Natura, Ars, Historia. Anecdotic History of Art in Pliny the Elder’s Naturalis Historia Part I

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Natura, Ars, Historia. Anecdotic History of Art in Pliny the Elder’s Naturalis Historia Part I

Natura and Ars: The Place of Art History in Naturalis Historia

Darab, Ágnes

From the journal Hermes Hermes, Volume 142, June 2014, issue 2

Published by Franz Steiner Verlag

article, 8781 Words
Original language: English
Hermes 2014, pp 206-224


The concluding five books (33-37) of Pliny the Elder’s Naturalis Historia enumerate various types of metals and minerals together with how these materials can be used. This utilization especially in fine arts gives Pliny a chance to survey the history of art. The peculiar feature of this historical narrative can be spotted in the author’s strongly anecdotic presentation. The first part of “Natura, Ars, Historia” is devoted to a specification, an analysis and an interpretation of the anecdotic narratives found in the Naturalis Historia’s art history. The essay highlights how the anecdotes become parables illustrating certain virtues Pliny highly esteemed.

Author information

Ágnes Darab