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  1. The Phenomenological Image: A Husserlian Inquiry into Reality, Phantasy, and Aesthetic Experience.Claudio Rozzoni - 2023 - De Gruyter.
    Our environment is changing rapidly, as is the spectrum of possible relationships we can entertain with it. Against this background, one important task emerging in contemporary philosophical discussion concerns defining the status of contemporary images and the "iconic spaces" we encounter with ever-increasing frequency in their various forms. Within this context, the dimension of perception seems to be losing its primacy over the image, making a philosophical description of the relationships between image and reality all the more necessary. Among images, (...)
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  2. “Nostalgia de futuro”, expectativas pasadas en la no-experiencia del presente.Jorge Montesó Ventura - 2022 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 19:119-138.
    A partir de la aparentemente contradictoria expresión “nostalgia de futuro”, en el presente artículo nos adentramos en el análisis del complejo entramado de tensiones temporales que subyacen a la experiencia humana, en concreto bajo la coloración del tono nostálgico. Trataremos de analizar las relaciones de interdependencia que guardan los distintos horizontes temporales, tanto en la experiencia nostálgica como en la experiencia originaria a la que esta refiere y que es materia de evocación. En tal contexto, pondremos especial énfasis en el (...)
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  3. Are Emotions Valueceptions or Responses to Values? Husserl’s Phenomenology of Affectivity Reconsidered.Alexis Delamare - 2022 - Phenomenology and Mind 23:54-65.
    How are we able to experience values? Two sides are competing in contemporary literature: ‘Meinongians’ (represented notably by Christine Tappolet) claim that axiological properties are apprehended in emotions, while ‘Hildebrandians’ (represented in particular by Ingrid Vendrell Ferran) assert that such experiences of value (or valueceptions) are accomplished in special ‘value feelings’, and that emotions are only responses to these felt values. In this paper, I study the Husserlian viewpoint on this issue. I reveal that, contrary to what almost all scholars (...)
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  4. Exploring affective evaluative horizons.Jonathan Mitchell - unknown
    A key claim of classical phenomenology is that intentional experiences involve a distinctive kind of implicit intentionality, which accompanies the relevant explicit intentionality. This implicit intentionality is purportedly co-constitutive of the object-presenting phenomenology of those intentional experiences. This implicit intentionality is often framed by Husserl and other classical phenomenologists in terms of horizonal intentionality or intentional horizons. Its most interesting form is labelled the 'inner horizon'. My aim in this paper is to consider whether a case can be made for (...)
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  5. Responsabilidad y evidencia en la Crisis.Vania Alarcon Castillo - 2021 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 19 (1):79-107.
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  6. La decepción y su incidencia en el trabajo autoetnográfico, una aportación desde la fenomenología.Jorge Montesó Ventura - 2022 - Teoria E Cultura 17 (3):168-179.
    La decepción de intenciones de expectativa puede llegar a suponer una pérdida de familiaridad respecto del horizonte de operatividad muy interesante para todo investigador. La no repleción de tales intenciones, aunque solo sea por un instante, supone una escisión entre dos sentidos de una misma cosa donde el espe- rado, el que anticipa los parámetros de un mundo “propio” según nuestras habitualidades, contrasta con el surgido e inesperado, el cual evidencia la presencia de una “alteridad”, de un mundo “extraño” o (...)
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  7. Studien zur Struktur des Bewusstseins.Edmund Husserl - 2020 - Cham: Springer. Edited by Ullrich Melle & Thomas Vongehr.
    Teilband 1. Verstand und Gegenstand : Texte aus dem Nachlass (1909-1927) -- Teilband 2. Gefühl und Wert : Texte aus dem Nachlass (1896-1925) -- Teilband 3. Wille und Handlung : Texte aus dem Nachlass (1902-1934) -- Teilband 4. Textkritischer Anhang.
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  8. Towards a Phenomenology of Values: Investigations of Worth.Dave Hobbs - 2021 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    This book provides a framework for phenomenological axiology. It offers a novel account of the existence and nature of values as they appear in conscious experience. By building on previous approaches, including those of Edmund Husserl, Max Scheler, and Nicolai Hartmann, the author develops a unique account of what values really are. After explicating and defending this account, he applies it to several of the most difficult questions in axiology: for example, how our experiences of value can differ from those (...)
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  9. Neutral phantasies and possible emotions. A phenomenological perspective on aesthetic education.Francesco Pisano - 2021 - Philosophical Inquiries 9 (1-2021):29-48.
    In this paper I draw from Husserl’s lectures on ethics and manuscripts on phantasy to clarify the role and the structure of aesthetic education within a phenomenological theory of value experience. First, I show that Husserl’s take on emotions as material contents of value experiences involves the problem of justifying the validity of the relation between factual emotional states and ideal values. I then suggest, on the basis of some of Husserl’s phenomenological arguments on phantasy, that this discrepancy can be (...)
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  10. The Givenness of Other People: On Singularity and Empathy in Husserl.Matt Rosen - 2021 - Human Studies 2021 (3):1-18.
    Other people figure in our experience of the world; they strike us as unique and gen- uinely other. This paper explores whether a Husserlian account of empathy as the way in which we constitute an intersubjective world can account for the uniqueness and otherness of other people in our experience. I contend that it can’t. I begin by explicating Husserl’s theory of empathy, paying particular attention to the reduction to a purely egoic sphere and the steps that ostensibly permit a (...)
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  11. Values of love: two forms of infinity characteristic of human persons.Sara Heinämaa - 2020 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 19 (3):431-450.
    In his late reflections on values and forms of life from the 1920s and 1930s, Husserl develops the concept of personal value and argues that these values open two kinds of infinities in our lives. On the one hand personal values disclose infinite emotive depths in human individuals while on the other hand they connect human individuals in continuous and progressive chains of care. In order to get at the core of the concept, I will explicate Husserl’s discussion of personal (...)
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  12. Investigations of Worth: Towards a Phenomenology of Values.Hobbs Dale - 2017 - Dissertation, Marquette University
    The purpose of this project is to provide a clear and compelling account of the existence and nature of values within a phenomenological context. Values such as beauty or virtue are certainly a major part of our experiential lives. After all, what would life be worth if we could never describe a painting as beautiful, for example, or a beverage as delicious? Nevertheless, understanding what these values are on their own terms has historically been a rather difficult task. Certainly, they (...)
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  13. Critique of Reason and the Theory of Value: Groundwork of a Phenomenological Marxism.Ian Angus - 2017 - Husserl Studies 33 (1):63-80.
    There are three steps in my description of the ground-problem of value: First, Husserl’s analysis of the crisis of reason is based on the systematic loss and phenomenological recovery of the intuitive evidence of the lifeworld. But if letter symbols are essential to formalizing abstraction, as Klein’s de-sedimentation of Vieta’s institution of modern algebra shows, then the ultimate substrates upon which formalization rests cannot be “individuals” in Husserl’s sense. The consequence of the essentiality of the letter symbols to formalization is (...)
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  14. Ecological Goods that Obligate.Adam Konopka - 2009 - Environmental Ethics 31 (3):245-262.
    Phenomenological resources can be used to develop a nonanthropocentric theory of ecological values that gives rise to an obligation for moral agents. There is logical space in Edmund Husserl’s early theory of value that is inclusive of nonhuman animals and vegetation as members of a life community (Lebensgemeinschaft) possessing ecological characteristics. Within this legal space is a characterization of ecological obligation that is not tied to any single moral law, as it is in deontological ethics and utilitarianism, but founded on (...)
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  15. Envy and Ressentiment, a Difference in Kind: A Critique and Renewal of Scheler's Phenomenological Account - See more at: R. Kelly - 2016 - In Michael R. Kelly & Brian Harding (eds.), Early Phenomenology: Metaphysics, Ethics, and the Philosophy of Religion. London: Bloomsbury.
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  16. Smith, William Hosmer: The Phenomenology of Moral Normativity: London: Routledge, 2012. . ISBN 9780415890687, 215 pp. US-$145 , US-$55 ; € 133 , € 50.Anne C. Ozar - 2016 - Husserl Studies 32 (1):67-73.
    In the field of contemporary metaethics, discontinuity theories that also want to defend the objectivity of moral claims tend to be broadly Kantian.While several such theories have made good use of what William Hosmer Smith labels a “narrow phenomenology” of ‘what it is like’ for agents to be confronted with what appear to be objective, categorical demands, he rightly observes that “they haven’t yet fully articulated the experiences that make this moral deliberation possible and to which it is beholden” (p. (...)
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  17. Values in Contexts: An Ontological Theory.Barry Smith - 2014 - In G. John M. Abbarno (ed.), Inherent and Instrumental Values: Excursions in Value Inquiry. Lanham: University Press of America. pp. 17-29.
    Values exist not in isolation, but in complex wholes. Values are what they are because of the complex wholes in which they are situated. To do justice to this thesis will require a holistic ontology, a theory according to which many types of entities exist only as inseparable parts or moments of wider contexts or environments. An ontological theory of environments -- with roots in Gestalt psychology and the ecological psychology of J. J. Gibson and Roger Barker, and which is (...)
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  18. What phenomenology ought to be. [REVIEW]Tobias Keiling - 2014 - Research in Phenomenology 44 (2):281-300.
    Steven Crowell’s rich book is an eminent advance in the interpretation of Husserl and Heidegger, in thinking about the nature of phenomenology as a way of philosophical inquiry, and in accessing the contribution phenomenology can make to philosophy in general. Just as its predecessor Husserl, Heidegger, and the Space of Meaning (2001) has not stood uncontested—the review by Taylor Carman, for instance, is very critical—Crowell’s new book on normativity is also likely to spur debate. But such debate should be most (...)
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  19. Perception, consciousness of image and aesthetic consideration in edmund Husserl’s phenomenology.Jesus Ortega - 2009 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 10:52-91.
    Husserl’s concept of subjectivity doesn’t bound to its logical and episte­mological aspects, but it extends to its ethic und aesthetic dimensions. The external perception constitutes the original and founding experience of transcendental life. Moreover the per­ception’s trend to a complete vision of the things moves the whole subject and explains its dynamism. This trend is just an ideal, which any kind of sub­jective effort could realize. However Husserl considers some experiences, which imply the subject’s “liberation” from the passivity of a (...)
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  20. Meanings and Ideals: Elements of an Husserlian Axiology.Steven W. Laycock - 1993 - Analecta Husserliana 40:179.
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  21. (1 other version)Facetas de la corporalidad en la ética Husserliana.Roberto J. Walton - 2014 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 21:237-259.
    Un primer aspecto concierne a la praxis no-intencional y primaria del cuerpo propio. A ello se añade su condición de sostén para los valores sensibles de la comodidad y la salud, y de trampolín para valores espirituales cuyo nivel superior se encuentra en los valores éticos de la persona. Estos puntos de vista husserlianos encuentran nuevos desarrollos en la fenomenología: M. Henry pone el acento en un "yo puedo" pre-intencional, y Ricoeur describe el cuerpo propio como "fuente" de valores propios (...)
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  22. Sobre la racionalidad de la esfera afectiva y su vínculo con la razón teórica en la ética de E. Husserl.Celia Cabrera - 2014 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 39 (1):73-94.
    El objetivo del artículo es evaluar en qué medida la primera tematización de Husserl de la conciencia afectiva logra extender el concepto de “razón” a esta esfera y determinar si el modo en que lo hace amenaza su autonomía respecto de la razón teórica. Nuestro eje será el problema de la constitución originaria del valor en los actos no objetivantes del sentimiento, tema anunciado en las Investigaciones Lógicas que adquiere un rol central en las primeras reflexiones éticas de Husserl.
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  23. Sophie Loidolt: Anspruch und Rechtfertigung: Eine Theorie des Rechtlichen Denkens im Anschluss an diePhänomenologie Husserls: Springer, Dordrecht, 2009 , ISBN 978-1-4020-9049-3, 336 pp, US-$219 , 174.71. [REVIEW]James Dodd - 2014 - Husserl Studies 30 (1):65-69.
    The lifeworld is saturated with claims, justifications, assertions, validities, values and reasons; it is, in a manifold of senses, the very domain of right. In this brilliantly argued book, Sophie Loidolt advances the compelling thesis that these structures of right and justification, broadly construed, not only shape lived experience, but are, as “fundamentale Weisen der Welterschließung,” constitutive of subjectivity itself (p. 1).Loidolt takes as her point of departure the phenomenology of Edmund Husserl and offers a detailed reconstruction of Husserl’s genetic (...)
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  24. Husserls Theorie des Zeitbewusstseins in der Ästhetik improvisierter Musik.Dragan Ahmedovic - 2012 - GRIN.
    Edmund Husserl, Begründer der Phänomenologie als Wesensforschung, hielt in der Zeit von 1904 bis 1910 eine Reihe von Vorlesungen die sein Schüler Martin Heidegger 1928 unter dem Titel Vorlesungen zur Phänomenologie des inneren Zeitbewusstseins veröffentlicht hat. Das zentrale Thema der Schriftensammlung war die Untersuchung zeitlicher Konstitution subjektiven Empfindungsmoments und diesem Moment zugrunde liegende Selbstkonstitution des Zeitbewusstseins.Selbstkonstitution des Zeitbewusstseins basiert vor allem auf Urimpression, Retention und Protention, und diese Prozesse bilden eine Mannigfaltigkeit möglichen Konfigurationen der phänomenologischen Zeit . Alle diese Termini (...)
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  25. Advances Regarding Evaluation and Action in Husserl's Ideas II.Lester Embree - 2010 - In Thomas Nenon & Lester Embree (eds.), Issues in Husserl’s Ideas Ii. Springer. pp. 173--198.
    He who sees everywhere only nature, nature in the sense of, and, as it were, through the eyes of, natural science, is precisely blind to the spiritual sphere, the special domain of the human sciences. Such a one does not see persons and does not see the Objects which depend for their sense upon personal performances, i.e., Objects of “culture.” (IV: 191).
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  26. Lógica, conocimiento y valor: un tríptico filosófico.Oscar Lucas González Castán - 2001 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 25:187-212.
    Según se considere cuál es el ámbito de investigación al que debe circunscribirse la lógica y en qué consiste propiamente el conocimiento, tendremos una u otra idea de cómo los valores están relacionados con estos ámbitos de la actividad humana. En este artículo investigo críticamente la postura filosófica agnóstica de Wittgenstein en torno a los años en que escribió el Tractatus, las tesis neopragmatistas de Putnam y la fenomenología genética de Husserl en tanto que doctrinas relevantes para el estudio de (...)
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  27. The Constitution of Human Values.J. N. Findlay - 1977 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Lectures 11:189-207.
    The present paper is an attempt to study the acts and intentions which set up for the subject, and for the community of subjects, a set of values and disvalues which impose themselves as valid upon everyone, and which everyone must tend to prescribe, or to warn against, for everyone. The acts which set up a formal apophantic and ontology have been studied by Husserl in his Formal and Transcendental Logic , but he has not set out a comparable theory (...)
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  28. Complicar las emociones.John J. Drummond - 2002 - Areté. Revista de Filosofía 14 (2):175-189.
    La axiología fenomenológica de Husserl se basa en dos planteamientos de Brentano: (1) que aprehendemos lo que es valioso en actos emotivos (Akte der Gemütsbewegungen), y (2) que estos actos emotivos están fundados en “representaciones” (Vorstellungen). Este artículo primero resume la apropiación husserliana del segundo planteamiento de Brentano, y luego esboza algunos modos en los que los propios análisis de Husserl pueden ser corregidos y extendidos, si es que queremos empezar a explicar la complejidad de las emociones. El artículo concluye (...)
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  29. Arte e Fenomenologia: Até à Arte Real/Abstrata, Seguindo a "Redução Fenomenológica" de Husserl.Fátima Lambert - 2011 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 67 (3):471 - 500.
    Destacam-se os conceitos fundantes da Fenomenologia husserliana constantes num Manuscrito inédito, procurando configurar urna estética. As definições de obra de arte, de representação, o valor da Arte no contexto da "Estética pura", mediante a valência metodológica da redução pura, refletem afinidades aos processos "depuradores" empreendidos a partir do último quartel do século XIX e nas vanguardas artísticas de início do século XX. Salientam-se casos de protagonistas como Pierre Reverdy (poesia e ensaio), Cézanne e Mondrian (pintura) que nesse período inovador demonstram (...)
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  30. Prolegómenos para una "Fenomenología del Juicio del Gusto".Nel Rodríguez Rial - 2011 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 67 (3):551 - 568.
    Faz-se urna análise do juízo de gosto que visa abordar o problema do subjetivismo estético. Com este fim, exploram-se as camadas passivas da experiência perceptivo-avaliativa, sob inspiração dos escritos de Husserl e do horizonte de um Gefühlsästhetik que o autor deste trabalho começou a desenvolver no seu trabalho anterior Curso de Estética fenomenológica. Argumenta-se que a experiência judicativa de gosto é baseada e fundamentada na experiência pré-reflexiva de gosto: para o nosso gosto de ser capaz de julgar uma obra de (...)
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  31. Husserl’s Original Project for a Normative Phenomenology of Emotions and Values.Panos Theodorou - 2012 - In Values: Readings and Sources on a Key Concept of the Globalized World.
    Phenomenologists are yet another group of philosophers who have also dealt with the problem of values and valuation. What do they have to say about it? Heidegger, to be sure, emphatically warned that we’d better stop approaching serious philosophical problems in terms of valuing and values. It is actually the result of all the efforts to the contrary, he claimed, that has brought nihilism into history and has continued to enhance it along with the accompanying despair. Values and nihilism are (...)
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  32. (2 other versions)Axiological and practical reason in Husserl.Urbano Ferrer Santos - 2012 - Veritas: Revista de Filosofía y Teología 27 (27):77-95.
    El artículo pretende ofrecer algunas claves interpretativas de la Axiología y Práctica materiales de Husserl. El estudio de la primera parte se centra en la cuestión de la verdad y el cumplimiento de los actos no objetivantes. La segunda parte analiza los sentidos que en Husserl tiene la noción práctica de fin y pone en conexión la verdad práctica con el imperativo categórico en su versión husserliana de actuar según el mejor saber y la mejor conciencia, aplicado tanto a las (...)
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  33. The Part Played by Value in the Modification of Open into Attractive Possibilities.Robert Welsh Jordan - 1997 - In Lester Embree & James G. Hart (eds.), Phenomenology of Values and Valuing. Springer. pp. 81-94.
    Moral value as it was understood by Nicolai Hartmann and by Max Scheler belongs uniquely to volitions or willings, to dispositions to will and to persons as beings capable of willing. Moreover, as understood in this paper as well as by Hartmann, Scheler, and Husserl, every volition necessarily involves if not actual valuings then reference to retained valuings and potential valuings as well as to cognitive mental phenomena. As used here, the terms 'volition' and 'willing' denote mental traits, such as (...)
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Husserl: Ethics
  1. Husserl's Analogical Axiological Reason: A Phenomenology of Wish Feeling Fulfillment.Thomas Byrne - forthcoming - European Journal of Philosophy.
    The most contentious tenet of Husserl's phenomenology of feelings is his conclusion that there is an analogy between axiological reason and theoretical reason. Simply, Husserl asserts that the axiological validation of feelings is analogical to the theoretical validation of judgments. While the scholarship has debated the merits of Husserl's analogy over the last 120 years, this paper presents a new accurate interpretation, because it is the first to highlight how Husserl develops this analogy by most often comparing the fulfillment of (...)
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  2. Husserl’s Phenomenology of Wishing.Thomas Byrne - forthcoming - Human Studies.
    This essay accomplishes two goals. First, contra accepted interpretations, I reveal that the early Husserl executed valuable and extensive investigations of wishes—specifically in manuscripts from _Studies concerning the Structures of Consciousness_. In these manuscripts, Husserl examines two ‘kinds’ of wishes. He describes wish _drives_ as feelings of lack. He also dissects wish _intentions_ to uncover previously obscured partial acts, including nullifying consciousness, an existentially oriented act, and a preferring. Second, I reveal how these insights from _Studies_ partially prefigure Husserl’s mature (...)
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  3. La dimensione intersoggettiva della scelta nell’etica husserliana friburghese. Status Quaestionis.Giulia Cabra - 2023 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica (Online from 12-2023).
    The paper examines the ethically relevant category of choice in Edmund Husserl’s ethics and asks whether a choice is a purely individual moment or whether it is not characterized by an intersubjective dimension. To this end, the centrality of the category of choice in Husserlian ethical reflection is considered, and its structural elements are highlighted: the subject of choice, the situation of choice, and the values in relation to which the choice is made. By analyzing these elements, especially in the (...)
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  4. Husserl and Non-Formal Ethics.Veniero Venier - 2022 - Phenomenology and Mind 23:66-78.
    From its very beginnings, Husserl’s philosophical life was characterised by the interweaving between ethical reflection and logical-argumentative rigour. It is not just a matter of the constant efforts that were put into a theoretical formulation that was always aimed at constant formal coherence, but also and above all, of the progressive association of a rigorous ethics with the value of the individual-personal dimension. The phenomenological analysis of the values – intertwined with those of perceptive-intellective experiences, feeling and volition – gradually (...)
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  5. Il valore dell'altro. Intersoggettività, amore ed etica in Edmund Husserl.Giulia Cabra - 2023 - Milano: Mimesis.
    Il volume considera la figura teoretica del valore dell’altro nel pensiero di Edmund Husserl, ponendo in connessione le analisi del filosofo sull’intersoggettività e sull’etica. Da qui le questioni fondamentali che guidano il percorso: è possibile impiegare le analisi fenomenologiche husserliane della relazione nel campo dell’assiologia e dell’etica? Può così essere fondato il valore dell’altro soggetto e della dimensione intersoggettiva e, dunque, un dovere nei loro confronti? Le analisi etiche presentano una particolare concezione dell’altro soggetto e della relazione come dotate di (...)
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  6. Alter-ation and Ethical Reduction.Zhida Luo - 2023 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 54 (2):169-186.
    1. Husserl’s theory of primordial reduction proves to be notorious: it is essential to his analysis of alterity, yet the theory itself incurs various criticisms. On a popular reading, primordial re...
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  7. On the Full Concretion of Subjectivity in Husserl’s Phenomenology: Contingency and the Transcendental Person.Mérédith Laferté-Coutu - 2023 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 54 (2):113-131.
    One of the surprising things about Husserl’s ethics is that it introduces, at the core of his thinking, a notion of contingency that he associates with irrationality and facticity.1 This paper argu...
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  8. Der Mensch im Spiegel der Idee Gottes. Untersuchungen zum Verhältnis von Gott und Mensch bei Descartes, Feuerbach und Husserl.Tammo E. Mintken - 2018 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 125 (1):20-39.
    The depiction of the relation of God and man is one of the most difficult challenges of religious philosophy and even more the understanding of God and the human self-conception are deeply entwined. Trying an access to both questions starting from subjectivity, the idea of God is investigated in Descartes, Feuerbach and Husserl. After a discussion of the idea of God in Descartes and its consequences for human aspiration, the opposite standpoint of Feuerbach and his so-called theory of projection will (...)
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  9. Aristotle and Husserl on feelings in moral sense.Breuer Irene - 2020 - Metodo. International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy 8 (2):31-67.
    This paper concerns both Aristotle's notion of right feelings and Husserl's account of intentional feelings and emotions as developed in their ethical writings and it discusses these approaches in relation to each other. It addresses the question of motivation and justification or evidence for moral feelings and actions. In particular, it focuses on the emotional states of Philia and love as well as the inherent relationship between affectivity and reason. The paper concludes with some reflections on the requirements for the (...)
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  10. La (auto)responsabilidad y la idea de renovación del hombre y la cultura en la ética personalista de Husserl. Una aproximación desde el parricidio Karamázov.Nelson Jair Cuchumbé Holguín & Jeison Andrés Suarez Astaiza - 2015 - Discusiones Filosóficas 16 (27):175-192.
    In this paper we examine Husserl’s ethics contribution to the understanding of human action determined by self-responsibility. We admit that self-responsibility is that ‘capacity’ of any subject to take a reflective stance on himself and his life. In this sense, the subject only experiences fully being responsible when guides his reason in the multidimensionality of his actions, aiming at a personal and cultural renewal. To show this, we firstly analyze the project of renewal of man and culture in the personalist (...)
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  11. (1 other version)The Origin of the Phenomenology of Feelings.Thomas Byrne - 2022 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 53 (4):455-468.
    This paper accomplishes two goals. First, I present a distinct interpretation of the inception of the phenomenology of feelings. I show that Husserl’s first substantial discussion of intentional and non-intentional feelings is not from his 1901 Logical Investigations, but rather his 1893 manuscript, “Notes towards a Theory of Attention and Interest”. Husserl there describes intentional feelings as active and non-intentional feelings as passive. Second, I show that Husserl presents a somewhat unique account of feelings in “Notes”, which is partly different (...)
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  12. Werterfahrung und Wahrheit: phänomenologische Ethikbegründung nach Husserl.Philippe Merz - 2015 - Paderborn: Wilhelm Fink.
    Im Zuge des wiedererstarkten Interesses an der Phänomenologie öffnet Philippe Merz mit seiner Untersuchung Werterfahrung und Wahrheit nun auch Husserls ethische und freiheitstheoretische Studien für die Gegenwart. Unsere moralischen Wertungen und Normen prägen unser Selbst- und Weltverständnis zutiefst. Aber wie überzeugend lassen sie sich begründen oder vielleicht sogar als wahrheitsfähig erweisen? Und inwiefern stellt die Freiheit, verstanden als unsere Fähigkeit zur begrenzten rationalen Selbstbestimmung, nicht nur die wesentliche Bedingung, sondern auch das Ziel eines verantwortlichen und gelingenden Lebensvollzugs dar? Merz widmet (...)
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  13. Husserl's ethics and practical intentionality.Susi Ferrarello - 2015 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Husserl's 20th-century phenomenological project remains the cornerstone of modern European philosophy. The place of ethics is of importance to the ongoing legacy and study of phenomenology itself. Husserl's Ethics and Practical Intentionality constitutes one of the major new interventions in this burgeoning field of Husserl scholarship, and offers an unrivaled perspective on the question of ethics in Husserl's philosophy through a focus on volumes not yet translated into English. This book offers a refreshing perspective on stagnating ethical debates that pivot (...)
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  14. Animalità del soggetto, soggettività animale: il contributo della fenomenologia di Edmund Husserl a un'etica per l'ambiente.Valentina Carella - 2021 - Napoli: Orthotes.
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  15. The Role of Bioethics in Emotional Problems: A Phenomenological Analysis of Intentions.Susi Ferrarello - 2021 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    Following up from the previous book, Human Emotions and the Origins of Bioethics, this volume focuses on four psychological problems, anxiety, narcissism, restlessness, and emotional numbness, and explores how these problems influence bioethical issues and what bioethics can do to fix them. The Role of Bioethics in Emotional Problems presents a phenomenological exploration of emotional intention and describes how one's choices can determine a better relationship to themselves and their community. Not only does this book provide the reader with an (...)
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  16. Phenomenological method and contemporary ethics.John J. Drummond - 2021 - Continental Philosophy Review 54 (2):123-138.
    Following a brief summation of the phenomenological method, the paper considers three metaethical positions adopted by phenomenologists and the implications of those positions for a normative ethics. The metaethical positions combine epistemological and ontological viewpoints. They are non-intellectualism and strong value realism as represented by the axiological views of phenomenologists such as Scheler, Meinong, Reinach, Stein, Hartmann, von Hildebrand, and Steinbock; non-intellectualism and anti-realism as represented by the freedom-centered phenomenologies of Sartre, Beauvoir, and Merleau-Ponty; and weak intellectualism and weak value (...)
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  17. (1 other version)Love and the Shadow of Sacrifice: Husserl at the Limits of Relational Ethics.Rawb Leon-Carlyle - 2021 - Symposium 25 (1):39-59.
    In this article, I foreground the role of relationality in Husserl’s later reflections on ethics and self-constitution, with a particular interest in Husserl’s account of sacrifice. I exposit how Husserl’s account of self-constitution and the conflict of absolute values between competing vocations offers a solution to Brentano’s rendering of the obligation to “choose the best among the ends attainable.” I explore the numerous instances in which Husserl uses the parent-child relation to illustrate the absolute value of our relation to an (...)
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