In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Japan Society for Buddhist-Christian Studies:Report on the 2016 Annual Meeting
  • Hanaoka Eiko

The 2016 annual conference of the Japan Society for Buddhist-Christian Studies was held at the Palace Side Hotel in Kyoto on August 5–7. Four lectures were given on the theme of "the world of Pure Land Buddhism."


"Nembutsu-samadhi (念仏三昧) in Shinran'sPureLand Buddhism," by Takeda Ryūsei (commentator: Hanaoka Eiko), discussed the difference and identity between the absolute truth and the worldly truth, the relation between religious teacher and his disciple, and related Buddhist terminology.

"Shinran Understood by Nishida Kitarō: The Logic of the Field and Shinran's Thought of Merit-Transference (回向)," by Hase Shotō (commentator: Mori Tetsurō), discussed the logic of contradictory self-identity as contrary self-identity between the absolute as Buddhahood and the individual, and the idea of merit transference in Shinran.

"On the Relation between the Three Hearts and Minds of the Buddha and the Vows by Buddhas and Bodhisatvas (本願)—Honen, Shinran, and Ippen," by Takemura Makio (commentator: Tanaka Yutaka), discussed the oneness of shiseishin (至誠心), shinjin (深心), and ekō-hotsuganshin (回向発願心) in the Kanmuryōju-sutra (Sutra of [the Buddha of] Eternal life; 観無量寿経), and shishin (至心), shingyō (信楽) and yokushō (欲生) in Shinran.

"The Wisdom of Faith in Shinran and the Establishment of Subjectivity: Reinvestigation on the Similarity between Pure Land Buddhism and Christianity," by Kenneth Tanaka (commentator: Watanabe Manabu), discussed the problems of self-awareness in religion confronted with substantial authoritative understanding of religion. [End Page 269]

Hanaoka Eiko
Osaka Prefecture University, Emerita

