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  1. Hermann Lotze’s Influence on Twentieth Century Philosophy, written by Milkov, N. [REVIEW]Karen Green - 2023 - History of Philosophy & Logical Analysis 27 (1):151-159.
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  2. Alonzo Church: The Great Mathematician of Modern Day Logic and Frege–Church ontology.Andrew Magdy Kamal - manuscript
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  3. Studies on Frege III: Logic and Semantics.David S. Shwayder (ed.) - 1976 - Stuttgart: Frommann-Holzboog.
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  4. Gottlob Frege: Critical Assessments of Leading Philosophers, Vol. III.Michael Beaney & Erich Reck (eds.) - 2005 - London: Routledge.
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  5. Hegel After Frege (And Through Marx): Some Reflections to Open a Debate.Frieder Otto Wolf - 2022 - In Kaveh Boveiri (ed.), L’héritage de Hegel - Hegel’s Legacy. Les Presses de l’Université de Laval. pp. 145-163.
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  6. Guía para una primera lectura de Los fundamentos de la aritmética de Gottlob Frege.Francisco Manuel Sauri-Mercader - manuscript
    El presente texto es una guía para una primera lectura de los Los fundamentos de la aritmética de Gottlob Frege para estudiantes del grado de Filosofía. -/- No pretende hacer ninguna aportación a la investigación sobre Frege sino ofrecer los instrumentos para hacer una primera lectura mediante la recopilación y la ordenación de los textos relevantes de los estudiosos de Frege, especialmente de la literatura en inglés. En la mayor parte de los casos, las referencias a otros autores (Autorfecha) preceden (...)
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  7. Frege and the Logic of the Historical Proposition.Luke O’Sullivan - 2023 - Journal of the Philosophy of History 18 (1):68-93.
    This article argues that history played a larger role in the thought of Gottlob Frege than has usually been acknowledged. Frege’s logical writings frequently employed statements about the past as examples that included references to historical persons. Frege also described history as a science and argued that historical propositions could support valid inferences and reliably identify historical persons and events. But Frege’s eternalist theory of reference, designed primarily for formal concepts and objects, struggled to accommodate such propositions. Identifying an objective (...)
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  8. Assertional Logics and the Frege Hierarchy.Hugo Albuquerque & Ramon Jansana - 2024 - In Jacek Malinowski & Rafał Palczewski (eds.), Janusz Czelakowski on Logical Consequence. Springer Verlag. pp. 289-308.
    In this paper we continue the investigation carried out in Albuquerque et al. (2018) on assertional logics and their relation with the Frege hierarchy, through the notions of relative point-regularity and relative congruence orderability. We provide new characterizations for the classes of logics within the Frege hierarchy under the underlying assumption of assertionality. In particular, an assertional logic S\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$${\mathcal {S}}$$\end{document} is fully Fregean if and only if the class AlgS\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} (...)
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  9. Not coped with by a machine: on Frege's conception of logic as science.João Vitor Schmidt - 2023 - Revista Ética E Filosofia Política 1 (26):129-149.
    Following logicism, Frege famously held that logic is a science on its own. Particularly, he held the informativity thesis, viz., that logic is a science because it is deductively informative. This paper aims to understand Frege’s informativity thesis and its connection with the conception of logic as science. For such, it focuses on some features of Frege’s philosophy that are key for understanding this connection, particularly his conception of analyticity, the role of judgments in inferential reasoning, and the use of (...)
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  10. Frege's Concept of the Thought.Pickard Dean - manuscript
    Frege's attempt to provide a foundation for the possibility of language and communication, like Kant's attempt to provide a foundation for the possibility of knowledge, fails to provide us with something absolute and foundational in a fixed sense. However, both these philosophers succeed in showing something about necessity that can be preserved independently of their absolutisms. Part III of this paper will provide reasons for accepting this thesis, while Parts I and II will provide an expository background on Frege's view (...)
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  11. Frege's Hyperbolic Objectivism.Joseph Li Vecchi - 2021 - Proceedings, Seventh World Conference on Metaphysics, Pontifical University of Salamanca, 7:615-618.
  12. Taking Frege at His Word, by Joan Weiner. [REVIEW]Junyeol Kim - 2024 - Mind 133 (529):303-312.
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  13. A validade do(s) Princípio(s) de Frege na análise da linguagem natural.Francisco J. Salguero-Lamillar - 2010 - Kairos 1:43-54.
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  14. Universallogik: eine Synthese klassischer Logiken von Aristoteles, Leibniz, Boole, Frege, Peano, Cantor, Zermelo ; Verbale Logik: ein Grammatik-Kalkül nach Ideen von Leibniz und Peano.Wilfried Neumaier - 2020 - Hildesheim: Georg Olms Verlag.
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  15. Fregesche Variationen: Essays zu Ehren von Christian Thiel.Matthias Wille (ed.) - 2020 - Paderborn: Mentis Verlag, ein Imprint der Brill-Gruppe.
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  16. Two-Sorted Frege Arithmetic is Not Conservative.Stephen Mackereth & Jeremy Avigad - 2022 - Review of Symbolic Logic 16 (4):1199-1232.
    Neo-Fregean logicists claim that Hume’s Principle (HP) may be taken as an implicit definition of cardinal number, true simply by fiat. A long-standing problem for neo-Fregean logicism is that HP is not deductively conservative over pure axiomatic second-order logic. This seems to preclude HP from being true by fiat. In this paper, we study Richard Kimberly Heck’s Two-Sorted Frege Arithmetic (2FA), a variation on HP which has been thought to be deductively conservative over second-order logic. We show that it isn’t. (...)
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  17. The Centrality of Simplicity in Frege's Philosophy.Jim Hutchinson - 2023 - History and Philosophy of Logic:1-18.
    It is widely recognized that Frege's systematic conception of science has a major impact on his work. I argue that central to this conception and its impact is Frege's Simplicity Requirement that a scientific system must have as few primitive truths as possible. Frege states this requirement often, justifies it in several ways, and appeals to it to motivate important aspects of his broader views. Acknowledging its central role illuminates several aspects of his work in new ways, including his treatment (...)
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  18. The Modern Semantic Principles Behind Gilson’s Existential Interpretation of Aquinas (Part 2).Elliot Polsky - forthcoming - Studia Gilsoniana.
    Part one of this two-part paper looked at the modern semantic developments underlying Gilson’s innovative and highly influential semantic theory in Being and Some Philosophers (BSP)—the existential neutrality of the copula, the distinction between predication and some positing or “thetic” function of judgment, and the distinction between predication and assertion. The present part of this paper offers a rereading of Gilson’s work in light of this modern backdrop. It argues that Gilson’s BSP, rather than being a purely historical exegesis of (...)
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  19. The Modern Semantic Principles Behind Gilson’s Existential Interpretation of Aquinas (Part 1).Elliot T. Polsky - 2024 - Studia Gilsoniana 13 (2):303–337.
    Gilson’s Being and Some Philosophers (BSP) has been widely influential well beyond Thomistic circles, but its modern historical sources and logical consequences call for further investigation. The first part of this two-part article explores three modern semantic assumptions or principles without which BSP’s innovative theory of existential judgment cannot be fully appreciated—the existential neutrality of the copula ubiquitous among modern logicians; Kant’s introduction of a positing or “thetic” function of judgment, the understanding of which evolved in nineteenth-century logic; and the (...)
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  20. Frege’s Conception of Truth as an Object and the Fregean Picture of Knowledge.Junyeol Kim - 2023 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 79 (3):851-872.
    This paper aims to construct a picture of knowledge out of Frege’s comments on truth, judgment, assertion, and knowledge. Frege takes truth to be an object, and the act of judgment to be the act of non-judgmental identification of truth qua an object with the reference of a sentence. For him, the propositional knowledge that p is the non-propositional knowledge of the identity between truth and |p|. Propositional knowledge thusly understood is produced by our knowledge of truth qua an object, (...)
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  21. Conceptualization of the Sense in G. Frege’s Logical Semantics.Evgeniy V. Gluschenko - unknown
    The given article provides some views on the development of the problems of formalization and representation of a notion of «sense», which is being conceptualized by an outstanding German philosopher Gottlob Frege, and what’s mainly being analyzed and elaborated in his work “On Sense and Reference”. The key critical theories of understanding the notion of «sense» according to Frege are characterized in the conceptual aspect, that is, a paradigmatic concept that does not receive unambiguous fixation in further developments of logicians (...)
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  22. Jens Pier (Hg.): Limits of Intelligibility: Issues from Kant and Wittgenstein, 308 S., Routledge, New York 2023. [REVIEW]Niklas Kurzböck - 2023 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 77 (3):393-397.
  23. The Ontological Grounds of Reason: Psychologism, Logicism, and Hermeneutic Phenomenology.Stanford L. Howdyshell - unknown
    The following dissertation explains the psychologism debate as it played out in the 19thand early 20th Centuries and then shows how Martin Heidegger radicalized the debate by undermining its key themes and assumptions. First, I explain each side of the psychologism debate, starting with the psychologicists. I explore the philosophies of Jakob Friedrich Fries and John Stuart Mill in order to encapsulate the full spectrum of psychologism in the 19th Century, from Neo-Kantian to British Empiricist. The investigation will show a (...)
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  24. Frege und die Logik. [REVIEW]Edward Kanterian - 2023 - Philosophische Rundschau 70 (3):337.
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  25. How does a tautology say nothing?Ian Proops - forthcoming - In Wittgenstein's pre-Tractatus writings: Interpretations and Reappraisals.
    In the Tractatus, Wittgenstein conceives of tautology as 'saying nothing'. More precisely, he holds -- or so this essay contends -- that it says nothing in virtue of possessing a zero quantity of sense. Insofar as it is the limit of a series of propositions of diminishing quantity of sense, tautology resembles a degenerate conic section. But it also resembles the result of a summing together of equal and opposite linear vector quantities. Both of these models shape Wittgenstein's conception of (...)
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  26. Lois et limites de l’institution symbolique : Husserl confronté à Peirce et Frege.Dominique Pradelle - 2023 - Philosophie 159 (4):93-123.
    In this paper, Dominique Pradelle focuses on the act of symbolic institution that establishes the alphabet of signs: Is it a matter of the free establishment of an operative meaning or is it governed by necessary laws? In the latter case, where did they come from? The author shows that these laws come from the upper layers of meaning and ideal objects—which has the essential consequence, in transcendental phenomenology, of removing the Husserlian concept of transcendental constitution from the paradigm of (...)
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  27. Is There a Frege-Geach Problem for Reasons?Federico L. G. Faroldi - 2023 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 304 (2):77-92.
    Le problème de Frege-Geach est un problème qui se pose pour les théories selon lesquelles les jugements normatifs n’ont pas de contenu cognitif, mais expriment plutôt des états mentaux non cognitifs. Dans cet article, je présente le problème de Frege-Geach ; j’examine certaines stratégies existantes pour l’aborder dans sa forme traditionnelle ; et je me demande enfin si un problème de Frege-Geach se pose pour les raisons, et si l’usage des raisons peut mener à une solution. J’esquisse une réponse positive (...)
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  28. Frege on Language, Logic & Psychology, by Eva Picardi.Mark Textor - forthcoming - Mind:fzad034.
    This volume does what it says on the tin: it collects Eva Picardi’s (1984-2017) essays on themes in Frege’s philosophy. The first part, ‘Frege in Context: Logic.
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  29. Frege on logical axioms and non‐evidential epistemic warrants: A paragraph from Grundgesetze.Junyeol Kim - forthcoming - Analytic Philosophy.
    Criticizing psychologism about logic in the Foreword of Grundgesetze, Frege examines an answer to the question of how we can justify our acknowledgment of logical axioms as true—the logical laws that cannot be proved from other laws. The answer he entertains states that we cannot reject logical axioms if we do not want to give up our judgment altogether. Suspending his judgment about this answer, Frege points out that it is still compatible with his anti-psychologist conception of logic. There are (...)
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  30. Why there is no Frege-Russell definition of number.Jolen Galaugher - 2013 - In Nicholas Griffin & Bernard Linsky (eds.), The Palgrave Centenary Companion to Principia Mathematica. London and Basingstoke: Palgrave-Macmillan.
  31. V navecherieto, ili drugata revoli︠u︡t︠s︡ii︠a︡: Gotlob Frege.Kamen Lozev - 2019 - Sofii︠a︡: BON.
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  32. Frege a Wittgenstein. Uwagi o fiasku korespondencyjnego dialogu.Andrzej Rygalski - 2010 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Philosophica. Ethica-Aesthetica-Practica 23:131-144.
    The letters that were found after years are the evidence of hard intellectual work that had been conducted under very infavourable conditions. They refer to the time when Wittgenstein was writing "Tractatus" while Frege was working on his articles "Thought" and "Negation". Correspondence between Frege and Wittgenstein prove the common will of communication and mutual understanding. Thus remains the question why those two close and well known to each other thinkers have not realized that willingness.
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  33. Prometheus.Hans Freyer - 1923 - Jena,: E. Diederichs.
    Die geschichte der macht.--Ewige menschheit und wandel der reiche.--Ahnung der form.--Blick auf das werden.
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  34. The Frege-Geach Problem and the Logic of Higher-Order Attitudes.Bahram Alizade - 2023 - Journal of Philosophical Theological Research 25 (2):133-159.
    Moral expressivism suggests that 1) moral sentences lack truth conditions and 2) our purpose in asserting moral sentences is to express non-cognitive attitudes such as desires, approval, or disapproval. Moral expressivism meets a fundamental challenge, known as the Frege-Geach problem. Sentences that express moral judgments can form part of semantically complex sentences. “P” (a moral sentence) contradicts “~P”, and “Q” follows logically, by modus ponens, from (1) “P” and (2) “if P, then Q”. Geach argued that noncognitivists are committed to (...)
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  35. O Logicismo de Frege e Russell e a Rejeição Tractariana de Classes: uma tentativa de elucidação de 6.031.Rodrigo Sabadin Ferreira - 2023 - Analytica. Revista de Filosofia 25 (2):179-198.
    Wittgenstein afirma no Tractatus que a teoria das classes é supérflua na Matemática e que isso está relacionado ao fato de que a generalidade exigida pela Matemática não é “acidental” (TLP 6.031). O objetivo deste texto é elucidar essa afirmação chamando a atenção para o que, seguindo Gregory Landini, tomaremos como uma forma de Logicismo compartilhada por Frege e Russell. Esta forma de Logicismo tem dois princípios básicos, a saber: o uso de uma teoria lógica cujas variáveis estruturadas incorporam o (...)
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  36. Aritmetica e logica.Gottlob Frege - 1948 - [Torino]: G. Einaudi.
  37. Frege's two notions of "extension".Araceli Velloso - 2023 - Philósophos - Revista de Filosofia 28 (1).
    Nosso objetivo é responder a uma questão proposta por Richard Heck no artigo “Formal Arithmetic Before Grundgesetze”. Heck indaga a respeito das razões pelas quais Frege levou quase oito anos para honrar suas promessas de concluir seu grandioso projeto de fundamentar a matemática na lógica. Embora Heck tenha fornecido algumas respostas, pensamos que uma discussão filosófica mais adequada ainda pode ser oferecida. Este artigo tentará preencher essa lacuna apresentando o que entendemos ser o problema central enfrentado por Frege em _Die (...)
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  38. Ricerche logiche.Gottlob Frege - 1970 - Bologna,: Calderini.
    Questo volume ripropone sei articoli fondamentali di Gottlob Frege nella versione italiana corredata dalla guida alla lettura di Carlo Lazzerini, che ha fatto di questa raccolta un’introduzione particolarmente felice alla logica moderna: un testo classico molto intenso viene proposto in modo tanto semplice da poter essere la porta di ingresso nella logica e nella filosofia della logica del Novecento anche per lettori che non ne hanno nessuna nozione e che ne iniziano da qui lo studio. Gli articoli di Frege, composti (...)
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  39. Studi di logica e filosofia della scienza.Rosaria Egidi - 1971 - Roma,: Bulzoni.
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  40. Peano, Frege and Russell’s Logical Influences.Kevin C. Klement - forthcoming - Forthcoming.
    This chapter clarifies that it was the works Giuseppe Peano and his school that first led Russell to embrace symbolic logic as a tool for understanding the foundations of mathematics, not those of Frege, who undertook a similar project starting earlier on. It also discusses Russell’s reaction to Peano’s logic and its influence on his own. However, the chapter also seeks to clarify how and in what ways Frege was influential on Russell’s views regarding such topics as classes, functions, meaning (...)
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  41. Estudios sobre semántica.Gottlob Frege - 1973 - Barcelona: Editorial Ariel.
  42. The Russell–Dummett Correspondence on Frege and his Nachlaß.Kevin C. Klement - 2014 - The Bertrand Russell Society Bulletin 150:25–29.
    Russell corresponded with Sir Michael Dummett (1925–2011) between 1953 and 1963 while the latter was working on a book on Frege, eventually published as Frege: Philosophy of Language (1973). In their letters they discuss Russell’s correspondence with Frege, translating it into English, as well as Frege’s attempted solution to Russell’s paradox in the appendix to vol. 2 of his Grundgesetze der Arithmetik. After Dummett visited the University of Münster to view Frege’s Nachlaß, he sent reports back to Russell concerning both (...)
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  43. Gotlobs Frēge.Liva Rotkale & Tomass Stepiņš - 2022 - Nacionālā Enciklopēdija (Elektroniskais Resurss).
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  44. Frege and Russell.R. M. Sainsbury - 1996 - In Nicholas Bunnin & Eric Tsui-James (eds.), The Blackwell Companion to Philosophy. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 790–804.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Introduction Frege on Function, Concept and Object Sinn (Sense) and Bedeutung (Reference) Identity Statements and Bearerless Names: Russell's View of Names as Associated with Descriptions Names and Communication Russell's Theory of Descriptions Indirect Discourse Conclusion.
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  45. Wittgenstein and Frege.Michael Beaney - 2017 - In Hans-Johann Glock & John Hyman (eds.), A Companion to Wittgenstein. Chichester, West Sussex, UK: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 74–91.
    Of all philosophers, it is Frege whom Wittgenstein held in greatest esteem. The aim of philosophy, Wittgenstein wrote in the Tractatus, “is the logical clarification of thoughts”, a characterization that might well be taken to be true of Frege's philosophy. The clarity that Wittgenstein saw as an important philosophical virtue is arguably nowhere better illustrated than in Frege's writings, even if one disagrees with the substantive philosophical claims that Frege makes. Peter Geach reports a remark that Wittgenstein made to him (...)
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  46. The Legacy of Frege and Russell.Anthony Kenny - 1989 - In Dayton Z. Phillips & Peter G. Winch (eds.), Wittgenstein. Blackwell. pp. 15–34.
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  47. Dummett's Doubts and Frege's Concept of “Sense”.Hans Julius Schneider - 2014 - In Wittgenstein's Later Theory of Meaning: Imagination and Calculation. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 128–136.
    This chapter deals with the following questions: What does Michael Dummett demand of a “systematic” theory of meaning, and what understanding of Frege's “level of sense” leads him to conclude that, if Wittgenstein is correct in denying that there is such a level, then no systematic theory of meaning is possible? For Dummett, an understanding of the meaning side of language is not “systematic” if it must hold that a sentence is understood only because it has been previously learned as (...)
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  48. An Integration of Wittgenstein and Frege?Hans Julius Schneider - 2014 - In Wittgenstein's Later Theory of Meaning: Imagination and Calculation. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 115–127.
    This chapter focuses on the linguistic structure to the extent that it can be understood in relation to linguistic activity. In order to arrive at an adequate, non‐formal concept of structure, the author and his colleagues oriented themselves on Frege's thought as the most plausible starting point. Wittgenstein's considerations is then taken into account, without endangering the systematic and comprehensive character of the picture as painted by Frege. The chapter highlights two central statements with which Wittgenstein contradicts Frege. First is (...)
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  49. (2 other versions)Funktion, Begriff, Bedeutung: 5 log. Studien.Gottlob Frege - 1962 - Göttingen: Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht. Edited by Günther Patzig.
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  50. Studien zu Frege =.Matthias Schirn (ed.) - 1976 - Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt: Frommann-Holzboog.
    1. Logik und Philosophie der Mathematik.--2. Logik und Sprachphilosophie.--3. Logik und Semantik.
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