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KCI 등재

李師朱堂의 氣候適應形質 考察

Sajudang Lee’s explanation of characters adapting to the climate

약어 : -
2011 vol.15, pp.29 - 66
DOI : 10.17316/kfp.15..201106.29
발행기관 : 한국여성철학회
연구분야 : 철학
Copyright © 한국여성철학회
205 회 열람

본고에서는 한국 근세의 여성학자 이사주당(李師朱堂)이 저술한 『태교신기』에 언급된 기후적응형질을 인류의 진화론적 입장에서 조명된 기후적응형질론에 비추어 살펴보고 기후적응형질의 고찰이 여성의 이해에 도움이 될 수 있는지 살펴보았다. 이사주당의 『태교신기』에는 덥고 추운 기후대의 지역으로 구분하여 기후적응형질의 몸과 마음의 특성들이 함께 설명되어 있는데, 인류가 아프리카로부터 이동진화하는 과정에서 해당 기후대에 적응하면서 형성한 기후적응형질 표현형의 신체적·정신적·사회적인 특성과 그의 작용은 인간을 이해하는데 필요한 기본정보를 제공할 수 있으며, 이를 통하여 인간의 언행과 사회활동을 이해하는데 도움을 받을 수 있다. 그러므로 이사주당의 『태교신기』에 소개된 기후적응형질을 계승 발전시켜 나간다면 여성의 이해와 올바른 여성관을 정립하는 데에도 도움이 될 수 있다고 할 수 있다. 따라서 각 기후적응형질의 여성 표현형별 신체적·정신적·사회적인 특성들과 그의 작용을 연구하여 반영하기 위하여 인문학과 자연과학간의 학제간 협동연구가 수행되는 것이 바람직하다고 할 수 있다.

In her book Taegyosingi, Sajudang Lee explained humans physical and mental characteristics that adapted to the climate. Her original explanation in 1780 suggested the human phenotypes of characters that adapted to the warm south and cold north climate zones. The human phenotypes of characters that adapted to the different climate zones could be developed as early as the time when humans moved from Africa to different oecumene in other continents. They can be classified into four basic phenotypes: The first basic phenotype, the AwƟ type, developed as humans adapted to a warm and arid Aw climate zone, estimated to be originally located in northeastern Africa at latest approximately 195,000 YBP. The second phenotype, the AfƟ type, developed as the AwƟ type humans adapted to a warm and humid Af climate zone, estimated to be located originally in central Africa at approximately 195,000-135,000 YBP. The third phenotype, the Dw㊉ type, with an accompanying yellow skin color, developed as humans adapted to a cold and arid Dw climate zone, estimated to be located originally in central Asia at approximately 45,000-40,000 YBP. The fourth phenotype, the Df㊉ type, developed as humans adapted to a cold and humid climate zone, estimated to be located originally in north Euraisa at approximately 40,000-25,000 YBP. A Ɵ character can be changed into a ㊉ character by adapting to a cold climate or by genetic combination with a ㊉ character. Therefore, the AwƟ and AfƟ types changed into Aw㊉ and Af㊉ types as humans adapted to a cold climate, estimated to be located originally in Europe at approximately 52,000-45,000 YBP. At that time, a mini ice age occurred, but humans moved approximately above 45 degrees high latitude and developed white skin color. A ㊉ character can be changed into a Ɵ character by adapting to a warm climate or by genetic combination with a Ɵ character. Therefore, the Dw㊉ and Df㊉ types changed into DwƟ and DfƟ types. Consequently, the four basic phenotypes can be further classified into eight phenotypes of human beings: homo sapien AwƟ, homo sapien Aw㊉, homo sapien AfƟ, homo sapien Af㊉, homo sapien Dw㊉, homo sapien DwƟ , homo sapien Df㊉ and homo sapien DfƟ. These phenotypes of modern humans, have their own characters of bodily organs that developed during the adaption process in their respective climate zones. These characters of each phenotype are the basic causes of varying physical, emotional, mental and social characteristics of each phenotype. These different physical, mental and social characteristics of each phenotype should be applied in order to understand modern human beings and to consider not only personal health care, but also social policy, especially concerning gender policy.

성인, 수신, 내외 역할분담, 학문, 여중군자
Sajudang Lee, character, human phenotype

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