
1982 found
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  1. Identity and Paradox in Habermas' Approach to Critical Reflection: Metaphor as necessary other to rational discourse.Timothy M. Rogers - manuscript
    Habermas’ theory of communicative action is explored as an orientation to the question of understanding which negotiates a pathway between two opposing (and complementary) theoretical frameworks—namely, hermeneutical-relational and empirical-analytical frameworks. His perspective grounds speech, action and understanding in the ethics of human relations. In his approach, understanding is fixed by particular events or situations about which intersubjective agreement must be achieved through the offer and acceptance of reasons that simultaneously orient actors to three worlds: the objective, the social and the (...)
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  2. Totalitarianist Promise of The Free Market (Nature as the Solo Artist of Violence).Morteza Shahram - manuscript
    The Free Market as the synthesis of totalitarianism and anarchism --- The most efficient market is the most politically-concentrated market --- There really needs to be a single consolidated global military as a result of eradicating the military other AND a single consolidated global police as a result of eradicating the military arsenal AND simply total internalization of relations of power as a result of eradicating the polis AND the principle of radical economic sustainability which is simultaneously that of radical (...)
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  3. Comprehensive Authorial Intention and Asymmetric Genre Distinction.Morteza Shahram - manuscript
    The author of a text originally produced as a literary work has the comprehensive authority, upon its being situated in certain context of evaluation or interpretation or deployment to declare one's text as philosophical. There would have to be extraordinary or even absurd contexts of evaluation in which one's originally-intended philosophical text is so situated for one to declare it as literary.
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  4. Counterstrategies Against Oppression Given Indifference of Nature, Second Nature, and God.Morteza Shahram - manuscript
    Clearly nature does not care about human suffering. Culture does not care either due to the pressures of marketplace. ------ It has been said that God's omnipotence, omniscience and perfect goodness is not reconcilable with suffering and existence of evil. The only solution seems to be that the most divine attribute is indifference. Contra Leibniz, the world is not the best possible world but the most indifferent possible world. ------ Habermas says the 'Never Again' principle must lead to a German (...)
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  5. Vernünftige Existenz als Weltbewältigung. Eine Kritik der weltanschaulichen Neutralität säkularer Vernunft bei Jürgen Habermas.Maximilian Runge - 2015
    Since Jürgen Habermas' speech for the Peace Price of the German Book Trade in October 2001, secular reason – personified by one of its main protagonists – has been able to debate with religion anew. For the purpose of an unbiased encounter between philosophy and religion, Habermas introduced the term “postsecular” back then in order to emphasize that this dialogue was inevitably necessary, all the more in the face of religiously motivated terrorism. Nonetheless, this willingness to debate was accompanied by (...)
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  6. (1 other version)Juergen Habermas.Christopher Zurn - manuscript
    an overly long draft of an encyclopedia article forthcoming in History of Continental Thought, Volume 6: Poststructuralism and Critical Theory: The Return of Master Thinkers, ed. Alan D. Schrift (Acumen Press).
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  7. Ética Y democracia en Jürgen Habermas.Londoño Ángel Edgar Antonio - unknown - Discurso 1:2.
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  8. Habermas's Communicative Ethics.Rudolf Siebert - unknown - Proceedings of the Heraclitean Society 15.
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  9. (1 other version)Il Freud di Jürgen Habermas ().Vinicio Busacchi - forthcoming - ACME: Annali della Facoltà di lettere e filosofia dell'Università degli studi di Milano.
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  10. Le plus moderne Des antimodernes: Macintyre et la rationalité Des traditions.Konstantinos Chatzis - forthcoming - Les Etudes Philosophiques.
    Jouissant d'une réputation (méritée) de « pourfendeur » de la modernité libérale issue des Lumières, Alasdaire MacIntyre (né en 1929) est un auteur qui cumule les paradoxes. Philosophe analytique établi, il fait montre d'une sensibilité historique qui étonne chez un virtuose du concept. Tout en voulant promouvoir des formes de vie communautaires autour d'une conception substantielle du « Bien commun », il déclare préférer sur le plan politique les « libéraux » aux « communautariens », à son goût, trop romantiques (...)
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  11. Italian Translation and Preface to J.Bohman - Public Deliberation, Pluralism, Complexity and Democracy, MIT Press, Boston: Mass 1996.Claudio Corradetti - forthcoming - ssrn.
    Presentazione del curatore italiano (C.Corradetti): È possibile conciliare il pluralismo culturale con la dimensione pubblica della deliberazione? Partendo dall’analisi critica di Rawls e Habermas, James Bohman offre una risposta innovativa alla questione dell’accordo democratico. In tale proposta, parallelamente al rigetto di soluzioni meramente strategiche, viene riabilitata la nozione di compromesso morale nel quadro di un accordo normativo. Mantenendo fede ad una prospettiva composta da elementi normativi e fattuali, l’autore si propone di ampliare le opportunità democratiche nella riconciliazione tra conflitti culturali (...)
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  12. Jürgen Habermas. Baedeker de su propuesta jurídica.Rodolfo Moreno Cruz - forthcoming - Problema. Anuario de Filosofía y Teoria Del Derecho.
    Habermas ha elaborado una teoría jurídica a partir de su filosofía de acción comunicativa. Sin alejarse de los fundamentos tradicionales que sustentan al Estado democrático de derecho, ha innovado una posición de legitimación al derecho y a su ejercicio, incluso ofrece nuevas herramientas conceptuales para la función judicial, como es el caso de lo que podría llamarse la adecuación que sustituye a la conocida propuesta de la ponderación de los derechos. El presente artículo pretende servir de guía para adentrase en (...)
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  13. Habermas, Rawls e Arendt.Delamar José Volpato Dutra - forthcoming - Dissertatio:128-151.
    O texto analisa quais teriam sido as razões estruturais pelas quais Habermas, no seu texto sobre a desobediência civil de 1983, estranhamente, não referencia o nome de Arendt, mas o de Rawls. Para isso, apresenta alguns elemen tos do t ratamento arendtiano da desobediên cia civil que inviabilizaram o alinhamento do trabalho de Habermas sobre a desobediência civil [1983] com aquele da pensadora. Por fim, aponta para as prox imidades da teoria de Habermas com aq uela de Rawls, muito embora (...)
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  14. Juergen Habermas, Postmetaphysical Thinking.A. Elliott - forthcoming - Radical Philosophy.
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  15. Democracia deliberativa: Habermas, Cohen e Bohman.Cláudia Feres Faria - forthcoming - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy (50).
  16. Esfera Pública e Interseccionalidade Em Habermas.Charles Feldhaus - forthcoming - Dissertatio:152-166.
    Este estudo busca elucidar de maneira geral o conceito de interseccionalidade e examinar como o paradigma discursivo de Jürgen Habermas desenvolvido em obras como Teoria da ação comunicativa e Facticidade e validade enfrenta a questão das demandas interseccionais por igualdade de tratamento nas sociedades democráticas contemporâneas. O conceito de interseccionalidade chama a atenção para as interrelações e os efeitos colaterais da pertença à diferentes tipos de discriminação social como sexo, raça, gênero, classe social, etnia,entre outros. Habermas reconhece a dimensão interseccional (...)
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  17. A Hesitação de Jürgen Habermas.David F. L. Gomes - forthcoming - Dissertatio:179-212.
    este artigo objetiva apresentar um panorama sobre o modo como Habermas aborda a relação entre capitalismo, democracia e crise no marco de suas análises sobre o Estado de Bem-Estar Social. Para tanto, divide-se sua obra em 4 momentos: o primeiro de 1962 a 1971; o segundo de 1973 a 1981; o terceiro de 1985 a 1992; e o último de 1992 até os dias de hoje. Sua principal justificativa é a relevância contemporânea dessa discussão, em face das recentes ameaças autoritárias (...)
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  18. Snyder and Habermas on the war in Ukraine: a critical discourse analysis of elite media discourse in Germany.Helmut Gruber - forthcoming - Critical Discourse Studies.
    This article presents a critical qualitative study of two opinion articles, written by two eminent scholars (Jürgen Habermas and Timothy Snyder), on the German government’s hesitant arms supply for Ukraine during the first phase of the Russian war of aggression in 2022. The main aim of the article is the uncovering of the discursive practices of critique performed by two major public intellectuals. This case study thus allows insights into the simplistic representation of the Russo-Ukrainian war in German elite media (...)
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  19. La resonancia en la teoría crítica de Hartmut Rosa: una respuesta a los límites prácticos de la ética discursiva para las sociedades aceleradas.Jose L. Lopez-Gonzalez - forthcoming - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía.
    En aras del universalismo y en contra del totalitarismo, la ética discursiva ha mostrado con Jürgen Habermas un déficit práctico al negar a la filosofía moral la posibilidad de reflexionar sobre las condiciones alienantes del diálogo desde un ethos concreto. Este artículo analiza el modo en que la teoría de la resonancia formulada por Hartmut Rosa permite revitalizar el debate sobre las condiciones que pueden minar las bases para el diálogo en las sociedades aceleradas sin apoyarse en el concepto de (...)
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  20. Resonance in Hartmut Rosa’s Critical Theory: a Response to Practical Limits of Discourse Ethics for Accelerated Societies.Jose L. Lopez-Gonzalez - forthcoming - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía (In press): 1-19.
    For the sake of universalism and against totalitarianism, discursive ethics has shown with Jürgen Habermas a practical deficit by denying moral philosophy the possibility of reflecting on the alienating conditions for dialogue through a specific ethos. This article examines how Hartmut Rosa's theory of resonance can revitalise the debate on the conditions that can undermine the basis for dialogue in accelerated societies, based not on the concept of ethos, but on the concept of mode of world-relationship [Modus der Weltbeziehung].
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  21. Symposium on the Kosovo Crisis.Europeans Want Peace - forthcoming - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary.
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  22. Cientificidade e consenso: esboço de uma epistemologia a partir da teoria consensual da verdade de Jürgen Habermas.Alexande Sergio da Rocha & A. Oliva - forthcoming - Epistemologia: A Cientificidade Em Questão. Campinas/São Paulo, Papirus.
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  23. David Owen Foucault, Habermas and the claims of reason 119.Charles Turner & Dick Pels - forthcoming - History of the Human Sciences.
  24. Blumenberg and Habermas on Political Myths.Tae-Yeoun Keum - 2025 - Political Theory 53 (1):3-33.
    Myths—symbolically dense narratives in wide cultural circulation that resist critical scrutiny—are often thought to be counterproductive to political discourse, but they are also ubiquitous in contemporary culture and society. Just two years apart, Jürgen Habermas and Hans Blumenberg developed contrasting visions of how we ought to respond to the myths in our society. By reconstructing their disagreement, this paper uncovers the distinctive challenge of balancing a commitment to political emancipation with the opacity of myths to critical reason. I argue for (...)
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  25. Parsing the promise of modernism: Habermas, the avant‐garde and the aesthetics of normative order.Benedict Coleridge - 2024 - Constellations 31 (3):297-310.
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  26. How Lincoln Scooped Habermas.John Davenport - 2024 - Res Philosophica 101 (2):323-357.
    In opposing Stephen Douglas’s alleged popular right to choose a slave constitution, Abraham Lincoln developed a rudimentary conception of the normative presuppositions of democratic rights that prefigures the theory of popular sovereignty articulated by Jürgen Habermas. While Lincoln was influenced by a civic republican conception of natural rights, and referred to personal autonomy in arguing that some political choices violate the grounds of collective self-governance rights, both Lincoln—as read by Jaffa—and Habermas conceive human rights not as trans-political principles but as (...)
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  27. How can strategies based on performance measurement and feedback support changes in nursing practice? A theoretical reflection drawing on Habermas' social perspective.Emilie Dufour & Arnaud Duhoux - 2024 - Nursing Inquiry 31 (3):e12628.
    Strategies based on performance measurement and feedback are commonly used to support quality improvement among nurses. These strategies require practice change, which, for nurses, rely to a large extent on their capacity to coordinate with each other effectively. However, the levers for coordinated action are difficult to mobilize. This discussion paper offers a theoretical reflection on the challenges related to coordinating nurses' actions in the context of practice changes initiated by performance measurement and feedback strategies. We explore how Jürgen Habermas' (...)
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  28. Habermas, Popular Sovereignty, and the Legitimacy of Law.George Duke - 2024 - Law and Critique 35 (2):237-256.
    Habermas’ theory of popular sovereignty has received comparatively little sustained critical attention in the Anglo-American literature since initial responses to Between Facts and Norms. In light of subsequent work on group agency, this paper argues that Habermas’ reconstruction of popular sovereignty—in its denial of the normative force of collective citizen action—is best understood as a renunciation of the doctrine. The paper is structured in three sections. Section 1 examines Habermas’ treatment of popular sovereignty prior to Between Facts and Norms as (...)
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  29. democracia deliberativa de Habermas como superación intersubjetiva de la aporía entre liberalismo y republicanismo.Aylton Barbieri Durão - 2024 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 120:71-98.
    La descomposición del ethos de las sociedades convencionales en la Modernidad escindió la moral y la ética, pero la filosofía del sujeto y la separación metafísica entre derecho natural y positivo conllevaron a una concurrencia entre el liberalismo que fundamentó los derechos humanos del individuo, como sujeto en pequeña escala, en la moral racional, mientras que el republicanismo ancló la soberanía popular en un pueblo, como sujeto en gran escala, que reconoce los valores éticos de la comunidad, incluso en el (...)
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  30. A paideia de Habermas nas entrelinhas de sua teoria crítica da racionalidade moderna.Diego Augusto Gonçalves Ferreira & Eduardo Soncini Miranda - 2024 - Filosofia E Educação 14 (3):9-30.
    Este artigo busca encontrar na teoria crítica da racionalidade moderna de Jürgen Habermas (1929-) elementos de uma paideia. O primeiro tópico lança o substrato epistemológico sobre a existência das racionalidades estratégica e comunicativa. O segundo, afirma que o desengate entre o sistema e o mundo da vida, e a colonização deste por aquele, causam as patologias modernas e colaboram para a formulação de pedagogias coordenadas pela ação estratégica. O terceiro, propõe que o reacoplamento do sistema ao mundo vivido proporciona que (...)
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  31. Why Professor Habermas Would Fail a Class on Dialectic of Enlightenment.Fabian Freyenhagen - 2024 - Res Philosophica 101 (2):245-269.
    Would Habermas’s “The Entwinement of Myth and Enlightenment” pass muster as coursework in a class on Dialectic of Enlightenment? Using this polemical thought experiment setup as an estrangement device, I critically discuss Habermas’s essay that was pivotal in his repositioning of Critical Theory in the 1980s. I argue that it is philosophically and biographically unreflective; and that he is engaging in underhanded politicking. I sketch an alternative reading of Dialectic of Enlightenment: instead of viewing it as the dead end that (...)
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  32. Thoughts on Reading Kierkegaard in a Pluralist Society.Jürgen Habermas - 2024 - Res Philosophica 101 (2):175-190.
    Soren Kierkegaard’s Lutheran existentialism represents a distinctively postmetaphysical philosophy of religion, focused in particular on a Christian vision of ethical authenticity. His philosophy continues to pose challenging questions for postmetaphysical philosophers in contemporary pluralistic settings. Focusing on specific works of Kierkegaard, this essay develops three such questions: (1) Can philosophy in a postmetaphysical vein still give advice for the pursuit of the good life, today’s diversity of life styles and values notwithstanding? (2) How can a postmetaphysical philosophy relate to the (...)
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  33. Jürgen Habermas: A Political Pacifist?Michael Haiden - 2024 - Res Philosophica 101 (2):191-217.
    Jürgen Habermas has defended Germany’s cautious support for Ukraine against the ongoing Russian invasion. Instead of trying to defeat Russia on the battlefield, he argued that Western nations should seek a compromise with the attacker. Critics worried that this would lead to more suffering than the war, encourage further Russian aggression, and ignore the concerns of the Ukrainian population. However, one question that has not been addressed is if Habermas’s pleas are part of a wider pacifist commitment—and if so, what (...)
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  34. Jürgen Habermas and Discourse Ethics.Michael Hemmingsen - 2024 - In Ethical Theory in Global Perspective. Albany: SUNY Press. pp. 237-254.
    An accessible introduction to the moral philosophy of Jürgen Habermas.
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  35. Habermas Meets China: The Legacy of the Late Qing/Early Republican “Public Sphere” on the Modern Chinese Social Imaginary.William Zhengdong Hu - 2024 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 54 (4):255-278.
    The debate over the existence of a “public sphere” in China’s Late Qing/Early Republican era began nearly three decades ago, but it has yet to generate a special socio-cultural review on the “Confucian social imaginary” of the Chinese people. The article builds on existing “economic-political approach” and “idea-communication approach” to argue decisive factors hindering the development of a Habermasian “public sphere.” These includes (1) people’s traditional-collectivist lifestyle, (2) lack of understanding of “universal equality,” (3) conservative self-positioning during social transition, (4) (...)
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  36. Reflexões Filosóficas Sobre Edição Genômica: Uma Discussão Com Habermas.Antonio Alves Pereira Junior - 2024 - Kínesis - Revista de Estudos Dos Pós-Graduandos Em Filosofia 15 (39):51-71.
    No presente artigo começo fazendo considerações sobre a história das inovações de desenvolvimentos genéticos, abordando as questões relativas ao descobrimento e elucidação do DNA, sobre a influência da genética para o pensamento evolucionista, a decodificação do genoma humano, a técnica DGPI e também sobre o CRISPR-Cas9. Depois, o texto passa a ter um tom mais filosófico, donde exponho e reflito a partir da perspectiva habermasiana em Sobre o futuro da natureza humana: a caminho de uma eugenia liberal? – Nesse sentido, (...)
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  37. Intersubjectivity and ecology: Habermas on natural history.Felix Kämper - 2024 - Constellations 31 (4):520-531.
  38. Habermas and the mutations of the public sphere.Douglas Kellner - 2024 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 50 (1):10-27.
    In this article, I argue that concern with the public sphere and the necessary conditions for a genuine democracy can be seen as a central theme of Jurgen Habermas's work that deserves respect and critical scrutiny in the contemporary moment, when throughout the world liberal democracies are in crisis. My study intends to point to the continuing importance of Habermas' problematic of the public sphere and its relevance for debates over democratic politics and social and cultural life in the present (...)
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  39. Conill Sancho, J. (2021). Nietzsche frente a Habermas. Genealogías de la razón. Madrid: Tecnos.Iván Sanz Marcos - 2024 - SCIO Revista de Filosofía 25:261-265.
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  40. The Conceptual Plurality in Jürgen Habermas’s Auch eine Geschichte der Philosophie.Amos Nascimento - 2024 - Res Philosophica 101 (2):401-430.
    In Auch eine Geschichte der Philosophie (Also a History of Philosophy), Jürgen Habermas weaves together various themes such as faith and knowledge, history and theology, naturalism and epistemic justification, learning processes and moral development as well as multiculturalism and deliberative democracy in a transnational public sphere. This article argues that to articulate these multiple elements, Habermas adopts a robust framework built upon four conceptual pillars that can be clearly identified: postmetaphysical, postconventional, postnational, and postsecular. This “conceptual plurality” underlies his genealogy (...)
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  41. A developmental logic: Habermas's theory of social evolution.Keunchang Oh - 2024 - Theoria 90 (1):81-97.
    In the paper, I first consider how his theory of social norms is connected to his theory of social evolution by examining the importance of learning in his theory of both social norms and social evolution. Then I turn to David Owen and Amy Allen's critiques of Jürgen Habermas. My aim is to develop their critique of Habermas by elucidating an important but neglected distinction between the developmental logic and the developmental dynamics in Habermas's theory of social evolution. Drawing on (...)
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  42. Neoliberalism, Globalization and Discrimination in the Twenty-First Century: Issues, Challenges and Limitations of Habermas’ Reason-Based Theory of Liberal Democracy in Current Times.Deborah C. Poff - 2024 - In Sanjit Chakraborty (ed.), Human Minds and Cultures. Switzerland: Springer Nature Switzerland. pp. 109-122.
    This chapter discusses the limitations of Habermas’ theory of communicative rationality and deliberative democracy in addressing issues of discrimination as well as addressing issues related to neoliberalism, irrational anti-intellectual mob behaviour and globalization. The focus of the discussion is on the inability of a reason-based theory as the foundation of democracy to address elements of discrimination which are not based on rational understanding.
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  43. Habermas between Critical Theory and Liberalism.Kire Sharlamanov - 2024 - Springer Nature Switzerland.
    This book identifies the turning points in Habermas's work and his transition from one stage to another in the development of his theoretical oeuvre. Habermas began his academic career as part of the Frankfurt School, but the two key points at which his career changes trajectory are moving from historical materialism to normative idealism and playing with some of the ideas of liberalism. Normative idealism is an ahistorical theory that insists on the independence of the normative from material reality, severing (...)
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  44. Reason, Religion and Modernity: Gadamer-Habermas Debate.Anil Kumar Vaddiraju - 2024 - Springer Nature Singapore.
    This book deals with the question of understanding religion and its relationship with politics in the context of developing countries. It reviews specific theories, such as modernisation theory, marxism, liberalism, hermeneutics and critical approach to explain questions related to religion and religious traditions. The book focuses on the recent attempts to theorise religion by Jurgen Habermas. It argues modernisation and orthodox Marxian theory are inadequate in understanding the recent spurt of religious phenomenon in politics. It discusses Hans-Georg Gadamer’s view to (...)
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  45. Between Habermas and Lyotard: Rethinking the Contrast between Modernity and Postmodernity.Peter J. Verovšek & Javier Burdman - 2024 - Theory, Culture and Society 41 (3):71-88.
    The article shows that Habermas’s modernism and Lyotard’s postmodernism are not as antithetical as they are often taken to be. First, we argue that Habermas is not a strong foundationalist concerned with identifying universal rules for language, as postmodern critiques have often interpreted him. Instead, he develops a social pragmatics in which the communicative use of language is the fundamental presupposition of any meaningful interaction. Second, we argue that Lyotard is not a relativist who denies any universal linguistic structure. Instead, (...)
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  46. Social Media Cannot Be the Public Sphere: On Network Opinion Field from Habermas’s Public Sphere.Zheng Zang & Yueqin Chen - 2024 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2024 (206):151-169.
    1. IntroductionFirst and foremost, the public sphere is the sphere of our social life. Social media’s naturally low barrier to entry and strong participatory attributes have made it more deeply rooted in human social life than any other media before it. Consequently, many scholars have put forward views and theories arguing that the web is essentially a public sphere.
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  47. Anotações Sobre Secularismo e Pós-Secularismo Em Habermas.Luiz Bernardo Leite Araujo - 2023 - Síntese Revista de Filosofia 50 (156):101.
    O artigo apresenta o interesse crescente de Habermas pelo tema da religião a partir das noções de secularismo e pós-secularismo. Retomando aspectos fundamentais da teoria habermasiana da religião, destaca-se que a passagem do secularismo ao pós-secularismo descortinou novos eixos temáticos de seu pensamento, não sendo o paradigma pós-secular um contraponto ao horizonte pós-metafísico e secular da modernidade, mas à sua autocompreensão secularista. Palavras-chave: Habermas. Secularismo. Pós-secularismo.
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  48. Origine e senso dell'umanità. La metafisica di Karl Jaspers negli anni successivi alla Seconda Guerra Mondiale (1946-1949).Gianmaria Avellino - 2023 - Phronein. Rivista Semestrale di Filosofia 9 (1):109-118.
    The article highlights the metaphysical approach that lies beneath Karl Jaspers' conception of history as an unstoppable flow of individual states into a world unity. The analysis is based on a reading of Jaspers' contribution to the Geneva conference of 1946 and his 1949 book "The Origin and Goal of History".
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  49. O Debate Metodológico das Ciências Sociais na Teoria Crítica: entre Max Horkheimer e Jürgen Habermas.Amaro Xavier Braga Jr - 2023 - Aufklärung 10 (1):29-40.
    Structured in an essayistic manner, the work examines the debate instituted in Critical Theory around the methodology of social sciences and the tension between traditional Theory and the proposal of Critical Theory. It proposes to compare the particularities of this debate in the work of Max Horkheimer and Jürgen Habermas, establishing their tangencies and convergences, mainly in the discourse on the role of the emancipatory structuring of critical theory in the methodology of social sciences. Emphasizing how in the work of (...)
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  50. Genealogia del pensiero post-metafisico: riflessioni su Una storia della filosofia di Habermas.Marina Calloni (ed.) - 2023 - Milano: Mimesis.
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