Das Recht eines jeden auf alles

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Das Recht eines jeden auf alles

Hobbes’ Theorie natürlicher Individualrechte und ihr Zusammenhang mit der Entwicklung der modernen Naturrechtstheorie

Heepe, Moritz

From the journal ARSP Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie, Volume 92, December 2006, issue 4

Published by Franz Steiner Verlag

article, 9072 Words
Original language: German
ARSP 2006, pp 534-551


This study investigates Hobbe’s theory of natural rights. Hobbes conceived a natural right of every man to every thing that is necessary for his survival. This prima facie curious theory was consecutively attacked with conceptually illuminating arguments from the two main representatives of the next generation of natural lawyers, Pufendorf and Cumberland. Their objections and possible defences of Hobbe’s theory are reconstructed. Especially Pufendorf’s arguments help to understand Hobbe’s position in ascribing him a special concept of rights, namely non-obligatory rights. This concept in turn was fully developed in Pufendorf’s extremely influential distinction of perfect and imperfect duties.

Author information

Moritz Heepe