About this topic
Summary Reasoning is the reasoned change of belief (and related mental states). Reasoning differs, for example, from daydreaming and from spontaneous changes of belief. A central issue in the study of reasoning is to characterize reasoning: Just what is it to reason as opposed to change one's beliefs in some other way? A second issue in the study of reasoning is normative. Some reasoning counts as good reasoning. Other counts as bad reasoning. Which forms of reasoning are good -- that is, are rational, or preserve justification or knowledge? What makes it the case that those kinds of reasoning are good? Reasoning is typically divided into two kinds -- deductive and inductive (or ampliative). In a good deductive inference, the premises of the reasoning logically entail the conclusion. In a good inductive inference, the premises of the reasoning do not entail the conclusion though they do support it. Part of the philosophical study of reasoning involves the study of these kinds of reasoning (and various further sub-kinds).
Key works Reasoning is a highly heterogenous topic. It is recommended that the key works of the sub-categories be consulted.
See also
History/traditions: Reasoning

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  1. (1 other version)Traité de l'argumentation.Chaim Perelman - 1958 - Paris,: Presses universitaires de France. Edited by L. Olbrechts-Tyteca & [From Old Catalog].
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  2. L'ente "Pensiero" nel TLP.Stefano Coelati Rama - manuscript
    This essay aims to delineate a definition of "thought" in accordance with the exposition provided in Ludwig Wittgenstein’s Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus. In the first part, the analysis will focus on Wittgenstein’s response to the question: "What is thought?". Subsequently, a critical examination of this definition will be undertaken, offering a personal reinterpretation and comparison with it. The ultimate goal is to enrich the debate on the topic by integrating Wittgenstein’s perspective with new insights and food for thought.
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  3. Coherence as Joint Satisfiability.Samuel Fullhart & Camilo Martinez - 2024 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 102 (2):312-332.
    According to many philosophers, rationality is, at least in part, a matter of one’s attitudes cohering with one another. Theorists who endorse this idea have devoted much attention to formulating various coherence requirements. Surprisingly, they have said very little about what it takes for a set of attitudes to be coherent in general. We articulate and defend a general account on which a set of attitudes is coherent just in case and because it is logically possible for the attitudes to (...)
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  4. (1 other version)Argumentatietheorie.F. H. van Eemeren - 1978 - Utrecht: Spectrum. Edited by R. Grootendorst & T. Kruiger.
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  5. (1 other version)Intelecto y razón: las coordenadas del pensamiento clásico.Juan Cruz Cruz - 1982 - Pamplona: Ediciones Universidad de Navarra.
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  6. Doxastic Agent's Awareness.Sophie Keeling - forthcoming - European Journal of Philosophy.
    This paper introduces and motivates the claim that we possess doxastic agent’s awareness. I argue that this is a form of agentive awareness concerning our belief states that we enjoy in virtue of deliberating and judging. Namely, we experience these activities as those of making up our mind and keeping it made up regarding our beliefs. Following related work in the philosophy of action, I understand this awareness as a form of conscious experience which can then ground our self-ascriptions. As (...)
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  7. (1 other version)The art of deception: an introduction to critical thinking.Nicholas Capaldi - 1987 - Buffalo, N.Y.: Prometheus Books.
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  8. "Die brennende Vernunft": Studien zur Semantik der "rationalitas" bei Hildegard von Bingen.Fabio Chávez Alvarez - 1991 - Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt: Frommann-Holzboog.
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  9. (2 other versions)Good reasoning matters!: a constructive approach to critical thinking.Leo Groarke - 1997 - New York: Oxford University Press. Edited by Christopher W. Tindale, Linda Fisher & J. Frederick Little.
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  10. Ratio et superstitio: essays in honor of Graziella Federici Vescovini: il presente volume è l'esito di una Ricerca a latere del Programma di Ricerca del Cofin 2001/2003 su 'La relazione corpo-anima, sensi interni-intelletto dal secolo XIV ai post-cartesiani e spinoziani' tra l'Università di Napoli, l'Università di Firenze e l'Università di Perugia.Graziella Federici-Vescovini, Giancarlo Marchetti, Orsola Rignani & Valeria Sorge (eds.) - 2003 - Louvain-la-Neuve: Fédération internationale des instituts d'études médiévales.
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  11. (1 other version)Transforming knowledge.Elizabeth Kamarck Minnich - 2005 - Philadelphia: Temple University Press.
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  12. (2 other versions)Thinking from A to Z.Nigel Warburton - 2000 - New York: Routledge.
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  13. al-Mīzyāʼ al-jīzyāʼ & al-ḥīzyāʼ.Ḥasan ʻAjamī - 2008 - Bayrūt: al-Dār al-ʻArabīyah lil-ʻUlūm Nāshirūn.
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  14. (2 other versions)The philosopher's toolkit: a compendium of philosophical concepts and methods.Julian Baggini - 2010 - Malden, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell. Edited by Peter S. Fosl.
    Basic tools for arguments -- More advanced tools -- Tools for assessment -- Tools for conceptual distinctions -- Tools of historical schools and philosophers -- Tools for radical critique -- Tools at the limit.
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  15. (1 other version)Smart Thinking: skills for critical understanding and writing.Matthew Allen - 2012 - Melbourne, Australia: Oxford University Press.
    A practical, step-by-step guide to improving skills in analysis, critical thinking, and the effective communication of arguments and explanations.
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  16. (2 other versions)Good reasoning matters!: a constructive approach to critical thinking.Leo Groarke - 2012 - Don Mills, Ontario: Oxford University Press. Edited by Christopher W. Tindale & J. Frederick Little.
    Good Reasoning Matters!: A Constructive Approach to Critical Thinking, fifth edition, offers a straightforward and practical introduction to the principles of good reasoning. In addition to examining the most common features of faulty reasoning, the text introduces a variety of argument schemes and rhetorical techniques that will help students solve problems and construct sound arguments. Extensive exercises and examples taken from sources such as social media sites, newspapers, and topical news articles encourage students to consider a wide range of views (...)
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  17. (1 other version)Future logic: categorical and conditional deduction and induction of the natural, temporal, extensional, and logical modalities.Avi Sion - 1990 - Charleston, South Carolina: CreateSpace.
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  18. (1 other version)How to think about weird things: critical thinking for a new age.Theodore Schick - 2013 - New York: McGraw-Hill Companies. Edited by Lewis Vaughn.
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  19. (1 other version)The rise of informal logic: essays on argumentation, critical thinking, reasoning, and politics.Ralph H. Johnson - 2014 - [Windsor, ON]: [University of Windsor]. Edited by J. Anthony Blair, Trudy Govier, Leo Groarke, John Hoaglund & Christopher W. Tindale.
    We are pleased to release this digital edition of Ralph Johnson’s The Rise of Informal Logic as Volume 2 in the series Windsor Studies in Argumentation. This edition is a reprint of the previous Vale Press edition with some minor corrections. We have decided to make this the second volume in the series because it is such a compelling account of the formation of informal logic as a discipline, written by one of the founders of the field. The book includes (...)
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  20. (1 other version)Current issues and enduring questions: a guide to critical thinking and argument, with readings.Sylvan Barnet & Hugo Bedau (eds.) - 2011 - Boston: Bedford/St. Martins.
    PACKAGE THIS TITLE WITH OUR 2016 MLA SUPPLEMENT, Documenting Sources in MLA Style (package ISBN-13: 9781319084387). Get the most recent updates on MLA citation in a convenient, 40-page resource based on The MLA Handbook, 8th Edition, with plenty of models. Browse our catalog or contact your representative for a full listing of updated titles and packages, or to request a custom ISBN. The unique collaborative effort of a professor of English and a professor of philosophy, Current Issues and Enduring Questions (...)
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  21. Rațiune și voință de rațiune.Andrei Marga - 2017 - București: Editura Academiei Române.
    Prefață -- Partea I. Moșteniri -- Partea a II-a. Afilieri -- Partea a III-a. Concepte -- Partea a IV-a. Aplicații -- Despre autor.
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  22. Maḥāfil al-naẓar fī manṭiq al-ḥijāj wa-al-jadal: fuṣūl fī manṭiq al-jadal wa-al-munāqashah wa-al-ḥiwār wa-al-khilāf wa-al-munāẓarah.Muḥammad Shaykh - 2022 - Salṭanat ʻUmān: Wazārat al-Awqāf wa-al-Shʼūn al-Dīnīyah.
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  23. Authenticity in algorithm-aided decision-making.Brett Karlan - 2024 - Synthese 204 (93):1-25.
    I identify an undertheorized problem with decisions we make with the aid of algorithms: the problem of inauthenticity. When we make decisions with the aid of algorithms, we can make ones that go against our commitments and values in a normatively important way. In this paper, I present a framework for algorithm-aided decision-making that can lead to inauthenticity. I then construct a taxonomy of the features of the decision environment that make such outcomes likely, and I discuss three possible solutions (...)
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  24. How to Make Up Your Mind.Joost Ziff - forthcoming - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research.
    This paper develops an account of committed beliefs: beliefs we commit to through reflection and conscious reasoning. To help make sense of committed beliefs, I present a new view of conscious reasoning, one of putting yourself in a position to become phenomenally consciously aware of evidence. By doing this for different pieces of evidence, you begin to make your up mind, making conscious reasoning, as such, a voluntary activity with an involuntary conclusion. The paper then explains how we use conscious (...)
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  25. Reasoning Through Narrative.A. K. Flowerree - 2023 - Episteme 20 (4):912-926.
    A peculiar feature of our species is that we settle what to believe, value, and do by reasoning through narratives. A narrative is adiachronic, information-rich story that contains persons, objects, and at least one event. When we reason through narrative, we usenarrative to settle what to do, to make predictions, to guide normative expectations, and to ground which reactive attitudes we think areappropriate in a situation. Narratives explain, justify, and provide understanding. Narratives play a ubiquitous role in human reasoning. Andyet, (...)
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  26. The consequences of seeing imagination as a dual‐process virtue.Ingrid Malm Lindberg - 2024 - Metaphilosophy 55 (2):162-174.
    Michael T. Stuart (2021 and 2022) has proposed imagination as an intellectual dual‐process virtue, consisting of imagination1 (underwritten by cognitive Type 1 processing) and imagination2 (supported by Type 2 processing). This paper investigates the consequences of taking such an account seriously. It proposes that the dual‐process view of imagination allows us to incorporate recent insights from virtue epistemology, providing a fresh perspective on how imagination can be epistemically reliable. The argument centers on the distinction between General Reliability (GR) and Functional (...)
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  27. (1 other version)The power of critical thinking.Lewis Vaughn - 2023 - [New York: Oxford University Press Canada. Edited by Chris MacDonald.
    Learn to think critically with the leading introduction to reasoning and argumentation. Highlights In clear, reader-friendly language, The Power of Critical Thinking provides an engaging introduction to argumentation, deductive and inductive reasoning, inferencing, and evaluating scientific theories New Critical Thinking and the Media boxes in each chapter apply the principles of critical thinking to the realms of media, advertising, and news New content on "fake news," the COVID-19 pandemic, and other important contemporary topics reflects the changing world in which today's (...)
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  28. Arguments and reason-giving.Matthew W. McKeon - 2024 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    Arguments, understood initially as premise-conclusion complexes of propositions, figure in our practices of giving reasons. Among other uses, we use arguments to advance reasons to explain why we believe or did something, to justify our beliefs or actions, to persuade others to do or to believe something, and (following Pinto 2001b) to advance reasons to worry or to fear that something is true. This book is about our uses of arguments to advance their premises as reasons for believing their conclusions, (...)
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  29. Is the wandering mind a planning mind?Frederik T. Junker & Thor Grünbaum - forthcoming - Mind and Language.
    Recent studies on mind‐wandering reveal its potential role in goal exploration and planning future actions. How to understand these explorative functions and their impact on planning remains unclear. Given certain conceptions of intentions and beliefs, the explorative functions of mind‐wandering could lead to regular reconsideration of one's intentions. However, this would be in tension with the stability of intentions central to rational planning agency. We analyze the potential issue of excessive reconsideration caused by mind‐wandering. Our response resolves this tension, presenting (...)
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  30. Causes of weakness in men's understandings.John Locke - 1923 - [s.l.]: [S.N.]. Edited by Annelise Mostert.
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  31. The concept of duration as key to the logical forms of reason and to their psychological processes.Christian Oliver Weber - 1925 - [Lincoln, Neb.,:
    Nebraska University Studies, V25, No. 2-4.
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  32. Abstract rationality: the ‘logical’ structure of attitudes.Franz Dietrich, Antonios Staras & Robert Sugden - 2024 - Economics and Philosophy 40 (1):12-41.
    We present an abstract model of rationality that focuses on structural properties of attitudes. Rationality requires coherence between your attitudes, such as your beliefs, values, and intentions. We define three 'logical' conditions on attitudes: consistency, completeness, and closedness. They parallel the familiar logical conditions on beliefs, but contrast with standard rationality conditions like preference transitivity. We establish a formal correspondence between our logical conditions and standard rationality conditions. Addressing John Broome's programme 'rationality through reasoning', we formally characterize how you can (...)
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  33. ¿Qué es la tecnología? seguido de Epílogo sobre la tecnociencia.Dominique Raynaud - 2018 - Pamplona: Laetoli.
    “La obra que usted está examinando es el primer estudio de todas las facetas de la tecnología, desde la concepción del artefacto hasta los problemas filosóficos y jurídicos que suscitan el saber y el hacer tecnológicos… Además, Raynaud califica de tóxica para la propia tecnología a la política utilitarista de dar prioridad al ‘desarrollo’ por sobre la investigación básica, ya que todas las innovaciones tecnológicas han utilizado conocimientos básicos… El utilitarismo que pregonan los economistas neoclásicos y los estadistas miopes es (...)
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  34. The Epistemology of Attention.Catharine Saint-Croix - forthcoming - In Kurt Sylvan, Ernest Sosa, Jonathan Dancy & Matthias Steup (eds.), The Blackwell Companion to Epistemology, 3rd edition. Wiley Blackwell.
    Root, branch, and blossom, attention is intertwined with epistemology. It is essential to our capacity to learn and decisive of the evidence we obtain, it influences the intellectual connections we forge and those we remember, and it is the cognitive tool whereby we enact decisions about inquiry. Moreover, because it is both an epistemic practice and a site of agency, attention is a natural locus for questions about epistemic morality. This article surveys the emerging epistemology of attention, reviewing the existing (...)
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  35. Reason's inquisition: on doubtful ground.Christopher A. Colmo - 2023 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    Theory and practice, reason and revelation, ancients and moderns are the key themes running through the eighteen studies of the literature of political philosophy in Reason's Inquisition. Alfarabi is a pivotal figure, but the range is wide, from Plato and Thucydides to Shakespeare and Hobbes, extending to such contemporary figures as Leo Strauss and Eric Voegelin.
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  36. Ist etwas?Karl Dürr - 1918 - Zürich,: Rascher.
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  37. Ghazālī's epistemology.Reza Hadisi - forthcoming - In Kurt Sylvan, Ernest Sosa, Jonathan Dancy & Matthias Steup (eds.), The Blackwell Companion to Epistemology, 3rd edition. Wiley Blackwell.
  38. Kant on Reason as the Capacity for Comprehension.Karl Schafer - 2023 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 101 (4):844-862.
    This essay develops an interpretation of Kant’s conception of the faculty of reason as the capacity for what he calls "comprehension" (Begreifen). In doing so, it first discusses Kant's characterizations of reason in relation to what he describes as the two highest grades of cognition—insight and comprehension. Then it discusses how the resulting conception of reason relates to more familiar characterizations as the faculty for inference and the faculty of principles. In doing so, it focuses on how the idea of (...)
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  39. Rationality is Not Coherence.Nora Heinzelmann - 2022 - Philosophical Quarterly 74 (1):312-332.
    According to a popular account, rationality is a kind of coherence of an agent’s mental states and, more specifically, a matter of fulfilling norms of coherence. For example, in order to be rational, an agent is required to intend to do what they judge they ought to and can do. This norm has been called ‘Enkrasia’. Another norm requires that, ceteris paribus, an agent retain their intention over time. This has been called ‘Persistence of Intention’. This paper argues that thus (...)
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  40. The skeptical import of motivated reasoning: A closer look at the evidence.Maarten van Doorn - 2023 - Thinking and Reasoning 1 (1):1-31.
    Central to many discussions of motivated reasoning is the idea that it runs afoul of epistemic normativity. Reasoning differently about information supporting our prior beliefs versus information contradicting those beliefs, is frequently equated with motivated irrationality. By analyzing the normative status of belief polarization, selective scrutiny, biased assimilation and the myside bias, I show this inference is often not adequately supported. Contrary to what’s often assumed, these phenomena need not indicate motivated irrationality, even though they are instances of belief-consistent information (...)
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  41. Waarom we beter denken dan we denken.Maarten van Doorn - 2023 - Noordboek Uitgeverij.
    Genomineerd voor de Socratesbeker 2024. De mens is irrationeel. Verliefd op zijn eigen gelijk. Doof voor feiten argumenten. Verblind door honderden denkfouten. Een makkelijke prooi voor nepnieuws. Gevangen in filterbubbels. Zo is het heersende idee. Maar klopt het wel? In dit boek verweeft filosoof Maarten van Doorn de jongste inzichten uit de psychologie, communicatiewetenschappen, filosofie en politicologie. Hij neemt ons mee op een reis langs verrassende onderzoeksresultaten en scherpzinnige filosofen en geeft nieuwe antwoorden op dringende vragen: Waarom geloven we wat (...)
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  42. Grammatika razuma.S. N. Trufanov - 2003 - Samara: Gegelʹ-fond.
    Грамматика разума представляет собой новую для нашего времени науку, хотя создана она была еще в первой трети XIX века великим немецким ученым В. Гегелем. В предлагаемой Вашему вниманию книге данная наука впервые излагается в краткой доступной форме.
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  43. Nauchnai︠a︡ rat︠s︡ionalʹnostʹ i filosofskiĭ razum.P. P. Gaĭdenko - 2003 - Moskva: Progress-Tradit︠s︡ii︠a︡.
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  44. Vernünftig.Rainer Berndt (ed.) - 2003 - Würzburg: Echter.
    Anläßlich ihres 75-jährigen Jubiläums hat die Philosophisch-Theologische Hochschule Sankt Georgen in Frankfurt am Main am 19. und 20. Oktober 2001 eine Tagung zu "Vernünftig. Ansätze gegenwärtiger Religionsphilosophie" veranstaltet, deren wissenschaftlicher Ertrag mit diesem Band öffentlich zur Diskussion gestellt wird. In zwei thematischen Einheiten haben zuerst Philosophen und dann Theologen neue Überlegungen aus ihren Forschungsgebieten vorgetragen und aktuelle Fragestellungen referiert, auf die jeweils ein Vertreter der anderen Fakultät mit kritischen Anfragen erwidert hat. Alle Gesprächseinheiten dieser Art bilden den ersten Teil des (...)
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  45. Myslʹ i iskusstvo argumentat︠s︡ii.I. A. Gerasimova (ed.) - 2003 - Moskva: Progress-Tradit︠s︡ii︠a︡.
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  46. (1 other version)The Power of Critical Thinking (6th Canadian Edition) (6th edition).Chris MacDonald & Lewis Vaughn (eds.) - 2023 - [New York: Oxford University Press.
    Learn to think critically with the leading introduction to reasoning and argumentation. Highlights In clear, reader-friendly language, The Power of Critical Thinking provides an engaging introduction to argumentation, deductive and inductive reasoning, inferencing, and evaluating scientific theories New Critical Thinking and the Media boxes in each chapter apply the principles of critical thinking to the realms of media, advertising, and news New content on "fake news," the COVID-19 pandemic, and other important contemporary topics reflects the changing world in which today's (...)
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  47. The value of information and the epistemology of inquiry.Richard Pettigrew - manuscript
    In the recent philosophical literature on inquiry, epistemologists point out that their subject has often begun at the point at which you already have your evidence and then focussed on identifying the beliefs for which that evidence provides justification. But we are not mere passive recipients of evidence. While some comes to us unbidden, we often actively collect it. This has long been recognised, but typically epistemologists have taken the norms that govern inquiry to be practical, not epistemic. The recent (...)
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  48. Sledovanie pravilu: rassuzhdenie, razum, rat︠s︡ionalʹnostʹ = Rule following: reasoning, reason, rationality.E. G. Dragalina-Chernai︠a︡ & V. V. Dolgorukov (eds.) - 2014 - Sankt-Peterburg: Aleteĭi︠a︡.
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  49. Reasoning Simplifying Attitudes.Michele Palmira - 2023 - Episteme 20 (3):722-735.
    Several philosophers maintain that outright belief exists because it plays a reasoning simplifying role (Holton 2008; Ross and Schroeder 2014; Staffel 2019; Weisberg 2020). This claim has been recently contested, on the grounds that credences also can simplify reasoning (Dinges 2021). This paper takes a step back and asks: what features of an attitude explain its alleged ability to simplify reasoning? The paper contrasts two explanations, one in terms of dispositions and the other in terms of representation, arguing in favour (...)
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  50. Reasoning, argumentation, and deliberative democracy.David Moshman - 2021 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    In light of the latest research from cognitive and developmental psychology, this key text explores reasoning, rationality, and democracy, considering the unique nature of each and their relationship to each other. Broadening our understanding from the development of reasoning and rationality in individuals to encompass social considerations of argumentation and democracy, the book connects psychological literature to philosophy, law, political science, and educational policy. Based on psychological research, Moshman sets out a system of deliberative democracy that promotes collaborative reasoning, rational (...)
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