisation by analysing contemporary slasher films that sincerely attempt to innovate within the subgenre. I argue that these films reflect broader cultural turns towards sincerity, optimism in the face of crisis, and an emphasis (...)
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  34. Mad Max and Philosophy.Matthew Meyer, David Koepsell & William Irwin (eds.) - 2024 - New York: Wiley.
    Beneath the stylized violence and thrilling car crashes, the Mad Max films consider universal questions about the nature of human life, order and anarchy, justice and moral responsibility, society and technology, and ultimately, human redemption. In Mad Max and Philosophy, a diverse team of political scientists, historians, and philosophers investigates the underlying themes of the blockbuster movie franchise, following Max as he attempts to rebuild himself and the world. -/- This book guides you through the barren wastelands of a post-apocalyptic (...)
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  35. The Assassination of Marilyn Monroe by the Coward Andrew Dominik: An Existentialist Phenomenology of Cinematic Imagination.David Sorfa - 2024 - In Kelli Fuery (ed.), Film Phenomenologies: Temporality, Embodiment, Transformation. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. pp. 141-166.
    The release of Andrew Dominik’s Blonde in 2022 on Netflix caused a furor of out-rage, and the film was seen variously as misogynistic, exploitative, and badly made. Here I wish to explore the ways in which we can think about the hyper-mediated image of Marilyn Monroe through Jean-Paul Sartre’s phenomenological consid-eration of imagination and Simone de Beauvoir’s existentialist analysis of ethics and ambiguity. I will argue that Sartre’s idea of irreality (unreality) guarantees the freedom of each individual and that the (...)
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  36. Representation of Cancer in the Digital Space.Sankar Varma - 2024 - Economic and Political Weekly 59 (18).
    The Korean drama, Thirty-Nine, prioritises the vulnerability of the patient in its portrayal of the experience of cancer.
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  37. The Non‐dualistic, Redemptive Metaphysics of the Jedi.Michael Baur - 2023-01-09 - In Jason T. Eberl & Kevin S. Decker (eds.), Star Wars and Philosophy Strikes Back. Wiley. pp. 163–173.
    This chapter explores how the non‐dualistic metaphysics endorsed by Star Wars and Spinoza provides an important lesson about what it means to have a true idea about something. According to the non‐dualistic metaphysics of the Jedi, power‐seeking ultimately isn't a matter of domination or destruction, but of “balance”. Living things are like all other things: they strive to maintain and increase their power. But they're unique because their manner of power‐ seeking demonstrates in an especially clear way how non‐dualistic metaphysics (...)
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  38. Macchine Empatiche? "Pluto" di Toshio Kawaguchi.Gianmaria Avellino - 2023 - Fata Morgana Web.
  39. An Interstellar Leap of Faith.Walter Barta & Graham Lee - 2023 - In Joshua Heter & Josef Thomas Simpson (eds.), Asimov's Foundation and Philosophy: Psychohistory and its Discontents. Carus Books.
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  40. (1 other version)The Mystery of Math.Walter Barta & Graham Lee - 2023 - In Joshua Heter & Josef Thomas Simpson (eds.), Asimov's Foundation and Philosophy: Psychohistory and its Discontents. Carus Books.
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  41. Italian Neorealist and New Migrant films as dispositifs of alterity: How borgatari and popolane challenge the stereotypes of nationhood and womanhood?Marianna Charitonidou - 2023 - Studies in European Cinema 20 (1):58-81.
    The article explores the place of women and migrants in Italian Neorealist and New Migrant cinema, arguing that New Migrant cinema continues and reworks key Neorealist tropes and tendencies. It intends to render explicit how an ensemble of films challenge the stereotypes concerning gender, national and cultural identities. Among the figures that are scrutinized are the borgatari, extracomunitari, popolane and terrone. Its main objective is to demonstrate how the cinematic expression of these figures in Italian Neorealist and New Migrant cinema (...)
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  42. The TikTok Experience and Everything Everywhere All At Once: A Brief Analysis of Film Form.Doğa Çöl & Ömer Said Birol - 2023 - Intermedia International e-Journal 10 (18):178-194.
    The TikTok experience refers to a user’s interaction with the platform while scrolling through various videos. The user can change what they are viewing instantly on one screen much like a TV viewer, the only difference being that whatever is being watched is in the form of short videos made specifically for the platform. These videos vary in style and form and are made to be viewed within the platform itself. All the content that a user watches within the mobile (...)
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  43. From Archival Footage to Cosmovisión: Bruno Varela's El Prototipo.Byron Davies - 2023 - Millenium Film Journal 77:56-63.
    Analysis of Bruno Varela's 2022 feature film El Prototipo.
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  44. TV Time, Recurrence, and the Situation of the Spectator: An Approach via Stanley Cavell, Raúl Ruiz, and Ruiz’s Late Chilean Series Litoral.Byron Davies - 2023 - In Sandra Laugier David LaRocca (ed.), Television with Stanley Cavell in Mind. Exeter, UK: University of Exeter Press. pp. 191-221.
    This essay distinguishes some significant commonalities and differences between the film-philosophies of Chilean filmmaker Raúl Ruiz (especially in his book Poetics of Cinema) and U.S. philosopher Stanley Cavell. I argue that despite shared senses of the poetics of the film image and certain shared philosophical references, Ruiz and Cavell differed over their conceptions of the model spectator and their relations to autonomous films and worlds from which spectators are excluded (on Cavell's picture) versus fragments out of which the spectator might (...)
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  45. Light and Its Secrets: Sandra Luz López Barroso.Byron Davies - 2023 - Los Experimentos.
    Discussion of two documentaries by the Oaxacan filmmaker and anthropologist Sandra Luz López Barroso, Artemio (2017) and The One Amongst the Shadows (El compromiso de las sombras, 2021), both focused on the Costa Chica of Guerrero.
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  46. La luz y sus secretos. Sandra Luz López Barroso.Byron Davies - 2023 - Los Experimentos.
    Spanish version of essay discussing two documentaries by the Oaxacan filmmaker and anthropologist Sandra Luz López Barroso, Artemio (2017) and The One Amongst the Shadows (El compromiso de las sombras, 2021), both focused on the Costa Chica of Guerrero.
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  47. The High Wasteland, Scar, Form, and Monstrosity in the English Landscape: What Is the Function of the Monster in Representations of the English Landscape?Michael Eden - 2023 - Dissertation, Middlesex University
    In this thesis, I explore themes and concerns that have arisen in my art practice, namely the relationship between landscape, monstrosity, and subjectivity. The tropes scar and form refer to features analogous in the subject and in the land which take on different specific meanings throughout the project, but in general terms, I relate them to trauma as a defining force. I suggest that monsters can be understood as embodying attitudes to time (a cause of trauma): those being fixity, which (...)
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  48. Metamodernity, American Transcendentalism and Transhumanism in Japanese Anime.Steven Foertsch - 2023 - In Kaz Hayashi & William Anderson (eds.), Anime, Philosophy and Religion. Wilmington (Delaware, USA): Vernon Press. pp. 73-98.
    Recent theorists of cultural studies have noticed the emergence of metamodernity as an ideal type, categorized by an oscillation between postmodern deconstructivism and modern idealism, into a form of transcendentalism. I argue in this chapter that this type of transcendentalism, informed by the historical American Transcendentalist Movement, is the emerging ideal called “Transhumanism.” I use a case study of five Japanese anime to demonstrate how transhumanist, metamodernist, and transcendental thinking often recur in key core plot points and narratives found within. (...)
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  49. "The Godfather, the Son, and World Spirit" in The Godfather and Philosophy.Landon Frim (ed.) - 2023 - Peru, IL: Carus Books.
    The Godfather movies expertly showcase "dialectics" and "historical materialism.".
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  50. (1 other version)Anime, Philosophy and Religion.Kaz Hayashi & William Anderson (eds.) - 2023 - Wilmington (Delaware, USA): Vernon Press.
    Anime is exploding on the worldwide stage! Anime has been a staple in Japan for decades, strongly connected to manga. So why has anime become a worldwide sensation? A cursory explanation is the explosion of online streaming services specializing in anime, like Funimation and Crunchyroll. Even more general streaming services like Netflix and Amazon have gotten in on the game. Anime is exotic to Western eyes and culture. That is one of the reasons anime has gained worldwide popularity. This strange (...)
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