Styles and forms of learning in university education


university education
education 4.0
ways of learning
teaching techniques

How to Cite

De Paz Lazaro, A. C., Damian Espinoza, Y. E., & Verde Lujan, H. E. (2022). Styles and forms of learning in university education. Minerva, 3(8), 84-92.


This paper discusses the different teaching-learning styles and how they can be applied to university education. It is a common misconception that there are only three learning styles: visual, auditory, and kinesthetic. There are nine different learning styles that can be applied to university teaching-learning. With a literature review, these nine different learning styles and how they can be used in the classroom setting will be explored. In addition, teaching techniques and strategies in a university education will be explored. The importance of these techniques and how they can be improved will also be discussed, considering three different methods: active learning, collaborative learning, and self-directed learning, taking into account the integration of technology in its design. Finally, a dissertation will be made on the new forms of teaching for the training of professionals for industry 4.0 and the new labor demands.


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