International Human Rights

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International Human Rights

A Dystopian Utopia

Capella Giannattasio, Arthur Roberto

From the journal ARSP Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie, Volume 100, December 2014, issue 4

Published by Franz Steiner Verlag

article, 7236 Words
Original language: English
ARSP 2014, pp 514-526


This paper develops a critic on International Human Rights departing from the criticism directed to utopian discourses of political organization of society, as both of them share an evolutionist and ethnocentric foundation, namely, the universal and unconditionally valid reason. The idea is to undertake a serious criticism on reason, always potentially dystopian, in order to unravel the colonialist ethos and the civilizing character of current Public International Law leading discourse of Human Rights.