Key works |
While in other philosophical fields, as the general history of philosophy or the history of some other philosophical disciplines, there are a handful of works that could be cited as the key works in the discipline, in the history of aesthetics or of the philosophy of art, it is difficult to point them out. Nevertheless, it is usual to cite, Tatarkiewicz's History
of Aesthetics as one of these, although his review of such history ends up in the 1700s. This means that his work ought to be completed with others that either focus in the later development of the discipline (missing, therefore, comprehensiveness) or that also try a full review of the historical development of the field. Among them, we find Beardsley's Aesthetics from Classical Greece to the Present: a short Introduction written from the perspective of analytical philosophy; Bosanquet's A History of Aesthetics originally published in 1892; Gilbert and Kuhn's A History of Esthetics published in 1939; and Aesthetics: The Key Thinkers edited by Alessandron Giovannelli, and very recent (2012). |