Kultura Pedagogiczna/Pedagogical Culture

Publication date: 2015-01-01
Pages: 21 - 38
Publisher: Wydział Pedagogiczny UW


Cuypers, Stefaan


R.S. Peters, rational passions, Kantian philosophy of education, stoicism, religious education


Although R.S. Peters is one of the founding fathers of the analytical paradigm in the philosophy of education, in this paper I develop his less known synthetic view on education. To that purpose, I explore Peters’ integrative view on the relationship between reason and passion (the emotions), his view on the levels of life, and even his view on religious education. What emerges from this exploration is the thesis that Peters’ work on the analysis and justification of education gets its ultimate inspiration from an anthropological and metaphysical background, which Ray Elliot identified as Peters’ Stoic Attitude.