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  1. Stories that Move Us: The Intersection of Fiction and Moral Engagement.Manh-Tung Ho - manuscript
    In this essay, I am going to explain how my moral intuitions are engaged with my beloved fictions: The Lifecyle of software objects (Ted Chiang, 2010); Wild Wise Weird: The Kingfisher stories collection (Vuong, 2024), The three-body problem (Liu Cixin, 2014). Indeed, stories move us and deepen our understanding of what it means to be human, and great story-tellers achieve what even the greatest philosophers aspire to: making us reflect on our shared humanity.
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  2. 完璧な計画.Manh-Tung Ho - manuscript
    This story reproduces “The Perfect Plan” in the fiction title Wild Wise Weird, written by Professor Quan-Hoang Vuong with his permission. Prof. Vuong ’s other nonfiction title is Meandering Sobriety.
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  3. A minimal dose of self-reflective humor in Wild Wise Weird: The Kingfisher story collection.Manh-Tung Ho - manuscript
    In this essay, I review one of my beloved fictional titles, Wild Wise Weird: The Kingfisher Story collection. The minimal sense of humor and satire in storytelling of Wild Wise Weird are sure to bring readers smiles, better yet, moments of quiet reflection, a much under-appreciated remedy in the world driven almost insane with the abundance of information co-created with AI technologies. I hope to deliver justice to the book.
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  4. Pensamiento multidimensional: hacia una comprensión más compleja y humana de la racionalidad.César Augusto Mora Alonso & Bibiana Judith Cruz Rivera - 2024 - Childhood and Philosophy 20:1-23.
    Este artículo se propone realizar un acercamiento a la concepción que desarrolla Matthew Lipman sobre las múltiples dimensiones transactivas del pensamiento, con la intención de apreciar la forma en que aporta a la consolidación de una racionalidad que tenga como características distintivas la complejidad y el humanismo; en virtud de ello, se analizan las tres vertientes principales del pensamiento multidimensional, a saber: crítica, creativa y cuidadosa. La consecuencia del escrutinio arroja que la interacción y reciprocidad que se da entre las (...)
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    Bu çalışmada küçük yaşlardan itibaren düşünmek ve sorgulamaktan zevk alan çocuklara düşünme becerisi kazandırma, düşündüklerini anlamlandırmalarını sağlayan en etkili yollardan biri olan Çocuklar İçin Felsefe (P4C) Yaklaşımının ilkokul öğrencilerinin fene yönelik tutum ve problem çözme becerisine etkisi araştırılmıştır. Araştırmada düşünmenin ne anlama geldiği, birkaç düşünme becerisinin (yaratıcı, eleştirel, tutum, problem çözme düşünmenin) özellikleri; felsefi düşünmenin ve temel özelliklerinin ne olduğu vurgulanarak felsefî düşünmenin, yaratıcı, eleştirel ve yansıtıcı düşünme özellikleriyle birlikte fen bilimleri dersine olan tutum ve öğrencilerin problem çözme becerileri ortak (...)
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  6. Leveraging P4C as a Tool for CHamoru Education: Encouraging the Decolonization of Guam's Public Education Through Philosophy for Children.Jonathan Wurtz - 2024 - Micronesian Educator 34:18-33.
    In this paper, I explore the Guam Department of Education's (GDOE) decolonization efforts and the potential role of Philosophy for Children (P4C) as a strategic tool for its advancement. I begin with a discussion of Guam's colonial context and its implications for contemporary education on the island. While the GDOE's current attempts to decolonize Guam's public education emphasize the need for an "official body of knowledge," many CHamoru scholars and activists have argued that it is not enough. This paper agrees (...)
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  7. Facing Childhood Ethically: Overcoming Normative Overloading in P4C and Opening Philosophy to the Radically New.Jonathan Wurtz - 2021 - In Dina Mendonça & Florian Franken Figueiredo (eds.), Conceptions of Childhood and Moral Education in Philosophy for Children. Berlin: Springer Nature. pp. 41-57.
    This essay is an attempt to consider the possibility of an ethical encounter between childhood and philosophy in philosophy for children (P4C). The difficulty that P4C faces in its endeavor to introduce childhood and philosophy to one another is not only cognitive in nature, but ethical as well. The child is an Other whose future points beyond me, towards a reality that I will never get to experience. The question which I am interested in answering here is: how do I (...)
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  8. Are Filipino Children Too Young to Do Philosophy?Peter Paul Elicor - 2024 - Kritike 18 (1):66-87.
    Children from various countries have been acknowledged and studied for their ability to philosophize, while, unfortunately, Filipino children have not received similar recognition. In this paper, I make a rather unpopular claim that Filipino children can and already are doing philosophy in their efforts to make sense of their existential conditions. “Doing philosophy” here refers to the act of being perplexed by one's own or other people's experiences and making an effort to comprehend them. Filipino children, are a vast and (...)
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  9. Eco-Rational Education An Educational Response to Environmental Crisis.Simone Thornton - 2024 - New York: Routledge.
    Eco-Rational Education proposes an educational response to climate change, environmental degradation, and desctructive human relations to ecology through the delivery of critical land-responsive environmental education. -/- The book argues that education is a powerful vehicle for both social change and cultural reproduction. It proposes that the prioritisation and integration of environmental education across the curriculum is essential to the development of ecologically rational citizens capable of responding to the environmental crisis and an increasingly changing world. Using philosophical analysis, particularly environmental (...)
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  10. Filosofia pratica e cittadinanza creativa. Due strumenti capaci di accompagnare le transizioni epocali contemporanee.Cristina Toti - 2023 - Equilibri Magazine.
    Disponibile anche in versione cartacea: in Almanacco Equilibri 2024, La società dell’educazione, P. Alfieri e N. Zanardi (curatori). Collana Equilibri Magazine, Mimesi edizioni, Milano. -/- **Abstract:** -/- Questo articolo esplora l'importanza della filosofia pratica e della cittadinanza creativa nel contesto delle attuali transizioni epocali. Riprendendo le origini del concetto di "scuola" nell'Antica Grecia, l'autrice evidenzia come il processo di insegnamento-apprendimento fosse centrato sull'auto-direzione della crescita individuale. Rifacendosi alle riflessioni di filosofi come Hadot e Foucault, si sottolinea il carattere pratico della (...)
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  11. Parrhesia, and Doing Philosophy with Children.Maria daVenza Tillmanns - 2023 - Philosophy Now (159).
    Embodied self-reflection goes beyond strictly rational thinking – we are thinking beings after all, for it includes our tacit concrete knowledge, as Michael Polanyi and David Bohm would describe the thinking that is implicit in our abilities to know how to do things such as knowing how to ride a bicycle. Polanyi describes this knowledge as: “[knowing] more than we can tell.” To become aware of the thinking below the surface of rational thinking is very challenging. Yet that is exactly (...)
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  12. Maimed, Disabled, Enslaved as Commodity: Child Maiming in the Lens of Critical Consciousness.John C. H. Hu - 2023 - Annals of Philosophy, Social and Human Disciplines 2023 (1):1-17.
    This essay seeks to acknowledge the unsettling reality of children being intentionally maimed towards disability and disfigurement as economic commodity. The issue is easily invisibilized in modern education, and understandably so: the trauma triggered by these bloody realities can automatically disqualify the content for formal in school education as a form of “unwelcome truth”. Freire and Fanon, however, did not shy away from the horrific state of life for the oppressed and the wretched in their consideration of pedagogy. The lived (...)
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  13. Philosophy Debates for Kids: Thought Experiments that Raise Issues for Taking Sides.Sharon Kaye (ed.) - 2022 - Unionville, NY: Royal Fireworks Press.
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  14. Philosophy, Inquiry and Children: Community of Thinkers in Education.Arie Kizel - 2023 - LIT Verlang.
    This book seeks to make an additional contribution to the extensive literature in the field of philosophy for children and philosophy with children. It seeks to do this through several central axes of discussion. Their main point is the belief that children can philosophize and that it is necessary to allow them to do so inside and outside our educational institutions. This book is dedicated to children all over the world, to adults who believe that they must remove the shadow (...)
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  15. challenging adult-centrism: speaking speech and the possibility of intergenerational dialogue.Georgios Petropoulos - 2023 - Childhood and Philosophy 19:1-22.
    This paper reflects on the role of philosophy in the school environment, paying special attention to the promise of intergenerational dialogue carried forward by philosophy programmes associated with Lipman’s Philosophy for Children (P4C) curriculum and its current transformation into Philosophy with Children (PwC). There are two basic ideas that constitute the guiding thread of my reflections. Firstly, that philosophical interventions of that kind challenge adult-centric views of education and philosophy. Secondly, that such initiatives carry with them the promise of acknowledging (...)
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  16. Philosophy with Children as an Educational Platform for Self-Determined Learning.Arie Kizel - 2016 - Cogent Education 3 (1):1244026.
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  17. (1 other version)I-Thou Dialogical Encounters in Adolescents’ WhatsApp Virtual Communities.Arie Kizel - 2019 - Ai and Society: Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Communication 34 (1):19-27.
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  18. ’The physical body is not here but the Body of Memories is still with us’: Philosophy with Children and the Living Body of Memory of the Deceased.Arie Kizel - 2020 - Amechanon Journal of the Laboratory of Research on Practical and Applied Philosophy 1 (1):139–153.
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  19. Preparing Youth for Participatory Civil Society: A Call for Spiritual, Communal, and Pluralistic Humanism in Education with a Focus on Community of Philosophical Inquiry.Arie Kizel & Ofra Mayseless - 2022 - International Journal of Educational Research 1 (115).
  20. A History and Tradition of Philosophical Practice in Japan.Taro Mochizuki - 2021 - Journal of Human Cognition 5 (2):36-45.
    In Japan, from the pre-war to the post-war period, unique indigenous philosophizing cultures have been nurtured outside academism. The contemporary new philosophical practices which have been recently imported from Europe and North America are welcomed and widespread in Japan because of this indigenous traditional cultural soil cultivated by those local forerunners in the past. In this paper, the 'Life Experience Writing Movement', which was popular from the late Taisho era until the early Showa era, as well as the Science of (...)
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  21. Philosophizing with children as a playful activity: Purposiveness without purpose.Stylianos Gadris - 2022 - Journal of Philosophy in Schools 1 (9):68 - 83.
    While trying to preserve the autonomy of their playful activity consisting in a game of ‘questioning and answering’, the Gymnosophists defy Alexander the Great and, more importantly, go against their own chances of survival (since giving a wrong answer to the king’s question amounts to losing their life). Thankfully, we do not need to face such dilemmas when philosophising with children. Nevertheless, the Gymnosophists’ example helps construct a notion of philosophy for/with children as an autonomous playful activity that albeit (implicitly) (...)
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    Аннотация Понятие «парресия» впервые появляется в греческой литературе в V в. до н. э. Парресия — это возможность говорить свободно и открыто, не считаясь с авторитетами, говорить то, что без этого права может привести к наказанию или смерти. Парресия позволяла говорить правду властям, принося пользу тому, кто властвует, кому зачастую не хватает понимания сути реального положения дел. 1 Перевод статьи выполнен С. В. Борисовым по изданию: Tillmanns, Maria daVenza (2022). “How Parrhesia in Doing Philosophy With Children: Develops Their Touchstones of (...)
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  23. (3 other versions)Why We Are in Need of Tales, Part III. [REVIEW]Maria daVenza Tillmanns & Sergey Borisov - 2022 - Социум И Власть 94:92-98.
    Readers are awaiting a new encounter with stories united under the common title Why We Are in Need of Tales. Let me remind you that these deep philosophical books were written by Maria daVenza Tillmanns, a professional philosopher dedicated to the study of philosophizing with children, who has gained valuable experience in this field. Maria’s books are inspired by her work with her students at El Toyon Elementary School in National City (California), with whom Maria held philosophy with children classes (...)
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  24. (3 other versions)Maria daVenza Tillmanns, Why We Are in Need of Tales (Part III). [REVIEW]Maria daVenza Tillmanns - 2022 - Социум И Власть 94:92-98.
    Readers are awaiting a new encounter with stories united under the common title Why We Are in Need of Tales. Let me remind you that these deep philosophical books were written by Maria daVenza Tillmanns, a professional philosopher dedicated to the study of philosophizing with children, who has gained valuable experience in this field. Maria’s books are inspired by her work with her students at El Toyon Elementary School in National City (California), with whom Maria held philosophy with children classes (...)
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  25. (3 other versions)Review article, Why We Are in Need of Tales, Part III. [REVIEW]Maria daVenza Tillmanns - 2022 - Социум И Власть 94:92-98.
    Readers are awaiting a new encounter with stories united under the common title Why We Are in Need of Tales. Let me remind you that these deep philosophical books were written by Maria daVenza Tillmanns, a professional philosopher dedicated to the study of philosophizing with children, who has gained valuable experience in this field. Maria’s books are inspired by her work with her students at El Toyon Elementary School in National City (California), with whom Maria held philosophy with children classes (...)
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  26. Philosophy in Education and Cognitive Development (Filosofia na Educação e o Desenvolvimento Cognitivo).L. Felipe Garcia Lucas - 2020 - Dissertation, Uninter
    First, it’s very important to rule out that the entire text below, especially topic 4, shows an evolutionary process of man, in topic number 1, we present thinkers Jean Piaget and Erik Erikson, both psychoanalysts, and focused on cognitive development, but with works that show a development of different angles, complementing each other, in the first we can see the influence of the external formation of the child according to the internal formation, whereas the second presents us the inverse, the (...)
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  27. Big Thinkers and Big Ideas: An Introduction to Eastern and Western Philosophy for Kids.Sharon Kaye - 2020 - New York, NY, USA: Rockridge Press.
    Philosophy is both fun and good for kids’ brains, as it encourages them to think deeply and develop their own solutions to complex problems. With this colorful book about philosophy for kids, they’ll learn all about introductory concepts and important thinkers in a way that’s fun and approachable, but still in-depth and substantial. -/- In this book, your child will explore questions like: “What is real?”, “How do I know something is true?”, “How can I be a good person?”, and (...)
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  28. Unveiling and packaging: A model for presenting philosophy in schools.Michelle Sowey - 2021 - Human Affairs 31 (4):398-408.
    As a philosopher and a reflective practitioner of philosophy in schools, I explore two aspects of presentation which I call unveiling and packaging. Both aspects bear on the work of designing and facilitating philosophy workshops for school students. I describe unveiling philosophy as a practice of collaborative inquiry and dialogic argument: social processes that foster thinking skills and dispositions, an evaluativist epistemology, and a range of constructive norms. I then discuss packaging philosophical materials in ways that create effective stimuli for (...)
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  29. Making a circle: building a community of philosophical enquiry in a post-apartheid, government school in South Africa.Rose-Anne Reynolds - 2019 - Childhood and Philosophy 15 (1):1-21.
    In this paper I attempt to trace some entanglements of an event documented in my PhD research, which contests dominant modes of enquiry. This research takes place with a group of Grade 2 learners in a government school in Cape Town, South Africa. It is experimental research which resists the human subject as the most important aspect of research, the only one with agency or intentionality. In particular, the analysis focuses on the process of the making of the circle, and (...)
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  30. Transaction or Transformation: Why do Philosophy in Prisons?Mog Stapleton & Dave Ward - 2021 - Journal of Prison Education and Reentry 7 (2):214-226.
    Why do public philosophy in prisons? When we think about the value and aims of public philosophy there is a well-entrenched tendency to think in transactional terms. The academy has something of value that it aims to pass on or transmit to its clients. Usually, this transaction takes place within the confines of the university, in the form of transmission of valuable skills or knowledge passed from faculty to students. Public philosophy, construed within this transactional mindset, then consists in passing (...)
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  31. Philosophy@The Virtual Art Museum.Thomas E. Wartenberg - 2017 - Newsletter of the American Society for Aesthetics 3 (37):6-8.
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  32. Expanding the Facilitator's Toolbox: Vygotskian Mediation in Philosophy for Children.Jacob Castleberry & Kevin Clark - 2020 - Analytic Teaching and Philosophical Praxis 40 (2):44-56.
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  33. Book Review: A Teacher's Guide to Philosophy of Education. [REVIEW]Jane Gatley - 2020 - Educational Review 1.
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  34. Exploring a framework for the mentoring of early career teachers in Catholic schools in Western Australia.John Topliss - 2020 - Journal of Philosophy in Schools 7 (1):101.
    The basis for the paper ‘Exploring a Framework for the Mentoring of Early Career Teachers in Catholic Schools in Western Australia’ stems from the work undertaken in the author’s recently published PhD study and on personal experiences of teaching philosophy to students as a classroom teacher, gifted and talented coordinator and School leader for over 28 years. The mixed methods study identified and explored the mentoring experiences in the transition from graduate to Early Career Teacher in selected Catholic primary and (...)
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  35. Proprioception of Thinking and Emotional Intelligence are Central to Doing Philosophy with Children.Maria daVenza Tillmanns - 2019
    Philosophy with children often focuses on abstract reasoning skills, but as David Bohm points out the “entire process of mind” consists of our abstract thought as well as our “tacit, concrete process of thought.” Philosophy with children should address the “entire process of mind.” Our tacit, concrete process of thought refers to the process of thought that involves our actions such as the process of thought that goes into riding a bicycle. Bohm contends that we need to develop an awareness (...)
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  36. Listening, phronein and the first principle of happiness.Pablo Muruzábal Lamberti - forthcoming - In Walter Omar Kohan & Barbara Weber (eds.), On Childhood, Thinking and Time: Educating Responsibly.
  37. Emílio, ou Da Educação, considerações sobre o Livro 1.Sandro Rinaldi Feliciano & Mayara Maciel dos Santos - 2021 - In Pedro Amaro Brito & João Rodrigo Brito (eds.), Docência: processo do aprender e ensinar. Pedro & João Editores. pp. 61-76.
    This is a simple work, a Book review, in fact, that try to show Jean Jacques Rousseau ideas on the first book of Emile, or on Education, in their writes “The age of need” period between the birth and the 2 years of their fictional character Emile, -/- Doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.18339.76324 -/- ISBN: 978-65-5869-160-0 [Impresso] 978-65-5869-159-4 [Digital].
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  38. Philosophy with Children and the Proprioception of Thinking.Maria daVenza Tillmanns - 2019 - Blog of the Apa.
    Proprioception is usually used in reference to body movement and the self-perception of body movement. Proprius in Latin means “one’s own,” or “self.” It refers to the physical knowledge acquired, say, in the process of doing a particular activity, such as riding a bicycle, for instance. You can be told how to ride a bicycle, and this may be of some help. But in the end, it’s the physical knowledge and not the mere theoretical knowledge that enables you to ride (...)
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  39. Strengthening dialogic argument: What teachers can learn from authentic examples of student dialogue.Michelle Sowey - 2018 - Journal of Philosophy in Schools 5 (2):54-78.
    This paper is inspired by Philip Cam’s book Twenty Thinking Tools. Cam recommends classroom dialogue as the primary means for students to achieve conscious, strategic, and eventually habitual command of the intellectual moves needed for building and evaluating arguments. Classroom dialogue has indeed been found to be effective for developing students’ higher-order thinking skills, but only when students are engaged in dialogic argument. This paper addresses the dual concerns that dialogue is not widespread in classrooms, and that even where it (...)
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  40. (1 other version)The Socradic Method and Philosophy for Children.John P. Portelli - 1989 - Analytic Teaching and Philosophical Praxis 10 (1).
    In 1963 James A. Jordan Jr. claimed that "It is not difficult nowadays to run into a claim that such and such teaching method follows the principle implicit in the method of Socrates." Jordan's claim refers particularly to supporters of programmed instruction or the use of teaching machines. He argued that the use or application of such materials cannot lead to genuine immitation of Socrates. Today, although the use and application of computers in schools has increased, the claim of following (...)
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  41. Pedagogy and Philosophy for Children.Clive Lindop - 1988 - Analytic Teaching and Philosophical Praxis 9 (2).
    The focus of this paper is more pedagogical than philosophical reflecting my involvement in Teacher Education and Professional Development Programs. Teachers are essentially practical people, having to cope with classes of, usually, twenty or more individuals by keeping them engaged in various learning activities lest they become uncontrollable. So they tend to evaluate curriculum innovations in terms of the number and range of structured practical, "hands-on," learning activities which will more fully engage pupil attention. Consequently they tend to be sceptical, (...)
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  42. (3 other versions)Philosophy For Children.Matthew Lipman - 1980 - Analytic Teaching and Philosophical Praxis 1 (1).
    Word of the inauguration of a newsletter on the program in Analytical Thinking that is based in the School of Education at Texas Wesleyan College is indeed welcome. Knowing the energy and expertise of the two administrators of the program, Dean Joe Mitchell and Professor Ronald Reed, I have no doubt that the newsletter will be a success, and I shall look forward to receiving every issue.
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  43. Philosophy in Schools: Then and Now.Megan J. Laverty - 2014 - Journal of Philosophy in Schools 1 (1):107-130.
    It is twelve years since the article you are about to read was published. During that time, the philosophy in schools movement has expanded and diversified in response to curriculum developments, teaching guides, web-based resources, dissertations, empirical research and theoretical scholarship. Philosophy and philosophy of education journals regularly publish articles and special issues on pre-college philosophy. There are more opportunities for undergraduate and graduate philosophy students to practice and research philosophy for/with children in schools. The Ontario Philosophy Teachers Association reports (...)
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  44. Preparing Teachers to 'Teach' Philosophy for Children.Laurance J. Splitter - 2014 - Journal of Philosophy in Schools 1 (1).
    Like many others, I have resisted the idea that education, in general, is a form of training. We always talk about training for something, while an educated person is not educated for any one thing. But for this very reason, I do not wish to abandon the term ‘teacher training’ in favor of ‘teacher education’, although ideally I would prefer to speak of ‘teacher preparation’ because the term ‘training’ always reminds me of monkeys. I shall use the terms ‘training’ and (...)
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  45. Practicing Philosophy of childhood: Teaching in the evolutionary mode.David Kennedy - 2015 - Journal of Philosophy in Schools 2 (1):4-17.
    This article explores the necessary requirements for effective teacher facilitation of community of philosophical inquiry sessions among children, and suggests that the first and most important prerequisite is the capacity to listen to children, which in turn is based on a critical and reflective interrogation of one’s own philosophy of childhood —the set of beliefs and assumptions about children and childhood which adults tend to project onto real children. It argues that the most effective way to explore these assumptions is (...)
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  46. Philosophy for Children and the 'whole child'.Winifred Wing Han Lamb - 2015 - Journal of Philosophy in Schools 2 (2):71-82.
    The notion of educating the ‘whole child’ invites suspicion because of the value-laden assumptions carried by such a goal. I argue that the intuitive appeal of the notion reflects the meaning of education but that the goal is also implicit in P4C in its respect for wholeness in content, rationale and practices whereby the learner is honoured and engaged. In this paper, I focus on the senior high school curriculum in which the rich resources of philosophy can speak to the (...)
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  47. (1 other version)Socrates in the schools: Gains at three-year follow-up.Frank Fair, Lory E. Haas, Carol Gardoski, Daphne Johnson, Debra Price & Olena Leipnik - 2015 - Journal of Philosophy in Schools 2 (2).
    Three recent research reports by Topping and Trickey, by Fair and colleagues, and by Gorard, Siddiqui and Huat See have produced data that support the conclusion that a Philosophy for Children program of one-hour-per-week structured discussions has a marked positive impact on students. This article presents data from a follow up study done three years after the completion of the study reported in Fair et al.. The data show that the positive gains in scores on the Cognitive Abilities Test were (...)
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  48. Philosophy For Children.Josephine K. R. Zesaguli - 1994 - Thinking: The Journal of Philosophy for Children 12 (1):27-32.
    This paper describes the exploratory study which was carried out in Zimbabwe with an elementary Grade 7 class and with the firstand third- year student teachers, at a Teacher Training College, "doing philosophy", using Lipman's PIXIE and HARRY novels, respectively, and the proposed critical inquiry methodology.Secondly the perceptions of the participants, about their experiences during these exploratory sessions, which were derived from the researcher's self-evaluation and the students' informal evaluations, are presented in the paper.
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  49. Introduction of Philosophy for Children into the Montessori Curriculum.Juliette Christie - 2000 - Thinking: The Journal of Philosophy for Children 15 (1):22-29.
    I suggest that, why and how the Montessori curriculum could be expanded to include “philosophy” alongside — for example — the beautiful “sensorial” area which helps to comprise Montessori’s vision.
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  50. (1 other version)Student Resistance in Philosophy for Children.A. T. Lardner - 1991 - Thinking: The Journal of Philosophy for Children 9 (2):13-15.
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