Staff Publications

Staff Publications

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    'Staff publications' is the digital repository of Wageningen University & Research

    'Staff publications' contains references to publications authored by Wageningen University staff from 1976 onward.

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Record number 568533
Title The Social Nature of ‘Global One Health’ : An analysis of life science and social science interactions within Wageningen University and Research’s 2014-2018 investment theme: ‘Global One Health'
Author(s) Campbell, Shanice; Vaandrager, L.; Verbaan, Caro-Lynn; Verweij, M.F.
Source Wageningen : Wageningen University & Research - 41 p.
Department(s) Philosophy
Health and Society
Publication type Research report
Publication year 2020
Abstract The contemporary study looked into the extent and nature of supradisciplinary collaborations within Wageningen University and Research’s 2014-2018 investment theme Global One Health. An analysis of year reports showed the extent to which projects were supradisciplinarily operationalized, was fairly limited. Interviews with scientists from life sciences (LS) and social sciences (SS) revealed constraining, facilitating and undecided factors with regards to successfully effecting supradisciplinary collaborations between LS and SS. For all three categories, results yielded a significant role for interpersonal communications and relationships. Recommendations for future supradisciplinary work based on the study are: altering the (self)image of SS, facilitating space to explore the unfamiliar, and using the available knowledge on successfully executing supradisciplinary collaborations. It seems more focus on the Social Nature of Global One Health could have been beneficial for the extent and nature to which the investment theme effected fruitful supradisciplinary collaborations between LS and SS.
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