Staff Publications

Staff Publications

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    'Staff publications' is the digital repository of Wageningen University & Research

    'Staff publications' contains references to publications authored by Wageningen University staff from 1976 onward.

    Publications authored by the staff of the Research Institutes are available from 1995 onwards.

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Record number 597557
Title 12. Inclusive biobased value chains: building on local capabilities
Author(s) Asveld, L.; Robaey, Z.H.; Francke, S.
Source In: Justice and food security in a changing climate / Schübel, H., Walliman-Helmer, I., Wageningen Academic Publishers - ISBN 9789086863624 - p. 97 - 102.
Department(s) Philosophy
Publication type Contribution in proceedings
Publication year 2021
Abstract Uncertainties about how to achieve sustainable and reliable biobased value chains can be remedied by inclusion of local biomass producers. Such inclusion implies that the knowledge, values, interests and skills of these local producers are integrated into the set-up, design, development and associated distribution of risk and benefits of the specific value chain. To make sure that this inclusion is both fair and effective, capabilities of relevant actors need to be taken into account, i.e. the capabilities of biomass producers and of companies and local governments. Building on these capabilities can lead to context sensitive design of biorefineries that allow for true inclusion of local stakeholders. We support this claim with reference to the case of sugarcane production in Jamaica.
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