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  1. Emergent Universal Economic Models: The Future of Human Dynamics.James Sirois - 2023 - Philosopherstudio.Wordpress.Com.
    Human civilization is very clearly reaching a point of critical mass when it comes to technology and how it transforms culture and the economics that is therefore driven forward. The conversation around the practical aspects of generative artificial intelligence (Chat GPT, Q Star, Bard, Claude, Genesis, Firefly, and others) and their ethical implications is massively trending. The political conversations around it are slow to catch up but will soon take over once the general public feels their impact, which is likely (...)
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  2. Endogeneity in Climate-Econometric Modeling: Epistemological and Normative Implications.Karadimas Panagiotis - 2024 - Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy 13 (3):275-288.
    Climate-econometric models postulate that increased CO2 levels cause the earth’s average temperature to increase and that the increases in the average temperature will result in huge costs in GDP. However, this causal relation is at odds with datasets that tell a different story: that the causal relationship is inversed and the variable once thought to be the effect may turn out to be the cause and vice versa. Moreover, when the Earth’s temperature is measured, it appears that changes in the (...)
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  3. Preferences.Christoph Fehige & Ulla Wessels (eds.) - 1998 - New York: De Gruyter.
    ISBN 3110150077 (paperback) DEM 58.00 A collection of invited papers on the role of preferences and desires in practical reasoning: including rational decision making, the concept of welfare, and ethics. With a substantial introduction and a bibliographical survey. culture-specific and universal factors.
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  4. Pricing Commodity Derivatives Based on A Factor Model.Tim Xiao - manuscript
    This article presents a new methodology for pricing and hedging commodity derivatives. A generic model calibration is provided. The calibration procedure consists of an offline step where the mean reversion rates, the ratio of the long and short factor volatilities and the correlation between the long and short factors are determined via historical analysis. This offline step is performed relatively infrequently. There’s also an online step of the calibration which happens every time the model is used to price an option (...)
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  5. How (Not) to Justify Induction.Dale Jacquette - 2011 - Kriterion - Journal of Philosophy 1 (24):1-18.
    A conceptual analysis of the problem of induction suggests that the difficulty of justifying probabilistic reasoning depends on a mistaken comparison between deductive and inductive inference. Inductive reasoning is accordingly thought to stand in need of special justification because it does not measure up to the standard of conditional absolute certainty guaranteed by deductive validity. When comparison is made, however, it appears that deductive reasoning is subject to a counterpart argument that is just as threatening to the justification of deductive (...)
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  6. Discounting, Jamieson's trilemma and representing the future.Robin Attfield - 1997 - Kriterion - Journal of Philosophy 1 (12):24-32.
  7. How revealed preference theory can be explanatory.Travis Holmes - 2022 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 91 (C):20-27.
    The question of how to frame agential preferences in economics finds one caught between Scylla and Charybdis. If preferences are framed in as minimal and deflationary a manner as revealed preference theory recommends, the theory falls prey to objections about its predictiveness and explanatory power. Alternatively, if too many cognitive and causal intricacies are incorporated into the preference concept, revealed preference models will violate pragmatic norms of model construction, surrendering model simplicity and generality. This paper charts a middle course, arguing (...)
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  8. Value-free paradise is lost. Economists could learn from artists.Aleksander Ostapiuk - 2020 - Annales. Ethics in Economic Life 23 (4):7-33.
    Despite the conclusions from the contemporary philosophy of science, many economists cherish the ideal of positive science. Therefore, value-free economics is still the central paradigm in economics. The first aim of the paper is to investigate economics' axiomatic assumptions from an epistemological perspective. The critical analysis of the literature shows that the positive-normative dichotomy is exaggerated. Moreover, value-free economics is based on normative foundations that have a negative impact on individuals and society. The paper's second aim is to show that (...)
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  9. Current Shopping Trends In Slovakia.Jana Mitríková, Martina Marchevská, Irina Kozárová, Maksym Bezpartochnyi, Igor Britchenko & Radostin Vazov - 2021 - Young Science 9 (3):1-18.
    Understanding the buying and shopping behaviour of current and potential consumers is essential in formulating a successful marketing strategy. It is no longer sufficient for companies to merely produce goods or provide services; companies must know who their consumers are, why they buy, when, where and at what price they buy, and what benefits they expect to gain from the purchase. Companies also need to identify how far consumers are willing to travel to make their purchases and whether the size (...)
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  10. Selection and application of appropriate analytical methods needed to assess the risks reducing the security of the protected system.Josef Reitšpís, Martin Mašľan & Igor Britchenko - 2021 - Baltic Journal of Economic Studies 7 (3):1 – 8.
    Risk assessment is one of the prerequisites for understanding its causes and possible consequences. We base our risk assessment on the principles described in the European standard EN 31000 - Risk Management Process. This standard comprehensively describes the continuous activities that are necessary in managing risks and minimizing their possible adverse effects on the operation of the system under investigation. In this activity, it is necessary to first identify the existing risks, then analyze and evaluate the identified risks. In the (...)
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  11. Life cycle: formation, structure, management.Sergii Sardak, Igor Britchenko, Radostin Vazov & Oleksandr P. Krupskyi - 2021 - Списание «Икономически Изследвания (Economic Studies)» 30 (6):126-142.
    The article aims to define the management mechanism of complex, open dynamic systems with human participation. The following parts of the system life-cycle were identified and unified in the theoretical scope: general and specific compositional elements of repeating changes, marginal index boundaries, the dynamics of the compositional elements of the lifecycle, the key points of the change in the character of the index dynamics. In the practical scope, two common trends of socio-economical system life-cycle management are considered. The first trend (...)
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  12. Handbook of Risk Theory: Epistemology, Decision Theory, Ethics, and Social Implications of Risk.Sabine Roeser (ed.) - 2012 - Springer Science & Business Media.
    Risk has become one of the main topics in fields as diverse as engineering, medicine and economics, and it is also studied by social scientists, psychologists and legal scholars. But the topic of risk also leads to more fundamental questions such as: What is risk? What can decision theory contribute to the analysis of risk? What does the human perception of risk mean for society? How should we judge whether a risk is morally acceptable or not? Over the last couple (...)
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  13. Theories of well-being and well-being policy: a view from methodology.Roberto Fumagalli - 2021 - Journal of Economic Methodology 28 (1):124-133.
    In the recent well-being literature, various theory-free accounts of well-being have been proposed to ground informative evaluations of policies’ welfare implications without relying on any specifi...
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  14. (1 other version)Integrated reporting in Ukraine: historical aspects and implementation prospects: monograph.Krutova Angelika, Nesterenko Oksana & Borysova Alina - 2020 - Sofia, Bułgaria: VUZF Publishing House “St. Grigorii Bogoslov”.
    The monograph is devoted to the scientific substantiation of theoretical and methodological postulates of the integrated reporting formation and development of practical recommendations for definition and disclosure of the integrated reporting items. Preconditions of the integrated reporting genesis are defined, which include institutional theory development and institutional investors emergence, whose activities are based on the following principles: socially responsible investment; movement of Ukraine to the European Union; increasing the requirements for the disclosure of accounts by stock exchanges; international cooperation in (...)
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  15. Optimization of commodity stocks enterprise by means of HML-FRM clustering.Igor Britchenko & Maksym Bezpartochnyi - 2020 - Financial and Credit Activity: Problems of Theory and Practice 3 (34(2020)):259-269.
    The article examines the process of formation inventory of the enterprise and determines the optimal volume of commodity resources for sale. A generalization of author’s approaches to the formation and evaluation of inventories of the enterprise is carried out. The marketing-logistic approach was applied for the purpose of distribution groups of commodity resources due to the risk of non-fulfillment the order for the supply of goods of the enterprise. In order to ensure an effective process of commodity provision of the (...)
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  16. Hacia una visión completa del hombre en la economía de libre mercado.Pablo Cristóbal Jiménez Lobeira - manuscript
    En el mundo actual se muestra preocupación por los grandes problemas que enfrentan los sistemas económicos. El libre mercado ha demostrado ser eficiente pero no completamente exitoso en satisfacer verdaderamente al hombre en bienestar y bienser. Se presentan argumentos en favor de la economía de mercado en relación con la colectivista, pero se llega a afirmar que la concepción del hombre dentro de la primera tiene que completarse: verlo en sus facetas individual, social, material y espiritual. Por último, se propone (...)
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  17. Human now versus human over time. When instrumental rationality and utility are not enough.Aleksander Ostapiuk - 2019 - Panoeconomicus 5 (66):633-657.
    The goal of this article is to show that instrumental rationality and utility that have been used in economics for many years does not work well. What is presented in the article is how significant the influence of utilitarianism has been on economics and why the economists get rid of humans’ goals and motivations. It is shown in the article that the human who decides in present is absolutely different from the human who decides over time. Many economists neglected this (...)
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  18. (1 other version)Preference utilitarianism by way of preference change?Wlodek Rabinowicz - 2008 - In Till Grune (ed.), Preference Change: Approaches from Philosophy, Economics and Psychology. pp. 185-206.
    This paper revisits Richard Hare's classical and much discussed argument for preference utilitarianism, which relies on the conception of moral deliberation as a process of thought experimentation, with concomitant preference change. The paper focuses on an apparent gap in Hare's reasoning, the so-called No-Conflict Problem. A solution to this difficulty which was proposed in is re-examined and shown to lead to a number of difficulties. The paper therefore also considers an alternative idea, due to Daniel Elstein. This new proposal may (...)
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  19. The bases of functioning and development of innovative infrastructure of Ukraine/I. Britchenko, A. Kniazevych//Списание «Икономически изследвания (Economic Studies)». – Институт за икономически изследвания при БАН, София (България). – № 4. – 2015. – P. 43-66. ISSN 02053292.Igor Britchenko & Anna Kniazevych - 2015 - Списание «Икономически Изследвания (Economic Studies)» 4:43-66.
    The preconditions and features of the formation of post-industrial society are defined in the article. The distinctive role of active innovation infrastructure of the country in integrating into the European community and society based on knowledge are proved. The characteristic features of the economy of post-industrial society are the increasing role of intangible resources in ensuring social reproduction, “softization” and “servization” the subjects of innovation infrastructure. The essence of economic category “innovation infrastructure“ is defined in the article. It is a (...)
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  20. When good news leads to bad choices.Margaret A. McDevitt, Roger M. Dunn, Marcia L. Spetch & Elliot Andrew Ludvig - 2016 - Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior 105 (1).
    Pigeons and other animals sometimes deviate from optimal choice behavior when given informative signals for delayed outcomes. For example, when pigeons are given a choice between an alternative that always leads to food after a delay and an alternative that leads to food only half of the time after a delay, preference changes dramatically depending on whether the stimuli during the delays are correlated with the outcomes or not. With signaled outcomes, pigeons show a much greater preference for the suboptimal (...)
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  21. Das Recht auf unsinnige Entscheidungen: Kant gegen die neuen Paternalismen.Daniela Tafani - 2017 - Zeitschrift Für Rechtsphilosophie Neue Folge 1 (1):40-73.
    In recent decades, behavioral sciences have introduced into economic theories of choice the image of weak willed individuals with limited rationality, whose decisions are affected by systematic errors. From here, theorists of libertarian paternalism originate the thesis of the possibility of State interventions that promote citizens’ welfare by conditioning their choices while, at the same time, safeguarding their freedom. The Author asserts that such a public promotion of individual welfare is equivalent to the transformation of the welfare State into a (...)
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  22. Différence sexuelle, différence idéologique : Lectures à contretemps (Derrida lisant Marx et Althusser, dans les années 1970 et au-delà).Thomas Clément Mercier - 2020 - Décalages 2 (3):1-51.
    Cet essai présente une description de plusieurs travaux inédits de Jacques Derrida au sujet de Marx et d'Althusser datant des années 1960 et 1970. Au-delà du travail philologique, il s'agit aussi d'une étude théorique de notions telles que 'idéologie', 'fétichisme', 'reproduction', 'division du travail', 'différence sexuelle', 'domination', 'économie politique', 'matérialisme dialectique', ou 'production culturelle' — tout autant à travers les textes marxistes que dans les lectures déconstructives qu'en propose alors Derrida. Durant les années 1970, dans le cadre de son séminaire, (...)
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  23. Rational Behaviour and Bargaining Equilibrium in Games and Social Situations.D. E. B. Pollard - 1982 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 29:354-355.
  24. The improvement of the bank infrastructure of Ukraine.Paweł Maciaszczyk, Viktoria Stoika & Igor Britchenko - 2017 - Proceeding of the International Conference on Marketing, Management, Trade, Financial and Social Aspects of Business (MTS 2017) 217:6.
    The article is devoted to the prospects of creation and functioning of cooperative banks and development banks in Ukraine. The article deals with the peculiarities of cooperative banks and development banks. Sci-entists analyzed the views on the activities of banks and their impact on economic development. The article deals with the peculiarities of development and operation of the cooperative banks of developed countries: Germany and Poland. A three-tier model of national cooperative bank system has been suggested. The influences of developments (...)
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  25. Harmonization of accounting for public sector entities in accordance with the leading international standards: a comparison of Italy and Ukraine.Mariya Lalakulych, Igor Britchenko & Tetyana Hushtan - 2018 - Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research. – Atlantis Press: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Social, Economic and Academic Leadership (ICSEAL 2018) 217:169-176.
    In recent years, there have been many reforms in the field of accounting. In the same time, scientists focus on the leading methods of accounting, financial management and economic opportunities for the additional use of accounting tools to introduce reforms in the field of the accounting of public sector entities. The main goal of this paper is to reveal the leading features of the accounting system of public sector entities and to study the aspects of a new accounting system, which (...)
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  26. Adaptation of domestic state governance to international governance models.Yulya Danshina & Igor Britchenko - 2018 - Baltic Journal of Economic Studies 3 (5):116 - 125.
    The purpose of the article is to provide the evolving international trends of modern management models and authorial vision of model of state governance system in Ukraine, its subsystems, in particular, the system of provision of administrative services that is appropriate for the contemporary times. Methodology. On the basis of scientific and theoretical approaches to the definitions of terms “state governance” and “public governance”, there was an explanation of considerable difference between them and, taking into consideration, the mentality of Ukrainian (...)
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  27. Net structure of subject-to-subject relations in the management of the system of administrative services provision.Yulya Danshina & Igor Britchenko - 2018 - Baltic Journal of Economic Studies 3 (5):108 - 116.
    The purpose of the work is to form the net structure of management of the system of administrative services provision on the basis of implementation of subject-to-subject interactions between state sector and civil society. Methodology. The methodology basis for the investigation is the abstract-logical analysis of theoretical and methodological backgrounds for management of relations and interactions. For the theoretical generalization and formation of net structure, there are used scientific recommendations of Ukrainian scientists regarding the necessity to implement subject-to-subject relations in (...)
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  28. State regulation of the national currency exchange rate by gold and foreign currency reserve management.Igor Britchenko & Vlasenko Evhenii - 2018 - Wydawnictwo Państwowej Wyższej Szkoły Zawodowej im. prof. Stanisława Tarnowskiego w Tarnobrzegu.
    Status of the national currency of Ukraine exchange rate has been characterized as unstable in recent years. Herewith, the Government has not implemented decisive measures on its stabilization, as a rule, underestimating the importance of the Hryvnia exchange rate stability for the successful economic growth in terms of socio-economic transformations. It should also be noted that in modern conditions among scientific and methodical approaches to the State exchange rate formation mechanisms some uncertainty regarding basic and additional tools for such regulatory (...)
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  29. SME bonds in European countries as a new approach to financing.Yevheniia Polishchuk, Igor Britchenko, M. Dyba & O. Svyrydenko - 2018 - In Igor Britchenko & Ye Polishchuk (eds.), Development of small and medium enterprises: the EU and East-partnership countries experience: monograph. Wydawnictwo Państwowej Wyższej Szkoły Zawodowej im. prof. Stanisława Tarnowskiego w Tarnobrzegu. pp. 8 - 22.
    Nowadays a lot of new financial instruments for SMEs innovation projects are getting more popular in the business environment. A great number of them are traditional like credit loans at the same time we can observe the appearance of innovative ones. Variable set of financial instruments generalized on fig.1. This classification is giving by Organiztion of Economic Cooperation and Development ( OECD). As we can see from the fig.1 the classification is based on risk approach. For further research it is (...)
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  30. Electronic governance technologies in the system of providing administrative services.Igor Britchenko & Yulia Danshina - 2018 - In Igor Britchenko & Ye Polishchuk (eds.), Development of small and medium enterprises: the EU and East-partnership countries experience: monograph. Wydawnictwo Państwowej Wyższej Szkoły Zawodowej im. prof. Stanisława Tarnowskiego w Tarnobrzegu. pp. 281 - 295.
    The practice of using the term “electronic governance” does not differentiate the concepts of the subject of management, that is, the three branches of government, with forms, processes and technologies of governance, which is not correct, since the use of information technology in state activities is not a top priority. On the other hand, electronic governance technologies cannot be considered separately from the automated governance processes as well as electronic governance technologies are not a supplement or an analogue of the (...)
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  31. Cluster approach in innovation and investment entrepreneurial activity in free economic zones promoting.Igor Britchenko & Peter Jarosz - 2018 - In Igor Britchenko & Ye Polishchuk (eds.), Development of small and medium enterprises: the EU and East-partnership countries experience: monograph. Wydawnictwo Państwowej Wyższej Szkoły Zawodowej im. prof. Stanisława Tarnowskiego w Tarnobrzegu. pp. 117 - 129.
    In markets globalization and increasing competition context, governments of the world’s leading countries are forced to use complex organizational and economic instruments to support the countries’ economy. One of such instruments is creation of Free Economic Zones (FEZ) with favorable conditions for doing business. Over the last decade activation process of Free Economic Zones mechanism disposal for the economy of a particular country development has been possible to observe. If in 1995 there were approximately 500 zones in the world, now (...)
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  32. Blockchain technology into the logistics supply chain implementation effectiveness.Igor Britchenko, Tetiana Cherniavska & Bogdan Cherniavskyi - 2018 - In Igor Britchenko & Ye Polishchuk (eds.), Development of small and medium enterprises: the EU and East-partnership countries experience: monograph. Wydawnictwo Państwowej Wyższej Szkoły Zawodowej im. prof. Stanisława Tarnowskiego w Tarnobrzegu. pp. 307 - 318.
    Technologies currently have a tremendous impact on all spheres of economy, business and a state. They integrally change people’s conception of trade, property, and market entities interaction. Artificial intelligence, additive, informationommunication, green technologies, biotechnologies, and blockchain technologies development and implementation confirm their leadership importance and inevitability in relation to the activities traditional approaches. In the modern world only the companies with flexible vision, equipment and technologies able to instantly reform, adapt to new conditions and challenges, will benefit. The point at (...)
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  33. Development of small and medium enterprises: the EU and East-partnership countries experience: monograph.Igor Britchenko & Ye Polishchuk (eds.) - 2018 - Wydawnictwo Państwowej Wyższej Szkoły Zawodowej im. prof. Stanisława Tarnowskiego w Tarnobrzegu.
    The monograph reveals challenging issues of small and medium enterprises development in the European Union and East-Partnership countries. Special attention is paid to a new paradigm of financing investments and fostering innovations at all levels of legal entities including SMEs, enhancing innovative entrepreneurship in conditions of global social and technological challenges as well as determining priority sectors for small and medium enterprises as drivers of economic growth. The authors of the monograph emphasize on such European approaches to financing SMEs as (...)
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  34. Global security and economic asymmetry: a comparison of developed and developing countries.Aida Guliyeva, Igor Britchenko & Ulviyya Rzayeva - 2018 - Journal of Security and Sustainability Issues 7 (4):707-719.
    This paper tackles the asymmetry of economic interests and geopolitics between developed and developing countries. Currently, the geopolitics presupposes that the majority of novel technologies are devised and designed in developed countries with their subsequent transfer to the developing countries. Moreover, in the context of the global crisis, the issue of de-dollarization is relevant from the political and economic points of view. Our specific focus is on the small oil countries and the issue how to get off the oil needle (...)
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  35. Leading innovations and investments into the new energy technologies.Anetta Zielińska, Igor Britchenko & Piotr Jarosz - 2018 - Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research. – Atlantis Press: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Social, Economic and Academic Leadership (ICSEAL 2018) 217:320-324.
    This paper focuses on the novel and leading innovations and investments into the new energy technologies. Energy issues, including sustainability, energy security and energy dependency are probably one of the most crucial and critical issues that humanity must face at the moment. Recent global challenges, such as climate change and the rise of the “green” energy (represented by the increasing deployment of the renewable energy sources (RES)), as well as distributed energy generation and platform energy markets (e.g. peer-to-peer (P2P) markets (...)
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  36. Transformation of entrepreneurial leadership in the 21st century: prospects for the future.Igor Britchenko, Sergyi Smerichevskyi & Igor Kryvovyazyuk - 2018 - Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research. – Atlantis Press: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Social, Economic and Academic Leadership (ICSEAL 2018) 217:115-121.
    The 21st century imposed many challenges on mankind, among them there is a very important problem of entrepreneurial leadership transformation. Entrepreneurship gradual modification under the pressure of factors of innovation, informatization of the environment and the need for socialization of the relations between businessmen and society has led to the need of new understanding of leadership positions. The purpose of this scientific research is to substantiate the style of entrepreneurial leadership, which will become dominant in the 21st century. Analyzing and (...)
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  37. European smart specialization for Ukrainian regional development: path from creation to implementation.Yevheniia Polishchuk, Alla Ivashchenko, Igor Britchenko, Pavel Machashchik & Serhiy Shkarlet - 2019 - Problems and Perspectives in Management 17 (2):376-391.
    The focus of the research is to develop recommendations of smart specialization (SS) for Ukrainian policymakers using European approaches. The authors revealed that the main SS projects are presented in such sectors as agri-food, industrial modernization and energy. More than 12 EU countries were the plot for conducted analysis of SS, as a result of which the level of activity of each country was determined. The creation of consortiums, including SMEs, associations, universities and other participants, disclosed the successful way of (...)
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  38. Consulting Services in Agriculture.Nadiia Serskykh & Igor Britchenko - unknown
    At the paper the dynamics of the development of the services market in Ukraine and its structure are analized. The influence of global economic processes on the services market has been studied. The concepts of "services" and "outsourcing" are characterized. Attention is paid to the development of services in the field of informatization and consulting. The main functions of information and consulting services in agriculture are defined. The purpose of the paper is to study and analyze the current state of (...)
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  39. Assessment of the determinants of the financial security of railways in Ukraine.Igor Britchenko, N. I. Bohomolova, S. S. Pinchuk & O. O. Kravchenko - 2018 - Financial and Credit Activity: Problems of Theory and Practice 4 (27):270-282.
    The paper is devoted to the study of determinants determined the level of financial security of economic systems. It is shown that the financial security of an economic system implies the achievement of a level of financial stability that will contribute to simultaneously maintaining financial equilibrium and ensuring targeted growth in line with the development strategy. The level of financial security of rail transport in Ukraine was analyzed and it was determined that the decline in its security was the result (...)
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  40. Organizational-economic mechanism of management innovative development of economic entities: collective monograph.Maksym Bezpartochnyi (ed.) - 2019 - Wyższa Szkoła Społeczno Gospodarcza w Przeworsku.
    The authors of the book have come to the conclusion that it is necessary to effectively use modern approaches the management of innovative development the economic entities in order to increase the efficiency of activity, to ensure competitiveness, to intensify innovation activity. Basic research focuses on assessing the innovation processes, the fourth generation of new industrial revolution, diagnosis of sources of innovation financing, assessment of social innovations. The research results have been implemented in the different models of development innovation management, (...)
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  41. Why economists do not convince folks?Tommaso Ostillio - 2019 - The Digital Scholar: Philosopher's Lab 2 (4):168-174.
    This paper argues that economics is epistemologically limited in at least two main ways: first, economics fails at managing uncertainty as effectively as natural sciences do; second, economics assumes that rational patterns of utility maximization are real just to ensure deduction within economic models. Hence, this paper maintains that the high level of abstraction from reality of economics limits its explanations of its constantly changing ontology, i.e. markets. In particular, this paper shows that the epistemological limitations of economics become evident (...)
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  42. The World Without Money: Economic and Socio-Cultural Transformations of the Value Equivalent.Alex V. Halapsis - 2018 - Scientific Knowledge: Methodology and Technology 40 (1):126-135.
    The notion of “worth” and “value” throughout human history was only partly dependent on economic reasons. Arrangements about what is considered an equivalent value/measure of wealth are the result of complex interdependencies of economic, social and cultural factors. For thousands of years people have used precious metals as universal equivalent and main measure of wealth; full-value metal money was, in fact, only reinforced by the authority of state (ruler) evidence of presence certain amount of precious metal. The rejection of valuable (...)
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  43. Modelling Multilateral Negotiation in Linear Logic.Daniele Porello & Ulle Endriss - 2010 - In Daniele Porello & Ulle Endriss (eds.), {ECAI} 2010 - 19th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Lisbon, Portugal, August 16-20, 2010, Proceedings. pp. 381--386.
    We show how to embed a framework for multilateral negotiation, in which a group of agents implement a sequence of deals concerning the exchange of a number of resources, into linear logic. In this model, multisets of goods, allocations of resources, preferences of agents, and deals are all modelled as formulas of linear logic. Whether or not a proposed deal is rational, given the preferences of the agents concerned, reduces to a question of provability, as does the question of whether (...)
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  44. Modelling Combinatorial Auctions in Linear Logic.Daniele Porello & Ulle Endriss - 2010 - In Daniele Porello & Ulle Endriss (eds.), Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning: Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference, {KR} 2010, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, May 9-13, 2010.
    We show that linear logic can serve as an expressive framework in which to model a rich variety of combinatorial auction mechanisms. Due to its resource-sensitive nature, linear logic can easily represent bids in combinatorial auctions in which goods may be sold in multiple units, and we show how it naturally generalises several bidding languages familiar from the literature. Moreover, the winner determination problem, i.e., the problem of computing an allocation of goods to bidders producing a certain amount of revenue (...)
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  45. (3 other versions)The tragedy of the commons as a voting game.Luc Bovens - 2015 - In Martin Peterson (ed.), The Prisoner’s Dilemma. Classic philosophical arguments. Cambridge University Press. pp. 156-176.
    The Tragedy of the Commons is often associated with an n-person Prisoner’s Dilemma. But it can also have the structure of an n-person Game of Chicken, an Assurance Game, or of a Voting Games (or a Three-in-a-Boat Game). I present three historical stories that document tragedies of the commons, as presented in Aristotle, Mahanarayan and Hume and argue that the descriptions of these historical cases align better with Voting Games than with any other games.
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  46. La herencia newtoniana en la economía política del siglo XVIII.Sergio Volodia Marcello Cremaschi - 1998 - In Alberto Elena, Javier Ordóñez & Mariano Colubi (eds.), Después de Newton: ciencia y sociedad durante la Primera Revolución Industrial. Anthropos. pp. 77-101.
    The chapter reconstructs the developments of a basic idea, namely the physical-moral analogy, in the works of the Scottish Enlighteners. The opposition of a 'Newtonian' to a 'Cartesian' approach yields the program of an 'experimental' moral science. This program, in turn, was never implemented but yielded nonetheless an unintended result the shaping of political economy as an empirical science, distinguished to a point from moral philosophy and theology.
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  47. Risk and Rationality, by Buchak, Lara: Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013, pp. xii + 256, £40. [REVIEW]John Collins - 2015 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 93 (4):825-828.
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  48. Arrovian Aggregation of Generalised Expected-Utility Preferences: (Im)possibility Results by Means of Model Theory.Frederik Herzberg - 2018 - Studia Logica 106 (5):947-967.
    Cerreia-Vioglio et al. :341–375, 2011) have proposed a very general axiomatisation of preferences in the presence of ambiguity, viz. Monotonic Bernoullian Archimedean preference orderings. This paper investigates the problem of Arrovian aggregation of such preferences—and proves dictatorial impossibility results for both finite and infinite populations. Applications for the special case of aggregating expected-utility preferences are given. A novel proof methodology for special aggregation problems, based on model theory, is employed.
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  49. A vontade geral e o sistema autogestionário: necessidade, possibilidade e desafios.Luiz Carlos Mariano da Rosa - 2017 - Revista Opinião Filosófica 8 (1):476-509.
    Consistindo em um processo ético-jurídico de deliberação coletiva, o que se impõe à manifestação da Vontade Geral como um fenômeno histórico-cultural é a condição de imanência que a caracteriza em um movimento dinâmico-dialético que demanda uma formação econômico-social que possibilite a emergência de valores e práticas, condutas e comportamentos, necessidades e objetivos que, tendo como fundamento o interesse comum, se lhe correspondam, convergindo para uma forma de autodeterminação que guarda possibilidade de promover a superação da alienação das capacidades humanas no (...)
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  50. (1 other version)Theory of Games and Economic Behavior. John von Neumann, Oskar Morgenstern.David Hawkins - 1945 - Philosophy of Science 12 (3):221-227.
    The literature of economic theory, like that of philosophy, abounds in prefaces and prolegomena. Methodology and analysis of concepts take an important place in a science which has not found the sure path of development. But there is no sure path for methodology either. The selfconscious methodology of social science has been largely a borrowing from that of physical science, where procedures have developed to a stage of considerable maturity. But the analogy falls down where guidance is most needed, at (...)
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