The two volumes of Death, Dying, and the Ending of Life present the core of recent philosophical work on end-of-life issues. Volume I examines issues in death and consent: the nature of death, brain death and the uses of the dead and decision-making at the end of life, including the use of advance directives and decision-making about the continuation, discontinuation, or futility of treatment for competent and incompetent patients and children. Volume II, on justice and hastening death, examines whether there is a difference between killing and letting die, issues about physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia and questions about distributive justice and decisions about life and death.


Death, Dying and the Ending of Life

part I|120 pages


part |41 pages

The Nature of Death

part |76 pages

Brain Death and the Uses of the Dead

part II|325 pages

Decision-Making at the End of Life

part |38 pages

Competent Patients

part |42 pages

Advance Directives

part |133 pages

Incompetent Patients

chapter 14|78 pages

Deciding for Others


Death, Dying and the Ending of Life

part III

Hastening Death


Physician - Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia

chapter 33


chapter 36

A Piece of My Mind

It’s Over, Debbie

chapter 37

Death and Dignity

part IV

Distributive Justice and Decisions about Life and Death


Age Rationing