Wing-tsit. Trans. Reflections on Things
at Hand (compiled by Zhu Xi).
New York: Columbia University Press, 1967.
This work is a
translation of Zhu Xi’s Reflections on
Things at Hand (Jinsilu 近思錄),
which is a compilation of important sayings of early Sung Neo-Confucians.
Daniel. Zhu Xi's Reading of the Analects:
Canon, Commentary and the Classical Tradition (Asian Studies). New York:
Columbia University Press, 2003.
This is a translation
of Zhu Xi’s commentary on the Analects,
which is more than just a textual commentary but is imbued with Zhu’s
philosophical insights.
Daniel. Learning to Be A Sage: Selections
from the Conversations of Master Chu, Arranged Topically. CA: University of
California Press, 1990.
This book provides
selected translation of Zhu’s recorded sayings.
Wing-tsit. Zhu Xi: New Studies. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press. 1989.
Wing-tsit Chan, editor
of A Source Book in Chinese Philosophy (Chan
1963), is also an expert and a staunch defender of Zhu Xi. This book represents Chan’s lifelong studies
of Zhu Xi, with more than thirty papers treating various aspects of Zhu’s life,
philosophy and associations. It should be book of interest to Zhu Xi
Wing-tsit (Ed.) Chu Hsi and
Neo-Confucianism. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press. 1986.
This book consists of
more than thirty papers on Zhu Xi written by known scholars on
Neo-Confucianism. The basis of this anthology is a conference on Zhu Xi held in
Honolulu in 1982. Paper topics mostly
reflect studies on Zhu Xi in his historical contexts. There are, however,
several papers on Zhu Xi’s theory of principle and the Great Ultimate (Taiji). They will be of interest to
scholars who want to learn about Zhu Xi’s metaphysics.
Yunk Sik. The Natural Philosophy of Chu
Hsi (1130-1200). Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, 2000.
This is a scholarly and
yet accessible work on Zhu Xi’s theory of knowledge, his worldview and his attitude
toward science. It provides a helpful guidance to Zhu Xi’s philosophy.