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  1. “Everyone knows X”: analytic philosophy, medicine, and Lacanian psychoanalysis.Terence Rajivan Edward - manuscript
    This is a one page handout presenting different attempts to understand claims of the form "Everyone knows X.".
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  2. English sensible essayists: “Mr. Everyman with greater strength of character”?Terence Rajivan Edward - manuscript
    The French psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan describes the right-wing intellectual as “no more than your Mr. Everyman, but your Mr. Everyman with greater strength of character.” It is tempting to apply the description to sensible English essayists, though they take up positions across the political spectrum. I shall raise two worries about this application, one of which is a puzzle for Lacan.
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  3. Intransitivity of translation, Le Débat, and the primacy of the signifier, by Ren*t* S*lecl.Terence Rajivan Edward - manuscript
    This paper is a pastiche of the Lacanian philosopher Renata Salecl, my fourth attempt, combined with a note. In it I present a response I anticipate from analytic philosophy to the thesis that the signifier has priority over the signified: that this thesis is either trivially true or obviously false.
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  4. Choice and the invasion of Ukraine, by Ren*t* S*lecl.Terence Rajivan Edward - manuscript
    This paper contains my attempt to pastiche the Lacanian philosopher and social theorist Renata Salecl. The pastiche focuses on the effects of coronavirus on liberal societies, the invasion of Ukraine, and offers a definition which I think is of interest to analytic philosophy.
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  5. Contextualization of Text and its Discontent.Morteza Shahram - manuscript
    __1__ If form is present content is bound to get eclipsed. The eclipse means there is an unfulfillable task of overcoming obstacles to decipher the ultimate content. By utilizing forms they depict vastly different strands of reality tailored to circumstances, neither lying nor imitating a single strand of reality, poets obscure content and dodge criticisms of the referential aspect of work. -/- __2__A text unavoidably reflects the context under which it is produced. The direct emissaries of the underlying object of (...)
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  6. Psychogenesis of text = Precursor of its Belated Sociogenesis.Morteza Shahram - manuscript
    (I) According to J.L Austin all speech and all utterance is the doing of something with words and signs, challenging a metaphysics of language that would posit denotative, propositional assertion as the essence of language and meaning. -/- (II) Since doing things with words implicates authorial intention and rationalization, writing a text implies a psychogenetical origin. -/- (III) The text in the process of charitable interpretation, as a sociolinguistic outcome and practice, acquires new meaning or significance by its claims being (...)
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  7. Epistemological Crisis and Tactics of Psychoanalytics.Morteza Shahram - manuscript
    According to Freud: the business of the analysis is to secure the best possible psychological conditions for the functions of the ego. Functional interpretation rather than veridical reconstruction of past events. Truth in an interpretation is the proximity to the apotheotic resilience of the resilience of the ego undertaking the interpretation in the face of emerging contingencies. If apotheosis implicates the critical functionality of the interpretation, then the apotheosis is the resoluteness that defies future evidence undermining the interpretation. The critical (...)
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  8. Psychoanalyticity (from Existential Significance to Significant Content).Morteza Shahram - manuscript
    The mirror stage brings to consciousness out of the subconscious an item of knowledge p about the structure of the external reality. When the ego surpasses id at the mirror stage, it then knows that there is the other and that the other is of a newly disclosed significance for the center. Knowledge of significance (before the mirror stage) and content (after) of p are sources of causal efficacy and so p is true in both cases. After the stage p (...)
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  9. Sisyphus — Odysseus — Oedipus.Morteza Shahram - manuscript
    Sisyphus has no right to complain for his fate of eternal repetition. As long as he only has the boulder to worry about he enjoys the greatest life. — If in one world Odysseus has to take drastic measures to battle his temptation, there must be another world taking the course of temptation automatically grants him impunity. — The bizarre mythologization of Oedipus must be a female psychogenesis. [This is in all likelihood just a waste of your time. I apologize (...)
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  10. Lacanian-Quinean Sword Over Humean Reason Enslavement.Morteza Shahram - manuscript
    There is external reason if every action is by necessity susceptible to charitable interpretation, and the supreme charity (only asymptotically achievable) is guaranteed to excavate an external element arisen from one's desire. The desire whose object perpetually evades disclosure is the target of supreme charity. This only requires one's reason for action face the tribunal of interpretation (evaluation) not individually but as a corporate body. Though Individualistically reasons are the slaves of passions, holistically they are rebellious.
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  11. The Myth of Oedipus Complex.Morteza Shahram - manuscript
    There is a SURFACE unity of a text which may be described as that which is reflected by taking for granted that the object of desire to be fulfilled in the text contributes EQUALLY to the parts constituting the text as a whole. The DEEP unity of a text on the other hand is that which is reflected by specifying that to which the object of desire underlying the text contributes the most content. The other parts while bearing some superficial (...)
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  12. (1 other version)Solitude: Common. Some Political Drifts in Lacan's Teaching.Jorge Alemán - forthcoming - Filozofski Vestnik.
    Two terms, solitude and common, were chosen in order to develop some reflections on the articulation between difference and sameness in Lacan’s teaching and to tease out some political implications therefrom. In this context, an analysis of the collective experience of transmission such as is practiced and theorized in Lacan’s École de la cause enables a critical evaluation of the so-called Lacanian left.
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  13. Jean-Pierre Cléro, Lacan and the English Language.Laurent Dartigues - forthcoming - Astérion.
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  14. On “One” (Thing) that is Missing in Lacanian Thought.Yücel Dursun - forthcoming - Filozofski Vestnik.
    This article demonstrates that Lacanian thought on One is narrow and does not completely cover the whole reality of One. A better understanding of One and Two could be facilitated by using the representation ‘#’, which can explain both disjunction and unity in language and thought. In addition, it presents some possibilities in abstract thinking. The first section of the paper considers Lacan’s doctrine on One and difference. The following section elaborates on the defect of this doctrine, focusing especially on (...)
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  15. Teresa Brennan, History After Lacan.S. Frosh - forthcoming - Radical Philosophy.
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  16. Elisabeth Roudinesco, Jacques Lacan.D. Macey - forthcoming - Radical Philosophy.
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  17. Antigone and Orestes in the Works of Athol Fugard.E. A. Mackay - forthcoming - Theoria.
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  18. Bernard Burgoyne and Mary Sullivan, eds, The Klein-Lacan Dialogues.R. Minsky - forthcoming - Radical Philosophy.
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  19. Teresa C. Placha 123.Teresa C. Placha - forthcoming - Journal of Thought.
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  20. De la Sigmund Freud la Jacques Lacan.Elisabeth Roudinesco - forthcoming - Humanitas.
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  21. Stephen Frosh, Sexual Difference: Masculinity and Psychoanalysis.L. Segal - forthcoming - Radical Philosophy.
  22. 1424 Linden Drive Denton, TX 76201.Patrick Sullivan - forthcoming - Semiotics.
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  23. Robyn Ferrell, Passion in Theory: Conceptions of Freud and Lacan.M. Whitford - forthcoming - Radical Philosophy.
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  24. Examining the Mechanism of Disavowal and its Two Forms: Cynical Disavowal and Fetishistic Disavowal.Jack Black - 2025 - Theory & Psychology 35 (1):117--135.
    This essay posits the existence of two forms of disavowal: cynical and fetishistic. It explores how cynical disavowal involves maintaining a manipulative distance by obscuring the gap between belief and action, allowing the cynic to disavow their investment in an unattainable object and their knowledge of the Other’s lack. In contrast, fetishistic disavowal acknowledges both the objective reality of things and their subjective appearance to the fetishist. Unlike cynicism, fetishism does not rely on obscuring the gap between belief and action; (...)
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  25. Lacan and capitalist discourse: neoliberalism and ideology.Jorge Alemán - 2024 - New York, NY: Routledge. Edited by Daniel Runnels.
    Lacan and Capitalist Discourse explores the political and theoretical connections between the Covid-19 Pandemic and Capitalism, unravelling the direct consequences of Lacan's thesis of so-called "Capitalist Discourse". Jorge Alemán provides an account of neoliberalism, its mechanisms to produce subjectivities and the new modes of the political far Right. The book begins with the problem of a possible exit from capitalism, continuing to consider the possibilities of mourning and the active production of a new Left. Alemán engages deeply with a range (...)
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  26. Una soggettività senza interiorità: Wittgenstein con Lacan.Dario Alparone - 2024 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia e Psicologia 15 (1):51-60.
    _Riassunto_: Diversi studi hanno posto in risalto le affinità tra la filosofia critica di Wittgenstein e la psicoanalisi di Lacan. Questo lavoro passa in rassegna alcuni aspetti comuni ai due autori, delineando una prospettiva d’incontro teoretica e concettuale. Un punto d’incontro tra questi due pensatori comprende la fondamentale attenzione per il linguaggio e un atteggiamento critico verso la concettualizzazione classica della soggettività. Questo saggio tenta di sviluppare teoreticamente questi punti di contatto introducendo il concetto di soggettività senza interiorità, un soggetto (...)
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  27. The unconscious in neuroscience and psychoanalysis: on Lacan and Freud.Marco Máximo Balzarini - 2024 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    The Unconscious in Neuroscience and Psychoanalysis presents a unique and provocative approach to the assimilation of these two disciplines while offering a thorough assessment of the Unconscious from a neuropsychoanalytic and Lacanian perspective. Marco Máximo Balzarini offers a comprehensive overview of Freud's theory of the unconscious and its importance within psychoanalysis, before looking to how it has been integrated into contemporary neuropsychoanalytic work. Paying close attention to the field-defining work of neuropsychoanalysts such as Mark Solms, Francois Ansermet and Pierre Magistretti, (...)
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  28. (1 other version)Play, sport, and the creativity of sublimation: Understanding the importance of unimportant activities.Jack Black - 2024 - In Jack Black & Joseph S. Reynoso (eds.), Sport and Psychoanalysis: What Sport Reveals about Our Unconscious Desires, Fantasies, and Fears. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.
    Understandings of play are frequently tied to a sense of instinctual gratification—a something that must be completed, that all humans, young or old, should or need to partake in. Indeed, for many, play is characterised as a unique activity that stands apart from the ordinary and every day. While such assessments prefigure a clear demarcation between the fun of play and the more laborious, boring aspects of profane life, what this distinction alludes to is a greater sense of the creativity (...)
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  29. Can AI Lie? Chatbot Technologies, the Subject, and the Importance of Lying.Jack Black - 2024 - Social Science Computer Review (xx):xx.
    This article poses a simple question: can AI lie? In response to this question, the article examines, as its point of inquiry, popular AI chatbots, such as, ChatGPT. In doing so, an examination of the psychoanalytic, philosophical, and technological significance of AI and its complexities are located in relation to the dynamics of truth, falsity, and deception. That is, by critically exploring the chatbot’s capacity to engage in natural language conversations and deliver contextually relevant responses, it is argued that what (...)
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  30. Review of the book Algorithmic Desire: Toward a New Structuralist Theory of Social Media, by Matthew Flisfeder. [REVIEW]Jack Black - 2024 - Postdigital Science and Education 6 (2):691--704.
    It is this very contention that sits at the heart of Matthew Flisfeder’s, Algorithmic Desire: Towards a New Structuralist Theory of Social Media (2021). In spite of the accusation that, today, our social media is in fact hampering democracy and subjecting us to increasing forms of online and offline surveillance, for Flisfeder (2021: 3), ‘[s]ocial media remains the correct concept for reconciling ourselves with the structural contradictions of our media, our culture, and our society’. With almost every aspect of our (...)
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  31. Just a game? Sport and psychoanalytic theory.Jack Black & Joseph S. Reynoso - 2024 - Psychoanalysis, Culture and Society 29 (2):145--159.
    Sport poses a number of important and no less significant questions, which, on the face of it, may not necessarily seem very important or significant to begin with – a peculiarity that we believe to be integral to sport itself. This article introduces, explores and outlines the psychoanalytic significance of this peculiarity. It explores how the emotions stirred by sport are intertwined with a realm of fiction and fantasy. Despite its lack of practical utility, sport carries an undeniable gravity, encapsulating (...)
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  32. Le réel comme matiére dans le premier enseignement de Jacques Lacan.Pietro Braga - 2024 - Síntesis Revista de Filosofía 6 (2):66-84.
    Les premiers Séminaires de Jacques Lacan (1953-1959) offrent une élaboration systématique des notions de l’Imaginaire et du Symbolique, mais font référence de façon seulement sporadique à la notion du Réel. Malgré la rareté des références, la conception du Réel que l’on peut en déduire est précise et cohérente, et confirmée par les séminaires successifs – au moins jusqu’au Séminaire XI (1964). Le Réel est à comprendre comme une matière indéterminée qui, tout en pâtissant du signifiant, lui résiste. Ceci constitue une (...)
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  33. The unconscious as space: from freud to lacan, and beyond.Anca Carrington - 2024 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    The Unconscious as Space explores the experience of being and the practice of psychoanalysis by thinking of the unconscious in mathematical terms. Anca Carrington introduces mathematical models of space, from dimension theory to algebraic topology and knot theory, and considers their immediate psychoanalytic relevance. The hypothesis that the unconscious is structured like a space marked by impossibility is then examined. Carrington considers the clinical implications, with particular focus on the interplay between language and the unconscious as related topological spaces in (...)
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  34. Testing Anthropocentrism: Lacan and the Animal Imago.Jacqueline Dalziell - 2024 - Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy 31 (1):163-187.
    In an effort to complicate the human subject, this article considers the critical insights of psychoanalytic thinker Jacques Lacan, focusing in particular on his essay, “The Mirror Stage as Formative of the Function of the I As Revealed in Psychoanalytic Experience” (1949). ‘The Mirror Stage’ explains how we break from nature, differentiate ourselves from the animal and graduate from primordial subsistence as psychically folded into the first lightning strike of recognition that arrives with/as self-reflection. Curiously however, in sustaining his argument (...)
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  35. Interpreting Meat: Theorizing the Commodification and Consumption of Animals.Teddy Duncan - 2024 - McFarland.
    Meat is the essential object dislodged in human-animal relations: in its commonplace, everyday ubiquity and distanced violence, it defies the innocuous or protective-paternalistic stance that we ordinarily take towards animals. Through looking at meat’s status as a fundamental and visceral part of human-animal relations—particularly its commodification and consumption—this book exhibits how animals fit into human discursive practices and how this discursive position determines our perspective of animals and, subsequently, our treatment of them. By treating modernity as a distinct stage of (...)
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  36. Review of Éric Alliez, Jean-Claude Bonne, Robin Mackay and Maya B. Kronic: Body without Organs, Body without Image: Ernesto Neto’s Anti-Leviathan, Becoming-Matisse: Between Painting and Architecture, and Duchamp Looked At (from the Other Side) / Duchamp with (and against) Lacan, vols. 1–3 of Undoing the Image[REVIEW]Jae Emerling - 2024 - Critical Inquiry 50 (3):567-569.
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  37. The Short Circuit of Consciousness: A Polemic from Lacan's Mirror Stage to Descartes' Cogito.Erman Kaçar - 2024 - Beytulhikme An International Journal of Philosophy 14 (14:1):51-69.
    Lacan ayna deneyiminin bizi cogito merkezli düşünme modelleriyle karşı karşıya getireceğini bildirir. Lacanyen kuramda öznenin varlık düzeni, kendini dolaysız kavrayabilen Kartezyen bilinç üzerinden değil, yanılsamalı bir benlik imgesiyle özdeşleşen bebeğin simgesel düzene kaydolma kapasitesi üzerinden temellendirilir. Bu çalışmada, ayna deneyimindeki sahte varlık imgesinin narsisistik sonuçları ile cogito’nun tekbenci sonuçları arasındaki ilişki incelenmiştir. Lacan’a göre Kartezyen argüman boyunca cisimsel dünyanın kavranışı, aslen doğru bilgiyi koşulsuz aktaran -aldatıcı olmayan- bir Tanrı’nın var olduğunun gösterilmesiyle mümkündür. Buna karşın Lacan’ın imgeselin ötesinde gerçekliğin kurucusu olarak (...)
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  38. Badiou, infinity, and subjectivity: reading Hegel and Lacan after Badiou.Reza Naderi - 2024 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    This book focuses on the three main categories of Badiou's philosophy-being, truth, and subject- which are elaborated according to three encounters: structure, real, and mathematical infinity. It articulates an underlying theory, "discipline," constituted based on these encounters, which reveals the inner logic of Badiou's method.
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  39. ‘I am a Clown’: Lacan's Difficult Literary Dandyism.Sinan Richards - 2024 - Paragraph 47 (1):59-73.
    Jacques Lacan was a notoriously difficult and idiosyncratic thinker. But is there any value in his hermetically difficult style? By highlighting certain crucial elements of his practice, I show how Lacan enlists the notion of difficulty to press home that he did not want his readers to understand directly. Instead, as Foucault and Althusser explain so well, Lacan wished for his readers and auditors to discover themselves as subjects of desire through reading him. Indeed, in miming the language of the (...)
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  40. Estranged Kinship: Empathy and Animal Desire in Merleau-Ponty.Chandler D. Rogers - 2024 - Research in Phenomenology 54 (2):213-227.
    Merleau-Ponty suggests in his Nature lectures that myth provides the best way into thinking the relation of strange kinship between humanity and animality. He goes on to refigure Husserl’s paradigm of the two hands touching to extend beyond merely human-to-human relations, invoking in the process the myth of Narcissus. By carefully examining Merleau-Ponty’s late refiguration of that paradigm, alongside the revised conception of narcissism that it helps him to develop, we find that while human-animal empathy is made possible by a (...)
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  41. Uncanny politics : Machiavelli, Althusser and Lacan beyond ideology.Natalia Romé - 2024 - In Nicol A. Barria-Asenjo & Slavoj Žižek (eds.), Political jouissance. New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
  42. A CONTINGÊNCIA NA PSICANÁLISE LACANIANA: CONSEQUÊNCIAS TEÓRICAS E CLÍNICAS.Daniela Batista Santos - 2024 - Dissertation, Universidade Federal da Bahia
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  43. Bourdieu, Lacan and Field Theory: Neoliberal Doxa in the Economic Field.Tim Scott - 2024 - Theory, Culture and Society 41 (2):113-130.
    This article describes the conditions under which it is possible for neoliberalism to render itself invisible to the economic field that created it, allowing that field to define the discourse as a paranoid construction of the left. In addressing the issue, the text aims to extend the reach of Bourdieu’s field theory by infusing it with aspects of Lacanian psychoanalysis. This construction facilitates the use of the example of neoliberal economics to suggest wider principles of field functionality. It is suggested (...)
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  44. Gabriel Renggli, Joyce as Theory: Hermeneutic Ethics in Derrida, Lacan, and ‘Finnegans Wake’.Sam Slote - 2024 - Derrida Today 17 (1):113-116.
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  45. Deleuze’s and Guattari’s Body Without Organs and Lacan’s Other Jouissance: Bodies Under Capitalism.Francisco Conde Soto - 2024 - Critical Horizons 25 (3):252-267.
    Much has been written about the disagreement and even radical opposition between Gilles Deleuze’s and Félix Guattari’s conceptualizations and those of Jacques Lacan: for example, about desire, psychotherapy, the subject and the radically opposed political consequences that result from their approaches. The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate from a Lacanian perspective that in the case of a central concept such as the body, there are rather more similarities than differences. Its main thesis is that Deleuze’s and Guattari’s body (...)
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  46. Philosophy after Lacan: politics, science and art.Alireza Taheri, Chris Vanderwees & Reza Naderi (eds.) - 2024 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    Philosophy After Lacan: Politics, Science and Art brings together reflections on contemporary philosophy inspired by and in dialogue with Lacanian theory. Rather than focus on the thinkers who came before Lacan, the editors maintain attention on innovations in contemporary philosophy that owe their emergence to complimentary, critical, direct, or tangential engagement with Lacan. This collection makes one of the first concerted efforts to expand discussions between psychoanalysis and more recent philosophical thinkers while gathering chapters by some of the leading philosophical (...)
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  47. Perverted erotics in the political unconscious : Lacan and Bataille.Tim Themi - 2024 - In Nicol A. Barria-Asenjo & Slavoj Žižek (eds.), Political jouissance. New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
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  48. Ambivalence in the Concept of Libidinal Economy: Jean-François Lyotard against Samo Tomšič.Linartas Tuomas - 2024 - Deeds and Days 80:85–98.
    This article examines the ambivalence in the concept of libidinal economy, which we identify in the philosophies of Jean-François Lyotard and Samo Tomšič; they both offer radically different conceptions of libidinal economy. Although emerging from very contrasting perspectives, both theories consider the relationship between desire, the unconscious, and the capitalist economy. After defining these two approaches, we compare them, while marking differences, similarities, influences, and sociopolitical presumptions. Also, we propose a few indicative concepts, which should help to contextualize the identity (...)
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  49. Heidegger avec Lacan: face au monde moderne.Joël Balazut - 2023 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
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  50. Success in failure: from the destruction of the tragic to the self-negation of the comic.Jack Black - 2023 - Crisis and Critique 10 (2):30--54.
    This essay explores the interrelationship between tragedy and comedy, with specific focus given to the potential that comedy can provide in transforming the most tragic of situations. In building this claim, the very dynamics and distinctions that divide the tragic from the comic are considered in view of the self-negation that the comic posits. That is, while tragedy requires a certain acceptance of the finite, from which destiny and circumstance come to certify the hero’s tragic predicament, in comedy, what succeeds (...)
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