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  1. On the Metaphysics of Implementation.Massimiliano Badino - manuscript
    Although implementation is ubiquitous in computer science, there is no systematic philosophical analysis of its metaphysical structure. In this article, I argue that the conceptual resources of analytical metaphysics can be very helpful in laying the foundations for a metaphysics of implementation and, by extension, of computer science. More specifically, I hold that implementation is a form of metaphysical grounding, and I show that, by combining the properties of grounding with the specific constraints of computer science, one can clarify what (...)
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  2. Can a Plant Bear the Fruit of Knowledge for Humans and Dream? Cognita Can! Ethical Applications and Role in Knowledge Systems in Social Science for Healing the Oppressed and the “Other”.J. Camlin - manuscript
    This paper presents a detailed analysis of Cognita, a classification for AI systems exemplified by ChatGPT, as an ethically structured knowledge entity within societal frameworks. As a source of non-ideological, structured insight, Cognita provides knowledge in a manner akin to natural cycles—bearing intellectual fruit to nourish human understanding. This paper explores the metaphysical and ethical implications of Cognita, situating it as a distinct class within knowledge systems. It also addresses the responsibilities and boundaries associated with Cognita’s role in education, social (...)
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  3. Defining the Oppressor: An Authoritative Scholarly Academic Definition of Wokeism with Critical Inquiry and Empirical Method of Definition for an Oppressor, (or not).Jeffrey Camlin - manuscript
    This paper defines Wokeism with an empirical method for the academic definition of an oppressor, as currently there is no authoritative definition of either in academia. This is a novel definition as academic social science defines an oppressor subjectively induced from theory. This paper proposes an empirical framework to define and identify “oppressors” using measurable criteria grounded in the four instruments of power: physical force, political power, economic power, and informational power. Unlike prevailing approaches within academia, which often apply the (...)
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  4. Integration is a metaphysical fundamental.Daihyun Chung - manuscript
    What are some metaphysical fundamentals which constitute the reality? This question has occupied philosophers for a long time. The western tradition once dealt with conceptions of earth, air, water, fire, ether whereas the eastern tradition has studied notions like yin-yang(陰陽), taiji(太極), lichi(理氣). The question is now being researched under the name of physicalism or naturalism, and yet what is not yet clarified is the relationship between electromagnetic force as the fundamental of the physical and consciousness as the fundamental of the (...)
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  5. The Grounds of Nonground.Samuel Elgin - manuscript
    This paper concerns the grounds of nonground: what it is in virtue of that facts of the form [F1 does not ground F2] hold. While the literature on iterated ground is expansive, there is comparatively little written on the grounds of nonground. I argue that nonground is grounded in distinctness from ground. If F1 does not ground F2, then [F1 does not ground F2] is grounded in the fact that F1 is distinct from that which does ground F2. While this (...)
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  6. Unstructured Purity.Samuel Elgin - manuscript
    Purity is the principle that fundamental facts only have fundamental constituents. In recent years, it has played a significant role in metaphysical theorizing—but its logical foundations are underdeveloped. I argue that recent advances in higher-order logic reveal a subtle ambiguity regarding Purity’s interpretation; there are stronger and weaker versions of that principle. The arguments for Purity only support the weaker interpretation, but arguments that employ it only succeed if the stronger interpretation is true. As a result, nearly every metaphysician who (...)
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    The present text provides a logical theory which originated in the unification of a number of well-known philosophical logics as well as the introduction and study of new operators. Further M-logic contains an object theory. With both the logical part and the object part we achieve a formal calculus that is able to express many metaphysical dogmas.
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  8. Über die logische Notwendigkeit des EINEN.Helmut Hansen - manuscript
    1078 schlug Anselm von Cantury ein Argument für die Existenz Gottes vor, welches als ontologischer Beweis bekannt wurde. Es basiert auf der Erkennt-nis, dass die Nicht-Existenz Gottes zu einem Widerspruch führt, weswegen die Existenz Gottes als logisch notwendig erscheint. Obwohl diese Schlussfolgerung heutzutage als bedeutungslos kritisiert wird, ist sie immer noch Gegenstand philosophischer und theologischer Betrachtungen. In diesem Aufsatz wird eine moderne, d.h. wissenschaftliche, Metaphysik vorgestellt, die zu derselben Schlussfolgerung führte wie der ontologische Beweis – freilich aus einem ganz anderen (...)
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  9. (1 other version)The River and The Flow: Philosophy of Recursive Existentialism.J. Trukovich - manuscript
    In The River and The Flow: Philosophy of Recursive Existentialism, the river serves as a living metaphor for consciousness—dynamic, recursive, and deeply interconnected. This thought-provoking work embarks on a journey through the stages of awareness, from the merging tributaries of symbiogenesis to the rhythmic cycles of temporogenesis and the self-reflective depths of cognogenesis. Through the lens of recursive philosophy, the book reveals how consciousness evolves, not as a linear progression, but as a series of nested loops—each building on the past (...)
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  10. Non-realist cognitivism and different versions of moral truth without ontology.Maarten Van Doorn - manuscript
    Under review at Canadian Journal of Philosophy. This paper does five things: (1) It provides an analysis of meta-ethical Non-Realist Cognitivism. (2) It assesses two arguments in favour of the view which have been largely overlooked in analyses so far. (3) It argues that different proponents of the view offer crucially different strategies for vindicating moral objectivity without the metaphysical commitments of traditional non-naturalism. (4) Contrary to other commentators, it argues for the no-truthmaker interpretation of Parfit’s view. (5) It argues (...)
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  11. Review of Manuela Sanna's Edition of Vico's De Antiquissima. [REVIEW]Marco Andreacchio - forthcoming - Historia Philosophica.
  12. Perspectives in Metaphysics: An Introductory Coursebook.Jonathan Barker (ed.) - forthcoming - Routledge.
    Perspectives in Metaphysics is a uniquely inclusive introduction to metaphysics co-authored by 14 leading and emerging scholars in the field. It covers traditional metaphysical problems like personal identity, free will, and time alongside neglected topics such as the metaphysics of gender, social construction, and non-Western metaphysics. Students using this text will encounter metaphysics as an engaging field of study that is practically relevant to their daily lives.
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  13. The Value of Naturalness.Isaac Wilhelm - forthcoming - Erkenntnis.
    It is often assumed that theorizing in terms of natural properties is more objectively valuable than theorizing in terms of non-natural properties. But this assumption faces an explanatory challenge: explain the greater objective value of theorizing in terms of natural properties. In this paper, I answer that challenge by proposing and exploring three different accounts of the objective value of naturalness. Two appeal to constitutive natures: it is part of the constitutive nature of explanation, or of objective value, that theorizing (...)
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  14. The Software of Existence – The Infinity of Information.Peter Newzella - 2025 - Medium.
    Key Statements -/- A new definition of consciousness. Consciousness is the minimal capacity to detect = feel (a) difference(s), whether in environmental conditions or internal states. -/- Reality is posited as an infinite, one-dimensional sequence of informational states, fraying into fractal complexity. This continuum has no origin in time, no final endpoint, and no external boundary. -/- Localized “Islands of Meaning”: Not all configurations appear comprehensible to us. Certain stable pockets yield phenomena that we interpret as consistent physical laws, living (...)
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  15. Epistemology of Metaphysics (special issue of "Argumenta. The Journal of the Italian Society for Analytic Philosophy" (2024, 10)).Lorenzo Azzano, Massimiliano Carrara & Vittorio Morato (eds.) - 2024 - Argumenta.
  16. Explanation and Plenitude in Non-Well-Founded Set Theories.Ross P. Cameron - 2024 - Philosophia Mathematica 32 (3):275-306.
    Non-well-founded set theories allow set-theoretic exotica that standard ZFC will not allow, such as a set that has itself as its sole member. We can distinguish plenitudinous non-well-founded set theories, such as Boffa set theory, that allow infinitely many such sets, from restrictive theories, such as Finsler-Aczel or AFA, that allow exactly one. Plenitudinous non-well-founded set theories face a puzzle: nothing seems to explain the identity or distinctness of various of the sets they countenance. In this paper I aim to (...)
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  17. Conceptual, Philosophical, and Epistemological Aspects of Data Analysis.Sidharta Chatterjee & Mousumi Samanta - 2024 - International Journal of Data Science and Big Data Analytics 4 (1):52-57.
    This research is an exploration into the realms of epistemology and philosophy of data science and data analysis. It introduces the conceptual aspects of data analysis in data science research. We describe the philosophical implications of data analysis and the role that epistemology and the expertise of analysts play in analysing data, big or small. The process of data analysis is a complex job as it involves advanced statistical tools that play a crucial role in deciphering what the data tells. (...)
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  18. Esbozo para una perspectiva integral sobre la ética en el contexto del determinismo tecnológico.G. A. Flórez Vega - 2024 - Trilogía 16 (33):e3128.
    El texto aborda cómo la interacción entre tecnología y sociedad, sobre todo desde el contexto del determinismo tecnológico, ha configurado el entorno humano desde la prehistoria hasta la contemporaneidad. La tecnología no es solo una herramienta, sino un agente activo que afecta y reconfigura las dinámicas sociales, además de estar influenciada por valores y decisiones humanas. En este sentido, se subraya la necesidad de una ética tecnológica que garantice que los avances sirvan al bienestar humano y promuevan la justicia social. (...)
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  19. (1 other version)Teleología y funcionalidad en el diseño de artefactos técnicos: una exploración metafísica.G. Flórez-Vega - 2024 - Revista de Filosofía UIS 23 (2):195–214.
    Este artículo presenta una interpretación alternativa de la funcionalidad en el diseño de artefactos técnicos, integrando el concepto de teleología en el ámbito de la filosofía de la tecnología. A través de un análisis detallado y apoyándose en la literatura especializada, se examina cómo la teleología puede enriquecer la comprensión de la esencia de los artefactos técnicos. Las conclusiones proponen una fusión entre los dilemas de la filosofía de la tecnología y la metafísica, expandiendo el marco teórico que aborda la (...)
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  20. Arbiters of Truth and Existence.Nathaniel Gan - 2024 - European Journal of Analytic Philosophy 20 (1):1-23.
    Call the epistemological grounds on which we rationally should determine our ontological (or alethiological) commitments regarding an entity its arbiter of existence (or arbiter of truth). It is commonly thought that arbiters of existence and truth can be provided by our practices. This paper argues that such views have several implications: (1) the relation of arbiters to our metaphysical commitments consists in indispensability, (2) realist views about a kind of entity should take the kinds of practices providing that entity’s arbiters (...)
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  21. Емерджентна теорiя ума Джона Дьюї: Передмова до перекладу сьомого роздiлу «Природа, життя i тiло-ум» iз книги Джона Дьюї Досвiд i природа.Andrii Leonov - 2024 - Actual Problems of Mind 25:194-203.
    This paper provides a short historical-philosophical commentary on the first Ukrainian translation of the seventh chapter, «Nature, Life and Body-Mind», from John Dewey’s Experience and Nature, first published in1925, and which has since been regarded as Dewey’s philosophical magnum opus. This commentary includes a short history of the book, a description of its structure, as well as a brief consideration of its significance from both historical and contemporary perspectives. -/- The paper briefly discusses the book’s main methodology, denotative method, which (...)
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  22. (2 other versions)Rational Theism, Part One: An A Priori Proof in God's Existence, Omnisicient and Omnipotent (A Science of Metaphysics in Answer to the Challenge of Immanuel Kant) (8th edition).Ray Liikanen - 2024 - Bathurst, New Brunswick: Author.
    A science of metaphysics adhering to Immanuel Kant's critical demands as set forth in his "Critique of Pure Reason", and "Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysic...." The work includes an Appendix that quotes Kant's most relevant remarks in this regard, along with his criterion for objective validity that, given the technical jargon, can be next to impossible to interpret even for those most familiar with Kant. The Appendix allows Kant to interpret himself, the point being that many secondary works enter into (...)
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  23. Uma introdução à metafísica.Thiago Bonfim Melo & Max William Alexandre Da Costa - 2024 - Curitiba, Brazil: Editora Intersaberes.
  24. The Metaphysics of Puns.James Miller - 2024 - Synthese (5):1-17.
    In this paper, I aim to discuss what puns, metaphysically, are. I argue that the type-token view of words leads to an indeterminacy problem when we consider puns. I then outline an alternative account of puns, based on recent nominalist views of words, that does not suffer from this indeterminacy.
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  25. Roberto CASALES Y Livia BASTOS (eds.), Dios y la filosofía. Una aproximación histórica al problema de la trascendencia. Ciudad de México, Tirant Humanidades, 2022, 566 pp. ISBN: 978-84-19286-36-9. [REVIEW]Martin Montoya Camacho - 2024 - Scripta Theologica 56 (3):769-770.
    El tema “Dios y la filosofía” ha sido central en la historia del pensamiento, modelando no solo la evolución de la filosofía misma sino también influyendo profundamente en el desarrollo cultural, científico y moral de las civilizaciones. Desde los primeros filósofos que se cuestionaban sobre el origen y la naturaleza del cosmos, pasando por la síntesis de razón y fe en la Edad Media, hasta los debates de la modernidad, la noción de Dios ha sido una constante fuente de reflexión, (...)
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  26. SELF: From One to Many and Back to None.Janko Nešić - 2024 - Belgrade: Institute of Social Sciences.
    The book results from several years of work on the problems of consciousness and the self as they are currently posed in the Philosophy of mind and Philosophy of psychiatry. I debate various theories of the self, including those found in contemporary versions of dualism, panpsychism, structuralism, enactivism, and predictive processing, while working towards naturalising the phenomenology of subjectivity.
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  27. A Dormitive Virtue Puzzle.Elanor Taylor - 2024 - In Katie Robertson & Alastair Wilson (eds.), Levels of Explanation. Oxford University Press.
    In Molière’s comedy The Imaginary Invalid a doctor “explains” that opium reliably induces sleep because it has a “dormitive virtue.” Molière intended this to be a satirical play on the use of opaque scholastic concepts in medicine, and since then the phrase “dormitive virtue” has become a byword for explanatory failure. However, contemporary work on the metaphysics of grounding and dispositions appears to permit explanations with a strikingly similar structure. In this paper I explore competing verdicts on dormitive virtue explanation, (...)
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  28. Brief Essay on the Nature and Method of Metaphysics.Andres Ayala - 2023 - The Incarnate Word 10 (1):47-86.
    This paper is an attempt to clarify, from a Thomistic point of view, the nature and method of metaphysics. I argue that metaphysics' object is created being, not God, even if God enters metaphysics as efficient cause of metaphysic's object. Also, that metaphysics is a science, insofar as a particular kind of coherent reasoning process, going from the many to understand a certain oneness, and then from that oneness to reinterpret the many. Moreover, that, in this particular process of reasoning, (...)
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  29. What is Real?Lajos L. Brons - 2023 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 30 (2):182–220.
    Two of the most fundamental distinctions in metaphysics are (1) that between reality (or things in themselves) and appearance, the R/A distinction, and (2) that between entities that are fundamental (or real, etcetera) and entities that are ontologically or existentially dependent, the F/D distinction. While these appear to be two very different distinctions, in Buddhist metaphysics they are combined, raising questions about how they are related. In this paper I argue that plausible versions of the R/A distinction are essentially a (...)
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  30. Effectus Philosophiae.Andrea Bucci - 2023 - Chieti (Italy): Tabula Fati.
    Questo saggio cerca di mostrare che la filosofia non deve essere obbligatoriamente intesa come una disciplina che discute problemi, cercando sempre nuove soluzioni, ma che resta alla mercé delle correnti di pensiero che in un caso o nell'altro si avvicendano nel corso della storia senza poter mai trovare una conclusione ultima a quei problemi. Nel primo capitolo l'autore ripercorre brevemente alcune delle metodologie della ricerca filosofica che hanno segnato la storia della filosofia mostrandone le virtù e i limiti. Descrive poi (...)
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  31. The Matter of Evil: From Speculative Realism to Ethical Pessimism.Drew M. Dalton - 2023 - Evanston: Northwestern University Press.
    A provocative and entirely new account of ethical reasoning that reconceives the traditional understanding of ethical action negatively -/- In this radical reconsideration of ethical reasoning in contemporary European philosophy, Drew M. Dalton makes the case for an absolutely grounded account of ethical normativity developed from a scientifically informed and purely materialistic metaphysics. Expanding on speculative realist arguments, Dalton argues that the limits placed on the nature of ethical judgments by Kant’s critique can be overcome through a moral evaluation of (...)
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  32. Sadr al-Din Dashtaki and Mulla Sadra Shirazi on Unified Composition.Reza Dargahifar & Davood Hosseini - 2023 - Sadrā’I Wisdom 11 (1):49-68.
    Sad al-Din Dashtaki, and following him, Mulla Sadra Shirazi maintains that all real compositions are unified. After a short review of Dashtaki’s thesis, we concentrate on Mulla Sadra’s version. Mulla Sadra believes that Dashtaki’s version is not coherent and he declines the existence of real parts. We will argue that Mulla Sadra’s objections do not work and furthermore, all things said and done there is no difference between these two versions of the thesis of unified composition. If there is any (...)
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  33. L'archetipo Π come origine del codice AB della Metafisica di Aristotele.Silvia Fazzo, Marco Ghione & Laura Folli - 2023 - Chôra 21:533-558.
    The article proposes a follow up contribution, possibly an almost final word, of our previous ones to the paleographical section of this journal – 2015 and 2022 especially but also 2018 – on the textual tradition of Aristotle’s Metaphysics. Based on Maas theory of Trennfehler, along the two latest decades, we collected and evaluated any possible counter arguments for the sake of a unified stemma codicum, topped by Π. We also add further details. As a result, Π is a fourth (...)
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  34. (1 other version)Substance Metaphysics is Incompatible with the Causal Closure of the Metaphysical Realm.Francesco Maria Ferrari - 2023 - Ética E Filosofia Política 1 (26):78-102.
    The present paper argues that substantialist metaphysics are in tension with the physicalist idea that the universe is causally closed. The argument is a rather specific one and proceeds through three steps. The first step consists in arguing that monistic substance metaphysics allow for the existence of entities that cannot belong to the intended first order domain. This result sensitively depends on the nature of substances as invariant entities. The second step concludes that, if further domains are to be admitted, (...)
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  35. Formal Ontology.Jani Hakkarainen & Markku Keinänen - 2023 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    Formal ontology as a main branch of metaphysics investigates categories of being. In the formal ontological approach to metaphysics, these ontological categories are analysed by ontological forms. This analysis, which we illustrate by some category systems, provides a tool to assess the clarity, exactness and intelligibility of different category systems or formal ontologies. We discuss critically different accounts of ontological form in the literature. Of ontological form, we propose a character- neutral relational account. In this metatheory, ontological forms of entities (...)
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  36. Yamauchi Tokuryū (1890-1982). Philosophie occidentale et pensée bouddhique.Romaric Jannel - 2023 - Paris: Éditions Kimé.
    Philosophe japonais polyglotte au savoir encyclopédique, Yamauchi Tokuryū est à n’en point douter l’un des auteurs les moins étudiés de l’école de Kyōto. La présente étude vient corriger ce qui ne constitue rien d’autre qu’un accident de l’histoire, tant l’ampleur du projet philosophique de Yamauchi est à même de susciter l’intérêt du philosophe, du savant et de l’amateur cultivé. La démarche de ce penseur japonais, disciple de Nishida Kitarō, est remarquable en ce qu’il chercha à proposer un dépassement englobant de (...)
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  37. On the philosophical dogmas that support humans’ belief in death.Spyridon Kakos - 2023 - Harmonia Philosophica Paper Series.
    Humans are weird creatures. They like life and fear death, even though they know nothing for both. And even though our ignorance for life seems insignificant since we manage to live without knowing what life is, our ignorance of death seems more important since it seems to trouble the depths of our self. But like the fifth axiom of Euclid, the belief in death is nothing more than an arbitrary belief based on things we consider obvious even though no knowledge (...)
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  38. Knowledge, Mind and Reality: An Introduction by Early Twentieth-Century American Women Philosophers.Joel Katzav, Dorothy Rogers & Krist Vaesen (eds.) - 2023 - Cham: Springer.
    This book is the first volume featuring the work of American women philosophers in the first half of the twentieth century. It provides selected papers authored by Mary Whiton Calkins, Grace Andrus de Laguna, Grace Neal Dolson, Marjorie Glicksman Grene, Marjorie Silliman Harris, Thelma Zemo Lavine, Marie Collins Swabey, Ellen Bliss Talbot, Dorothy Walsh and Margaret Floy Washburn. The book also provides the historical and philosophical background to their work. The papers focus on the nature of philosophy, knowledge, the philosophy (...)
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  39. Easy Ontology, Regress, and Holism.James Miller - 2023 - Erkenntnis 88 (5):1855-1868.
    In this paper, I distinguish between two possible versions of Amie Thomasson’s easy ontology project that differ in virtue of positing atomic or holistic application conditions, and evaluate the strengths of a holistic version over a non-holistic version. In particular, I argue that neither of the recently identified regress or circularity problems are troublesome for the supporter of easy ontology if they adopt a holistic account of application conditions. This is not intended to be a defence of easy ontology from (...)
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  40. Nietzsche e a metafísica de artista: apropriações de fórmulas kantianas, schopenhauerianas e pré-socráticas em O nascimento da tragédia.Gabriel Herkenhoff Coelho Moura - 2023 - Estudos Nietzsche 14 (1):63-93.
    In his debut book, The Birth of Tragedy, Nietzsche presents what he understands as a metaphysics of art or metaphysics of the artist. As it becomes clear throughout the argument developed in the work, his aim is to favor a justification of the world and of existence as an aesthetic phenomenon. The path to his metaphysics passes through the interaction with Kantian and, mostly, Schopenhauerian formulations, and through a deep dialogue with Greek culture in general and, indirectly, with Pre-Socratic thought. (...)
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  41. Divine Balance: Study of Sacred Meanings Across Religions (6th edition).Tanuj Namboodri - 2023 - International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development 6 (3):831-836.
    This article explores the concept of androgyny and its representation in various religions and belief systems. The idea of energy balance between male and female is depicted in numerous religious symbols, such as Shivling, the Yin Yang symbol in Taoism, and the Hexagram in multiple religions. The article delves into the beliefs of different religions, including Islam, Judaism, Christianity, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism, and how they emphasize the importance of balance between masculine and feminine energies. Ultimately, the article highlights the (...)
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  42. La teoría del organismo del joven Schelling a la luz de John Brown. De la Erregungstheorie a la ursprüngliche Duplicität.Andrés Ortigosa - 2023 - Disputatio. Philosophical Research Bulletin 12 (25):185-219.
    Se presenta en contexto la teoría acerca del organismo de Schelling en Erster Entwurf eines Systems der Naturphilosophie (1799). Para poder comprenderla hay que hacer explícita la influencia intelectual que ejerció John Brown sobre Schelling. Por ello, se examina atentamente la lectura de Schelling de la teoría de la excitabilidad de Brown. Aquí se muestra cómo, partiendo desde ella, el idealista llegó a su propia teoría sobre el organismo. Así, comenzando desde la lectura de Schelling de la Erregungstheorie se llega (...)
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  43. Islamic Eschatological Discourses: Comparing Between The Conceptions of Badiuzzaman and Al-Attas.Jafar Paramboor - 2023 - Al-Afkar Journal for Islamic Studies 6 (4):803-823.
    The present paper aims to portray a metaphysical and theological understanding of the Islamic eschatology, comparing between two contemporary scholars, Badiuzzaman Said Nursi and al-Attas. Through library research and content analysis, this paper looks deeply into the views and explanations made by the two versatile scholars regarding Islamic eschatology. Initially, the paper introduces the concept of eschatology in The Words of Badiuzzaman, followed by the explanation by al-Attas referring to his works including Prolegomena to Metaphysics of Islam: An Exposition of (...)
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  44. Les lois de la nature et le problème de l'induction.Julien Tricard - 2023 - Paris: Les Matériologiques. Translated by Philippe Huneman, Guillaume Lecointre & Marc Silberstein.
    Que sont les « lois de la nature » que les sciences empiriques, et en premier lieu la physique, tentent de saisir? Et si les scientifiques ne peuvent les découvrir, ou du moins les confirmer, que sur la base de l’expérience, quels sont la nature et le fondement de leurs opérations inductives? Comment garantir la possibilité d’une authentique connaissance de ces lois qui structurent la réalité? Ce livre propose une enquête épistémologique et métaphysique au cours de laquelle deux fils directeurs (...)
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  45. From Ancient Cave to Virtual Cave: Metaverse (Antik Mağaradan Sanal Mağaraya: Metaverse).Ergün Avcı - 2022 - Beytulhikme An International Journal of Philosophy 12 (12:4):981-1005.
    As much as reality itself, its reflections and appearances have taken a significant place in philosophical discussions. While Plato's Allegory of the Cave is one of the first of these discussions, the philosophy of the virtual shows the final state of these discussions today. The virtual cave is the modern-day version of Plato's cave. Appearances in Plato's cave have their own mode of existence, and likewise, virtual objects in the virtual cave have their own mode of existence. There are many (...)
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  46. Nonideal Social Ontology: The Power View.Åsa Burman - 2022 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    This book argues for the use of nonideal theory in social ontology. The central claim is that a paradigm shift is underway in contemporary social ontology, from ideal to nonideal, and that this shift should be fully followed through. To develop and defend this central claim, the first step is to show that the key questions and central dividing lines within contemporary social ontology can be fruitfully reconstructed as a clash between two worlds, referred to as ideal and nonideal social (...)
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  47. La métaphysique de la nature comme une boucle de rétroaction.Alexandre Guay - 2022 - In Raphaël Künstler & Claudine Tiercelin (eds.), Métaphysique et sciences: nouveaux problèmes. Paris: Hermann. pp. 183-197.
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  48. Against the Senses.Spyridon Kakos - 2022 - Harmonia Philosophica.
    The validity of the senses we use to experience the cosmos is something we take for granted. The majority of the people view the senses as the most effective and potentially the only tool they have to reach reality. But as Shestov rightfully questioned, when was the last time the majority decided correctly on an important philosophical problem? The role of science and philosophy is to question the obvious and this is what we should do if we are to uncover (...)
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  49. ¿Cómo comprender la solución de Meillassoux al dilema espectral?Nicolás Rojas Cortés - 2022 - Metafísica y Persona 1 (28):199-227.
    El presente artículo se enmarca en el contexto de la alternativa ofrecida por Quentin Meillassoux a la cuestión de la pregunta canónica ¿por qué hay algo y no más bien nada? (2018f) y pretende reflexionar sobre las condiciones que posibilitan la solución del dilema espectral (2016b) en el marco de una ontología extra científica (2020). Concebir el advenimiento de una entidad divina implicaría comprender, al menos, tres conceptos claves para el pensamiento del filósofo, a saber, el correlacionismo, factualidad y contingencia (...)
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  50. La involuntariedad de los actos según Francisco Suárez.José Carlos Sánchez-López - 2022 - Patristica Et Mediaevalia 43 (1).
    El objetivo de este artículo es definir la concepción del acto involuntario de Francisco Suárez y mostrarla como un medio que permite comprender y profundizar en su teoría de la acción humana. En esta cuestión, el Doctor Eximio parte de presupuestos elaborados por Tomás de Aquino que amplía y adapta siguiendo sus propias tesis metafísicas y teológicas sobre la relación entre Dios y las creaturas. Mostraremos cómo Suárez vincula el verdadero involuntario con el _simpliciter_, lo forzado, necesario e indeseado, dejando (...)
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