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Just War in Onasander’s ΣΤΡΑΤΗΓΙΚΟΣ

  • James T. Chlup EMAIL logo


In addition to providing practical advice on how a Roman general ought to undertake a military campaign, Onasander’s Strategikos explores and advocates for the principles of the Just War (Latin: bellum iustum; Greek: δίκαιος πόλεμος). Onasander delineates three aspects of the Just War: ius ad bellum (where the reasons for war must be just), ius in bello (actions conducted during hostilities must be just), and ius post bellum (activities concerning the end-phase of the war must be just). Through a close reading of the text, two important facets of Onasander’s approach to the Just War come into sharper focus: first, that the general’s character plays an important part in ensuring that a war will be fought according to the principles of the Just War, and by extension, a Just War engaged in by a good general has the potential to improve the body politic. Second, Just War is a sagacious policy in that it provides the best chance for ending a war expeditiously.


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Published Online: 2014-5-27
Published in Print: 2014-5-31

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