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  1. Being and Predication: Thomistic Interpretations.Ralph M. McInerny (ed.) - 1986 - Catholic University of America Press.
    Brings together articles that influenced the scholarly work of Ralph McInerny.
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  2. The esse of the Eucharist.David Francis Sherwood - unknown
    This paper investigates the act of existence (esse) of the Eucharist according to the theology of Saint Thomas Aquinas and presuming the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist as defined by the Ecumenical Council of Trent. The paper proceeds by presenting the question on the existence of Christ in the Disputed Question on the Union of the Incarnate Word and the tertia pars of the Summa Theologiae before presenting a short synthesis showing that Christ exists by the Divine esse (...)
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  3. Faith in the Gospel of John: Πίστ- Roots and Theological Exegesis.David Francis Sherwood - forthcoming - Homiletic and Pastoral Review.
    Theological exegesis on St. John the Evangelist's use of "faith" in the Gospel of John in order to clarify the noetic content of the Faith, though St. John's use of the term is inclusive of the notion of faith as personal trust in God.
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  4. Aristotelianism in Eucharistic Theology: Father Thomas Reese and Transubstantiation.David Francis Sherwood - 2023 - Homiletic and Pastoral Review.
    This article is a defense and explication of Aristotelian substance-accident terminology used in the Catholic dogma of transubstantiation following upon Fr. Thomas Reese's denigration of orthodox terminology and theology. It was reworked from a paper entitled “They Must Fall into Being: The Son’s Power as Quasi-Subject of the Accidents of Bread and Wine in the Sacrament of the Eucharist” which I delivered on Feb. 4, 2023, at The Holiness of God and the Mystery of the Eucharist conference at Ave Maria (...)
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  5. Theological Systematization and the Order Between the Literal and Allegorical Senses of Scripture.David Francis Sherwood - 2023 - The Aquinas Review of Thomas Aquinas College 26 (2):151-77.
    This paper demonstrates the inadequacy of the literalist and the allegorist approaches to Sacred Scripture, when isolated from each other, through the lenses of the Antiochian and Alexandrian Schools during the Patristic Era. Then, it turns to the perfection of the literal and allegorical approaches when brought together in proper order in the hands of the Saint Thomas Aquinas.
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  6. Why Are Accidents Included under Being per se?Elliot Polsky - forthcoming - Nova et Vetera.
    In In V Metaphysics, lec. 9, Aquinas distinguishes between “being by accident” (ens per accidens) and “being by itself” (ens per se) and includes the nine accidental categories under the latter. But isn’t substance a being per se while accidents are, by definition, accidental beings? Several authors—including Ralph McInerny, Paul Symington, and Greg Doolan—have offered explanations of this strange classification. Drawing on an overlooked parallel text in the Posterior Analytics commentary and on Aquinas’s critique of Avicenna’s understanding of accidental denominatives, (...)
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  7. (1 other version)Aquinas' Five Ways.Timothy J. Pawl - 2011-09-16 - In Michael Bruce & Steven Barbone (eds.), Just the Arguments. Wiley‐Blackwell. pp. 7–17.
    This chapter contains sections titled: The First Way – The Argument from Motion The Second Way – The Argument from Causation The Third Way – The Argument from Possibility and Necessity The Fourth Way – The Argument from Gradation The Fifth Way – The Argument from the Governance.
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  8. Truth, Scholastic Transcendentals, and the Implications of Ideal-Realism.Marco Stango - 2022 - Filosofia 67:201-224.
    The paper explores the possibility of philosophical cooperation between Thomism and American pragmatism by resurrecting a largely forgotten debate between Wilmon Henry Sheldon and Jacques Maritain. The discussion focuses primarily on the problem of truth as it is discussed by Peirce and by some contemporary Thomists, including Maritain but also Milbank, Pickstock, Lonergan, Balthasar, Pieper, and Ulrich. The paper claims that, if we bring Peirce’s version of pragmatism into the picture, cooperation is not possible but likely to be fruitful for (...)
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  9. St. Thomas Aquinas's Concept of a Person.Christopher Hauser - 2022 - NTU Philosophical Review 64:191-230.
    This article develops an argument in defense of the claim that Aquinas holds that there are some kinds of activities which can be performed only by persons. In particular, it is argued that Aquinas holds that only persons can engage in the activities proper to a rational nature, e.g., the activities of intellect and will. Next, the article turns to discuss two implications of this thesis concerning Aquinas’s concept of a person. First, the thesis can be used to resolve a (...)
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  10. La preuve aristotélicienne de l’éternité de l’Univers est-elle scientifique ou dialectique ?Guy-François Delaporte - forthcoming - Grand Portail Thomas D'Aquin.
    The object of our reflection is to examine whether Aristotle's proof of the eternity of the Universe has a scientific character or only a dialectical one, as Thomas Aquinas claims. On this response depends faith in Creation. -/- L’objet de notre réflexion est d’examiner si la preuve de l’éternité de l’Univers avancée par Aristote a un caractère scientifique ou bien seulement dialectique, comme le prétend Thomas d’Aquin. De cette réponse dépend la foi en la Création.
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  11. The Sense of Mystery: Clarity and Obscurity in the Intellectual Life.Réginald Garrigou-Lagrange - 2017 - Steubenville, Ohio: Emmaus Academic.
    Next to his major works in fundamental theology (De Revelatione) and in philosophical theology (God: His Existence and Nature), this arguably is Garrigou-Lagrange's most important theological contribution at the intersection of fundamental and dogmatic theology. Though considerably shorter, this book displays in focus and in substance a striking similarity to Matthias Josef Scheeben's classic The Mysteries of Christianity. The Sense of Mystery considers the reality of the divine mystery, the way it informs the fundamental relationship between nature and grace, and, (...)
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  12. Being and Predication.Ralph McInerny - 1986 - In Ralph M. McInerny (ed.), Being and Predication: Thomistic Interpretations. Catholic University of America Press. pp. 173–228.
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  13. Praeambula Fidei: Thomism and the God of the Philosophers.Ralph McInerny - 2006 - The Catholic University of America Press.
    In this book, renowned philosopher Ralph McInerny sets out to review what Thomas meant by the phrase and to defend a robust understanding of Thomas's teaching on the subject.
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  14. Grounding, infinite regress, and the thomistic cosmological argument.Thomas Oberle - 2022 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 92 (3):147-166.
    A prominent Thomistic cosmological argument maintains that an infinite regress of causes, which exhibits a certain pattern of ontological dependence among its members, would be vicious and so must terminate in a first member. Interestingly, Jonathan Schaffer offers a similar argument in the contemporary grounding literature for the view called metaphysical foundationalism. I consider the striking similarities between both arguments and conclude that both are unsuccessful for the same reason. I argue this negative result gives us indirect reason to consider (...)
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  15. Proclaiming the Divine Logos to the Man of the Future.David Torrijos Castrillejo - 2021 - Studies of Theological Sciences 16:137–154.
    This paper studies the cooperation of theology in the new evangelization in societies of ancient Christian tradition which are suffering an advanced process of secularization. It begins with Spain, where a recent debate on the influence of Christian intellectuals on social life suggests the ineffectiveness of ecclesiastical resources in transmitting the rich Catholic doctrinal heritage. Then the author deals with the idiosyncrasy of contemporary man, which lies near the one of the immediate future’s man: an uprooted subject who does not (...)
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  16. Aquinas on the Intension and Remission of Accidental Forms.Gloria Frost - 2019 - Oxford Studies in Medieval Philosophy 7 (1).
    The metaphysics underlying differences in degree of qualitative intensity was widely debated in the medieval period. Medieval Aristotelians agreed that subjects possess qualities in virtue of inherent accidental forms. Yet, there was considerable disagreement about what happens at the level of form when a quality increases or decreases in its intensity. For instance, what happens when a pot of water on the stove gets hotter? Is the water’s previous form of heat replaced by a new one, or does the same (...)
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  17. Beyond Dordt and De Auxiliis The Dynamics of Protestant and Catholic Soteriology in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries.Jordan J. Ballor, Matthew T. Gaetano & David S. Sytsma (eds.) - 2019 - Leiden, Netherlands: Brill.
    Beyond Dordt and ‘De Auxiliis’ explores post-Reformation inter-confessional theological exchange on soteriological topics including predestination, grace, and free choice. These doctrines remained controversial within confessional traditions after the Reformation, as Dominicans and Jesuits and later Calvinists and Arminians argued about these critical issues in the Augustinian theological heritage. Some of those involved in condemning Arminianism at the Synod of Dordt (1618-1619) were inspired by Dominican followers of Thomas Aquinas in Spain who had recently opposed the vigorous defense of free choice (...)
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  18. La grazia negli scritti di Carlo Colombo.Francesco Bertoldi - 1992 - Humanitas 4:568-80.
    [ita] L'articolo analizza la concezione della grazia nel pensiero del teologo milanese Carlo Colombo. Egli affronta tale tema con la consueta tendenza alla sintesi e alla moderazione, confrontando soprattutto le tesi di Tommaso d'Aquino e del Molina e adottando una soluzione che salvi al tempo stesso la giustizia di Dio e il suo essere Mistero ineffabile. -/- [eng] The article analyzes the conception of grace in the thought of the Milanese theologian Carlo Colombo. He deals with this theme with the (...)
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  19. A Contribution to the Gadamer-Lonergan Discussion.Michael Baur - 1990 - Method 8 (1):14-23.
    By way of engagement with the thought of Plato, Aristotle, Aquinas, Heidegger, Lonergan, and neo-Thomism more broadly, Michael Baur and Gadamer discuss historicity, the Enlightenment and scientism, the epistemic implications of hylomorphism, and the nature of human finitude and death.
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  1. John of St. Thomas (Poinsot) on the Science of Sacred Theology.Victor Salas - 2024 - Studia Poinsotiana.
    Contents I Introduction II Subalternation and Theology III Theology and Dogmatic Declarations IV The Mixed Principles of Theology V Virtual Revelation: The Unity of Theology VI Theology as a Natural Science VII Theology’s Certitude VIII Conclusion Notes Bibliography All the contents are fully attributable to the author, Doctor Victor Salas. Should you wish to get this text republished, get in touch with the author or the editorial committee of the Studia Poinsotiana. Insofar as possible, we will be happy to broker (...)
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  2. Bridging the Gaps between Reason and Reason, Reason and Object.Levine Andro Lao - 2012 - In Alfredo P. Co & Paolo A. Bolaños (eds.), ACTA: PROCEEDINGS OF THE QUADRICENTENNIAL INTERNATIONAL PHILOSOPHY CONGRESS (THOMISM AND ASIAN CULTURES: Celebrating 400 Years of Dialogue Across Civilizations). University of Santo Tomas Publishing House. pp. 194-200.
Existential Thomism
  1. Bernard Lonergan and a Nouvelle théologie for Artificial Intelligence.Steven Umbrello - forthcoming - The Lonergan Review.
    This paper explores the intersection of Bernard Lonergan’s philosophy of intentional human consciousness and the evolving discourse on artificial intelligence (AI). By understanding the distinctions between human cognition and AI capabilities, we can develop a Nouvelle théologie that addresses the ethical and theological dimensions of AI’s integration into society. This approach not only highlights the unique human capacities for self-reflection and moral reasoning but also guides the deliberate and responsible design of AI to promote human flourishing and the common good. (...)
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  2. The Modern Semantic Principles Behind Gilson’s Existential Interpretation of Aquinas (Part 2).Elliot Polsky - forthcoming - Studia Gilsoniana.
    Part one of this two-part paper looked at the modern semantic developments underlying Gilson’s innovative and highly influential semantic theory in Being and Some Philosophers (BSP)—the existential neutrality of the copula, the distinction between predication and some positing or “thetic” function of judgment, and the distinction between predication and assertion. The present part of this paper offers a rereading of Gilson’s work in light of this modern backdrop. It argues that Gilson’s BSP, rather than being a purely historical exegesis of (...)
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  3. The Modern Semantic Principles Behind Gilson’s Existential Interpretation of Aquinas (Part 1).Elliot T. Polsky - 2024 - Studia Gilsoniana 13 (2):303–337.
    Gilson’s Being and Some Philosophers (BSP) has been widely influential well beyond Thomistic circles, but its modern historical sources and logical consequences call for further investigation. The first part of this two-part article explores three modern semantic assumptions or principles without which BSP’s innovative theory of existential judgment cannot be fully appreciated—the existential neutrality of the copula ubiquitous among modern logicians; Kant’s introduction of a positing or “thetic” function of judgment, the understanding of which evolved in nineteenth-century logic; and the (...)
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  4. The Peasant of the Garonne: An Old Layman Questions Himself About the Present Time.Jacques Maritain - 2013 - Holt, Rinehart and Winston.
    At eighty-five, Jacques Maritain, the most distinguished Catholic philosopher of the twentieth century, has written what he offers as his last book, and it turns out to be a shocker. The peasant, as Maritain calls himself in the title, is a man who calls a spade a spade; and a storm of controversy descended immediately on the book's publication in France, as both Right and Left reeled from the force of Maritain's criticism.The Peasant of the Garonne is a sharp attack (...)
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  5. (1 other version)Existence and the existent.Jacques Maritain - 1948 - Lanham, MD: University Press of America. Edited by Lewis Galantière.
  6. Untrammeled approaches.Jacques Maritain - 1997 - Notre Dame, Ind.: University of Notre Dame Press. Edited by Bernard E. Doering.
    A group of essays prepared for publication by Maritain in the year before his death. The first series of articles consists of 10 philosophical essays, while second is made up of mainly theological articles. A meditation closes the volume.
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Analytical Thomism
  1. Second Scholasticism — Analytical Metaphysics — Christian Apologetics.David Svoboda, Prokop Sousedík & Lukáš Novák (eds.) - 2024 - Neunkirchen-Seelscheid: editiones scholasticae.
    Second scholasticism, ​analytical metaphysics, and Christian apologetics are the three topics characteristic of the lifelong efforts of the eminent Czech philosopher Stanislav Sousedík, who celebrated his 90th birthday in 2021. To honour this anniversary, a conference named accordingly was organized in Prague. The papers presented at this event — further elaborated by their authors and supplemented with Sousedík’s remarkable “Brief Autobiography” — constitute the gist of this book: a collective homage to Professor Sousedík and an attempt to promote and develop (...)
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  2. (2 other versions)Confini e sconfinamenti.C. Daffonchio & I. Candelieri (eds.) - 2022 - Trieste: EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste.
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  3. Le inclinazioni naturali: un confine metafisico nel dibattito contemporaneo sulla legge naturale.Giulia Codognato - 2022 - In I. Candelieri & C. Daffonchio (eds.), Confini e sconfinamenti. Trieste: EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste. pp. 355-368.
    This paper aims to consider the boundary role of metaphysics in the realm of ethics within the contemporary debate of analytic Thomism in regard to the naturalistic fallacy. Two interpretations of Aquinas's natural law and natural inclinations will be critically analysed. On the one hand, John Finnis's interpretation – New Natural Law Theory –, which excludes the metaphysical realm in the consideration of Aquinas's natural law; on the other hand, Ralph McInerny and Anthony Lisska's approach, which acknowledges the unavoidability of (...)
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  4. Inclinazioni naturali, razionalità e normatività.Giulia Codognato - 2019 - Esercizi Filosofici 14 (1):13-31.
    This paper aims to consider the relevance of Thomas Aquinas's doctrine of natural inclinations within the contemporary debate on practical reason. Through a critical analysis of Candace Vogler's Reasonably Vicious (2002) and on the basis of Dario Composta’s analysis of Thomas Aquinas' theory of action (1971), it is intended to show that natural inclinations are metaphysical realities, which define the motivational framework of individual agents, offering them normative constraints regarding what is to be considered good and desirable as an end. (...)
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  5. Powerful Logic: Prime Matter as Principle of Individuation and Pure Potency.Paul Symington - 2020 - Review of Metaphysics 73 (3):495-529.
    A lean hylomorphism stands as a metaphysical holy grail. An embarrassing feature of traditional hylomorphic ontologies is prime matter. Prime matter is both so basic that it cannot be examined (in principle) and its engagement with the other hylomorphic elements is far from clear. One particular problem posed by prime matter is how it is to be understood both as a principle of individuation for material substances and as pure potency. I present Thomas Aquinas’s way of squeezing some intelligibility out (...)
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Transcendental Thomism
  1. Rethinking Intuitive Cognition: Duns Scotus and the Possibility of the Autonomy of Human Thought.Liran Shia Gordon - 2017 - Philosophy and Theology 29 (2):221-276.
    This study will examine the ontological dependency between the thinking act of the intellect and the intelligibility of the objects of thought. Whereas the intellectual tradition prior to Duns Scotus grounds the formation of the objects of thought and our ability to understand them with certainty in different forms of participation in the divine intellect, Scotus shows that the intelligibility of the objects of thought is internal to them alone and is not dependent on participation.
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Phenomenological Thomism
  1. The Personalism of Edith Stein: A Synthesis of Thomism and Phenomenology.Robert McNamara - 2023 - Washington, DC, USA: Catholic University of America.
    Edith Stein’s life and thought intersect with many important movements of life and thought in the twentieth century. Through her life and eventual martyrdom, she gave witness to the primacy of truth and faith in the face of political totalitarianism, and in her philosophical works, she contributed to a synthesis of phenomenological thought with the thought of Thomas Aquinas and the living philosophy of Thomism, while also progressively advancing a compelling form of philosophical personalism. As a result, Stein represents one (...)
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Thomistic Personalism
  1. The Personalism of Edith Stein: A Synthesis of Thomism and Phenomenology.Robert McNamara - 2023 - Washington, DC, USA: Catholic University of America.
    Edith Stein’s life and thought intersect with many important movements of life and thought in the twentieth century. Through her life and eventual martyrdom, she gave witness to the primacy of truth and faith in the face of political totalitarianism, and in her philosophical works, she contributed to a synthesis of phenomenological thought with the thought of Thomas Aquinas and the living philosophy of Thomism, while also progressively advancing a compelling form of philosophical personalism. As a result, Stein represents one (...)
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Laval/River Forest Thomism
  1. The Common Good and Human Participation.David Francis Sherwood - 2024 - Voegelinview: A Review of Art, Culture, Politics, Science, and Divine Ground.
  2. Losing the Forest for the Tree: Why All Thomists Should (Not) Be River Forest Thomists.Philip-Neri Reese, O. P. - 2024 - Religions 15 (5):1-11.
    One of the most influential and controversial schools of 20th century Thomism—especially in North America—is the “River Forest School” or “River Forest Thomism”. And one of the most influential and controversial theses associated with that school is the thesis that metaphysics cannot be established as a distinct and autonomous science unless one has already proven the existence of a positively immaterial being. The purpose of this paper is to show that River Forest Thomism cannot and should not be reduced to (...)
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Thomism, Misc
  1. Bridging the Gaps between Reason and Reason, Reason and Object.Levine Andro Lao - 2012 - In Alfredo P. Co & Paolo A. Bolaños (eds.), ACTA: PROCEEDINGS OF THE QUADRICENTENNIAL INTERNATIONAL PHILOSOPHY CONGRESS (THOMISM AND ASIAN CULTURES: Celebrating 400 Years of Dialogue Across Civilizations). University of Santo Tomas Publishing House. pp. 194-200.
  2. (38 other versions)Критична позиція – умова правдивого філософського пізнання (приклад класичного томізму).Інна Савинська - 2010 - Дні Науки Філософського Факультету-2010 : Міжнар. Наук. Конф. (21-22 Квітня 2010 Року): Матеріали Доповідей Та Виступів:44-45.
    Огляд критичної позиції як пізнавальної настанови сучасного томізму.
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  3. Aquinas's science-engaged theology.Ignacio Silva & Gonzalo Recio - 2023 - Religious Studies.
    Science-engaged theology has emerged as a new way of conducting research within the vast field of science and religion, with the aim of, at least in one way of understanding it today, solving theological puzzles. In this article we suggest that an analysis of the diversity of approaches in which thirteenth-century philosopher and theologian Thomas Aquinas engaged theological questions with the best knowledge of the natural world available at the time allows twenty-first century science-engaged theologians to move forward the discussion (...)
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  4. Francisco de Vitoria y la vida universitaria en la Escuela de Salamanca.David Torrijos-Castrillejo - 2023 - In Jordi Girau Reverter, Rosario Neuman Lorenzini & David Torrijos-Castrillejo (eds.), Pensar una universidad para el s. XXI. Madrid/Porto: Sindéresis/Ediciones San Dámaso. pp. 221-250.
    The figure of Francisco de Vitoria, founder of the so-called School of Salamanca and one of the most important professors of the University of Salamanca in the 16th century, has been considered on different occasions as an admirable model of a university professor. On one side, this article describes the scientific commitment of the School of Salamanca as a sign of an important dimension of university life: research. On the other side, the main features of Vitoria as a teacher will (...)
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