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Editor's notes Contributors. 1. GRATTAN-GUINNESS is editor of History and Philosophy of Logic. NICHOLAS GRIFFIN'S work on Russell's Idealist Apprenticeship is nearing completion. TERRY PHILPOT has written on such topics as Dora Russell and the Amberleys for The New Humanist. HOWARD WOODHOUSE works in the Educational Development Office, University of Western Ontario. His PH.D. dissertation concerned "The Concept of Education in Bertrand Russell's Educational Thought". MARVIN KOHL teaches philosophy at the SUNY College at Fredonia and recently published "Russell and the Attainability of Happiness " in International Studies in Philosophy, 16 (1984): 15-24. STEFAN ANDERSSON iswriting a dissertation on the development ofRussell's philosophy oflife until 1920 for the Department of History ofReligion at Lund University, Sweden. MARGARET MORAN recently published "Bertrand Russell's Early Approaches to Literature" in the University ofToronto Quarterly, 54 (Fall 1984): 56-78. ALBERT C. LEWIS is an Assistant Editor (Mathematics) on the Russell Editorial Project. SHEILA Turcon, besides working in the Russell Archives, writes the chronologies for. the Collected Papers, indexed Vols. 1 and 12, and is making a study ofMarriage and Morals. YOUR EDITOR'S book, The Spinozistic Ethics of Bertrand Russell, was recently published in London and Boston by George Allen & Unwin. New acquisitions. Originals and photocopies continue to come in, and next issue there will be a list ofthe manuscripts acquired since mid-198I. The acquisitions include a splendid donation from Professor Christopher Cornford of F.M. Cornford's file on Russell's dismissal from Trinity in 1916. In the file was discovered a copy of Whitehead's pamphlet OIi the case. No copy was thought to have survived. Paul Delany, author of D.H. Lawrence's Nightmare: the Writer and His Circle in the Years of the Great·War, has written an account of the opposition from within to Trinity's action. It, and a reprint of Whitehead 's pamphlet, are scheduled for the next issue. Volume 12 of The Collected Papers ofBertrand Russell. Contemplation and Action, 1902-14 was published in August 1985 in Britain and possibly later in the United States. RusseD Society makes award. The first annual Book Award of the Bertrand Russell Society was presented to the editors of Volume I of the Collected Papers by Dr. Harry Ruja, Chairman of the Board of Directors. The text of the beautifully calligraphed award, which now hangs in the Archives, is as 'follows: ~mbribge Gfssaps. 188~99. ebiteb bp ~enlltt1) JllnckllJell. I1InbrellJ Jlrinh. JlidJolnS 4llrillin. )1icbarb 111. )1emptl. anb Jobn *. jointer {unbon: I1Illen & lln\lJin. 1983J. ill a tompilntion of JlerlrOnb )1usSrU's 98 Editor's notes 99 earliest IlJritingS. l!)nlp seben 01 t1je lortp-nine papers inclubeb ~abe been prebiouslp publiS~eb. 1l:~e bolume ex~ibits t1)e llJibe range 01 interests llJ~idj )1ussell bisplapeb lor long periobS t1jrougljollt ~iS 10llg lile: religioll, tlOnOmils, politilS, et1jilS, epistemologp, fjistorp 01 p\JilosoplW, pljiloSopljp 01 millb, mat1jem,1tiIS, allb logil.«\Je ebitors laboreb biligentlp anb illgtlliollSlp to explain t1)e mallp lrpptil .1nb rtlollbite allusions in t1je paperS. ~\Je bolume reprobuleS in lull t1)e 10llg list 01 books )1uSSell nab obtl a tllJtlbe pear ptliob, t1jrollJing inbaluable li~t on t1)e loollation 01 ljiS last of minb. .lit lipells out t1je textllal met1)obS t1)e ebitorS uSeb anb t1)e prillliples t1)ep follollJeb anb makes t1)IIS a signililant lontribution to bibliograp\Jil,11 sliellee. ~ bistinguiS \Jeb abbitioll to t1)e )1ussell 10rpuS. Volume 7 of the Collected Papers. Four more reviews have appeared: This splendidly produced volume.... The publication of Theory of Knowledge is an important event. The scholarly work it makes possible is bound to extend enormously our understanding of the development of the thought of both Russell and Wittgenstein, and the editors [Eames and Blackwell] have done a superb job in preparing the manuscript for publication . (Harold W. Noonan, Philosophical Books, April 1985) This publication is a philosophical event of great importance.... ... this distinguished series ... the masterful and subdued introduction by Professor Eames.... (Justin Leiber, Russell Society News, Aug. 1985) Unfortunately, while the editorial attention in this volume is detailed enough to include speculations on pp. 217-218 on the pockets into which certain folded...

