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Filozofija i drustvo 2012 Volume 23, Issue 1, Pages: 112-125
Full text ( 494 KB)

Political ecology of Bruno Latour

Birešev Ana (Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju, Beograd)

The paper explores Latour’s conception of political ecology and its theoretical and political implications. The first part of the paper shows Latour’s critique of theoretical frameworks of scientific and political practices, which, in his opinion, constrain a true discussion on ecological crises by simplifying them and putting them into readymade interpretative models. The second part of the paper examines the notions - the collective, representation, propositions, articulation, and parliament of things - central to understanding Latour’s idea of involvement of humans and non-humans in politics. Finally, the paper explores the potentials and constraints of Latour’s idea of political community of new political subjects (hybrid entities), which is constituted in controversies and through controversies.

Keywords: political ecology, collective, parliament of things, controversy

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