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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter Mouton January 22, 2023

Translation of Perso-Arabic loanwords from Hindi into Polish: A pilot study

  • Jacek Bąkowski

    Jacek Bąkowski is a graduate of Mathematics and Computer Science from the Université Pierre et Marie Curie in Paris, France and of Indian Philology from the Faculty of Indology at the Jagiellonian University in Cracow, Poland. His master’s thesis was dedicated to the problems of translation from Hindi-Urdu into Polish and to the use of Linguistic Worldview and corpus linguistics in the translation process. He is involved in the translation of Indian literature from Hindi into Polish. In addition, he has worked on computational stylometry and the problem of authorship verification of Sanskrit philosophical texts. Currently, his research is dedicated to the field of Digital Humanities, with a special focus on the analysis of distributional semantics of Perso-Arabic loanwords in modern Hindi.

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From the journal Lodz Papers in Pragmatics


In contemporary literary Hindi there is an abundance of Perso-Arabic loanwords which often function similarly to words of Sanskrit origin. Despite their semantic proximity, each of them can have different connotational meanings and cultural associations. Furthermore, depending on the context, one of them will be preferred to the other. This situation can become an issue when translating from Hindi into Polish. In this paper, I will investigate whether these loanwords should be considered as a third language in translation. If this is the case, they make the text a multicultural one, and, thus, raise the question of how to translate them into Polish, being at the same time focused on a monolingual recipient and their cognitive comfort while not impoverishing and distorting the process of translation. Moreover, I will propose an approach which can be of assistance in achieving this goal, relying on French and Latin loanwords used in the Polish language.

Institute of Polish Language Polish Academy of Sciences al. Mickiewicza 31 31-120 Kraków Poland

About the author

Jacek Bąkowski

Jacek Bąkowski is a graduate of Mathematics and Computer Science from the Université Pierre et Marie Curie in Paris, France and of Indian Philology from the Faculty of Indology at the Jagiellonian University in Cracow, Poland. His master’s thesis was dedicated to the problems of translation from Hindi-Urdu into Polish and to the use of Linguistic Worldview and corpus linguistics in the translation process. He is involved in the translation of Indian literature from Hindi into Polish. In addition, he has worked on computational stylometry and the problem of authorship verification of Sanskrit philosophical texts. Currently, his research is dedicated to the field of Digital Humanities, with a special focus on the analysis of distributional semantics of Perso-Arabic loanwords in modern Hindi.


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Published Online: 2023-01-22
Published in Print: 2022-12-16

© 2022 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston

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