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O Ponto Ómega de Teilhard de Chardin.

O Ponto Ómega de Teilhard de Chardin.

João Barbosa, “O Ponto Ómega de Teilhard de Chardin. Do Contraponto com o Átomo Primitivo de Georges Lemaître à Projeção em Teorias Cosmológicas,” Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 76, no. 4 (2020): 1743–60,

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  • O Ponto Ómega de Teilhard de Chardin. Do Contraponto com o Átomo Primitivo de Georges Lemaître à Projeção em Teorias Cosmológicas

    Type Journal Article
    Author João Barbosa
    Rights © 2020 Aletheia - Associação Científica e Cultural
    Volume 76
    Issue 4
    Pages 1743-1760
    Publication Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia
    ISSN 0870-5283
    Date 2020
    Extra Teilhard de Chardin’s Omega Point. From the Counterpoint with the Primitive Atom by Georges Lemaître to Projection in Cosmological Theories
    DOI 10.17990/RPF/2020_76_4_1743
    Language Portuguese
    Abstract This article focuses on the Omega Point, an essential concept in Teilhard de Chardin’s evolutionary metaphysics. In certain passages about the Omega Point, Teilhard mentions the primeval atom hypothesis, a theory about the beginning of the universe proposed by Georges Lemaître, another contemporary Jesuit priest who was also a scientist. Although Teilhard and Lemaître are essentially evolutionists, besides being Jesuit priests, their evolutionary metaphysics and their philosophies of science are radically divergent, and two important differences are presented here – about the eventual cosmic determinism and about the relationship between scientific knowledge and religious beliefs. This article also shows how Teilhard’s original concept was projected into two cosmological theories in which it reveals an essential transfiguration by losing its initial anthropic and religious matrix – the cosmological anthropic principle, proposed by physicists John Barrow and Frank Tipler, and the Omega Point Theory proposed later by Frank Tipler.
    Date Added 1/28/2021, 10:24:26 PM
    Modified 1/28/2021, 11:23:31 PM


    • anthropic cosmological principle, evolution, Georges Lemaître, primeval atom hypothesis, Teilhard de Chardin, teleology.


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