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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter April 4, 2023

A Note on Friedrich Schlegel’s Reception of the Wissenschaftslehre

  • Kienhow Goh EMAIL logo
From the journal Human Affairs


This essay investigates what a nuanced and revisionary interpretation of Fichte’s Critical-idealist philosophy could reveal about its impact on the philosophic thought of Friedrich Schlegel. It argues that Schlegel sees the Wissenschaftslehre through the lens of the distinction Fichte famous draws between the “spirit” (Geist) and the “letter” (Buchstaben) of a philosophy. He considers the spirit of the Wissenschaftslehre to lie in its acute awareness of its own limitation as a work of art and its letter in the deductive or demonstrative form it inevitably assumes upon being expounded. In the face of the discrepancy, Schlegel rejects the letter of the Wissenschaftslehre in favor of its spirit.

Corresponding author: Kienhow Goh, Department of Philosophy, National University of Singapore, 3 Arts Links Block AS3, #05-22, 117570, Singapore, Singapore, E-mail:



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Received: 2023-01-23
Revised: 2023-02-06
Accepted: 2023-02-07
Published Online: 2023-04-04
Published in Print: 2023-12-15

© 2023 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston

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