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Brandlife: Brand’s Mystery Unveiled

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Brandlife is a story about brands, creation of brands and how brands really live. Though author proposes many practical hints, it is primarily a book that helps you understand why brands are so important in our everyday life.

339 pages, Kindle Edition

Published January 28, 2016

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About the author

Andrej Drapal

4 books15 followers

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Displaying 1 - 9 of 9 reviews
Profile Image for Keep Calm Novel On.
467 reviews68 followers
February 21, 2021
The author via Booktasters provided a copy of the PDF in exchange for an honest review.

Brandlife: Brand’s Mystery Unveiled by Andrej Drapal is a must read book on the many secrets of branding. This in-depth informative manual provides detailed answers to complex questions. Facts are presented and thoroughly and clearly explained. This reference book will be a useful tool for all from the professional marketer to the student preparing to enter the world of branding.

Profile Image for Varsha Bagadia.
21 reviews3 followers
February 24, 2021
Everybody from students to entrepreneurs and politicians to CEOs need to know what it takes to be a successful marketer. Branding is an important part of it and this book simplifies its complexities for the readers in an effective and understandable way.

Right from vision to important aspects like copyright protection and placement have been explained well. Not just that, the difference in branding for different entities like personal, public or political brands have also been discussed.

I'm a blogger and this book is going to be extremely useful to me in working towards building a niche for myself. I liked the book and will certainly recommend it to everyone for better understanding of marketing concepts.
Profile Image for Swapna Peri ( Book Reviews Cafe ).
1,619 reviews56 followers
March 20, 2021
Book Title: Brandlife
Author: Andrej Drapal
Format: Kindle

About the book:
Brandlife by Andrej Darpal is all about branding! The basics of creating a brand in whichever field the individual or the group of individuals are into. The process and theory of creating a brand, copyright protection, patent importance etc., are explained in detail. The book is a great guide for the people in marketing and wants to make a difference in the market. In this generation, this book is a ready-reference, especially for start-ups.

My Thoughts:
The words brand is never only confined to a product or a service but also a personality. We often hear this word augmented to an individual’s name. When someone does something very striking and spectacular, making the individual unique, the word ‘brand’ comes into the picture. Branding by Andrej Darpar talks about the importance of ‘ personal branding’ to cope with this competitive and digital world in this connection.

Publicity and marketing is the most important aspect of any product or service to attract and gather a customer base. This process is universal for any profession and every talent. A mere one-time success is not the mantra to stay in the competition. Marketing and publicity in a conventional manner are not sufficient. There is pressure and compulsion to follow the trend and then decide how to market and publicise, similarly, for every other profession and service. To do this, the individual must be aware of how to push himself\herself or the company itself into the competition. This process will be easier once a ‘ brand’ is created. Thus, to understand the whole theory of branding, the author has given practical experiences and realistic situations in this book.


Profile Image for Suhasini.
Author 2 books1 follower
March 22, 2021
In the Social Media driven markets and also in the current competitive world, a person has to establish a brand for himself both on the personal and professional sides to be successful. That's how important the Brand has become even to the Individuals along with the companies.

The Brandlife from Andrej Drapal comes at the right moment to solve all those doubts about establishing the branding whether at personal or political or at the enterprise levels. Andrej discusses the nuances and differences in establishing the different brands and his tips though very direct and hard-hitting (at times) are real eye-openers for the readers.

Being a blogger, and owning two blogs, I at times, mix my brands across both these blogs. But with this insightful manual about Branding, I came to understand where I am failing and what are the steps that I need to take to correct and reestablish my brand image properly. All thanks to Andrej for this insightful manual. (Sorry for terming it, again and again, manual, as this is a must-read bible for all marketers. 😀)

The part I liked about this book is the inclusion of the graphical images to clarify the confusing explanations. The author has used the adage, that a picture speaks better than 1000 words to its best.

All thanks to Booktasters for providing me this wonderful book/manual in exchange for an honest review. This review is completely free of any influences and after my own reading of the book.
Profile Image for Adriana.
2,928 reviews35 followers
April 14, 2018
I had a hard time deciding what to rate this.
On one side we have a book that succinctly features all the important and requisite steps and elements present when working with a brand. It is concise while still presenting the reader with all the facts and figures necessary to fully comprehend the topic.
On the other, the tone is very condescending at times. There were times when you could practically read/hear "any idiot would know/understand this" implied at the end of an explanation. There are times when he writes a lot about a certain aspect only to then say that it has no bearing on the current topic and skip the explanation. Some things weren't even fully explained because the author feels like the reader should already know them. I didn't need the explanation, but it still annoyed me.
In the end, despite thoroughly disliking the tone and having to struggle thru it, this is a book that does what it promises in explaining a Brand. You might have to struggle with it, but you will definitely get useful information.
Profile Image for Het.
579 reviews24 followers
March 10, 2021
I have always wondered what is all the big hype about "branding" or the usual - that's his brand. And this book answered all my questions.
It begins with the simplest ways of putting out who's and whats. And then proceed to give a whole of information with facts about brand development. I actually liked how there were graphical representations in relevant places to make processing the information easy. I loved how the footnotes clarified most of the things immediately rather than waiting till the end.
What I didn't like was the lack of structure. Sometimes through the chapter I would get lost as to where the subpoints end and where new one starts. I could see a difference in fonts but got a little confusing.
Would definitely love it if the information was rearranged for better reading experience.
Otherwise a good read for those starting out or would like to improve their brand power.
Profile Image for Kathleen Van Lierop.
255 reviews17 followers
January 2, 2021
All aspects of business really are interesting just as marketing and branding.
It's fascinating how brands are developed and what the philosophy after the
brands is.

"Brandlife" written by Andrej Drapal really has very useful information,
perhaps sometimes a little too much information.
However it's written clearly and very structured, which I liked.

I certainly would recommend "Brandlife" to professionals such as managers
and marketers. This work also is important for students.

I was doubting to give a four star or a five star rating. But as it's about
doubting, I'll give it a five star rating.

I received an advance copy for free from Booktasters and I'm leaving this review
voluntarily. Thank you for giving me this excellent reading chance!
Profile Image for Lizzie.
Author 3 books8 followers
January 26, 2021
An excellent book to help you understand branding as an entrepreneur and as a business on the whole.
A lot of detail is in the book that can be used even reps for nm as well as multilevel companies.
Displaying 1 - 9 of 9 reviews

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