Philosophical Counseling and the Practices of Dialogue in a World Built on Communication


  • Sandu Frunza Babes-Bolyai University



Lou Marinoff, philosophical counselling, philosophical therapy, communication, philosophical dialogue, existential counselling, philosophical practice, authenticity, personal development


The increase visibility of philosophical counseling and therapy is a consequence of the importance of communication in the life of the postmodern individual, and especially of the development of communication technologies, which entail the need for the development of technologies of the self, personal development, and authenticity. One of the most prominent voices in affirming the importance of philosophy applied to personal, professional and organizational life, especially as philosophical counseling and philosophical therapy, is the philosopher Lou Marinoff. He convinces us of the importance of philosophy of communication, philosophical dialogue as a therapeutic method, existential counseling and ethical counseling. The need for philosophical counseling is closely linked to the dialogical nature of the human condition and the individual‟s need to build a coherent life project based on a philosophy of life assumed as a personal perspective of understanding, interpretation and valorization of the world.

Author Biography

Sandu Frunza, Babes-Bolyai University

Babes-Bolyai University, Department of Communication, Public Relations, and Advertising, Faculty of Political, Administrative and Communication Sciences, Cluj-Napoca, Romania


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How to Cite

Frunza, S. (2018). Philosophical Counseling and the Practices of Dialogue in a World Built on Communication. Postmodern Openings, 9(3), 1-19.



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