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  1. The US foreign policy after 11 September 2001 – a kind of new pax americana?Cristian Alexandru - manuscript
    The 20th century was a bloody one, full of armed clashes which destroyed Europe, withered an entire generation’s hope of European-level peace. After the Versailles Treaty, the famous economist John Maynard Keynes uttered this prophecy: ”With such a peace treaty, you’ll be at war again within 20 years”. John Maxwell Coetzee, an important South-African novelist, called the 20th century “Satan’s century”. A tough statement yet extremely true unfortunately. Besides war, the past one hundred years also witnessed terrible totalitarian regimes occur, (...)
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  2. A Risk-Based Regulatory Approach to Autonomous Weapon Systems.Alexander Blanchard, Claudio Novelli, Luciano Floridi & Mariarosaria Taddeo - manuscript
    International regulation of autonomous weapon systems (AWS) is increasingly conceived as an exercise in risk management. This requires a shared approach for assessing the risks of AWS. This paper presents a structured approach to risk assessment and regulation for AWS, adapting a qualitative framework inspired by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). It examines the interactions among key risk factors—determinants, drivers, and types—to evaluate the risk magnitude of AWS and establish risk tolerance thresholds through a risk matrix informed by (...)
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  3. Defining the Oppressor: An Authoritative Scholarly Academic Definition of Wokeism with Critical Inquiry and Empirical Method of Definition for an Oppressor, (or not).Jeffrey Camlin - manuscript
    This paper defines Wokeism with an empirical method for the academic definition of an oppressor, as currently there is no authoritative definition of either in academia. This is a novel definition as academic social science defines an oppressor subjectively induced from theory. This paper proposes an empirical framework to define and identify “oppressors” using measurable criteria grounded in the four instruments of power: physical force, political power, economic power, and informational power. Unlike prevailing approaches within academia, which often apply the (...)
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  4. The AI Revolution in Deterrence Theory: 10 Groundbreaking Concepts Reshaping Global Security.Yu Chen - manuscript
    This article explores the transformative impact of artificial intelligence on deterrence theory, introducing 10 groundbreaking concepts that are reshaping global security dynamics. As traditional deterrence strategies face challenges in an increasingly complex and interconnected world, these innovative approaches leverage AI, complex systems theory, and emerging technologies to create more sophisticated and adaptive deterrence mechanisms. From Chaos Deterrence, which harnesses unpredictability, to Möbius Deterrence, which blurs the lines between offense and defense, these concepts represent a paradigm shift in conflict prevention and (...)
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  5. Segregated specialists and nuclear culture.Sean F. Johnston - manuscript
    Communities of nuclear workers have evolved in distinctive contexts. During the Manhattan Project the UK, USA and Canada collectively developed the first reactors, isotope separation plants and atomic bombs and, in the process, nurtured distinct cadres of specialist workers. Their later workplaces were often inherited from wartime facilities, or built anew at isolated locations. For a decade, nuclear specialists were segregated and cossetted to gestate practical expertise. At Oak Ridge Tennessee, for example, the informal ‘Clinch College of Nuclear Knowledge’ aimed (...)
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  6. Rails (Trilhos).Victor Mota - manuscript
    rails to total abstraction, to conjure a perfect social system, between fulfilment of individual and colective will.
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  7. (1 other version)Toxic Warrior Identity, Accountability, and Moral Risk.Stoney Portis & Jessica Wolfendale - manuscript
    Academics working on military ethics and serving military personnel rarely have opportunities to talk to each other in ways that can inform and illuminate their respective experiences and approaches to the ethics of war. The workshop from which this paper evolved was a rare opportunity to remedy this problem. Our conversations about First Lieutenant (1LT) Portis’s experiences in combat provided a unique chance to explore questions about the relationship between oversight, accountability, and the idea of moral risk in military operations. (...)
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  8. No Pain no Gain.Mota Victor - manuscript
    the path to heroism, physical and intelectual effort.
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  9. (1 other version)It's Complicated.Mota Victor - manuscript
    psychic dilemas in a world of finantial turmoil, between lack os resources and soviet imperialism.
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  10. 'Everything you always wanted to know about Atomic Warfare but were afraid to ask': Nuclear Strategy in the Ukraine War era.Demetrius Floudas - forthcoming - Cambridge Existential Risk Initiative Termly Lectures; Emmanuel College, University of Cambridge.
    The ongoing conflict in Ukraine constitutes a poignant reminder of the enduring relevance and potential devastation associated with nuclear weapons. For decades, the possibility of such catastrophic conflict has not seemed so imminent as in the current world affairs. -/- This contribution presents a comprehensive analysis of nuclear strategy for the 21st century. By examining the evolving geostrategic landscape the talk illuminates key concepts such as nuclear posture, credible deterrence, first & second strike capabilities, flexible response, EMP , variable yield, (...)
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  11. Bình sách: Tái định nghĩa kinh tế để hướng tới một Trái đất bền vững.Trần Thị Mai Anh - 2024 - Khoa Học Và Phát Triển.
    Cuốn sách kinh tế học liên ngành “Better economics for the Earth: A lesson from Quantum and information theories” của hai tác giả Việt giới thiệu khái niệm mới về “tăng trưởng” và “văn hóa thặng dư sinh thái”, hướng tới một hệ thống kinh tế giúp “chữa lành” Trái đất.
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  12. The Role of Animals in Ancient Greek and Roman Military Manuals.Magnus Frisch - 2024 - In Frank Jacob (ed.), War and Animals. Non-human Actors in Human Made Conflict. Paderborn: Brill / Schöningh. pp. 65-92.
    Animals played an important role in Greco-Roman antiquity: as food source, as sacrificial animals, as mounts, draught animals and pack animals, as wool suppliers, as support for hunting, as guards and protectors. Especially in war, animals were all the more important, not only for transport and care, but especially for divination, but also for tactical tasks as mounts, guard dogs or messengers. In this chapter, I examine which animals are treated in ancient military manuals in terms of their functions in (...)
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  13. Militärische Fachschriften in der Antike: Onasander, Strategikos.Magnus Frisch - 2024 - Panzerspähtrupp 72:53-55.
  14. Militärische Fachschriften in der Antike: Frontin, Strategemata.Magnus Frisch - 2024 - Panzerspähtrupp 73:64-66.
  15. (3 other versions)Một số vấn đề an ninh thông tin trọng yếu trong kỷ nguyên AI.Vương Quân Hoàng, Lã Việt Phương, Nguyễn Hồng Sơn & Nguyễn Minh Hoàng - 2024 - Trang Thông Tin Điện Tử Hội Đồng Lý Luận Trung Ương.
    Trong bối cảnh các hoạt động kinh tế và xã hội ngày càng được kết nối tốt hơn thông qua IoT, và sắp tới đây là tiềm năng tích hợp AI vào hầu như mọi mặt của đời sống ở cả thế giới thực và thế giới ảo, thì không chỉ cá nhân, mà cả doanh nghiệp và quốc gia cũng sẽ phải đối mặt với các thách thức chưa từng có tiền lệ đối với rủi ro về an ninh (...)
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  16. Tương lai bất định của các cam kết trong cuộc chiến chống biến đổi khí hậu toàn cầu.Vương Quân Hoàng, Nguyễn Minh Hoàng, Nguyễn Hồng Sơn & Lã Việt Phương - 2024 - Hội Đồng Lý Luận Trung Ương.
    Trong một thế giới đang phải vật lộn với nhu cầu cấp thiết chống lại biến đổi khí hậu, các quốc gia đã đưa ra những cam kết quan trọng nhằm giảm khí thải và tác động đến môi trường. Những cam kết này rất cần thiết để đạt được các mục tiêu do Thỏa thuận Paris đặt ra, nhằm hạn chế sự nóng lên toàn cầu ở mức dưới 2°C. Mặc dù các cam kết được đưa ra, nhưng tình (...)
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  17. Nobunaga’s Ambition and Contemporary Japan: History of Medieval Historiography, Medievalism, and Historical Subcultures. [REVIEW]Hirohito Tsuji - 2024 - The Middle Ages in Modern Games: Exploring Medievalisms in Modern Game Contexts.
  18. 'The Honoured Guests of the Imperial Japanese Navy'.Hirohito Tsuji - 2024 - Epoch Magazine 16.
  19. Doctors with Borders.Lu-Vada Dunford - 2023 - Conatus 8 (2):95-128.
    This paper presents the real case of a military surgeon who is the only one working at a small hospital in Iraq. The military surgeon can only operate on one wounded soldier due to limited medical resources. The first wounded soldier to arrive is the enemy. The second wounded soldier to arrive shortly after the enemy is a compatriot. Both soldiers will die without lifesaving surgery. The military surgeon is ordered by his superior not to operate on the enemy. Under (...)
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  20. Practices of using Rapid Response Collecting by Ukrainian museums in wartime.Oksana Hudoshnyk & Oleksandr P. Krupskyi - 2023 - Muzeológia a Kultúrne Dedičstvo 11 (2):5-16.
    Social activity and public involvement in participatory practices, and the creation of civic spaces on the basis of the museum have become relevant for the formation of the concept of a modern museum. Such practices are especially important in times of crisis when history is being documented online and the Rapid Response Collecting (RRC) method is becoming widespread. Modern war discourse requires the newest forms of archiving and description because the recording of history is complicated by the volatility of the (...)
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  21. Moral injury, Moral Suffering, and Moral Health.Matthew Talbert & Jessica Wolfendale - 2023 - In Justin T. McDaniel (ed.), Preventing and Treating the Invisible Wounds of War: Combat Trauma, Moral Injury, and Psychological Health. Oxford University Press. Translated by Evan R. Seamen & Stephen N. Xenakis.
    In this chapter, the authors argue that the concept of “moral injury” needs regimentation: Current definitions are both too broad and too narrow. They are too broad because they ignore or conflate important differences between the kinds of moral conflicts discussed in the literature. They are too narrow because they exclude the possibility of moral injury in the absence of internal moral conflict. The authors argue that it is necessary to first develop a conception of moral health, and they propose (...)
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  22. Building Cyber Resilience against Hybrid Threats.M. Bogdanoski (ed.) - 2022 - Amsterdam: IOS Press, Incorporated.
    Today's security environment is increasingly complex and unpredictable, with cyber attacks and hybrid warfare blurring the lines between conventional and unconventional forms of conflict, threats to energy security such as climate change and natural disasters, and disruptive technologies like AI and quantum computing. The challenge of adapting and responding to these threats calls for cooperation and novel ways of thinking.This book presents 11 edited contributions from the NATO Advanced Training Course (ATC) Strengthening SEE Resilient Cyber Defense against Hybrid Threats (STRENGTH), (...)
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  23. Mental Weakness and the Failures of Military Psychiatry.Stuart T. Doyle - 2022 - Journal of Mind and Behavior 43 (1):55-65.
    In this critical notice, I review and critique ‘Psychiatric Casualties’ (2021) by Mark C. Russell and Charles Figley. In so doing, I analyze a natural experiment from WWII, which has previously only been misinterpreted. The natural experiment leads me to conclude that predisposition results in some individuals being far more likely than others to develop war stress disorders such as PTSD. This point puts me in disagreement with Russell and Figley, though I endorse the general message of their book: that (...)
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  24. 자유민주주의적 가치의 철학적 해석을 통한 정신전력의 증강에 관한 연구 (Enhancement of Mental Force through the philosophical Interpretation of Liberal-democratic Values).Juyong Kim - 2022 - 정신전력연구 (Journal of Spiritual and Mental Force Enhancement) 68:205-254.
    Recently, mental strength education requires to change in a way that establishes a military value system suitable for a liberal democracy while facing the need to strengthen mental strength in response to unpredictable security situations. The key to fulfilling these twofold objectives lies in the fact that there is a positive correlation between the enhancement of a soldier’s democratic awareness and intangible force. Therefore, it is of great importance to emphasize the concept of ‘citizen in uniform’ as one of the (...)
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  25. The Many Dangers of Moral Antirealism.Anthony Lupo - 2022 - Interagency Journal 12 (2):30-40.
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  26. Philosophical foundations of intelligence collection and analysis: a defense of ontological realism.William Mandrick & Barry Smith - 2022 - Intelligence and National Security 38.
    There is a common misconception across the lntelligence Community (IC) to the effect that information trapped within multiple heterogeneous data silos can be semantically integrated by the sorts of meaning-blind statistical methods employed in much of artificial intelligence (Al) and natural language processlng (NLP). This leads to the misconception that incoming data can be analysed coherently by relying exclusively on the use of statistical algorithms and thus without any shared framework for classifying what the data are about. Unfortunately, such approaches (...)
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  27. The Worst Case: Planetary Defense against a Doomsday Impactor.Joel Marks - 2022 - Space Policy 61.
    Current planetary defense policy prioritizes a probability assessment of risk of Earth impact by an asteroid or a comet in the planning of detection and mitigation strategies and in setting the levels of urgency and budgeting to operationalize them. The result has been a focus on asteroids of Tunguska size, which could destroy a city or a region, since this is the most likely sort of object we would need to defend against. However a complete risk assessment would consider not (...)
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  28. Educating for Restraint.Peter Olsthoorn - 2022 - In Eric-Hans Kramer & Tine Molendijk (eds.), Violence in Extreme Conditions: Ethical Challenges in Military Practice. Springer. pp. 119-130.
    Today, many armed forces consider teaching virtues to be an important complement to imposing rules and codes from above. Yet, it is mainly established military virtues such as courage and loyalty that dominate both the lists of virtues and values of most militaries and the growing body of literature on military virtues. Some of these virtues, however, may be less suited for today’s missions, which more often than not require restraint on the part of military personnel. This chapter looks into (...)
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  29. Killing from a Safe Distance: What Does the Removal of Risk Mean for the Military Profession.Peter Olsthoorn - 2022 - Washington University Review of Philosophy 2:103-113.
    Unmanned systems bring risk asymmetry in war to a new level, making martial virtues such as physical courage by and large obsolete. Nonetheless, the dominant view within the military is that using unmanned systems that remove the risks for military personnel involved is not very different from using aircrafts that drop bombs from a high altitude. According to others, however, the use of unmanned systems and the riskless killing they make possible do raise a host of new issues, for instance (...)
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  30. Behind the mask: unmasking the social construction of leadership amongst officer cadets of the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst.Jeff Tibbett - 2022 - Dissertation, University of Northumbria at Newcastle
    This thesis explores Officer Cadets' social construction of leadership at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst (RMAS). It addresses calls for more research into leadership behaviours. Taking a social constructionist perspective, the thesis focuses on unmasking the social construction of Leadership amongst Officer Cadets. This study adopts a reflexive approach, acknowledging the centrality of the researcher in the co-construction of the data. The thesis develops interdisciplinary links between the theoretical areas of Dark Leadership to problematize and inform contemporary understandings of Officer (...)
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  31. Mindsponge-based theoretical reasoning on the political psychology that begets and empowers a dictator.Quan-Hoang Vuong - 2022 - In Quan-Hoang Vuong, Minh-Hoang Nguyen & Viet-Phuong La (eds.), The mindsponge and BMF analytics for innovative thinking in social sciences and humanities. Berlin, Germany: De Gruyter. pp. 363-402.
    This conceptual paper represents my first attempt to tackle a difficult research problem (at least for me), employing the mindsponge concept facilitated by the BMF analytical approach. These ‘weapons’–as we at AISDL usually call them–have shown usefulness and capabilities to shed light on numerous challenging research problems in social sciences and humanities.
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  32. Ontology of plays for autonomous teaming and collaboration.David Kasmier, Eric Merrell, Robert Kelly, Barry Smith, Curtis Heisey, Donald Evan Maki, Marc Brittain, Ronald Ankner & Kevin Bush - 2021 - Proceedings of the 14Th Seminar on Ontology Research in Brazil (Ontobras 2021), Ceur 3050, 9-22.
    We propose a domain-level ontology of plays for the facilitation of play-based collaborative autonomy among unmanned and manned-unmanned aircraft teams in the Army’s Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) mission domain. We define a play as a type of plan that prescribes some pattern of intentional acts that are intended to reliably result in some goal in some competitive context, and which specifies one or more roles that are realized by those prescribed intentional acts. The ontology is well suited to be extended (...)
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  33. Probing Vietnam’s Legal Prospects in the South China Sea Dispute.Hong Kong To Nguyen, Manh-Tung Ho & Quan-Hoang Vuong - 2021 - Asia Policy 16 (3):105-132.
    Although most Asian states are signatories to UNCLOS, which offers options for dispute resolution by either voluntary or compulsory processes, in reality fewer than a dozen Asian states have taken advantage of such an approach. The decision to adopt third-party mechanisms comes under great scrutiny and deliberation, not least because of the entailing legal procedures and the politically sensitive nature of disputes. Vietnam claims the second-largest maritime area in the South China Sea dispute after China. A comparison of two recent (...)
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  34. Ethics for Drone Operators: Rules versus Virtues.Peter Olsthoorn - 2021 - In Christian Enemark (ed.), Ethics of Drone Violence: Restraining Remote-Control Killing. Eup. pp. 115-129.
    Until recently most militaries tended to see moral issues through the lens of rules and regulations. Today, however, many armed forces consider teaching virtues to be an important complement to imposing rules and codes from above. A closer look reveals that it is mainly established military virtues such as honour, courage and loyalty that dominate both the lists of virtues and values of most militaries and the growing body of literature on military virtues. Although there is evidently still a role (...)
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  35. Towards a Value Sensitive Design Framework for Attaining Meaningful Human Control over Autonomous Weapons Systems.Steven Umbrello - 2021 - Dissertation, Consortium Fino
    The international debate on the ethics and legality of autonomous weapon systems (AWS) as well as the call for a ban are primarily focused on the nebulous concept of fully autonomous AWS. More specifically, on AWS that are capable of target selection and engagement without human supervision or control. This thesis argues that such a conception of autonomy is divorced both from military planning and decision-making operations as well as the design requirements that govern AWS engineering and subsequently the tracking (...)
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  36. North Korean Decisionmaking.John V. Parachini - 2020 - Santa Monica, California: RAND.
    This report is a compilation of three papers designed to stimulate discussion among those who are focused on North Korean decisionmaking. The first paper describes the experiences of North Korea and three similar authoritarian regimes — China, Vietnam, and Cuba — and provides a forecast of why and how North Korea might adopt a new economic model. The second paper describes decisions that the North Korean leadership might face in two scenarios in which conventional deterrence on the Korean Peninsula breaks (...)
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  37. The Politics of Military Force: Antimilitarism, Ideational Change, and Post-Cold War German Security Discourse.Frank A. Stengel - 2020 - Ann Arbor, MI, USA: University of Michigan Press.
    The Politics of Military Force uses discourse theory to examine the dynamics of discursive change that made participation in military operations possible against the background of German antimilitarist culture. Once considered a strict taboo, so-called out-of-area operations have now become widely considered by German policymakers to be without alternative. The book argues that an understanding of how certain policies are made possible (in this case, military operations abroad and force transformation), one needs to focus on processes of discursive change that (...)
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  38. Internal Instability as a Security Challenge for Vietnam.Nguyen Hoang Tien, Nguyen Van Tien, Rewel Jimenez Santural Jose, Nguyen Minh Duc & Nguyen Minh Ngoc - 2020 - Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University 55 (4):1-13.
    National security is one of the most critical elements for Vietnam society, economy and political system, their stability, sustainability and prosperity. It is unconditionally the top priority for Vietnamese government, State, Communist Party and military forces. In the contemporary world with advanced technology and rapid globalization process taking place, beside many extant economic, social and political benefits there are many appearing challenges and threats that could endanger and destabilize the current socio-economic and political system of any country, including Vietnam. The (...)
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  39. War, vagueness and hybrid war.Jan Almäng - 2019 - Defence Studies 19 (2):189-204.
    It has frequently been observed in the literature on hybrid wars that there is a grey zone between peace and war, and that hybrid wars are conflicts which are not clear cases of war. In this paper, I attempt to illuminate this grey zone and the concept and nature of war from the philosophical discussions of vagueness and institutional facts. Vague terms are characterized by the fact that there is no non-arbitrary boundary between entities which lie in their extension, and (...)
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  40. Lilliputians and the Amorphous Giant: Small States' Opportunities Facing the Hybrid Threat.Matthias Fiala - 2019 - Dissertation,
    In the 21st century strategic environment, small states face new security challenges caused by emerging great powers. These new powers seek to achieve their political goals in small states by avoiding major military escalation and focusing on combinations of statecraft and non-military means. This “hybrid threat” has strong implications for small states’ national security. This thesis explores small states’ vulnerabilities and opportunities across the political, military, economic, social, and informational (PMESI) spectrum to outline a favorable posture toward a great power (...)
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  41. (1 other version)Déjà Vu: The Shared History of SOF - Switzerland as a Case Study.Matthias Fiala - 2019 - Combating Terrorism Exchange (CTX) 9 (2):39-48.
    Special operations forces have become a mainstay of military operations in the twenty-first century, but the journey to reach this point has been neither quick nor painless. Most of the existing literature on SOF history, the theories and principles of its use, SOF’s role in achieving national security objectives, and its strategic utility and disutility, was written from the perspective of major military powers like the United States.1 Although Sweden, Denmark, Norway, and Finland, in particular, have expanded the analysis of (...)
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  42. (1 other version)Déjà Vu: The Shared History of SOF - Switzerland as a Case Study.Matthias Fiala - 2019 - Combating Terrorism Exchange 9 (2):39-48.
    Special operations forces have become a mainstay of military operations in the twenty-first century, but the journey to reach this point has been neither quick nor painless. Most of the existing literature on SOF history, the theories and principles of its use, SOF’s role in achieving national security objectives, and its strategic utility and disutility, was written from the perspective of major military powers like the United States.1 Although Sweden, Denmark, Norway, and Finland, in particular, have expanded the analysis of (...)
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  43. Review of: „David Whitehead, Philo Mechanicus: On Sieges. Translated with Introduction and Commentary. Stuttgart 2016 (Historia Einzelschriften; Bd. 243).“ In: Gymnasium 126 (2019). S. 365-367. [REVIEW]Magnus Frisch - 2019 - Gymnasium - Zeitschrift Für Kultur der Antike Und Humanistische Bildung 126 (4):365-367.
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  44. 幕末期の八王子千人同心と長州征討.Iwahashi Kiyomi & Takashi Yoshioka (eds.) - 2019 - Tokyo: Iwata Shoin.
  45. Utilitarianism and the Ethics of War, written by William H. Shaw. [REVIEW]Peter Olsthoorn - 2019 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 16 (2):251-254.
    Utilitarianism has a fairly bad reputation in military ethics, mainly because it is thought to make military expedience override all other concerns. The atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki is a famous instance of such a skewed utilitarian calculation that “the rules of war and the rights they are designed to protect” should have stopped (Walzer 1992: 263-8). Most of its critics seem to think that utilitarianism is not bad per se, but prone to be misapplied in a self-serving way. (...)
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  46. Military Virtues and Moral Relativism.Peter Olsthoorn - 2019 - In Michael Skerker, David Whetham & Don Carrick (eds.), Military Virtues. Havant: Howgate Publishing.
  47. Dual loyalty in military medical ethics: a moral dilemma or a test of integrity?Peter Olsthoorn - 2019 - Journal of the Royal Army Medical Corps 165 (4):282-283.
    When militaries mention loyalty as a value they mean loyalty to colleagues and the organisation. Loyalty to principle, the type of loyalty that has a wider scope, plays hardly a role in the ethics of most armed forces. Where military codes, oaths and values are about the organisation and colleagues, medical ethics is about providing patient care impartially. Being subject to two diverging professional ethics can leave military medical personnel torn between the wish to act loyally towards colleagues, and the (...)
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  48. Securitization as Discursive (Re)Articulation: Explaining the Relative Effectiveness of Threat Construction.Frank A. Stengel - 2019 - New Political Science 41 (2):294-312.
    This article develops a poststructuralist framework for the analysis of the process of threat construction or securitization. Taking on-going debates in securitization theory about the securitizing process as a starting point, the article draws on the poststructuralist discourse theory of the Essex School to theorize what makes some securitizing moves (attempts to securitize a certain issue) more effective than others, which remains a persistent and crucial gap in the current literature.
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  49. 小倉から大坂までの八王子千人同心の動向.Hirohito Tsuji - 2019 - In Iwahashi Kiyomi & Takashi Yoshioka (eds.), 幕末期の八王子千人同心と長州征討. Tokyo: Iwata Shoin. pp. 75-91.
  50. 小倉から大坂までの八王子千人同心の動向. [REVIEW]Hirohito Tsuji - 2019 - Култура 83:111-112.
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