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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter (A) April 8, 2013

Moralphänomenologie und gegenwärtige Wertphilosophie

  • Íngrid Vendrell Ferran


This paper discusses the question about the nature of values and how we experience them from the point of view of moral phenomenology. Two senses of this term are distinguished: a historical sense and a methodological one. The paper takes as point of departure the thesis that values are experienced by affective acts such as feelings, emotions, desires and volitions. Two different versions of the thesis, their arguments, and counter arguments are then examined: Dispositionalism and Realism. Both can be found in the tradition of the Brentano school including that taken up by his pupils from the Graz school, in phenomenology, and in current Metaethics: Finally I argue that value dispositionalism is a better option to understand the experience of value.

Published Online: 2013-04-08
Published in Print: 2013-04

© by Akademie Verlag, Berlin, Germany

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