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  1. (1 other version)Libération sexuelle et nouvelle sexualité queer avec la PrEP.Karsten Schubert - 2022 - Swiss Aids News 9 ((4/ 2021)):16-19.
    Le politologue, philosophe et sociologue Karsten Schubert examine le lien entre sexualité et politique gay et se demande quel type de politique a été favorisé ou au contraire entravé suivant la situation liée à la pandémie de VIH. Il présente deux thèses à cet égard.
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  2. Lesbian and bisexual women's experiences of aversion therapy in England.Helen Spandler & Sarah Carr - 2022 - History of the Human Sciences 35 (3-4):218-236.
    This article presents the findings of a study about the history of aversion therapy as a treatment technique in the English mental health system to convert lesbians and bisexual women into heterosexual women. We explored published psychiatric and psychological literature, as well as lesbian, gay, and bisexual archives and anthologies. We identified 10 examples of young women receiving aversion therapy in England in the 1960s and 1970s. We situate our discussion within the context of post-war British and transnational medical history. (...)
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  3. Types, norms, and normalisation: Hormone research and treatments in Italy, Argentina, and Brazil, c. 1900–50.Chiara Beccalossi - 2021 - History of the Human Sciences 34 (2):113-137.
    Displacing the physiological model that had held sway in 19th-century medical thinking, early 20th-century hormone research promoted an understanding of the body and sexual desires in which variations in sex characteristics and non-reproductive sexual behaviours such as homosexuality were attributed to anomalies in the internal secretions produced by the testes or the ovaries. Biotypology, a new brand of medical science conceived and led by the Italian endocrinologist Nicola Pende, employed hormone research to study human types and hormone treatments to normalise (...)
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  4. Cold War Pavlov: Homosexual aversion therapy in the 1960s.Kate Davison - 2021 - History of the Human Sciences 34 (1):89-119.
    Homosexual aversion therapy enjoyed two brief but intense periods of clinical experimentation: between 1950 and 1962 in Czechoslovakia, and between 1962 and 1975 in the British Commonwealth. The specific context of its emergence was the geopolitical polarization of the Cold War and a parallel polarization within psychological medicine between Pavlovian and Freudian paradigms. In 1949, the Pavlovian paradigm became the guiding doctrine in the Communist bloc, characterized by a psychophysiological or materialist understanding of mental illness. It was taken up by (...)
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  5. Towards an Ethics of Sexual Differences.Damiano Migliorini - 2020 - Ricerca Psicoanalitica 31 (2):161-175.
    The author analyzes the origin and meaning of the expression ‘Ethics of Sexual Difference’ (ESD), contextualising it in the paradigm ‘thought of Sexual Difference’, in which the potentiality and aporias arising from the debate within the feminist movement are highlighted. Possible interpretations of these ethics, developed in the Italian philosophical context, are illustrated and evaluated. The author proposes a critical comparison with other models, for example, the queer theories, and attempts to show how the ‘Thought of Sexual Difference’ (TSD) opens (...)
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  6. Streit um die HIV-PrEP: Stigma, Homophobie und die Befreiung schwuler Sexualität.Karsten Schubert - 2020 - Magazin Hiv.
    Die Einführung der HIV-Prophylaxe PrEP ist ein Beispiel für demokratische Biopolitik und macht Hoffnung auf eine Beendigung von Sexnegativität und Stigmatisierung, findet Dr. Karsten Schubert.
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  7. PrEP als demokratische Biopolitik. Zur Kritik der biopolitischen Repressionshypothese - oder: die pharmazeutische Destigmatisierung des Schwulseins.Karsten Schubert - 2020 - Jahrbuch Sexualitäten 5:91-125.
    PrEP (Präexpositionsprophylaxe) ist ein relativ neues Mittel zur Prävention von HIV-Infektionen. HIV-negative Menschen nehmen antivirale Medikamente ein, die verhindern, dass der Kontakt mit dem Virus zu einer Infektion führt. Im Gegensatz zum Kondomgebrauch basiert dieses Präventionsverfahren auf Medikamenten und nicht auf einer Verhaltensänderung. Aus der Perspektive der Biopolitik fügt sie sich in einen größeren Trend in Richtung Medikalisierung, des Anstiegs der Macht der Pharmaindustrie und der Reglementierung des Risikos ein. Sexuelles Verhalten ist das Ergebnis der Subjektivierung, des Prozesses, durch den (...)
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  8. Would Aquinas Support Homosexual Activity If He Were Alive Today?John Skalko - 2020 - Heythrop Journal 61 (2):275-284.
    The Heythrop Journal, EarlyView. -/- For the longest time, it has been generally held and widely acknowledged that Thomas Aquinas thought homosexual activity to be morally wrong. In recent years, this common interpretation has come under challenge by none other than the President of the Leonine Commission, the Dominican Adriano Oliva. In a recent book, Loves: The Church, the Remarried Divorced, and Homosexual Couples (in French Amours: L’Église, les divorcés remariés, les couples homosexuels), Oliva argues that Thomas Aquinas would have (...)
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  9. The Banality of Anal: Safer Sexual Erotics in the Gay Men’s Health Crisis’ Safer Sex Comix and Ex Aequo’s Alex et la vie d’après.Jordana Greenblatt - 2019 - Journal of Medical Humanities 40 (1):33-51.
    Analyzing two harm reduction comics campaigns—one early in the AIDS crisis and one more recent, I explore tensions between queer safer sexual erotics and national discourses of sexual norms/deviation raised by Cindy Patton and William Haver at the height of AIDS discourse theory in 1996, approximately halfway between the comics. Using these theorists’ reflections on the history of AIDS activism/representation as a hinge, I explore the manifestation/transformation a decade later of the ethical, educational, and erotic issues they raise. Both foreground (...)
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  10. Greek homosexuality 40 years on - Dover greek homosexuality. With forewords by Stephen Halliwell, mark Masterson and James Robson. Pp. XXVIII + 246, pls. London and new York: Bloomsbury academic, 2016. Paper, £24.99. Isbn: 978-1-4742-5715-2. [REVIEW]Irene Salvo - 2018 - The Classical Review 68 (2):486-487.
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  11. Discovering Oneself: A Philosophical Autobiography of a Boy Named 'Susie'.Tony Summer - 2017 - Createspace Independent Publishing Platform.
    This autobiography addresses philosophical questions concerning the meaning of life, the possibility of knowledge, ethical challenges of the human condition, and how a person discovers who he or she is or ought to be. I wasted large stretches of my life being things, or trying to be things, that were not really me, such as a revolutionary, a drunk, a tough-guy and a heterosexual. I also spent years trying to hide from myself what I really was. I take myself to (...)
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  12. Meaning and Fulfilment in Life: The Roles of Criticism, Self-Discovery and Autobiography.Tony Summer - 2017 - Journal of Philosophy of Life 7 (3):391-405.
    I offer a personal case-study to show how poor self-knowledge due in part to self-deception led to wasted life, a life lacking in meaning, and descent into severe anxiety and depression. A meaningful human life connects with things of value outside of itself and provides fulfilment for its bearer. For humans, fulfilment depends upon self-discovery, which requires a process of conjecture and refutation, a willingness to question and criticise received views and to welcome challenges and criticism to views that one (...)
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  13. Sexuelle und geschlechtliche Selbstbestimmung als Menschenrecht.Karsten Schubert - 2016 - Bundeszentrale Für Politische Bildung.
    Diskriminierung und Menschenrechtsverletzungen gegenüber LSBTI-Personen werden heute international thematisiert und angeprangert – ein vergleichsweise neues Phänomen. Dennoch tragen die herrschenden Normen von Zweigeschlechtlichkeit und Heterosexualität weiterhin zur Diskriminierung bei: So sind gleichgeschlechtliche Partnerschaften in fast allen Staaten schlechter gestellt als heterosexuelle. Transgeschlechtliche Menschen erfahren Gewalt, weil ihr Verhalten und Äußeres nicht geltenden Normen entsprechen.
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  14. The Social Construction of Sexuality.Steven Seidman - 2015 - Contemporary Societies.
    In The Social Construction of Sexuality, Steven Seidman investigates the political and social consequences of privileging certain sexual practices and identities while stigmatizing others. Addressing a range of topics from gay and lesbian identities to sex work, Seidman delves into issues of social control that inform popular beliefs and moral standards. The new Third Edition features three new chapters that focus on the changing cultures of intimacy, the promise and perils of cyber intimacies, and youth struggles to negotiate independence and (...)
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  15. O dyskryminacji małżeństw homoseksualnych. Odpowiedź Tomaszowi Sieczkowskiemu.Krzysztof Saja - 2013 - Diametros 37:193–209.
    My paper is a reaction to polemic of Tomasz Sieczkowski "Discrimination nonetheless. A reply to Krzysztof Saja” [ICF "Diametros" (36) 2013] that he wrote against my paper "Discrimination against same-sex couples" [ICF “Diametros" (34) 2012]. The purpose of the paper is to refute Sieczkowski’s objections that rely on wrong interpretation of the structure of my main argument. I will describe the proper course of the reasoning that I have expressed in the first article and undermine the Sieczkowski’s proposal to justify (...)
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  16. The Structure of Explanations and Counter-Explanations of Homosexuality.Fabrizzio Mc Manus - 2012 - Open Journal of Philosophy 2 (4):235-243.
    The aim of this paper is to revisit an ongoing controversy within the so called “Science Wars”; more specifically, I will address a particular topic within the “human nature” debate: the ontological and epistemological status of homosexuality. I claim that, in this particular chapter of the “Science Wars”, we are continually left in an explanatory impasse even when more data are collected, more rigorous experimental techniques are developed, more subtle arguments are offered and more pluralistic narratives are told. My diagnosis (...)
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  17. Schämt euch! [REVIEW]Karsten Schubert - 2012 - HugsandKisses 9.
    Wir - als Queers - sollten uns schämen. Denn Scham ist, so verspricht „Gay Shame“, ein Weg zu einer neuen Radikalisierung von queerer Kritik. Gay Shame ist der wörtliche Gegensatz zu Gay Pride und kritisiert, dass der stolze Mainstream der LGBT-Community in den letzten Jahren immer angepasster, bürgerlicher, kapitalistischer und homonormativer geworden ist. Stolz ist man vor allem darauf, endlich dazuzugehören und mitheiraten oder mitkämpfen zu dürfen. Was Scham ist und welche queerpolitische Bedeutung sie hat wird in dem Sammelband von (...)
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  18. Transsexuality: Reconciling Christianity and Science.Yiftach J. H. Fehige - 2011 - Toronto Journal of Theology 27 (1):51-71.
    Furthering the dialogue with J. Wentzel van Huyssteen over his way of reconciling Christianity and science while reflecting on human uniqueness, I offer a philosophical analysis of the phenomenon of transsexuality. The focus of my analysis is the implications of transsexuality for the metaphysics of reductive naturalism. Envisioning a pluralistic ontology of the sexed human body, I propose to account for human sexuality within the general framework of normative pragmatism. The context of my reflections is a theology of sexual diversity, (...)
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  19. Staatliche Macht und Heteronormativität. [REVIEW]Karsten Schubert - 2011 - HugsandKisses 8.
    Was hat der Staat mit sexueller Orientierung zu tun? Eine ganze Menge, meint Gundula Ludwig, denn durch staatliche Macht in Form von „heteronormativer Hegemonie“ würden wir zu Subjekten gemacht – und zwar ‚normalerweise‘ zu männlichen bzw. weiblichen und heterosexuellen. Dabei betont Ludwig die Gegenseitigkeit des Verhältnisses von Staat und Geschlecht: Nicht nur wirke staatliche Macht konstitutiv und vergeschlechtlichend auf Subjekte, sondern der Staat selbst werde im „Prozess der vergeschlechtlichen Subjektkonstitution erst hervorgebracht“. Deshalb seien weder der Staat noch Heterosexualität natürlich gegeben, (...)
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  20. “We Cannot Claim Any Particular Knowledge of the Ways of Homosexuals, Still Less of Iranian Homosexuals …”: The Particular Problems Facing Those Who Seek Asylum on the Basis of their Sexual Identity. [REVIEW]Barry O’Leary - 2008 - Feminist Legal Studies 16 (1):87-95.
    Many lesbians and gay men apply for asylum in the U.K. each year on the basis that they fear persecution in their home country because of their sexual orientation. The legal basis for claiming asylum on the ground of sexual identity is now well established. Nevertheless, making these claims remains very difficult for applicants. Western cultural expectations around sexual identity often mix with homophobic assumptions about sexual behaviour to present applicants as “not sufficiently gay”. Furthermore, applicants may not initially disclose (...)
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  21. Homophobia and the Limits of Scientific Philosophy.Martin Pleitz - 2008 - In Nicola Mößner, Sebastian Schmoranzer & Christian Weidemann (eds.), Richard Swinburne: Christian Philosophy in a Modern World. ontos. pp. 169--188..
    To criticize Richard Swinburne’s recent argument for the thesis that homosexuality is a disability that should be prevented and cured, I show that it rests on implausible premises about the concepts of love and of disability, and that the endorsement of its conclusion would lead to grave consequences for homosexuals. I conclude that Swinburne in his argument against homosexuality has moved beyond the limits of scientific philosophy, and into the realm of homophobia.
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  22. Biological explanations of human sexuality: the genetic basis of sexual orientation.Christopher Horvath - 2007 - In David L. Hull & Michael Ruse (eds.), The Cambridge Companion to the Philosophy of Biology. New York: Cambridge University Press.
  23. Meaning and Necessity.Adèle Mercier - 2007 - Essays in Philosophy 8 (1):142-181.
    Think of this paper as an exercise in applied philosophy of language. It has both semantic and deontic concerns. More than about the meaning of ‘marriage,’ it is about how one goes about determining the meaning of social kind terms like ‘marriage’. But it is equally about the place of philosophy of language in the legislative sphere, and inter alia, about the roles and responsibilities of philosophers in public life.
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  24. (1 other version)Departing from Deviance: A History of Homosexual Rights and Emancipatory Science in America. [REVIEW]Michael Ruse - 2005 - Isis 96:149-150.
  25. Darwinizing sexual ambivalence: A new evolutionary hypothesis of male homosexuality.Andreas De Block & Pieter Adriaens - 2004 - Philosophical Psychology 17 (1):59 – 76.
    At first sight, homosexuality has little to do with reproduction. Nevertheless, many neo-Darwinian theoreticians think that human homosexuality may have had a procreative value, since it enabled the close kin of homosexuals to have more viable offspring than individuals lacking the support of homosexual siblings. In this article, however, we will defend an alternative hypothesis - originally put forward by Freud in "A phylogenetic phantasy" - namely that homosexuality evolved as a means to strengthen social bonds. Consequently, from an evolutionary (...)
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  26. Are We Ready for Sexual Reorientation Therapy in the U.S. Military? A Response to David W. Lutz.Robert W. Hierholzer - 2004 - Christian Bioethics 10 (2-3):227-238.
    In his paper “The Catholic Church, the American Military, and Homosexual Reorientation Therapy,” David W. Lutz ultimately concludes that it is “appropriate, and highly ethical” for the American military to offer reorientation therapy to help homosexuals overcome “the vice of sodomy.” The major thrust of his paper, however, is to call for abandonment of the “Don’t Ask/Don’t Tell” policy currently in place in the military. Lutz’s paper covers much ground, and this review begins by examining whether such a wide view (...)
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  27. A sourcebook for homosexuality T. K. Hubbard (ed.): Homosexuality in greece and Rome. A sourcebook of basic documents . Pp. XVII + 558, ills. Berkeley, Los Angeles, and London: University of california press, 2003. Paper, us$34.95/£24.95 (cased, us$75/£52). Isbn: 0-520-23430-8 (0-520-22381-0 hbk). [REVIEW]M. Lambert - 2004 - The Classical Review 54 (02):439-.
  28. (1 other version)An American Obsession: Science, Medicine, and Homosexuality in Modern Society. [REVIEW]Stephanie Kenen - 2003 - Isis 94:696-697.
  29. Historicizing inversion: or, how to make a homosexual.Matt T. Reed - 2001 - History of the Human Sciences 14 (4):1-29.
    At the end of the 19th century, the vocabulary of sexuality - perversion - became one of the primary means by which people began to articulate and think about their individuality, their sense of self. Joining authors like Ian Hacking and Arnold Davidson, I suggest the importance of a ‘style of reasoning’ to the creation of sexual kinds at the end of the 19th century, a kind of reasoning that might be styled as historical. For the invert to become possible (...)
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  30. Science and Homosexualities. Vernon A. Rosario.Alison Li - 1998 - Isis 89 (4):711-712.
  31. Glandular Politics: Experimental Biology, Clinical Medicine, and Homosexual Emancipation in Fin-de-Siecle Central Europe.Chandak Sengoopta - 1998 - Isis 89 (3):445-473.
  32. Family outlaws.Cheshire Calhoun - 1997 - Philosophical Studies 85 (2-3):181-193.
    Lesbian-feminism typically rejects lesbian and gay family, marriage, and parenting, because these practices neither transform gender relations nor challenge the maternal imperative and women’s location in a depoliticized, domestic sphere. I argue that this lesbian-feminist view neglects the historical construction of lesbians and gay men as outlaws to the family. The 1880’s-1990s image of the mannish lesbian, the 1930s-1950s image of the homosexual child molester, and the 1980s-1990s image of lesbian and gay “pretended family relationships” constructed lesbians and gays as (...)
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  33. Book Review: Mark Simpson (ed.) 'Anti-Gay'. [REVIEW]Frederick Danny - 1997 - Free Life 27:26-27.
    The theme of this book is that the gay community has stereotyped itself and has imposed a conformity upon its members that stifles their development and forces them to suppress aspects of themselves that do not fit the approved model of the gay lifestyle. The review focuses on, and criticises, Peter Tatchell's contribution.
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  34. Queer Science: The Use and Abuse of Research into Homosexuality. Simon LeVay.Christopher Horvath - 1997 - Isis 88 (2):376-377.
  35. Representing gay men with HIV/AIDS.Adrian Coyle - 1996 - In Sue Wilkinson & Celia Kitzinger (eds.), Representing the other: a Feminism & psychology reader. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications. pp. 72.
  36. Book Review: 'A Simple Matter of Justice?' Angelia R Wilson (ed) & 'The Geography of Perversion' by Rudi C Bleys. [REVIEW]Frederick Danny - 1996 - Free Life 25:11-13.
    The authors of the papers in A Simple Matter of Justice? reject something they label “heterosexism.” Their writing is obscure, but it seems they desire a state-regimented conformity, with state-approved roles for gays, for lesbians and for others, with state hand-outs and other privileges for all manner of favoured groups, and with no possibility of anyone indulging in the pleasures of “commercial consumerism.” None of the authors appears concerned with the demand that, provided he/she does not violate anyone’s rights, the (...)
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  37. Is Homosexuality Natural?James Gould - 1994 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 8 (2):57-58.
  38. Review: Why Homophobia? [REVIEW]Claudia Card - 1990 - Hypatia 5 (3):110 - 117.
    Suzanne Pharr's Homophobia: A Weapon of Sexism may be an effective tool for women committed to overcoming their own homophobia who want practical advice on recognizing and eradicating it, although as an essay in theory it does not advance the issues. The author seems unaware that Celia Kitzinger has argued recently that "homophobia" is not a helpful concept because it individualizes problems better seen as political and begs the question of the rationality of the fear. I argue that "homophobia" has (...)
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  39. Homophobia: A Weapon of Sexism.Suzanne Pharr - 1990 - Hypatia 5 (3):110-117.
    Suzanne Pharr's Homophobia: A Weapon of Sexism may be an effective tool for women committed to overcoming their own homophobia who want practical advice on recognizing and eradicating it, although as an essay in theory it does not advance the issues. The author seems unaware that Celia Kitzinger has argued recently that "homophobia" is not a helpful concept because it individualizes problems better seen as political and begs the question of the rationality of the fear. I argue that "homophobia" has (...)
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  40. Homosexuality and Feminism.Diane Raymond - 1983 - Teaching Philosophy 6 (4):355-365.
  41. Caring about caring: A reply to Frankfurt.Annette C. Baier - 1982 - Synthese 53 (2):273 - 290.
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  42. (2 other versions)Ffirmations. [REVIEW]Havelock Ellis - 1898 - Ancient Philosophy (Misc) 8:469.
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  43. Exotic becomes erotic: A political postscript.Daryl Bem - manuscript
    This article is a postscript to Bem's (1996) theory of sexual orientation, which claims that an individual's sexual orientation is more directly the result of childhood experiences than of inborn biological factors. The possibility that the theory provides a successful strategy for preventing gender-nonconforming children from becoming homosexual adults is considered and rejected. So, too, is the thesis that biological explanations of homosexuality are more likely than experience-based explanations to promote gay-positive attitudes and practices.
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  44. Queer Science: The Use and Abuse of Research into Homosexuality.Charles Weijer - unknown